980 resultados para Friction gripper


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Nano-fibrillar arrays are fabricated using polystyrene materials. The average diameter of each fiber is about 300 nm. Experiments show that such a fibrillar surface possesses a relatively hydrophobic feature with a water contact angle of 142 degrees. Nanoscale friction properties are mainly focused on. It is found that the friction force of polystyrene nano-fibrillar surfaces is obviously enhanced in contrast to polystyrene smooth surfaces. The apparent coefficient of friction increases with the applied load, but is independent of the scanning speed. An interesting observation is that the friction force increases almost linearly with the real contact area, which abides by the fundamental Bowden-Tabor law of nano-scale friction.


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[ES]En este trabajo se expone un estudio experimental del proceso de taladrado por fricción, más conocido como Friction Drilling y posterior roscado por laminación, en uniones de chapas de acero y aluminio, muy utilizadas en multitud de sectores, que se caracteriza por la ausencia de tuercas. La base de esta técnica es el calor producido por el rozamiento al entrar en contacto la herramienta rotativa con el material, causando el reblandecimiento del material, la fluencia y la deformación de éste. De este modo, se generará una copa cónica, que se roscará por laminación. En este trabajo se va a estudiar la viabilidad del proceso experimentalmente, obteniendo variables de entrada del proceso óptimas que generen una unión de calidad, atendiendo a diferentes aspectos. Sin embargo, se centra sobre todo en analizar la calidad de la unión en lo que se refiere a la compatibilidad de los materiales. Se estudiará la corrosión galvánica por una parte entre acero y aluminio y, por otra parte, entre acero, aluminio y el material del tornillo. Una vez concluido el trabajo, se espera obtener un proceso de unión de materiales disímiles sin tuerca, ofreciendo una mayor calidad que los procesos implementados actualmente.


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[ES]En el presente trabajo, se pretende optimizar la unión atornillada de chapas de dos materiales disimilares (acero y aluminio) mediante un proceso no convencional, el taladrado por fricción. Dicho proceso está orientado a la calderería fina, sector en el cual tiene gran número de aplicaciones. Se comenzará con una serie de ensayos iníciales y se procederá a realizar pruebas sistemáticas. Se realizarán mediciones de temperaturas, momentos torsores y fuerzas, y se analizaran las tolerancias dimensionales generadas por el proceso para la elección de los parámetros óptimos. El documento se centrará en analizar de forma teórica el comportamiento mecánico de la unión y de los ensayos de tracción correspondientes. Esto servirá para realizar los futuros ensayos de calidad y posteriormente comparar los resultados con los de las uniones convencionales.


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Understanding friction and adhesion in static and sliding contact of surfaces is important in numerous physical phenomena and technological applications. Most surfaces are rough at the microscale, and thus the real area of contact is only a fraction of the nominal area. The macroscopic frictional and adhesive response is determined by the collective behavior of the population of evolving and interacting microscopic contacts. This collective behavior can be very different from the behavior of individual contacts. It is thus important to understand how the macroscopic response emerges from the microscopic one. In this thesis, we develop a theoretical and computational framework to study the collective behavior. Our philosophy is to assume a simple behavior of a single asperity and study the collective response of an ensemble. Our work bridges the existing well-developed studies of single asperities with phenomenological laws that describe macroscopic rate-and-state behavior of frictional interfaces. We find that many aspects of the macroscopic behavior are robust with respect to the microscopic response. This explains why qualitatively similar frictional features are seen for a diverse range of materials. We first show that the collective response of an ensemble of one-dimensional independent viscoelastic elements interacting through a mean field reproduces many qualitative features of static and sliding friction evolution. The resulting macroscopic behavior is different from the microscopic one: for example, even if each contact is velocity-strengthening, the macroscopic behavior can be velocity-weakening. The framework is then extended to incorporate three-dimensional rough surfaces, long- range elastic interactions between contacts, and time-dependent material behaviors such as viscoelasticity and viscoplasticity. Interestingly, the mean field behavior dominates and the elastic interactions, though important from a quantitative perspective, do not change the qualitative macroscopic response. Finally, we examine the effect of adhesion on the frictional response as well as develop a force threshold model for adhesion and mode I interfacial cracks.


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We study the behavior of granular materials at three length scales. At the smallest length scale, the grain-scale, we study inter-particle forces and "force chains". Inter-particle forces are the natural building blocks of constitutive laws for granular materials. Force chains are a key signature of the heterogeneity of granular systems. Despite their fundamental importance for calibrating grain-scale numerical models and elucidating constitutive laws, inter-particle forces have not been fully quantified in natural granular materials. We present a numerical force inference technique for determining inter-particle forces from experimental data and apply the technique to two-dimensional and three-dimensional systems under quasi-static and dynamic load. These experiments validate the technique and provide insight into the quasi-static and dynamic behavior of granular materials.

At a larger length scale, the mesoscale, we study the emergent frictional behavior of a collection of grains. Properties of granular materials at this intermediate scale are crucial inputs for macro-scale continuum models. We derive friction laws for granular materials at the mesoscale by applying averaging techniques to grain-scale quantities. These laws portray the nature of steady-state frictional strength as a competition between steady-state dilation and grain-scale dissipation rates. The laws also directly link the rate of dilation to the non-steady-state frictional strength.

At the macro-scale, we investigate continuum modeling techniques capable of simulating the distinct solid-like, liquid-like, and gas-like behaviors exhibited by granular materials in a single computational domain. We propose a Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) approach for granular materials with a viscoplastic constitutive law. The constitutive law uses a rate-dependent and dilation-dependent friction law. We provide a theoretical basis for a dilation-dependent friction law using similar analysis to that performed at the mesoscale. We provide several qualitative and quantitative validations of the technique and discuss ongoing work aiming to couple the granular flow with gas and fluid flows.


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