277 resultados para Foredeep turbidites
The Pliocene-Quaternary sediments that we drilled at eight sites in the Gulf of California consist of silty clays to clayey silts, diatomaceous oozes, and mixtures of both types. In this chapter I have summarized various measurements of their physical properties, relating this information to burial depth and effective overburden pressure. Rapid deposition and frequent intercalations of mud turbidites may cause underconsolidation in some cases; overconsolidation probably can be excluded. General lithification begins at depths between 200 and 300 meters sub-bottom, at porosities between 55 and 60% (for silty clays) and as high as 70% (for diatomaceous ooze). Diatom-rich sediments have low strength and very high porosities (70-90%) and can maintain this state to a depth of nearly 400 meters (where the overburden pressure = 1.4 MPa). The field compressibility curves of all sites are compared to data published earlier. Where sediments are affected by basaltic sills, these curves clearly show the effects of additional loading and thermal stress (diagenesis near the contacts). Strength measurements on well-preserved hydraulic piston cores yielded results similar to those obtained on selected samples from standard drilling. Volumetric shrinkage dropped to low values at 100 to 400 meters burial depth (0.3 to 2.0 MPa overburden pressure). Porosity after shrinkage depends on the composition of sediments.
Twenty-three sediment intervals from top of Site 650 down to 510 m below seafloor have been studied. Their thicknesses vary between 0.25 m and about 40 m. The studied deposits are turbidites or parts of them except one which is interpreted as an ash-fall layer. The composition of the turbidites signalizes sources from shallow water/coastal areas as well as from deep water levels. Repeated mobilization and displacement seems to have been common. Volcaniclastic material is the dominant component of the whole studied part of Site 650 sedimentary sequence. Ashfall deposits as well as normal open marine sediments are rare.
Calcareous nannofossils were examined from the 400 cores recovered at 12 sites during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 108 in the eastern equatorial Atlantic Ocean and along the northwest African margin, representing a transect spanning 24° of latitude. Thirty calcareous nannofossil biohorizons were recognized in the Neogene and Quaternary sequences; only Site 661, located in water depths of 3500 m, contains a fossiliferous record older than the Oligocene. At Site 661, a 200-m-thick sequence of Upper Cretaceous sediments yielded Maestrichtian and uppermost Campanian nannofossils, yet a continuous Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary was not recovered. Widespread sediment slumps and turbidites deposited at many sites interrupted the pelagic sedimentation. A careful study of calcareous nannofossil and foraminifer assemblages correlated to paleomagnetic records suggests that "slumped" units at most sites were added as extra sediments to rapidly deposited pelagic sediments, with minor disturbance of the surrounding layers. Nannofossils are generally common to abundant and moderately preserved at all sites except for those located in two upwelling areas, where placoliths are etched and discoasters overgrown. Typical low-latitudinal zonal markers were used during this study, yet some of them were considered to be of little biostratigraphic value because of their inconsistent stratigraphic ranges and low abundances. This is especially apparent for the intervals representing the Miocene/Pliocene and Oligocene/Miocene boundaries. Characteristic nannofossils of cool-water conditions and low discoaster abundances occur at the coastal African upwelling and along the south equatorial divergence sites, signifying a stronger advection of cold waters toward the equator within the Canary and Benguela eastern boundary currents.
Seventy-nine interstitial water samples from six sites (Ocean Drilling Program Sites 1119-1124) from the southwestern Pacific Ocean have been analyzed for stable isotopes of dissolved sulfate (34S), along with major and minor ions. Sulfate from the interstitial fluids (34S values between +20.7 and +57.5 vs. the Vienna-Canyon Diablo troilite standard) was enriched in 34S with respect to modern seawater (34S +20.6), indicating that differing amounts of microbial sulfate reduction took place at all investigated sites. Microbial sulfate reduction was found at all sites, the intensity depending on the availability of organic matter, which is controlled by paleosedimentation conditions (e.g., sedimentation rate and presence of turbidites). In addition, total reduced inorganic sulfur (essentially pyrite) as a product of microbial sulfate reduction was quantified in selected sediments from Site 1119.
