309 resultados para Friedel-Crafts benzylation


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This study mainly deals with the structure of the motorised and mechanised trawl fishing fleet of Kerala, and assess the availability of resources and its extent of exploitation. The study is conducted by observing the performance of small motorised boats operating trawl nets from selected centers along the Kerala coast. The Study also deals with the type and material of construction of the propellers used in selected crafts and the efficiency of the propeller. The fuel consumption pattern of selected medium sized trawlers economics of operation of selected fishing crafts are analyzed through this study. The thesis also Suggest methods for reducing fuel consumption in trawling


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Despite various intervensions, artisanal fishermen remain one of the weaker sections in Kerala's society. Host of the welfare and developmental programmes introduced for them had produced very little impact on their living conditions. Further, they are unable to compete with mechanised sector for fishing. Host of the technological development which had taken place after Indo-Norvegean Project favoured the growth of mechanised sector. As a consequence of this, fishing become unviable for artisanal fishermen who propagate the idea of ” sustainable development” in the fishing industry. It is commonly believed that an integrated approach may help them to improve their living conditions substantially. In the light of the above background the scholar has made an attempt to study the impact of Integrated Marine Fisheries Development Project among artisanal fishermen in Kerala It is realised from the findings of the study that the most important needs of artisanal fishermen arecredit facilities and marketing support. Without marketing linkages effective credit management is not possible. Marketing activities and credit management are interdependent


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The primary aim of this work has been to prepare efficient and cost effective polymer bound antioxidants by direct’ attachment of conventional antioxidants to a modified polymer. Due to the importance and easy availability of natural rubber in Kerala, it is proposed to make use of low molecular weight natural rubber as the polymer substrate for binding the antioxidant in most cases. The molecular weight of such low molecular weight natural rubber can be easily manipulated by varying the time of mastication, UV—irradiation etc. Further, the bound antioxidant may also get vulcanized during the vulcanization of the elastomer to which it is added, making the antioxidant non—volatile and non extractable. Several methods are proposed to be investigated for attaching the antioxidant to the low molecular weight natural rubber such as modified Friedel-Craft's alkylation reaction, binding during UV—irradiation, binding during aggressive mastication etc. The efficiency of such rubber bound antioxidants is proposed to be compared with that of conventional antioxidants in terms of volatility, extractability in solvents, ageing resistance etc. Naturally occuring antioxidants such as cardanol, are also proposed to be modified by binding them to low molecular weight natural rubber. The study is undertaken with the intention of generating a class of bound antioxidants which can be used in elastomers for aggressive and long term application.


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Zeolites have established themselves as industrial catalysts for over two decades for a variety of hydrocarbon processing reactions where acidity and shape selectivity are important factors. As solid catalysts, zeolites may be advantageous and superior compared to their homogenous counterparts due to their characteristic properties. It is only in recent years that the utility of zeolites for organic synthesis is recognized for producing specific organic intermediates and fine chemicals in high selectivity. In this thesis an attempt has been made to compare the catalytic activity of some medium and large pore zeolites in a few alkylation and acylation reactions. The work reported in the present study is basically centered around the following zeolites namely, ZSM-5, mordenite, zeolite Y and beta. The major reactions carried out were benzoylation of o-xylene, propionylation of toluene and anisole and benzylation of oxylene. . The programme involves the synthesis, modifications and characterization of the zeolite catalysts by various methods. The influence of various parameters such as non-framework cations, Si/Al ratio of zeolites, temperature of the reaction, catalyst concentration, molar ratio of the reactants and recycling of the catalysts were also examined upon the conversion of reactants and the formation of the desired products in the alkylation/ acylation reactions. The general conclusions drawn by us from the results obtained are summarized in the last chapter of the thesis. Zeolite beta ofi'ers interesting opportunities as a potential catalyst in alkylation reactions and the area of catalysis by medium and large pore zeolites is very fascinating and there is plenty of scope for further research in this field. Moreover, zeolite based catalysts are effective in meeting current industrial processing and more stringent environment pollution limits.


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importance of fishing and other allied industries in the economy was realised only very recently. Consequently only very few studies are available on the subject. Here an attempt is made to survey the available literature on the subject.


