957 resultados para Fossil Fuel Divestment


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It is commonly assumed that solar hot water systems save energy and reduce greenhouse emissions relative to conventional fossil fuel-powered systems. Very rarely has the life-cycle greenhouse emissions (including the embodied greenhouse emissions of manufacture) of solar hot water systems been analysed. The extent to which solar hot water systems can reduce emissions compared with conventional systems can be shown through a comparative life-cycle greenhouse emissions analysis. This method determined the time it takes for these net greenhouse emissions savings to occur, or the 'emissions payback period'. This paper presents the results of a life-cycle greenhouse emissions analysis of solar hot water systems in comparison with conventional hot water systems for a southern (Melbourne) and a northern (Brisbane) Australian city.


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This is about the search for 'perpetual motion' and 'free energy'. Conventional science claims that it is impossible, yet generations of inventors have been mesmerised by the promise of an engine that powers itself. The world's reliance on diminishing fossil fuel resources and the associated problems of pollution serve to spur them on. It showcases a number of dedicated, sometimes eccentric, and always obsessive individuals who have devoted their lives to this quest.


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The links between the built environment and sustainability issues such as fossil fuel consumption and climate change is clear. In developed countries buildings contribute around half of all carbon dioxide emissions and offer considerable scope for a significant contribution to sustainability through ecologically aware design and increased energy efficiency (BRE, 1996). The Australian commercial stock emits 12% of all greenhouse gas emissions however the commercial property market has some inherent barriers to sustainability (DSE, 2005). A substantial proportion of the stock is owned by institutional investors who are unconvinced by the need to improve their stock and pass on running costs to tenants (Callender & Key, 1997). As capital values are not greatly affected by sustainability, owners react by doing little or nothing and the effect is to limit sustainability related investment and undermine efforts to deliver sustainability in the sector.

Furthermore the efficiency of buildings declines over time and whilst energy efficiency is important to new design, the existing stock must be improved if urban built environment greenhouse gas emissions are to be reduced. Much of the property and surveying research has previously adopted an illustrative case study approach advocating the benefits of ESD and energy efficiency in existing buildings. This research adopts a radically different approach and profiles the entire office stock of a global CBD, namely Melbourne, which is seeking to become a carbon neutral city by 2020. The research also employs scenario forecasting to model future changes to the stock over a fifteen year period. This paper sets out the rationale for the research and establishes the methodological approach adopted by the research team.


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The Australian commercial stock emits 12% of all greenhouse gas emissions however the commercial property market has some inherent barriers to sustainability (DSE, 2005). A substantial proportion of the stock is owned by institutional investors who are unconvinced by the need to improve their stock and pass on running costs to tenants (Callender & Key, 1997). The links between the built environment and sustainability issues such as fossil fuel consumption and climate change is clear. In developed countries buildings contribute around half of all carbon dioxide emissions and offer considerable scope for a significant contribution to sustainability through ecologically aware design and increased energy efficiency (BRE, 1996). As capital values are not greatly affected by sustainability, owners react by doing little or nothing and the effect is to limit sustainability-related investment and undermine efforts to deliver sustainability in the sector. Facility managers are in an influential position to help address sustainability issues via an increased awareness of energy efficiency and CO2 emissions.

Even though the efficiency of buildings is primarily focused on new stock, with an existing churn replacement rate of approximately 2-3% the existing stock must be improved if urban built environment greenhouse gas emissions are to be reduced – clearly the management of existing stock must therefore contribute to substantial savings in energy use. Much of the property and surveying research has previously adopted an illustrative case study approach advocating the benefits of ESD and energy efficiency in existing buildings. This research adopts a radically different approach and profiles the entire office stock of a global CBD, namely Melbourne, which is seeking to become a carbon neutral city by 2020 (City of Melbourne, 2003). The research also employs scenario forecasting to model future changes to the stock over a fifteen year period. This paper sets out the rationale for the research and establishes the methodological approach adopted by the research team. The results provides a unique insight into the variations between different building types and grades of office buildings, which in turn will allow facility managers to gain a better understanding of where gains in energy efficiency can be made.