We drilled 13 holes on Ocean Drilling Program Leg 115 in the Indian Ocean and recovered Paleogene sediments that consisted primarily of pelagic components. Planktonic foraminifer assemblages displayed high diversity throughout the Paleogene from the late Paleocene to the Oligocene/Miocene boundary and consist of predominantly warm-water species. Faunas of middle Eocene age are remarkably well represented. Biostratigraphic assignment was, however, very difficult because of the turbiditic character of most of the Paleogene sediments. Reworking is a constant feature of the middle Eocene through early Oligocene planktonic faunas, with reworked faunas frequently overwhelming the younger ones. Preservation within turbidites ranges from excellent to very poor to total destruction of planktonic foraminifers. A major dissolution episode is recorded in the interval that spans most of the late Eocene through the early Oligocene, especially at the deeper sites where the source area was probably well below the lysocline. Redeposition decreases markedly by the mid-Oligocene, but it is only by late Oligocene Zone P22 that normal sedimentation resumes and/or redeposition decreases even at the most affected sites (such as Hole 709C). Comparison with other sites drilled previously in the Indian Ocean reveals that mixed assemblages were already known for sediments from the Mascarene Plateau-Seychelles Bank and surrounding basins during that time span. Because of the disturbances that characterize Paleogene deposits, hiatuses are difficult to detect; nevertheless, a hiatus of less local importance, spanning Subzone P21b, was detected in three holes at different water depths.
Strata that record the evolutionary history of the North American continental margin in a region that serves as the basin margin interface between allochthonous sedimentation from the continent and pelagic sedimentation from the oceanic realm were recovered at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 603, on the lower continental rise. The lowermost unit recovered at this site is composed of upper Berriasian-Aptian interbedded laminated limestone and bioturbated limestone with sandstone to claystone turbidites. This unit can be correlated with the Blake-Bahama Formation in the western North Atlantic. Studies of the laminated and bioturbated limestones were used to determine the depositional environment. Geochemical and petrographic studies suggest that the laminated limestones were deposited from the suspended particulate loads of the nepheloid layer associated with weak bottom-current activity as well as moderate to poorly oxygenated bottom-water conditions. Fragments of macrofossils are also found in the Blake-Bahama Formation drilled at Site 603. Twelve specimens and their host sediment were analyzed for their carbon and oxygen isotopic composition. The macrofossil samples chosen for analysis consist of nine samples of Inoceramus, two ammonite aptychi, and one belemnite sample. Depletion in 18O is observed in recrystallized specimens. The ammonite aptychi have been diagenetically altered and/or exhibit evidence of isotopic fractionation by the organism. Oxygen isotope paleotemperatures obtained from five well-preserved specimens - four of Inoceramus and one of a belemnite - suggest that bottom-water temperatures in the North Atlantic Basin during the Early Cretaceous were very warm, at least 11°C.
The data base for this study is represented by essentially nonevaporitic Messinian sediments recovered at ODP Sites 654, 653, 652, and 656 along the eastern Sardinian margin, and of the overlying early Pliocene oozes. Grain-size distribution, carbonate content, and microscopic observation of the sand size fractions were investigated. Messinian paleoenvironments, documented in the western Tyrrhenian Sea (ODP Sites 654 and 653), provide additional evidence supporting the deep basin desiccation model. A sharp lithologic contrast between early Pliocene pelagic oozes and latest Messinian conformable gypsiferous silts supports this model. The "lago-mare" biofacies was only occasionally observed in the shallowest site and is limited to the topmost part of the Messinian. Sites 652 and 656, lying in the deeper part of the Tyrrhenian and located on the downthrown side of an important eastward dipping fault system known as "Faglia centrale" are characterized by terrigenous sedimentation, with partly recycled minor evaporites. Of special interest is Site 652, where the thickness of the (probable) Messinian is 530 m. Sedimentary characters indicate a permanently subaqueous but nonmarine environment, with turbidites accumulating in a rapidly subsiding basin. According to the model proposed, this basin was fed by continental waters during times of maximum evaporitic draw-down, with temporary marine incursions from the west or southwest when the water level was higher. A basement ridge separated the evaporating pond from this endoreic lake located on the opposite (eastern) margin of the Tyrrhenian Basin, which was then limited to its western part. Post-Messinian reactivation of the "Faglia centrale" is necessary to account for the inversion of the relief.
