992 resultados para Food solutions
beta-Lactam antimicrobials are known to have a low concentration/therapeutic response. However, extending the period in which beta-lactam are free in the plasma does directly influence therapeutic outcomes. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of Pluronic (R) F68 on the antimicrobial activity of ceftazidime when admixed with aminophylline in parenteral solutions by the evaluation of its minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) within 24 h. Ceftazidime, aminophylline, and Pluronics (R) F68 were evaluated using the MIC method against Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, with these compounds individually and associated in the same parenteral solutions. When Pluronics (R) F68 was admixtured with ceftazidime alone or with ceftazidime and aminophylline, it was possible to observe lower MIC values not only at 24 h but also at 0 h for both microorganisms. This indicates that Pluronics (R) F68 may be able to enhance ceftazidime antimicrobial activity in the presence or absence of aminophylline. This fact suggests that Pluronics (R) F68 can be applied to allow the administration of ceftazidime under continuous infusion in parenteral solutions, beneficiating hospital pharmacotherapy. It may also be possible to reduce ceftazidime doses in formulations achieving the same therapeutic results. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc. and the American Pharmacists Association J Pharm Sci 100:715-720, 2011
Blends of soybean oil (50) and fully hydrogenated soybean oil (FHSBO), with 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% FHSBO (w/w) content were interesterified under the following conditions: 0.4% sodium methoxide, 500 rpm stirring, 100 degrees C, 20 min. The original and interesterified blends were examined for triacylglycerol composition, melting point, solid fat content (SFC) and consistency. Interesterification caused considerable rearrangement of triacylglycerol species, reduction of trisaturated triacylglycerol content and increase in monounsaturated and diunsaturated triacylglycerols, resulting in lowering of respective melting points. The interesterified blends displayed reduced SFC at all temperatures and more linear melting profiles as compared with the original blends. Yield values showed increased plasticity in the blends after the reaction. Isosolid diagrams before and after the reaction showed no eutectic interactions. The 90:10, 80:20, 70:30 and 60:40 interesterified SO:FHSBO blends displayed characteristics suited to application, respectively, as liquid shortening, table margarine, baking/confectionery fat and all-purpose shortenings/biscuit-filing base. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Since Staphylococcus aureus can cause several types of diseases, the development of antibiotic resistance poses an even greater threat to public health. S. aureus is known to possess the adaptive capability to promptly respond to antibiotics, making it resistant and increasingly difficult to treat; methicillin-resistant strains of S. aureus are a major concern with regard to this species. Previous studies reported the identification of methicillin-resistant S. aureus in food, demonstrating that this can represent a source of S. aureus which may carry the mecA gene. Fifty-seven S. aureus isolates, previously obtained from different types of food, were screened by polymerase chain reaction with specific primers for the mecA gene, which mediates methicillin resistance. Five (9%) isolates showed the presence of mecA gene, demonstrating that food may contain microorganisms possessing resistance genes. This study emphasizes the need to include food as a possible source of S. aureus carrying mecA gene and the need to monitor these products. Moreover, this is the first report of the presence of mecA genes in S. aureus isolated from ready-to-eat food in Brazil and Latin America.
The Brazilian Network of Food Data Systems (BRASILFOODS) has been keeping the Brazilian Food Composition Database-USP (TBCA-USP) (http://www.fcf.usp.br/tabela) since 1998. Besides the constant compilation, analysis and update work in the database, the network tries to innovate through the introduction of food information that may contribute to decrease the risk for non-transmissible chronic diseases, such as the profile of carbohydrates and flavonoids in foods. In 2008, data on carbohydrates, individually analyzed, of 112 foods, and 41 data related to the glycemic response produced by foods widely consumed in the country were included in the TBCA-USP. Data (773) about the different flavonoid subclasses of 197 Brazilian foods were compiled and the quality of each data was evaluated according to the USDAs data quality evaluation system. In 2007, BRASILFOODS/USP and INFOODS/FAO organized the 7th International Food Data Conference ""Food Composition and Biodiversity"". This conference was a unique opportunity for interaction between renowned researchers and participants from several countries and it allowed the discussion of aspects that may improve the food composition area. During the period, the LATINFOODS Regional Technical Compilation Committee and BRASILFOODS disseminated to Latin America the Form and Manual for Data Compilation, version 2009, ministered a Food Composition Data Compilation course and developed many activities related to data production and compilation. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Foods that contain unavailable carbohydrates may lower the risks for some non-transmissible chronic diseases because of the potential benefits provided by the products of colonic fermentation. On the other hand, foods that are sources of available carbohydrates may have higher energy value and increase the post-prandial glycemic response. The biomarker glycemic index and the resulting glycemic load may be used to classify foods according to their potential to increase blood glucose. Information about glycemic index and glycemic load may be useful in diet therapy. Currently, food composition tables in Brazil do not provide data for individually analyzed carbohydrates even though some quality data are available in scientific publications. The objectives of this work were to produce and compile information about the concentration of individual carbohydrates in foods and their glycemic responses and to disseminate this information through the Brazilian Food Composition Database (TBCA-USP). The glycemic index and glycemic load of foods were evaluated in healthy individuals. Concentrations of available carbohydrates (soluble sugars and available starch) and unavailable carbohydrates (dietary fiber, resistant starch, beta-glucans, fructans) were quantified by official methods, and other national data were compiled. TBCA-USP (http://www.fcf.usp.br/tabela), which is used by professionals and the population in general, now offers both chemical and biological information for carbohydrates. