953 resultados para Forni elettrici domestici, cicli cottura, scambio termico


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Résumé La ricerca del dibattito sul restauro nella Firenze del Novecento copre un arco temporale piuttosto lungo, che va dall'istituzione del Gabinetto dei restauri fiorentino, avvenuta tra il 1932 e il 1934 sino al 1966, anno della drammatica alluvione che travolse il patrimonio storico e artistico della città di Firenze. Sono più di trent'anni densi di storia, in cui grazie alla tradizionale vocazione artigiana messa in atto di volta in volta attraverso metodiche sperimentali, il Gabinetto dei restauri fiorentino, organizzato da Ugo Procacci affrontò dapprima l'emergenza bellica e, grazie alle esperienze maturate in quella circostanza, fronteggiò i danni provocati alle opere d'arte alluvionate. Lo scopo della ricerca è stato proprio quello di individuare gli aspetti ancora attuali del dibattito sul restauro e sulla conservazione. Filo conduttore è stato il dibattito sull'unificazione dei princìpi del restauro in Italia e quindi, dei suoi riflessi a Firenze. Nella prima parte della ricerca, trattando degli inizi dell'attività del Gabinetto dei restauri di Firenze era inevitabile studiare i riflessi che la creazione dell'Istituto Centrale del Restauro ha avuto sull'ambiente fiorentino. L'incombere della seconda guerra mondiale ebbe un peso determinante nell'accelerare i tempi di attuazione di un simile progetto: si temeva fortemente per le sorti del patrimonio artistico italiano e alle Soprintendenze sarebbe spettato il compito di mettere in salvo il maggior numero possibile di opere d'arte nei rifugi antiaerei e, successivamente, provvedere al restauro delle opere danneggiate: la questione dell'unificazione dei metodi da seguire nel campo del restauro e della conservazione delle opere d'arte era divenuta argomento di urgente attualità a guerra conclusa, soprattutto in vista del recupero delle opere danneggiate, Nella seconda parte del lavoro, trattando gli aspetti più attuali e quindi problematici della storia del restauro fiorentino, in particolare riferiti all'arco cronologico che va dalla metà degli anni Cinquanta sino alla fine degli anni Sessanta, è risultato di estremo interesse analizzare le cause e gli effetti della nota "stagione degli stacchi" e quindi l'avvio del dibattito sulla conservazione preventiva delle pitture murali esposte all'aperto. La questione relativa alla conservazione delle pitture murali esposte all'aperto, nei chiostri e nei tabernacoli, rappresentò il caso paradigmatico attorno al quale l'interesse e le soluzioni adottate per la salvaguardia dei cicli pittorici trovarono gli studiosi e i teorici del restauro italiani e stranieri per un'unica volta tutti concordi nell'avvalersi della prassi sistematica preventiva dello strappo delle pitture murali e del distacco delle sottostanti sinopie. Fu dunque questa l'unica occasione in cui si assistette ad una vera unificazione di intenti a livello nazionale.


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Todos los cuerpos emiten luz espontaneamente al ser calentados. El espectro de radiacion es una funcion de la temperatura y el material. Sin embargo, la mayoria de los materiales irradia, en general, en una banda espectral amplia. Algunas matereiales, por el contrario, son capaces de concentrar la radiacion termica en una banda espectral mucho mas estrecha. Estos materiales se conocen como emisores selectivos y su uso tiene un profundo impacto en la eficiencia de sistemas sistemas tales como iluminacion y conversion de energia termofotovoltaica. De los emisores selectivos se espera que sean capaces de operar a altas temperaturas y que emitan en una banda espectral muy concisa. Uno de los metodos mas prometedores para controlar y disenar el espectro de emision termico es la utilizacion de cristales fotonicos. Los cristales fotonicos son estructuras periodicas artificiales capaces de controlar y confinar la luz de formas sin precedentes. Sin embargo, la produccion de dichas estructuras con grandes superficies y capaces de soportar altas temperaturas sigue siendo una dificil tarea. Este trabajo esta dedicada al estudio de las propiedades de emision termica de estructuras 3D de silicio macroporoso en el rango espectral mid-IR (2-30 m). En particular, este trabajo se enfoca en reducir la elevada emisividad del silicio cristalino. Las muestras estudiadas en este trabajo tienen una periodicidad de 4 m, lo que limitan los resultados obtenidos a la banda del infrarrojo medio, aunque estructuras mucho mas pequenas son tecnologicamente realizables con el metodo de fabricacion utilizado. Hemos demostrado que el silicio macroporoso 3D puede inhibir completamente la emision termica en su superficie. Mas aun, esta banda se puede ajustar en un amplio margen mediante pequenos cambios durante la formacion de los macroporos. Tambien hemos demostrado que tanto el ancho como la frecuencia de la banda de inhibicion se puede doblar mediante la aplicacion de tecnicas de postprocesado adecuadas. Finalmente hemos mostrado que es posible crear bandas de baja emisividad arbitrariamente anchas mediante estructuras macroporosas aperiodicas.


