994 resultados para François-Marsal, Frédéric (1874-1958)
This paper analyses some key features of Irish public administration as it has developed since the foundation of the state, paying particular attention to the period from the late 1950s onward. During these decades, notwithstanding successive waves of concern expressed over the need for public sector reform, the evidence suggests an underlying lack of coherence in the evolution of the public administrationsystem that resulted in a poor capacity for effective policy coordination. Yet the drive toward economic modernisation also resulted in the creation of new state competence to support industrial development both directly and indirectly. These changes can be tracked organisationally, drawing on the database of the IRCHSS-funded Mapping the Irish State project.
This paper studies the representation of suburbs as a place of anguish in the “Special Police” novels (Fleuve Noir publisher, Paris) by Frédéric Dard. This anxiety, it is argued, is what lends this collection of 25 novels some of their essential qualities, their unhealthy climate and absolute darkness. Dard’s suburbs fit into the traditions of realism; but the atmosphere, characters and plots owe to the American hardboiled school and like in film noir, space is stylized and dramatized, and often used to express a judgment of moral nature. Spatial representations in these novels are part of a critique of civilization and constitute a comment on the social modernization and public intervention in the development of the French territory in the postwar period. The novels written by Frédéric Dard from the mid-1950s to mid-1960s offer a profoundly original representation of suburban angst and what was not yet known at the time as the suburban malaise. Avoiding clichés and excessively connoted referential spaces, Dard anchor these noir novels he called “novels of the night” in landscapes that are both biographical and intertextual. The West Suburbs of Paris and what was
to become the Yvelines department are at the centre of Dard’s novelistic geography, turning into a mythical and deadly space in which is negotiated an acculturation in France of the evil and ruined world described in American noir.
Préface et notices accompagant la republication de sept romans parus dans la collection Spécial Police dans les années 1950 et 1960. Ces romans de suspenses psychologiques à l'atmosphère sombre, inquiétante étaient parfois désignés par les initiés sous le nom de « Romans de la nuit ».
Cette anthologie regroupe sous ce titre sept oeuvres dont l'intrigue prend la forme d'un piège à la mécanique implacable, ainsi resituées dans leur contexte culturel
. Cette mort dont tu parlais
• C'est toi le venin
• Des yeux pour pleurer
• Le Monte-charge
• L'homme de l'avenue
• La Pelouse
• Une seconde de toute beauté
Edition présentée et annotée par : Hugues Galli, Thierry Gautier et Dominique Jeannerod
This dissertation examines the emergence and development of sound installation art, an under-recognized tradition that has developed between music, architecture, and media art practices since the late 1950s. Unlike many musical works, which are concerned with organizing sounds in time, sound installations organize sounds in space; they thus necessitate new theoretical and analytical models that take into consideration the spatial situated-ness of sound. Existing discourses on “spatial sound” privilege technical descriptions of sound localization. By contrast, this dissertation examines the ways in which concepts of space are socially, culturally, and politically construed, and how spatially-organized sound works reflect and resist these different constructions. Using an interdisciplinary methodology of critical spatial analysis and critical studies in music, this dissertation explores such topics as: conceptions of acoustic space in postwar Western art music, architecture, and media theory; the development of sound installation art in relation to philosophies of everyday life and social space; the historical links between musical performance, conceptual art, and sound sculpture; the body as a site for sound installations; and sonicspatial strategies that confront politics of race and gender. Through these different investigations, this dissertation proposes an “ontopological” model for considering sound: a critical model of analysis and reception that privileges an understanding of sound in relation to ontologies of space and place.
Polissema: Revista de Letras do ISCAP 2002/N.º 2 Linguagens
Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Artes Musicais
Entre a década de 70 do século XIX e a primeira década do século XX, Lisboa está em constante transformação, decorrente da concretização de uma série de operações urbanísticas que conduziram a uma modificação da sua fisionomia e à ampliação da sua área urbanizada. O programa de melhoramentos materiais para a capital, ensaiado desde a década de 60 do século XIX, e fomentado por um plano de regeneração nacional, encontrava na intervenção urbanística o meio para a requalificação e modernização da cidade. Problemas como a inexistência de saneamento básico, ou uma oferta escassa de habitações em termos qualitativos e quantitativos, punham em causa o ambiente urbano e as condições de habitabilidade da população, revelando-se urgente a sua resolução. O mesmo programa procurava expandir o conceito de cidade até aos limites do perímetro urbano, apostando nos princípios da comunicação e circulação. Lisboa ficaria, deste modo, ao nível das mais modernas capitais e cidades europeias. O projecto de um bairro para a zona de Campo de Ourique, uma área marcadamente rural, a Nordeste do centro da capital, aprovado em Novembro de 1878, constituiu uma das primeiras iniciativas da Repartição Técnica da Câmara Municipal de Lisboa no âmbito da nova estratégia urbana para a cidade. É este o cenário e o ponto de partida para a presente Dissertação de Mestrado, através da qual nos propusemos estudar o projecto urbanístico do bairro de Campo de Ourique, procurando entender-se os objectivos desta iniciativa, a sua concepção, planeamento e execução, no âmbito da recente política urbanística. Planeado no âmbito de uma conjuntura económica, social e administrativa de grande especificidade, procuramos ainda entender de que forma esta influenciou o modo de actuação da Câmara Municipal e dos agentes que com ela colaboraram.