At DSDP Site 477, late Quaternary diatomaceous muds and delta-derived silty-sand turbidites at 2000 meters water depth have been extensively and progressively altered by a deep-seated heat source beneath a sill. Bulk petrologic and microprobe analyses have identified a crudely zoned paragenesis within 260 meters sub-bottom which ranges from unaltered to slightly altered oozes (0-50 m), anhydrite-dolomite claystones (105-125 m), illite-chlorite-pyrite claystones (125-140 m), chlorite-pyrite-calcite-carbonaceous claystones with traces of K-feldspar, albite, epidote (140-190 m), and chlorite-epidote-quartz-albite-pyrrhotite-sphene sandstone (190-260 m). Several petrologic features suggest rapid processes of ocean floor metamorphism: (1) friable and porous textures, (2) abundant relict grains with overgrowths, (3) idiomorphic habits on epidotes, feldspars, and quartz, and (4) a steep gradient in levels of alteration. Many aspects of this hydrothermal assemblage are similar to hydrothermally metamorphosed sandstones of the Cerro Prieto, Mexico, geothermal area.
The grain-size distribution of 223 unconsolidated sediment samples from four DSDP sites at the mouth of the Gulf of California was determined using sieve and pipette techniques. Shepard's (1954) and Inman's (1952) classification schemes were used for all samples. Most of the sediments are hemipelagic with minor turbidites of terrigenous origin. Sediment texture ranges from silty sand to silty clay. On the basis of grain-size parameters, the sediments can be divided into the following groups: (1) poorly to very poorly sorted coarse and medium sand; and (2) poorly to very poorly sorted fine to very fine sand and clay.
A series of upper Pliocene to Pleistocene sediment samples from DSDP Sites 582 and 583 (Nankai Trough, active margin off Japan) were investigated by organic geochemical methods including organic carbon determination, Rock- Eval pyrolysis, gas chromatography of extractable hydrocarbons, and kerogen microscopy. The organic carbon content is fairly uniform and moderately low (0.35 to 0.77%) at both sites, although accompanied by high sedimentation rates. The low organic matter concentrations are the result of the combined effect of several factors: low bioproductivity, oxic depositional environment, and dilution with lithogenic material. Organic petrography revealed a mixture of three maceral types: (1) fresh, green fluorescent alginites of aquatic origin probably transported by turbidites from the shelf edge, (2) gelified huminites and paniculate liptinites derived from the erosion of unconsolidated peat, and (3) highly reflecting inertinites derived from continental erosion. By a combination of organic petrography and Rock-Eval pyrolysis results, the organic matter is characterized as mainly type III kerogen with a slight tendency to a mixed type II-III. During Rock-Eval pyrolysis, a mineral matrix effect on the generated hydrocarbons was observed. The organic matter in all sediments has a low level of maturity (below 0.45% Rm) and has not yet reached the onset of thermal hydrocarbon generation according to several geochemical maturation parameters. This low maturity is in contrast to anomalously high extract yields at both sites and large hydrocarbon proportions in the extracts at Site 583. This contrast may be due to early generation of polar compounds and perhaps redistribution of hydrocarbons caused by subduction tectonics. Carbon isotope data of the interstitial hydrocarbon gases indicate their origin from bacterial degradation of organic matter, although only very few bacterially degraded maceral components were detected.
