969 resultados para First principles calculations
The general goal of this thesis is correlating observable properties of organic and metal-organic materials with their ground-state electron density distribution. In a long-term view, we expect to develop empirical or semi-empirical approaches to predict materials properties from the electron density of their building blocks, thus allowing to rationally engineering molecular materials from their constituent subunits, such as their functional groups. In particular, we have focused on linear optical properties of naturally occurring amino acids and their organic and metal-organic derivatives, and on magnetic properties of metal-organic frameworks. For analysing the optical properties and the magnetic behaviour of the molecular or sub-molecular building blocks in materials, we mostly used the more traditional QTAIM partitioning scheme of the molecular or crystalline electron densities, however, we have also investigated a new approach, namely, X-ray Constrained Extremely Localized Molecular Orbitals (XC-ELMO), that can be used in future to extracted the electron densities of crystal subunits. With the purpose of rationally engineering linear optical materials, we have calculated atomic and functional group polarizabilities of amino acid molecules, their hydrogen-bonded aggregates and their metal-organic frameworks. This has enabled the identification of the most efficient functional groups, able to build-up larger electric susceptibilities in crystals, as well as the quantification of the role played by intermolecular interactions and coordinative bonds on modifying the polarizability of the isolated building blocks. Furthermore, we analysed the dependence of the polarizabilities on the one-electron basis set and the many-electron Hamiltonian. This is useful for selecting the most efficient level of theory to estimate susceptibilities of molecular-based materials. With the purpose of rationally design molecular magnetic materials, we have investigated the electron density distributions and the magnetism of two copper(II) pyrazine nitrate metal-organic polymers. High-resolution X-ray diffraction and DFT calculations were used to characterize the magnetic exchange pathways and to establish relationships between the electron densities and the exchange-coupling constants. Moreover, molecular orbital and spin-density analyses were employed to understand the role of different magnetic exchange mechanisms in determining the bulk magnetic behaviour of these materials. As anticipated, we have finally investigated a modified version of the X-ray constrained wavefunction technique, XC-ELMOs, that is not only a useful tool for determination and analysis of experimental electron densities, but also enables one to derive transferable molecular orbitals strictly localized on atoms, bonds or functional groups. In future, we expect to use XC-ELMOs to predict materials properties of large systems, currently challenging to calculate from first-principles, such as macromolecules or polymers. Here, we point out advantages, needs and pitfalls of the technique. This work fulfils, at least partially, the prerequisites to understand materials properties of organic and metal-organic materials from the perspective of the electron density distribution of their building blocks. Empirical or semi-empirical evaluation of optical or magnetic properties from a preconceived assembling of building blocks could be extremely important for rationally design new materials, a field where accurate but expensive first-principles calculations are generally not used. This research could impact the community in the fields of crystal engineering, supramolecular chemistry and, of course, electron density analysis.
The Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) semiconductor is a potential photovoltaic material due to its optoelectronic properties. These optoelectronic properties can be potentially improved by the insertion of intermediate states into the energy bandgap. We explore this possibility using Cr as an impurity. We carried out first-principles calculations within the density functional theory analyzing three substitutions: Cu, Sn, or Zn by Cr. In all cases, the Cr introduces a deeper band into the host energy bandgap. Depending on the substitution, this band is full, empty, or partially full. The absorption coefficients in the independent-particle approximation have also been obtained. Comparison between the pure and doped host's absorption coefficients shows that this deeper band opens more photon absorption channels and could therefo:e increase the solar-light absorption with respect to the host.
Defect interaction can take place in CdTe under Te and Bi rich conditions. We demonstrate in this work through first principles calculations, that this phenomenon allows a Jahn Teller distortion to form an isolated half-filled intermediate band in the host semiconductor band-gap. This delocalized energy band supports the experimental deep level reported in the host band-gap of CdTe at a low bismuth concentration. Furthermore, the calculated optical absorption of CdTe:Bi in this work shows a significant subband-gap absorption that also supports the enhancement of the optical absorption found in the previous experimental results.