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Fossil fuel based power generation is and will still be the back bone of our world economy, albeit such form of power generation significantly contributes to global CO2 emissions. Solar energy is a clean, environmental friendly energy source for power generation, however solar photovoltaic electricity generation is not practical for large commercial scales due to its cost and high-tech nature. Solar thermal is another way to use solar energy to generate power. Many attempts to establish solar (solo) thermal power stations have been practiced all over the world. Although there are some advantages in solo solar thermal power systems, the efficiencies and costs of these systems are not so attractive. Alternately by modifying, if possible, the existing coal-fired power stations to generate green sustainable power, a much more efficient means of power generation can be reached. This paper presents the concept of solar aided power generation in conventional coal-fired power stations, i.e., integrating solar (thermal) energy into conventional fossil fuelled power generation cycles (termed as solar aided thermal power). The solar aided power generation (SAPG) concept has technically been derived to use the strong points of the two technologies (traditional regenerative Rankine cycle with relatively higher efficiency and solar heating at relatively low temperature range). The SAPG does not only contribute to increase the efficiencies of the conventional power station and reduce its emission of the greenhouse gases, but also provides a better way to use solar heat to generate the power. This paper presents the advantages of the SAPG at conceptual level.


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Iranian architecture is shaped in related to its Hot - Dry climate and has provided interesting answers to the Iranian's needs. In this climate, most of the buildings are constructed by mud or sun - dried bricks. There are so many facilities that Iranian architecture has provided for better living such as: Wind - Catcher (which exhausts warm air from buildings during the day), Cisterns (which have a cylindrical store place in the depth of the earth for storing the cold fresh water during the hot seasons), Ice - Houses with walls behind which water in shallow channels friezes at nights, etc. The great heritage of Iranian architecture and traditions are still not known until now. The cons- tructing traditions of vernacular architecture in Iran, reveals the mystery of using natural energy sources that reduce the need to fossil fuel. Among different Iranian cultural heritage, Ice-Houses are selected as the main subject of this article.


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Research in graphene-based energy materials is a rapidly growing area. Many graphene-based energy applications involve interfacial processes. To enable advances in the design of these energy materials, such that their operation, economy, efficiency and durability is at least comparable with fossil-fuel based alternatives, connections between the molecular-scale structure and function of these interfaces are needed. While it is experimentally challenging to resolve this interfacial structure, molecular simulation and computational chemistry can help bridge these gaps. In this Review, we summarise recent progress in the application of computational chemistry to graphene-based materials for fuel cells, batteries, photovoltaics and supercapacitors. We also outline both the bright prospects and emerging challenges these techniques face for application to graphene-based energy materials in future.


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Electric vehicles (EVs) have recently gained much popularity as a green alternative to fossil-fuel cars and a feasible solution to reduce air pollution in big cities. The use of EVs can also be extended as a demand response tool to support high penetration of renewable energy (RE) sources in future smart grid. Based on the certainty equivalent adaptive control (CECA) principle and a customer participation program, this paper presents a novel control strategy using optimization technique to coordinate not only the charging but also the discharging of EV batteries to deal with the intermittency in RE production. In addition, customer charging requirements and schedules are incorporated into the optimization algorithm to ensure customer satisfaction, and further improve the control performance. The merits of this scheme are its simplicity, efficiency, robustness and readiness for practical applications. The effectiveness of the proposed control algorithm is demonstrated by computer simulations of a power system with high level of wind energy integration.