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In clinical practice, physicians are confronted with a multitude of definitions and treatment goals for arterial hypertension, depending of the diagnostic method used (e.g. office, home and ambulatory blood pressure measurement) and the underlying disease. The historical background and evidence of these different blood pressure thresholds are discussed in this article, as well as some recent treatment guidelines. Besides, the debate of the "J curve", namely the possible risks associated with an excessive blood pressure reduction, is discussed.


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Between April 1981 and June 1985, 195 patients with ovarian cancer, International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) Stages IIB, IIC, III, and IV, entered a trial that consisted of surgery and chemotherapy with cisplatin (P) and melphalan (PAM) with or without hexamethylmelamine (HexaPAMP or PAMP regimens) every 4 weeks for 6 cycles. Because the intent was to study the outcome by treatment after evaluation of first-line chemotherapy, patients were evaluable only if the response was assessed by a second-look operation or if measurable disease progression was documented. One hundred fifty-eight patients (81%) were evaluable for response. Forty-five (28%) achieved pathologically confirmed complete remissions (pCR), and 24 of these patients received whole-abdominal radiation (WAR) for consolidation of response. Five patients with complete remission after WAR relapsed, as did nine of the 21 with complete remission who had not undergone WAR. The 3-year time to progression percentage (TTP +/- SE) from second-look operation was 70% +/- 7% for all patients who achieved pCR, 83% +/- 8% for those who received WAR, and 49% +/- 15% for those who did not receive WAR (this was not a randomized comparison). The 3-year TTP percentage for the 49 partial responders was 21% +/- 6%, identical for the 19 who had WAR and the 30 who had no radiation therapy. Additional or alternative methods for consolidation of pCR are needed since patients continue to relapse despite optimal initial response to therapy.


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BACKGROUND: Urinary creatinine excretion is used as a marker of completeness of timed urine collections, which are a keystone of several metabolic evaluations in clinical investigations and epidemiological surveys. METHODS: We used data from two independent Swiss cross-sectional population-based studies with standardised 24-hour urinary collection and measured anthropometric variables. Only data from adults of European descent, with estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) ≥60 ml/min/1.73 m2 and reported completeness of the urinary collection were retained. A linear regression model was developed to predict centiles of the 24-hour urinary creatinine excretion in 1,137 participants from the Swiss Survey on Salt and validated in 994 participants from the Swiss Kidney Project on Genes in Hypertension. RESULTS: The mean urinary creatinine excretion was 193 ± 41 μmol/kg/24 hours in men and 151 ± 38 μmol/kg/24 hours in women in the Swiss Survey on Salt. The values were inversely correlated with age and body mass index (BMI). CONCLUSIONS: We propose a validated prediction equation for 24-hour urinary creatinine excretion in the general European population, based on readily available variables such as age, sex and BMI, and a few derived normograms to ease its clinical application. This should help healthcare providers to interpret the completeness of a 24-hour urine collection in daily clinical practice and in epidemiological population studies.


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PURPOSE: Obesity represents a growing public health concern worldwide. The latest data in Switzerland rely on self-reported body mass index (BMI), leading to underestimation of prevalence. We reassessed the prevalence of obesity and overweight in a sample of the Swiss population using measured BMI and waist circumference (WC) and explored the association with nutritional factors and living in different linguistic-cultural regions. METHODS: Data of 1,505 participants of a cross-sectional population-based survey in the three linguistic regions of Switzerland were analyzed. BMI and WC were measured, and a 24-h urine collection was performed to evaluate dietary sodium, potassium and protein intake. RESULTS: The prevalence of overweight, obesity and abdominal obesity was 32.2, 14.2 and 33.6 %, respectively. Significant differences were observed in the regional distribution, with a lower prevalence in the Italian-speaking population. Low educational level, current smoking, scarce physical activity and being migrant were associated with an higher prevalence of obesity. Sodium, potassium and protein intake increased significantly across BMI categories. CONCLUSIONS: Obesity and overweight affect almost half of the Swiss adolescents and adults, and the prevalence appears to increase. Using BMI and WC to define obesity led to different prevalences. Differences were furthermore observed across Swiss linguistic-cultural regions, despite a common socio-economic and governmental framework. We found a positive association between obesity and salt intake, with a potential deleterious synergistic effect on cardiovascular risk.