The substitution of Cu, Sn or Zn in the quaternary Cu2ZnSnS4 semiconductor by impurities that introduce intermediate states in the energy bandgap could have important implications either for photovoltaic or spintronic applications. This allows more generation–recombination channels than for the host semiconductor. We explore and discuss this possibility by obtaining the ionization energies from total energy first-principles calculations. The three substitutions of Cu, Sn and Zn by impurities are analyzed. From these results we have found that several impurities have an amphoteric behavior with the donor and acceptor energies in the energy bandgap. In order to analyze the role of the ionization energies in both the radiative and non-radiative processes, the host energy bandgap and the acceptor and the donor energies have been obtained as a function of the inward and outward impurity-S displacements. We carried out the analysis for both the natural and synthetic CZTS. The results show that the ionization energies are similar, whereas the energy band gaps are different.
Nanoscale materials composed of boron, nitrogen, and carbon have unique properties and may be useful in new technologies. In this thesis, we investigate some properties of BCN nanoribbons constructed according to the Fibonacci quasiperiodic sequence. We analyze properties such as structural stability, electronic density of states, electronic specific heat, band structure, and energy band gap. We have performed first-principles calculations based on density functional theory implemented in the SIESTA code. The results showed that nanoribbons present a fixed value of the formation energy. The electronic density of states was used to calculate the specific heat. We found an oscillatory behavior of the electronic specific heat, in the low temperature regime. We analyze the electronic band structure to determine the energy band gap. The energy band gap oscillates as a function of the Fibonacci generation index n. Our work suggest that appropriate choice of the building block materials of the quasiperiodic sequence, may lead to a tuneable band gap of the quasiperiodic nanoribbons.
We measure the energy emitted by extensive air showers in the form of radio emission in the frequency range from 30 to 80 MHz. Exploiting the accurate energy scale of the Pierre Auger Observatory, we obtain a radiation energy of 15.8 +/- 0.7 (stat) +/- 6.7 (syst) MeV for cosmic rays with an energy of 1 EeV arriving perpendicularly to a geomagnetic field of 0.24 G, scaling quadratically with the cosmic-ray energy. A comparison with predictions from state-of-the-art first-principles calculations shows agreement with our measurement. The radiation energy provides direct access to the calorimetric energy in the electromagnetic cascade of extensive air showers. Comparison with our result thus allows the direct calibration of any cosmic-ray radio detector against the well-established energy scale of the Pierre Auger Observatory.
The binary compound SnSe exhibits record high thermoelectric performance, largely because of its very low thermal conductivity. The origin of the strong phonon anharmonicity leading to the low thermal conductivity of SnSe is investigated through first-principles calculations of the electronic structure and phonons. It is shown that a Jahn-Teller instability of the electronic structure is responsible for the high-temperature lattice distortion between the Cmcm and Pnma phases. The coupling of phonon modes and the phase transition mechanism are elucidated, emphasizing the connection with hybrid improper ferroelectrics. This coupled instability of electronic orbitals and lattice dynamics is the origin of the strong anharmonicity causing the ultralow thermal conductivity in SnSe. Exploiting such bonding instabilities to generate strong anharmonicity may provide a new rational to design efficient thermoelectric materials.
The interactions between electrons and lattice vibrations are fundamental to materials behaviour. In the case of group IV-VI, V and related materials, these interactions are strong, and the materials exist near electronic and structural phase transitions. The prototypical example is PbTe whose incipient ferroelectric behaviour has been recently associated with large phonon anharmonicity and thermoelectricity. Here we show that it is primarily electron-phonon coupling involving electron states near the band edges that leads to the ferroelectric instability in PbTe. Using a combination of nonequilibrium lattice dynamics measurements and first principles calculations, we find that photoexcitation reduces the Peierls-like electronic instability and reinforces the paraelectric state. This weakens the long-range forces along the cubic direction tied to resonant bonding and low lattice thermal conductivity. Our results demonstrate how free-electron-laser-based ultrafast X-ray scattering can be utilized to shed light on the microscopic mechanisms that determine materials properties.