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El enlace es con los ??ltimos bloques: el proyecto Tandem y los recursos en lenguas extranjeras


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El proyecto surge de la necesidad de reconocer y dignificar las diferentes artes y oficios que hacen parte de la cultura, la tradición y el saber de diferentes comunidades y pueblos colombianos. Así, se propone el diseño de un museo virtual que haga visible todas estas expresiones artísticas que tienen un valor simbólico representado en su trabajo. El museo pretende ser un pilar en la gestión del conocimiento alrededor de las artes y los oficios, en el desarrollo de contenidos interactivos y en la promoción del intercambio de información viva generando patrones cognitivos distintos alrededor del patrimonio y de lo museable.


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En Colombia, existen diferentes entidades e instituciones que trabajan para promover y desarrollar el comercio nacional e internacional de los productos artesanales elaborados por mujeres, entre ellos se destacan la labor que realiza la Consejería Presidencial para la Equidad de la Mujer, con programas de capacitación e innovación en marco al Programa Nacional para el Desarrollo Integral de la Mujer: Empresaria-EXPOEMPRESARIA entre otros, realizado durante 5 años consecutivos, para promover y apoyar la comercialización de productos de diferentes sectores económicos, en el cual, la artesanía participa activamente en ella. Adicional a esto, diferentes empresas y asociaciones trabajan para desarrollar y comercializar productos artesanales dentro de Colombia y por fuera de ella. Dentro de lo cual, realizan capacitaciones, ferias, convenios, sin embargo, pocos artesanos logran generar una visión empresarial integral, ya que no cuentan el conocimiento adecuado y para comercializar nacional e internacionalmente sus productos. Las Mujeres Artesanas de Colombia, no cuenten con la visión, con el conocimiento, la trayectoria, capacidad y la experiencia suficiente para desarrollar sus productos artesanales autónomamente, ya que estos son de muy baja cantidad y el concepto de calidad no es concientizado por ellas, además por lo que son de carácter artesanal y especialmente exclusivos, de mucho interés para el público importados especialmente interesados en el ámbito europeo y norteamericano. Para que lo anterior se pueda llevar a cabo con un verdadero impacto social, solo es posible promoviendo asociaciones de mujeres artesanas interesadas en prepararse y hacer sus productos más competitivos a nivel nacional y especialmente internacional. Ya que dichos productos no se venden en cantidades pero requieren una forma de promoción especial, donde la diversidad y la cualidad sumadas con la calidad hacen viable y sostenible la promoción y comercialización de un conjunto de productos distintos, estéticos, atractivos al gusto especial de la mujer y exclusivos en sus formas y material.


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Este trabajo de grado es un acercamiento a las lecciones empresariales de perdurabilidad basado en el caso de estudio de Joyería Hefestos. Esta empresa ha sido símbolo de la reproducción de piezas de arte precolombino y artesanías de nuestro país, alcanzando reconocimiento nacional e internacional por su originalidad, diseño y calidad. El objetivo de esta investigación es identificar la ruta de éxito que Joyería Hefestos implementó para salir de la crisis que enfrentó durante la década de los noventa. Por tal motivo, se identificarán las causas de la crisis, evaluando las decisiones que la empresa tomó para sobrevivir y hoy en día permanecer en el mercado de la joyería en Colombia. Este proyecto de investigación trabajó de la mano con el Sr. Javier Parra,gerente general; empleados y académicos que nos permitieron evaluar la situación de la empresa antes, durante y después de la crisis. Mediante diferentes herramientas como entrevistas, encuestas y visitas empresariales se evaluó la pertinencia las decisiones estratégicas que se tomaron en el momento preciso para sortear este periodo de caos y alcanzar solvencia financiera y operativa. El trabajo se estructuró bajo los lineamientos de la línea de Estrategia de la Universidad del Rosario, donde se analizaron las variables de Dirección y Gerencia para explicar las causas y consecuencias antes, durante y después de la crisis de la gestión administrativa. Esto permitirá identificar la ruta del éxito mediante la cual la empresa superó este periodo gracias a la incorporación bajo los estatutos del acuerdo de reestructuración Ley 550/1999 que permitió en gran medida el resurgimiento de la empresa junto con el compromiso fiel y constante del personal de Joyería Hefestos.


