995 resultados para Freshwater Fishes


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The Lagunas Encadenadas form a large endorheic wetland. The system comprises a chain of five main lagoons (Alsina, Chochico, Del Monte, Del Venado, and Epecuen). During two recent collection trips, 13 species of fish were caught. From the collected material and available data in the literature the following points can be made: The fish fauna of this wetland comprises 18 species from 11 families and six orders. Four species (Cyprinus carpio, Hoplias malabaricus, Loricariichthys anus and Parapimelodus valenciennis) are new records for these water bodies. Fish species diversity decreases from east to west, ie from the most freshwater lagoon (Alsina, with 15 species) to the most saline (Epecuen, 1 species). A similar diversity pattern has been found in zooplankton species.


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The dynamics of the fecundity of roach, with emphasis on Rutilus rutilus (L.), were studied in waters in the European parts of the USSR. This translation provides conclusions, and figures and table captions only.


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Rivers in Teesdale and its fish population have been monitored for several years. This report briefly describes the life cycle of British salmonid fishes and indicates the main ways in which this life cycle is influenced by discharge and related effects. Some highlights of the research results for 1977 - 1981 are briefly stated and proposals for future research are listed. Some practical implications of the results are discussed. (PDF contains 34 pages)


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The main British salmonid species spawn in clean gravel in streams and rivers, many of them in the upland areas of Britain. The earliest stages of the life cycle (eggs and alevins) spend some months within the gravel of the river bed. During this period their survival rate can be strongly influenced by flow regime and by related phenomena such as movement of coarse river bed material, changes in water level and the deposition of silt. In recent years human influence upon the flow regimes of upland water courses and upon the sediment inputs to them has increased. In order to conserve and, if possible, enhance the populations of salmonid fishes a deeper understanding of the interrelationships between survival of young salmonids and flow-related phenomena is needed. The acquisition of appropriate information is the main aim of the present project, which included: Studies on silt movement and the infilling of gravel voids by fine sediments, together with initial studies on the relationship between intragravel oxygen supply rate and the survival of intragravel stages of salmonids; studies in the general field of egg washout. The latter investigated the physical background to gravel bed disruption, the examination of the physical characteristics of sites chosen for redds, dimensions of redds and burial depth of eggs relative to the size of the fish constructing the redd and a series of smaller studies on other aspects of egg washout.


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The need for research upon the coarse fishes of Britain, questions of the breeding and rearing of large numbers of young fish, more especially roach, was established back in 1937. The investigation which was begun in 1939 at Barrington in Cambridgeshire was therefore, with the full approval of the National Federation of Anglers, devoted to the general life histories of as many species as possible. Now, five years later, the results of the investigation are presented in the hope that they will provide a basis of knowledge upon which sound policies can be devised for the improvement of fish stocks and the increase of sport. In this report the scientific data, which will be published in full elsewhere, have been condensed as much as possible, but nothing of importance has been omitted and nothing has been concealed.


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This preliminary compilation presents vital parameters for 22 species of freshwater fish from Lake Kariba. The majority of the growth parameters are derived from tables in Balon and Coche's "Lake Kariba: a man-made tropical ecosystem in central Africa". The rest of the parameters are compiled from more recent sources and unpublished data.


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Forty specimens of Labeo gonius (Ham) were analysed for protein, carbohydrate and fat values. The calorific value was calculated by multiplying the value of protein and carbohydrate with the energy factor 4.1 and for fat by 9.3. The average calorific values of fish for protein, carbohydrate and fat were 72.16, 9.55 and 11.90 cal/100 g respectively suggesting that the fishes are highly nutritious.


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Several technological advances have been made in tropical freshwater aquaculture during the last three decades. Hatchery production of carp seed was achieved in India and China towards the late 1950's. Channel catfish farming in the U.S. has grown phenomenally. Development of the technology of high density culture using artificial aeration and nutritionally balanced diets has revolutionized freshwater aquaculture, particularly in Israel. Culture of fishes in cages, pens and running water have helped to achieve very high production levels. Considerable research work has been done on fish nutrition during recent years. Investigations on sex control reveal that it is possible to produce a single sex progeny which is more desirable for culture.