Understanding the overall catalytic activity trend for rational catalyst design is one of the core goals in heterogeneous catalysis. In the past two decades, the development of density functional theory (DFT) and surface kinetics make it feasible to theoretically evaluate and predict the catalytic activity variation of catalysts within a descriptor-based framework. Thereinto, the concept of the volcano curve, which reveals the general activity trend, usually constitutes the basic foundation of catalyst screening. However, although it is a widely accepted concept in heterogeneous catalysis, its origin lacks a clear physical picture and definite interpretation. Herein, starting with a brief review of the development of the catalyst screening framework, we use a two-step kinetic model to refine and clarify the origin of the volcano curve with a full analytical analysis by integrating the surface kinetics and the results of first-principles calculations. It is mathematically demonstrated that the volcano curve is an essential property in catalysis, which results from the self-poisoning effect accompanying the catalytic adsorption process. Specifically, when adsorption is strong, it is the rapid decrease of surface free sites rather than the augmentation of energy barriers that inhibits the overall reaction rate and results in the volcano curve. Some interesting points and implications in assisting catalyst screening are also discussed based on the kinetic derivation. Moreover, recent applications of the volcano curve for catalyst design in two important photoelectrocatalytic processes (the hydrogen evolution reaction and dye-sensitized solar cells) are also briefly discussed.
Graphene with heteroatom doping has found increasing applications in a broad range of catalytic reactions. However, the doping effects accounting for the enhanced catalytic activity still remain elusive. In this work, taking the triiodide electroreduction reaction as an example, we study systematically the intrinsic activity of graphene and explore the origin of doping-induced activity variation using first-principles calculations, in which two typical N and S dopants are tested. The most common graphene structures, basal plane, armchair edge, and zigzag edge, are considered, and it is found that the former two structures show a weak adsorption ability for the iodine atom (the key intermediate in the triiodide electroreduction reaction), corresponding to a low catalytic activity. Doping either N or S can strengthen the adsorption and thus increase the activity, and the codoping of N and S (NS-G) exhibits a synergistic effect. A detailed investigation into the whole process of the triiodide electroreduction reaction at the CH3CN/NS-G interface is also carried out to verify these activity trends. It is found that the zigzag edges which contain spin electrons show a relatively stronger adsorption strength compared with the basal plane and armchair edge, and initial doping would result in the spin disappearance that evidently weakens the adsorption; with the disappearance of spin, however, further doping can increase the adsorption again, suggesting that the spin electrons may play a preliminary role in affecting the intrinsic activity of graphene. We also analyzed extensively the origin of doping-induced adsorption enhancement of graphene in the absence of spin; it can be rationalized from the electronic and geometric factors. Specifically, N doping can result in a more delocalized “electron-donating area” to enhance I adsorption, while S doping provides a localized structural distortion, which activates the nearest sp2-C into coordinatively unsaturated sp3-C. These results explain well the improved activity of the doping and the synergistic effect of the codoping. The understandings are generalized to provide insight into the enhanced activity of the oxygen reduction reaction on heteroatom doped graphene. This work may be of importance toward the design of high-activity graphene based material.
Two-dimensional (2D) hexagonal boron nitride (BN) nanosheets are excellent dielectric substrate for graphene, molybdenum disulfide, and many other 2D nanomaterial-based electronic and photonic devices. To optimize the performance of these 2D devices, it is essential to understand the dielectric screening properties of BN nanosheets as a function of the thickness. Here, electric force microscopy along with theoretical calculations based on both state-of-the-art first-principles calculations with van der Waals interactions under consideration, and nonlinear Thomas-Fermi theory models are used to investigate the dielectric screening in high-quality BN nanosheets of different thicknesses. It is found that atomically thin BN nanosheets are less effective in electric field screening, but the screening capability of BN shows a relatively weak dependence on the layer thickness.