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All major antihypertensive drug classes i.e. diuretics, beta-blockers, calcium antagonists and blockers of the renin-angiotensin system have been shown to effectively lower blood pressure and hence to reduce cardiovascular outcomes in hypertensive patients. These drugs decrease cardiovascular complications in hypertension essentially because they reduce systemic blood pressure. Nevertheless, there is growing evidence that the extent of the benefits differed between drug classes suggesting that the various classes of antihypertensive agents are not equivalent in their ability to protect against target organ damages and cardiovascular and renal endpoints. More recently, evidence has also accumulated to demonstrate that even combination therapies are not equally effective in reducing the occurrence of cardiovascular complications in hypertension. These recent observations suggest that the means to lower blood pressure are as important as the achieved target blood pressure in the management of hypertensive patients.


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Background: Contrary to the frequent assumption that alexithymia is a rather static personality trait hampering psychotherapeutic approaches, we have observed that cancer patients who qualify for the criteria of alexithymia may benefit from psychotherapy. Therefore, in patients facing a cancer diagnosis, alexithymia can often be considered as a state due to the threat of the disease (secondary alexithymia).Aims: To identify prevalence of alexithymia in newly diagnosed cancer patients and to document its evolution with and without psychotherapeutic interventions.Methods: Between 2006 and summer 2009, every newpatient of the Oncology Service of the University Hospital Lausanne was invited to benefit from psychotherapeutic support. Accepting patients were randomly assigned to a psychotherapeutic intervention or to a 4-month waiting list. Psychotherapies were formalized as psychodynamic-oriented short interventions (1-4 sessions) or brief psychodynamic psychotherapies (16 sessions). Patients who declined psychotherapeutic support were asked to participate in an observational group. Socio-demographic and medical data, alexithymia (TAS), anxiety and depression (SCL-90, HADS) and quality of life (EORTC) of participants of all groups were recorded at base line and at 1, 4, 8 and 12-months follow-up. Results: Of the 419 patients included, 190 desired psychotherapeutic support (94 were assigned to an immediate and 96 to a delayed intervention) and 229 patients accepted to be followed in the observational group. A very high proportion, almost 2/3 of the patients in all groups, qualified for alexithymia. With regard to the evolution of alexithymia, no significant changes were observed within and between groups and psychological symptoms also remained almost stable.Conclusions: Secondary alexithymia seems to be highly prevalent in newly diagnosed cancer patients. This raises important clinical and scientific questions: are these patients deprived from psychological support? How should interventions be conceptualized? Are interventions necessary and beneficial? Does alexithymia neutralize the effect of interventions on symptoms of anxiety and depression? Which outcome should be chosen for patients with secondary alexithymia?Keywords: Alexithymia, cancer, psycho-oncology, psychotherapy, secondary alexithymia


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BACKGROUND: The increasing use of erythropoietins with long half-lives and the tendency to lengthen the administration interval to monthly injections call for raising awareness on the pharmacokinetics and risks of new erythropoietin stimulating agents (ESA). Their pharmacodynamic complexity and individual variability limit the possibility of attaining comprehensive clinical experience. In order to help physicians acquiring prescription abilities, we have built a prescription computer model to be used both as a simulator and education tool. METHODS: The pharmacokinetic computer model was developed using Visual Basic on Excel and tested with 3 different ESA half-lives (24, 48 and 138 hours) and 2 administration intervals (weekly vs. monthly). Two groups of 25 nephrologists were exposed to the six randomised combinations of half-life and administration interval. They were asked to achieve and maintain, as precisely as possible, the haemoglobin target of 11-12 g/dL in a simulated naïve patient. Each simulation was repeated twice, with or without randomly generated bleeding episodes. RESULTS: The simulation using an ESA with a half-life of 138 hours, administered monthly, compared to the other combinations of half-lives and administration intervals, showed an overshooting tendency (percentages of Hb values > 13 g/dL 15.8 ± 18.3 vs. 6.9 ± 12.2; P < 0.01), which was quickly corrected with experience. The prescription ability appeared to be optimal with a 24 hour half-life and weekly administration (ability score indexing values in the target 1.52 ± 0.70 vs. 1.24 ± 0.37; P < 0.05). The monthly prescription interval, as suggested in the literature, was accompanied by less therapeutic adjustments (4.9 ± 2.2 vs. 8.2 ± 4.9; P < 0.001); a direct correlation between haemoglobin variability and number of therapy modifications was found (P < 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: Computer-based simulations can be a useful tool for improving ESA prescription abilities among nephrologists by raising awareness about the pharmacokinetic characteristics of the various ESAs and recognizing the factors that influence haemoglobin variability.