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Most of water distribution systems (WDS) need rehabilitation due to aging infrastructure leading to decreasing capacity, increasing leakage and consequently low performance of the WDS. However an appropriate strategy including location and time of pipeline rehabilitation in a WDS with respect to a limited budget is the main challenge which has been addressed frequently by researchers and practitioners. On the other hand, selection of appropriate rehabilitation technique and material types is another main issue which has yet to address properly. The latter can affect the environmental impacts of a rehabilitation strategy meeting the challenges of global warming mitigation and consequent climate change. This paper presents a multi-objective optimization model for rehabilitation strategy in WDS addressing the abovementioned criteria mainly focused on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions either directly from fossil fuel and electricity or indirectly from embodied energy of materials. Thus, the objective functions are to minimise: (1) the total cost of rehabilitation including capital and operational costs; (2) the leakage amount; (3) GHG emissions. The Pareto optimal front containing optimal solutions is determined using Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm NSGA-II. Decision variables in this optimisation problem are classified into a number of groups as: (1) percentage proportion of each rehabilitation technique each year; (2) material types of new pipeline for rehabilitation each year. Rehabilitation techniques used here includes replacement, rehabilitation and lining, cleaning, pipe duplication. The developed model is demonstrated through its application to a Mahalat WDS located in central part of Iran. The rehabilitation strategy is analysed for a 40 year planning horizon. A number of conventional techniques for selecting pipes for rehabilitation are analysed in this study. The results show that the optimal rehabilitation strategy considering GHG emissions is able to successfully save the total expenses, efficiently decrease the leakage amount from the WDS whilst meeting environmental criteria.


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As preocupações mundiais com o aquecimento global e os efeitos nocivos da utilização de combustíveis fósseis têm fomentado a busca por novos modelos energéticos, baseados em fontes limpas e renováveis, com destaque para os biocombustíveis. Sem menos importância, o esgotamento das reservas mundiais de matérias-primas fósseis, somado às instabilidades geopolíticas nas principais regiões produtoras, impulsionam, cada vez mais, o desenvolvimento destes novos modelos. Neste cenário, o Brasil tem papel de destaque. Líder mundial na produção e consumo de etanol à base de cana-de-açúcar, o país iniciou, em 2005, a inclusão de mais uma fonte de energia renovável em sua matriz energética: a mistura do biodiesel no diesel mineral. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a competitividade dos principais biocombustíveis brasileiros: o etanol e o biodiesel. Em primeiro lugar, estes produtos foram analisados quanto às suas principais características; em segundo, avaliou-se a competitividade econômica destes combustíveis frente a seus produtos substitutos diretos derivados do petróleo. Finalmente, foram analisados os benefícios (tangíveis e intangíveis) inerentes à utilização dos biocombustíveis, e como estes intangíveis deveriam ser precificados, como forma de atribuir um prêmio aos benefícios que trazem ao meio-ambiente e à sociedade. Esta dissertação pretende servir de base para uma avaliação mais profunda da real competitividade econômica dos biocombustíveis frente aos combustíveis derivados do petróleo, além de colocar em cheque as principais análises atuais e críticas sobre a utilização destes produtos. Além disso, o presente trabalho visa avaliar o potencial e as limitações da produção dos biocombustíveis no Brasil.


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Over the past few years, renewable energy subsidies have become one of the main sources of trade disputes in the WTO. A total of six cases have been initiated against renewable energy subsidy programs since the first of such disputes was brought by Japan against Canada’s Feed in Tariff (FIT) program in 2010. Yet not even a single case has so far been initiated against the much larger and environmentally harmful fossil fuel subsidies. The main objective of this paper is to examine what makes renewable energy subsidies vulnerable to WTO dispute, as compared fossil fuel subsidies.


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The development of new fuels is an important field of scientific and technological activities, since much of the energy consumed in the world is obtained from oil, coal and natural gas, and these sources are limited and not renewable. Recently it has assessed the employment of microemulsions as an alternative for obtaining fuel isotropic between phases originally not miscible. Among many advantages, emphasizes the application of substances that provide the reduction of levels of emissions compared to fossil fuels. Thus, this work was a study of various microemulsified systems, aiming to check the performance of the winsor regions front of the use of surfactants: RENEX 18 → 150, UNITOL L-60 → L-100 and AMIDA 60, together with structure of esters from soybean and castor bean oils. From the results it were chosen four systems to physico-chemical analyzes: System I RENEX 60, Soil bean oil, methylic ester (EMOS) and water; System II RENEX 60/AMIDA 60, EMOS and water; System III RENEX 70, mamona oil methylic ester (EMOM) and water and System IV RENEX 95, EMOM and water. The tests of physico-chemical characterization and study of temperature increase were done with nine points with different compositions in a way to include the interest area (microemulsion W/O). After this study, was conducted a modeling to predict the viscosity, the property is more varied as function of compositions systems changes. The best results were the systems II and IV with a temperature stability above 60°C. The system I had its physico-chemical characterization very similar to a fossil fuel. The system II was the best one due to its corrosivity be stable. In the modeling the four systems had shown good, with an error that varied between 5 and 18%, showing to be possible the viscosity prediction from the composition of the system. The effects the microemulsion and the engine´s performance with the microemulsion were also avaliated. The tests were performed in a cycle-diesel engine. The potency and consumption were analysed. Results show a slight increase the rendiment fuel compared with the conventional as well as a decrease in specific consumption