Fabricating stable functional devices at the atomic scale is an ultimate goal of nanotechnology. In biological processes, such high-precision operations are accomplished by enzymes. A counterpart molecular catalyst that binds to a solid-state substrate would be highly desirable. Here, we report the direct observation of single Si adatoms catalyzing the dissociation of carbon atoms from graphene in an aberration-corrected high-resolution transmission electron microscope (HRTEM). The single Si atom provides a catalytic wedge for energetic electrons to chisel off the graphene lattice, atom by atom, while the Si atom itself is not consumed. The products of the chiseling process are atomic-scale features including graphene pores and clean edges. Our experimental observations and first-principles calculations demonstrated the dynamics, stability, and selectivity of such a single-atom chisel, which opens up the possibility of fabricating certain stable molecular devices by precise modification of materials at the atomic scale.
We present a comprehensive study based on first-principles calculations about the interplay of four important ingredients on the electronic structure of graphene: defects + magnetism + ripples + strain. So far they have not been taken into account simultaneously in a set of ab initio calculations. Furthermore, we focus on the strain dependence of the properties of carbon monovacancies, with special attention to magnetic spin moments. We demonstrated that such defects show a very rich structural and spin phase-diagram with many spin solutions as function of strain. At zero strain the vacancy shows a spin moment of 1.5 Bohrs that increases up to 2 Bohrs with stretching. Changes are more dramatic under compression: the vacancy becomes non-magnetic under a compression larger than 2%. This transition is linked to the structural modifications associated with the formation of ripples in the graphene layer. Our results suggest that such interplay could have important implications for the design of future spintronics devices based on graphene derivatives, as for example a spin-strain switch based on vacancies.
First principles calculations are used for a systematic search of the lowest-energy (most-stable) structure of the recently synthesized Au18(SR)14 cluster. A comparison of the calculated optical absorption and electronic circular dichroism spectra, which are highly sensitive to the cluster structure and chirality, with the experimental spectra of the glutathione-protected gold cluster, Au18(SG)14, is used to discriminate between low-energy isomers of the Au18(SR)14 (R = CH3) cluster. From the good agreement between calculated and measured spectra, it is predicted that the structure of the Au18(SR)14 cluster consists of a prolate Au8 core covered with two dimer (SR–Au–SR–Au–SR) and two trimer (SR–Au–SR–Au–SR–Au–SR) motifs. These results provide additional evidence on the existence of longer trimer motifs as protecting units of small thiolated gold clusters.
Efficient energy storage holds the key to reducing waste energy and enabling the use of advanced handheld electronic devices, hydrid electric vehicles and residential energy storage. Recently, Li-ion batteries have been identified and employed as energy storage devices due to their high gravimetric and volumetric energy densities, in comparison to previous technologies. However, more research is required to enhance the efficiency of Li-ion batteries by discovering electrodes with larger electrochemical discharge capacities, while maintaining electrochemical stability. The aims of this study are to develop new microwave-assisted synthesis routes to nanostructured insertion cathodes, which harbor a greater affinity for lithium extraction and insertion than bulk materials. Subsequent to this, state-of-the-art synchrotron based techniques have been employed to understand structural and dynamic behaviour of nanostructured cathode materials during battery cell operation. In this study, microwave-assisted routes to a-LiFePO4, VO2(B), V3O7, H2V3O8 and V4O6(OH)4 have all been developed. Muon spin relaxation has shown that the presence of b-LiFePO4 has a detrimental effect on the lithium diffusion properties of a-LiFePO4, in agreement with first principles calculations. For the first time, a-LiFePO4 nanostructures have been obtained by employing a deep eutectic solvent reaction media showing near theoretical capacity (162 mAh g–1). Studies on VO2(B) have shown that the discharge capacity obtained is linked to the synthesis method. Electrochemical studies of H2V3O8 nanowires have shown outstanding discharge capacities (323 mAh g–1 at 100 mA g–1) and rate capability (180 mAh g–1 at 1 A g–1). The electrochemcial properties of V4O6(OH)4 have been investigated for the first time and show a promising discharge capacity of (180 mAh g–1). Lastly, in situ X-ray absorption spectroscopy has been utilised to track the evolution of the oxidation states in a-LiFePO4, VO2(B) and H2V3O8, and has shown these can all be observed dynamically.