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Paul Ehrlich's inspired concept of 'magic bullets' for the cure of diseases has been revitalized by recent advances in immunology1. In particular, the development of cell fusion technology allowing the production of monoclonal antibodies (Mabs) with exquisite specificities2 triggered new hopes that we may now have the perfect carrier molecules with which to deliver cytotoxic drugs3 or toxins4 to the hidden cancer cells. This article reviews data on one aspect of the magic bullet concept, the use of radiolabelled antibodies as tracers for tumour localization. It will also discuss the very recent clinical use of 131I-labelled Mabs against carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)5 to detect carcinoma either by conventional external photoscanning or by single photon emission computerized tomography (SPELT). This alliance of the most modern tools from immunology (Mabs) and nuclear medicine (SPELT) appears promising as a way to improve the sensitivity of 'immunoscintigraphy'. However, this approach is not yet ready, for widespread clinical use.


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Introduction: The latest data on prevalence of overweight (OW) and obesity (OB) in the general Swiss resident population rely on the Swiss Health Survey (SHS), a telephonic interview performed in 2007. However, body mass index (BMI) is underestimated when self-reported, leading to a misclassification of up to 60% of obese subjects. The last survey with measured BMI performed in the 3 linguistic regions of Switzerland dates back to 1977. We explored the regional prevalences of OW and OB by measured BMI in the general Swiss resident population. Methods: Cross-sectional population-based survey in the 3 linguistic regions of Switzerland in 2010-2011. Data on 1471 participants aged 15-95 years (712 men, 759 women) were available for the analysis. BMI was calculated from measured height and weight and categorized into 3 groups according to WHO classification: lean (<25 kg/m2), overweight (25-30 kg/m2) and obese (>= 30 kg/m2). Data on medication, smoking, education, physical activity and dietary habitudes were collected using a questionnaire. Results: The overall prevalence of OW and OB was 32.1% and 13.9%, respectively. OB prevalence was similar across the 3 linguistic regions (13.5% in German-, 15.6% in French- and 12.0% in Italian-speaking Switzerland, p = 0.40), unlike OW prevalence, which significantly differed in unadjusted analyses (35.4%, 29.1% and 25.4%, respectively, p = 0.005). In analyses including age, sex, smoking, physical activity and education as covariates, living in the Italian-speaking region was associated neither with BMI (linear regression) nor with OW or OB (logistic regressions) . Age (beta coefficient [SE]: 0.064[0.006] kg/m2 per year, p <0.001) and sex (-1.76 [0.23] kg/m2 in women, p <0.001) were significantly associated with BMI. Conclusions: Overweight and obesity affect nearly half of the Swiss population aged >15 years. We observed no significant differences across regions once we accounted for age, sex, education and lifestyle. Public health interventions addressing modifiable behavioral factors to reduce overweight and obesity in Switzerland can be expected to have substantial benefits.


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The role of dietary sodium intake in the development, and its impact on the treatment, of hypertension are well recognized. However, many other nutritional compounds have been shown, or are believed, to influence blood pressure. Some compounds, such as caffeine and fructose, may raise arterial blood pressure, whereas others might lower arterial blood pressure, for example garlic, dark chocolate, fibers and potassium. In this article, we review several alimentary compounds and their (hypothesized) mechanisms of action, as well as the available evidence supporting a role of these compounds in the "non pharmacological" treatment and prevention of hypertension.


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The crucial role of the sympathetic nervous system activity in the initiation and maintenance of hypertension was already in mind in the 1920s when surgical options were proposed to severely hypertensive patients. Despite constant evolution of pharmacological treatments, one estimates that 15-30% of hypertensive patients are still not well controlled and present resistant hypertension. The development of a new endovascular catheter used for selective sympathetic renal denervation by radiofrequency offers new perspectives of treatment. Encouraged by the recent results of the first clinical trials in a targeted population, this procedure could be used in some more indications in the future. However, long term morbidity and mortality of this technique are still not known.