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The use of biodiesel is increasing as an attractive fuel due to the depleting fossil fuel resources and environmental degradation. This paper presents results of an investigation on the potentials of biodiesel as an alternative fuel and main substitute of diesel oil, comparing the CO2 emissions of the main fuels in the Brazilian market with those of biodiesel, in pure form or blended in different proportions with diesel oil (2%, 5%, and 20%, called B2, B5, and B20, respectively). The results of the study are shown in ton CO2 per m(3) and ton CO2 per year of fuel. The fuels were analyzed considering their chemical composition, stoichiometric combustion parameters and mean consumption for a single vehicle. The fuels studied were: gasoline, diesel oil, anhydrous ethyl alcohol (anhydrous ethanol), and biodiesel from used frying oil and from soybean oil. For the case of biodiesel, its complete life cycle and the closed carbon cycle (photosynthesis) were considered. With data provided by the Brazilian Association of Automotive Vehicle Manufacturers (ANFAVEA) for the number of vehicles produced in Brazil, the emissions of CO2 for the national fleet in 2007 were obtained per type of fuel. With data provided by the Brazilian Department of Transit (DENATRAN) concerning the number of diesel vehicles in the last five years in Brazil, the total CO2 emissions and the percentage that they would decrease in the case of use of pure biodiesel, B100, or several mixtures, B2, B5 and B20, were calculated. Estimates of CO2 emissions for a future scenario considering the mixtures B5 and B20 are also included in this article. Crown Copyright (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Emissions of CO2 in the atmosphere have increased successively by various mechanisms caused by human action, especially as fossil fuel combustion and industrial chemical processes. This leads to the increase in average temperature in the atmosphere, which we call global warming. The search for new technologies to minimize environmental impacts arising from this phenomenon has been investigated. The capture of CO2 is one of the alternatives that can help reduce emis ions of greenhouse gases. The CO2 can be captured through the process of selective adsorption using adsorbents for this purpose. Were synthesized by hydrothermal method, materials of the type MCM-41 and Al-MCM-41 in the molar ratio Si / Al equal to 50. The synthesis of gels were prepared from a source of silicon, sodium, water and aluminum in the case of Al-MCM-41. The period of synthesis of the materials was 5 days in autoclave at 100°C. After that time materials were filtered, washed and dried in greenhouse at 100 º C for 4 hours and then calcined at 450 º C. Then the calcined material was functionalized with the Di-isopropylamine (DIPA) by the method of wet impregnation. We used 0.5 g of material mesopores to 3.5 mL of DIPA. The materials were functionalized in a closed container for 24 hours, and after this period were dried at brackground temperature for 2 hours. Were subsequently subjected to heat treatment at 250°C for 1 hour. These materials were used for the adsorption of CO2 and were characterized by XRD, FT-IR, BET / BJH, SEM, EDX and TG / DTG. Tests of adsorption of CO2 was carried out under the following conditions: 100 mg of adsorbent, temperature of 75°C under flow of 100 mL/min of CO2 for 2 hours. The desorption of CO2 was carried out by thermogravimetry from ambient temperature to 900ºC under flow of 25 mL min of He and a ratio of 10ºC/min. The difratogramas X-ray for the synthesized samples showed the characteristic peaks of MCM-41, showing that the structure of it was obtained. For samples functionalized there was a decrease of the intensities of these peaks, with a consequent reduction in the structural ordering of the material. However, the structure was preserved mesopores. The adsorption tests showed that the functionalized MCM-41 is presented as a material promising adsorbent, for CO2 capture, with a loss of mass on the desorption CO2 of 7,52%, while that in Al-MCM- 41 functionalized showed no such loss