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Colombia es un país con diversas culturas, muchos de estos rasgos son aun arraigados y se conservan hasta el día de hoy intactos, entre estos se pueden encontrar, comida, vestuario, forma de hablar, herramientas y costumbres en general, una de las más fuertes expresiones culturales son las artesanías y Colombia es un país que tiene un gran potencial en este sector. El sector de las artesanías en Colombia tiene un gran apoyo de parte de diferentes entidades, privadas, mixtas y publicas las que se ocupan de brindar soporte a las empresas del sector con el fin de capacitar a los artesanos colombianos para que así puedan llegar a ofrecer productos que cumplan con las características, requerimientos y estándares requeridos por los clientes nacionales e internacionales. El siguiente documento plasma un estudio con el fin de conocer la viabilidad para crear una empresa dedicada a la producción y comercialización de artesanías decorativas ubicada en la ciudad de Pasto departamento de Nariño, donde existe la mayor cantidad de artesanos en Colombia, valiéndose del ingenio para crear artículos con alto valor agregado con técnicas novedosas plasmadas en los productos finales de la empresa denominada Amelí.


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This study attempts to throw some light on the identity of the Matiners of the regions of north-eastern Catalonia by analizing a notebook which was a register of rebels. This notebook gives the age, geographical origin and profession of the rebels. The War of the matiners (1846-49) was a Catalan rebellion framed within the context of popular opposition to the regime of the moderates, and in the midst of a general crisis. Themen who formed the groups of ((trabucaires)) were particulary young (the problem of recriting must not be forgotten), and came from the country, the crafts, and industry, and were militarized above all in the interior regions


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A propósito de esta exposición de joyas y objetos ornamentales confeccionados a base de tagua y plata, el autor realiza un breve recorrido sobre la presencia y significaciones de estos dos materiales en la literatura y el folklore ecuatorianos. Indica que la muestra propone renovadas perspectivas en cuanto a colores, texturas y diseño, en una acertada amalgama de vegetal y mineral. Los diseños de plata recurren, al mismo tiempo, a motivos ancestrales, mágicos, sin olvidarse del impacto visual y táctil que pueden producir. La concepción de estas joyas de creación colectiva trasciende, entonces, los límites de lo folklórico, y las convierte en una propuesta estética novedosa.


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Space applications are challenged by the reliability of parallel computing systems (FPGAs) employed in space crafts due to Single-Event Upsets. The work reported in this paper aims to achieve self-managing systems which are reliable for space applications by applying autonomic computing constructs to parallel computing systems. A novel technique, 'Swarm-Array Computing' inspired by swarm robotics, and built on the foundations of autonomic and parallel computing is proposed as a path to achieve autonomy. The constitution of swarm-array computing comprising for constituents, namely the computing system, the problem / task, the swarm and the landscape is considered. Three approaches that bind these constituents together are proposed. The feasibility of one among the three proposed approaches is validated on the SeSAm multi-agent simulator and landscapes representing the computing space and problem are generated using the MATLAB.


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Particles with energies of tens to hundreds of keV provide a powerful diagnostic of the acceleration processes that characterise the Earth’s magnetosphere, in particular the highly dynamic nightside plasma sheet. Such energetic particles can be detected by the RAPID experiment, onboard the quartet of Cluster spacecraft. We present results from the study of a series of quasi-periodic, intense energetic electron signatures in the magnetotail revealed by RAPID Imaging Electron Spectrometer (IES) observations some 19 Earth radii (RE) downtail, associated with the passage of a highly geoeffective, high-speed solar wind stream. The RAPID-IES signatures – interpreted in combination with magnetic field and lower-energy electron measurements from the FGM and PEACE experiments on Cluster, respectively, and with reference to energetic electron observations from the CEPPAD-IES instrument on Polar – are understood in terms of repeated encounters of the Cluster spacecraft with the tail plasma sheet in response to the resultant tail reconfiguration in each of a series of substorms. We consider the Cluster response for two of these substorms (identified according to the conventional expansion phase onset indicators of particle injection at geosynchronous orbit and Pi2 pulsations at Earth) in terms of two possible tail configurations in which a Near-Earth Neutral Line forms either antisunward or sunward of the Cluster spacecraft. The latter scenario, in which the reconnection X-line is assumed to form sunward of Cluster and subsequently migrate downtail such that the spacecraft become engulfed in a tailward expanding plasma sheet, is shown to be more consistent with the observations.


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In the four Parts of Gulliver’s Travels the narrator attends closely to the manual skills, crafts and techniques of the different countries visited and to the materials and instruments by which they are mediated. The patterned, motif-like presentation of these observations and their rich contextual background, historical and literary, indicate their special significance. These references to technique play an important, previously underappreciated roll in Gulliver. They form a thematic connection between its embodied, sensual, compulsive descriptions of the world and its socio-political satire, the latter focusing on technocratic, professionalized statecraft. They are crucial to the peculiar fullness with which Swift’s writing imagines different communities of practice, different ecologies of mind.