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Very few records of freshwater molluscs of Ceylon are available in several publications and although they are of importance as food for fishes and vectors of parasites we know little of their role in these capacities in Ceylon. The present paper is to be considered more as a pointer to the group than as a study of the freshwater molluscs of Ceylon. The author collected freshwater molluscs during surveys made for the study of systematics and distribution of various freshwater invertebrates. Material of freshwater molluscs purchased by the Museum in Leiden and labelled Ceylon was also seen by the author. The nomenclature used in this paper has been simplified by the omission of sub-generic and sub-specific names. The sub-generic divisions are dealt with critically for the Gastropoda by Wenz (1938-1944) and Zilch (1959-1960).


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Continuous research on the freshwater fisheries industry in East Africa, in common with most other African countries, did not commence until the end of the Second World War in 1945. Before the war some work on the fishes and hydrobiology of the lakes of East Africa had been undertaken by a series of scientific expeditions, which were sent out from Europe, between the years 1896 and 1939. These expeditions usually lasted for only a few months, and the collected data were published by young graduates and undergraduates, including such people as Mr. L. C. Beadle, (lately Professor Beadle of Makerere), Mr. V. E. Fuchs (now Sir Vivian Fuchs) and Mr. E. B. Worthington of Gonville and Caius College,Cambridge. Later. Dr. Worthington became Scientific Secretary to the Scientific Council for Africa, Scientific Secretary to the East African High Commission, and played a very large part in the furtherance of fisheries research and management in East Africa.


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Throughout the year the Fisheries Departments of Tanzania and Uganda continued to forward to EAFFRO data on the commercial fisheries of Lake Victoria, particularly statistics of fishing-effort and fish-landings. The Kenya Fisheries Department was re-established at Kisumu towards the end of 1964 and has expanded its activities during 1965; whilst regular records of commercial fishing activity have not been despatched to Jinja, appropriate information has been made available on request from the Chief Fisheries Officer. None of the existing research officers at EAFFRO have been assigned to a detailed survey of the statistical data available, although several officers have taken the opportunity of analysing the data regarding the species considered under their own research programmes. As recorded in the last Annual Report, one important function of the UNDP Lake Victoria Fisheries Research Project will be to undertake the relevant statistical surveys essential to the proper management of the commercial fisheries of Lake Victoria. The level of the lake remained abnormally high but fluctuated somewhat during the year, reaching a maximum in May, but falling to a minimum in October before beginning to rise again with the rains at the end of the twelve-month period. The maximum figure for the year recorded at Jinja: 12.92 ft. above datum did not reach the peak recorded in 1964: 13.33 ft. above datum, which was the maximum reading taken since records were begun in 1899. Scientific work carried out by the organization during the year 1965 included work on the following: Commercial fisheries of Lake Victoria Nile Perch investigations Fisheries surveys in Kenya and Tanzania Studies on anadromous fishes Studies on mormyrid fishes Studies on Tilapia species Studies on Alestes Studies on Haplochromis species