The routine use of spectrophotometry on the sediment surfaces of archive halves of each section during the onboard sedimentological core description process is a great stride toward development of real-time noninvasive characterization of deep-sea sediments. Spectral reflectance data have been used so far for mineral composition studies as well as for lithostratigraphic correlation between sites (Balsam and Deaton, 1991; Balsam et al., 1997; Mix et al., 1995; Ortiz et al., 1999). Their results demonstrate that spectrophotometry can estimate CaCO3 content by using the 4.65-, 5.25-, and 5.55-µm wavelength spectrums. A detailed overview of various other noninvasive methods is given in Ortiz and Rack (1999). The purpose of this study is to test whether spectrophotometry in the visible band can be used as a tool to gather further information about grain-size variation, sorting, compaction, and porosity, which are directly linked to the sedimentation process. From remote sensing data analyses, it is known that diffuse spectral reflectance data in the visible band in the wavelength window of 7.0-6.5 µm are sensitive to grain-size variations. It appears that a relationship between grain size and signal absorption exists only in this wavelength window. (e.g., Clark, 1999; Gaffey, 1986; Gaffey et al., 1993). Variations in grain size during a sedimentation process are linked to depositional energy, which affects sorting, compaction, and porosity of sediment deposits. As an example, we study here the spectrophotometric data of the sedimentary sequence of Hole 1098C, which was deposited under widely varying environmental conditions. Alternating turbidite and finely laminated sediments were recovered from Hole 1098C. The turbidites are related to a high depositional energy environment; the finely laminated sediments are related to a low depositional energy environment. Data from Hole 1098C were therefore used to test whether the spectral reflectance data can provide a proxy for these different depositional environments.
Samples collected from the coarse basal portions of mid-Cretaceous volcaniclastic turbidites from the Mariana and Pigafetta basins are remarkably similar in terms of the petrographic and chemical features of their igneous clasts and bulk rock composition. Clasts of magmatic origin are dominated by glassy vesicular shards, variably phyric, holocrystalline basalts, and crystal fragments (olivine, clinopyroxene, plagioclase, amphibole, and biotite). The composition of the pyroxenes and amphiboles are typical of those found in differentiated hydrous alkali basalts. The bulk chemical composition of the volcaniclastites (based on stable incompatible elements and their ratios in highly vitric samples) is characteristic of alkali basalts found in within-plate oceanic eruptive environments. Miocene volcaniclastites from Site 802 are broadly similar to the Cretaceous samples in terms of clast type and bulk composition, and have also been derived from an oceanic alkali basalt source. The chemistry of the Miocene volcaniclastites differ, however, in having distinctive Zr/Y and Zr/Nb ratios and a more restricted chemical composition. The magmatic products of nearly emergent seamounts within the western Pacific basins appears to have been dominated by alkali basalt volcanism during the mid-Cretaceous and also the Miocene. The highly vitric nature of the Cretaceous and Miocene volcaniclastites, together with the morphology and vesicularity of their shards, suggests that they are the reworked (via mass flow) products of hyaloclastite accumulations produced in a shallow-water eruptive environment, such as that adjacent to nearly emergent seamounts or ocean islands. The association of ooids, reefal debris, and, in rare cases, woody material with the volcaniclastites supports their shallow-water derivation.
In the East Indian Ocean direct contribution of land volcanism to sedimentation appears as interlayers of tephra and tuffaceous sediments, pumice fragments, and dispersed volcanoclastic materials of silty grain size. Similarity of distribution of tephra, tuffaceous sediments, Ethmodiscus ooze, and turbidites in the Pleistocene section results from deposition of all these materials under controll of a single factor, namely synchronous redistribution owing to seismic activity on the ocean floor and on the Sunda Islands. Burial of layers of oxidized deposits and formation of iron-manganese nodules is at least partly related to global climate cooling and to circulation of ocean waters.
Organic geochemical and sedimentological investigations have been performed on sediments from ODP Sites 798 and 799 in order to reconstruct the depositional environment in the Japan Sea through late Cenozoic times. The Miocene to Quaternary sediments from Site 798 (Oki Ridge) and Site 799 (Kita-Yamato Trough) are characterized by high organic carbon contents of up to 6%. The organic matter is mainly a mixture of marine and terrigenous material. The dominant factors controlling marine organic carbon enrichment in the sediments of Hole 798A are probably an increased surface-water productivity and/or an increased preservation rate of organic carbon under anoxic deep-water conditions. In lower Pliocene sediments at Site 798 and Miocene to Quaternary sediments at Site 799, rapid burial of organic matter in turbidites may have been important, too. Remarkable cycles of dark, laminated sediments distinctly enriched in (marine) organic carbon by up to 5% and light, bioturbated to homogeneous sediments with reduced organic carbon contents indicate dramatic short-term paleoenvironmental variation.