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Listeria monocytogenes is a bacterial pathogen that represents a serious threat during pregnancy and several cases of listeriosis have been linked to the consumption of contaminated foods worldwide. In Brazil, there is no report of foodborne listeriosis, despite some sporadic cases of infection by this bacterium occur. In general in our country, there is no awareness of medical personnel to instruct moms-to-be to avoid high risk foods. In the present study, a total of 141 samples were surveyed for the presence of Listeria spp., including cervicovaginal samples of patients, foods and home refrigerators. No clinical sample was positive for Listeria spp., but it was isolated from two refrigerators. L. monocytogenes was detected in two food samples out of five positive ones for Listeria spp. In conclusion, it was shown the presence of contaminated food items at home level and the lack of information on the risks of listeriosis, indicating the need of implementation of food safety education programs. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the fluoride intake of 2-6-year-old Brazilian children using a semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) which also estimated fluoride intake from dentifrice. Methods: The FFQ was previously validated through application to 78 2-6-year-old Brazilian children and then administered to 379 children residing in an optimally fluoridated community in Brazil (Bauru, State of Sao Paulo). The FFQ was applied to the parents and used to estimate the food intake of the children. The constituents of the diet were divided into solids, water and other beverages. The fluoride content of the diet items was analyzed with the fluoride electrode. The questionnaire also estimated fluoride intake from dentifrice. Results: The average (+/- SD) fluoride intake from solids, water, other beverages and dentifrice was 0.008 +/- 0.005; 0.011 +/- 0.004; 0.009 +/- 0.014 and 0.036 +/- 0.028 mg F/kg body weight/day, respectively, totalizing 0.064 +/- 0.035 mg F/kg body weight/day. The dentifrice and the diet contributed with 56.3% and 43.7% of the daily fluoride intake, respectively. Among the children evaluated, 31.2% are estimated to have risk to develop dental fluorosis (intake > 0.07 mg F/kg body weight/day). Conclusions: The dentifrice was the main source of fluoride intake by the children evaluated. However, the fluoride concentration in food items also significantly contributed to the daily ingestion by 2-6-year-old children. The questionnaire used seems to be a promising alternative to duplicate diet to estimate the fluoride intake at this age range and may have potential to be used in broad epidemiological surveys.
We investigate the effect of the coefficient of the critical nonlinearity for the Neumann problem on the existence of least energy solutions. As a by-product we establish a Sobolev inequality with interior norm.
We give conditions on f involving pairs of lower and upper solutions which lead to the existence of at least three solutions of the two point boundary value problem y" + f(x, y, y') = 0, x epsilon [0, 1], y(0) = 0 = y(1). In the special case f(x, y, y') = f(y) greater than or equal to 0 we give growth conditions on f and apply our general result to show the existence of three positive solutions. We give an example showing this latter result is sharp. Our results extend those of Avery and of Lakshmikantham et al.
We are concerned with determining values of, for which there exist nodal solutions of the boundary value problems u" + ra(t) f(u) = 0, 0 < t < 1, u(O) = u(1) = 0. The proof of our main result is based upon bifurcation techniques.
In this paper we extend the guiding function approach to show that there are periodic or bounded solutions for first order systems of ordinary differential equations of the form x1 =f(t,x), a.e. epsilon[a,b], where f satisfies the Caratheodory conditions. Our results generalize recent ones of Mawhin and Ward.
Simple techniques are presented for rearrangement of an infinite series in a systematic way such that the convergence of the resulting expression is accelerated. These procedures also allow calculation of required boundary derivatives. Several examples of conduction and diffusion-reaction problems illustrate the methods.
Transient response of a CSTR containing porous catalyst pellets is analyzed theoretically using a matched asymptotic expansion technique. This singular perturbation technique leads directly to the conditions under which the minima of reservoir concentration occur. The existence of the minima may be used to estimate some inherent parameters of the catalyst pellet.
Using a novel finite integral transform technique, the problem of diffusion and chemical reaction in a porous catalyst with general activity profile is investigated theoretically. Analytical expressions for the effectiveness factor are obtained for pth order and Michaelis-Menten kinetics. Perturbation methods are employed to provide useful asymptotic solutions for large or small values of Thiele modulus and Biot number.
Flexible transport services (FTS) have been of increasing interest in developed countries as a bridge between the use of personal car travel and fixed route transit services. This paper reports on findings from a recent study in Queensland Australia, which identified lessons from an international review and implications for Australia. Potential strategic directions, including a vision, mission, key result areas, strategies, and identified means of measuring performance are described. Evaluation criteria for assessing flexible transport proposals were developed, and approaches to identifying and assessing needs and demands outlined. The use of emerging technologies is also a key element of successful flexible transport services.