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Feeding habits of many animals have been used widely in animal classifications. This is so, because the type of diet an organism requires demands structural specialisation which will utilise the available resource. Many animals may however have many structural modifications to enable them to be described as omnivourous or generalised feeders such as H. empodisma and H. riponianus (GREENWOOD 1960) which may show varying degrees of structural and adaptational intermediacy between two trophic groups. Generally, however, the diet of many animals including fish changes as the animal grow larger. The change in structural modifications is usually correlated with changes in the diet. In fishes the change may involve change from tricuspid to biscuspid and finally to unicuspid type of teeth. The degree of modification in the structure depends on the diet, thus Haplochromis that feeds on soft tissues of snails only requires modifications in oral dentition while Haplochromis that feeds on both soft tissues and shells of snails require modification in the lower pharyngeal bone for grinding purposes. Other modifications connected with food utilisation may be located in the alimentary canal. (I) The fish species that are commercially exploited are Protopterus aethiopicus, Clarias mossambicus, Tilapia esculenta, Tilapia amphimelas and Tilapia hybrids. The other fish species present in the lake but not commercially exploited are: Gnathonemus sp. Alestes sp. Labeo sp., Barbus paludinoses, Barbus jacksoni, Barbus lineomaculatus, Barbus regersi, Leptogrlanis sp., Schilbe sp., Haplochromis spp. and Hemihaplochromis sp. (2) Protopterus sp. and Clarias sp. are mostly caught with hooks on long lines. There has been a steady increase in number of hooks on the lake. Since the stocks of Protopterus and C/arias in the lake have a limit, we should control the number of hooks used by each of the fishermen in order to avoid overharvesting. (3) All the previous studies on Lake Kitangiri fisheries suggested the use of gill nets with mesh size greater than 88.9 mm in order to avoid the capture of immature Ti/apia spp. But if the fishermen are to obtain economic gains from the fishery, the optimum mesh size for use is 88.9 -101.6 mm. (4) The gillnet is a passive gear with very beneficial selective characteristics. Unfortunately the drive-in fishery which exists on Lake Kitangiri more or less destroys the gillnet selectivity characteristics. It is therefore recommended that the beating of water with poles be discouraged and stopped. (5) There is need for provision of stable fishing canoes to replace the unstable bottle palm dug-out canoes which are currently being used and which are very risky to operate. (6) The fish processing facilities on Lake Kitangiri are still inadequate. Most of the fish is sun dried, Since sun drying is very difficult during the rainy season, most fishermen carry out intensive fishing during the dry season, Concentrating most of the fishing effort in anyone season instead of spreading evenly this effort over the whole year could damage the age structure of the exploitable stocks. (7) There are considerable fluctuations in the volume of water of the lake. The feasibility of regulating the water loss through the effluent Sibiti river should be investigated by the Water Development Department. (8) Damming the Sibiti river is an expensive undertaking and therefore, the Rural Development Bank of Tanzania should be asked to assess the economic feasibility of such a project.


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Scientific work of the organization covered in the Annual Report include: Commercial fisheries of Lake Victoria, Nile Perch investigations , Fisheries surveys in Kenya and Tanzania, Studies on anadromous fishes, Studies on mormyrid fishes , Studies on Tilapia species and Studies on Halplochromis species


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The freshwater giant prawn (golda), Macrobrachium rosenbergii and tiger shrimp (bagda), Penaeus monodon were stocked together with or without fin fishes at different stocking rates in semi-saline waters at Khulna region and their growth, survival, yield and costreturn analysis were made. Survival rate of golda and bagda ranged from 23.0 to 36.8% and 8.2 to 24%, respectively. The both species were significantly affected by their own stocking density. The average final weight of golda and bagda ranged from 62.4 to 73.3 g and 32.0 to 66.4 g. The bivariate analysis of average final weight of both golda and bagda revealed that golda positively and bagda negatively influenced by the total stocking density. However, the results of the individual sizes of both golda and bagda showed an increase in the proportions of smaller animals and a decrease in the proportion of larger ones with increasing stocking rates. The harvesting weights of all animals in the experimental ghers were in marketable sizes although their prices varied with the individual size. The total production comprised of both golda and bagda ranged from 514.6 to 952.8 kg ha·1, over a culture period of 10 months. Return on investment ranged from 51.0 to 125.7%.


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The quality and shelf-life of three freshwater fish species of Bangladesh, catla (Catla catla), magur (Clarias batrachus) and tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) stored at room temperature and ice were evaluated. Live fishes were killed by cranial spiking and stored at room temperature (27-30 °C), ice stored immediately after death, 5 hr after death and 10 hr after death. The shelf-life and quality of the fishes were evaluated by organoleptic method, rigor-mortis studies and bacteriological assessment. Fishes kept at room temperature became organoleptically unacceptable within 16-20 hr duration. Ice stored fishes showed considerable differences in their shelf-life when icing was delayed for different duration. Shelf-life of catla ice stored immediately after death was 20 days but shelf-life reduced to 12 days when icing delayed for 10 hr after death. Similar trend was observed for two other fish species magur and tilapia. Rigor-index of the fishes stored under different conditions also considerably varied among the three fish species, particularly effect of delayed icing was very much evident. Bacteriological study showed patterns of Aerobic Plate Count (APC) at the end of shelflife study when fishes became organoleptically unacceptable were more or less similar for all the three fish species stored under different conditions. No definite pattern was observed in the generic distribution of bacteria in different fish species under different storage conditions. Micrococcus, Coryneforms, Pseudomonas and Achromobacter were the dominant groups of bacteria isolated from the fishes spoiled at room temperature and ice stored condition.