988 resultados para Ferroelectric ordering


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Synthesis and structural characterization of two novel symmetrical banana mesogens built from resorcinol with seven phenyl rings linked by ester and imine with a terminal dodecyl/dodecyloxy chain has been carried out. Density functional theory (DFT) has been employed for obtaining the geometry optimized structures, the dipole moments and C-13 NMR chemical shifts. The HOPM and DSC studies revealed enantiotropic B-2 and B-7 phases for the dodecyl and dodecyloxy homologs respectively. The powder X-ray studies of both the mesogens indicate the presence of layer ordering. The polarization measurements reveal an anti-ferroelectric switching for the B-2 phase of the dodecyl homolog whose structure has been identified as SmCSPA. The B-7 phase of the dodecyloxy homolog was found to be non-switchable. High resolution C-13 NMR study of the dodecyl homolog in its mesophase has been carried out. C-13-H-1 dipolar couplings obtained from the 2-dimensional separated local field spectroscopy experiment were used to obtain the orientational order parameters of the different segments of the mesogen. Very large C-13-H-1 dipolar couplings observed for the carbons of the central phenyl ring (9.7-12.3 kHz) in comparison to the dipolar couplings of those of the side arm phenyl rings (less than 3 kHz) are a direct consequence of the ordering in the banana phase and the shape of the molecule. From the ratio of the local order parameter values, the bent-angle of the mesogen could be determined in a straight forward manner to be 120.5 degrees.


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For decades it has been a well-known fact that among the few ferroelectric compounds in the perovskite family, namely, BaTiO3, KNbO3, PbTiO3, and Na1/2Bi1/2TiO3, the dielectric and piezoelectric properties of BaTiO3 are considerably higher than the others in polycrystalline form at room temperature. Further, similar to ferroelectric alloys exhibiting morphotropic phase boundary, single crystals of BaTiO3 exhibit anomalously large piezoelectric response when poled away from the direction of spontaneous polarization at room temperature. These anomalous features in BaTiO3 remained unexplained so far from the structural standpoint. In this work, we have used high-resolution synchrotron x-ray powder diffraction, atomic resolution aberration-corrected transmission electron microscopy, in conjunction with a powder poling technique, to reveal that at 300 K (i) the equilibrium state of BaTiO3 is characterized by coexistence of metastable monoclinic Pm and orthorhombic (Amm2) phases along with the tetragonal phase, and (ii) strong electric field switches the polarization direction from the 001] direction towards the 101] direction. These results suggest that BaTiO3 at room temperature is within an instability regime, and that this instability is the fundamental factor responsible for the anomalous dielectric and piezoelectric properties of BaTiO3 as compared to the other homologous ferroelectric perovskite compounds at room temperature. Pure BaTiO3 at room temperature is therefore more akin to lead-based ferroelectric alloys close to the morphotropic phase boundary where polarization rotation and field induced ferroelectric-ferroelectric phase transformations play a fundamental role in influencing the dielectric and piezoelectric behavior.


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We report structural, magnetic, and dielectric properties of the perovskite compound Pr1-xYxMnO3 (0.1 <= x <= 0.4) studied using dc magnetization, ac susceptibility, neutron powder diffraction, and dielectric techniques. These compounds crystallize in orthorhombic space group (Pnma) in the temperature range 5-300 K. The Mn-O-Mn bond angle decreases with the Y substitution along with an increase in the Jahn-Teller distortion. The Jahn-Teller distortion for Pr0.9Y0.1MnO3 shows an anomalous change near 50 K, below which it falls sharply. Neutron powder diffraction patterns of all reported compositions at low temperature constitute additional magnetic Bragg peaks that suggest magnetic ordering. Magnetic reflections were indexed in the nuclear lattice with the propagation vector k = (0, 0, 0). Rietveld refinement of powder patterns conform to A type antiferromagnetic ordering where moments are aligned ferromagnetically in a-c plane and coupled nearly antiferromagnetically along b-axis resulting in a net ferromagnetic component along the b-direction. The antiferromagnetic transition temperature was deduced from dc magnetization and ac susceptibility data. The transition temperature decreases by nearly 22 K (from 81 K to 59 K) as yttrium content (x) increases from 0.1 to 0.4. Measurements reveal strong frequency dispersion in dielectric constant and dielectric loss. Activation energy and relaxation time are estimated from the Arrhenius plot. It is further shown that relaxation behaviour is altered with yttrium doping concentration. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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To explore the effect of size reduction to nanoscale on the hole doped Sm0.65Ca0.35MnO3 compound, dc magnetic measurements and electron magnetic resonance (EMR) were done on bulk and nanoparticle samples in the temperature range 10 <= T <= 300 K. Magnetization measurement showed that the bulk sample undergoes a charge ordering transition at 240K and shows a mixed magnetic phase at low temperature. However, the nanosample underwent a ferromagnetic transition at 75 K, and the charge ordered state was destabilized on size reduction down to nanoscale. The low-temperature ferromagnetic component is found to be enhanced in nanoparticles as compared to their bulk counterpart. Interestingly around room temperature, bulk particles show higher magnetization where as at low temperature nanoparticles show higher magnetization. Ferromagnetism in the bulk is due to super exchange where as ferromagnetism in nanoparticles is due to uncompensated spins of the surface layer. Temperature variation of EMR parameters correlates well with the results of magnetic measurements. The magnetic behaviour of the nanoparticles is understood in terms of the core shell scenario. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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The highly complex structure-property interrelationship in the lead-free piezoelectric (x) Na1/2Bi1/2TiO3 - (1 - x) BaTiO3 is a subject of considerable contemporary debate. Using comprehensive x-ray, neutron diffraction, dielectric, and ferroelectric studies, we have shown the existence of a new criticality in this system at x = 0.80, i.e., well within the conventional tetragonal phase field. This criticality manifests as a nonmonotonic variation of the tetragonality and coercivity and is shown to be associated with a crossover from a nonmodulated tetragonal phase (for x < 0.8) to a long-period modulated tetragonal phase (for x > 0.80). It is shown that the stabilization of long-period modulation introduces a characteristic depolarization temperature in the system. While differing qualitatively from the two-phase model often suggested for the critical compositions of this system, our results support the view with regard to the tendency in perovskites to stabilize long-period modulated structures as a result of complex interplay of antiferrodistortive modes Bellaiche and Iniguez, Phys. Rev. B 88, 014104 ( 2013); Prosandeev, Wang, Ren, Iniguez, ands Bellaiche, Adv. Funct. Mater. 23, 234 (2013)].


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We studied the effect of Fe doping on structural, magnetic, and dielectric properties of hexagonal ErMnO3 system. For 50% doping of Fe on Mn site in ErMnO3 modulated its crystallographic structure from hexagonal to orthorhombic phase. Accompanied with the structural phase transition in ErMnO3, the magnetic properties are effectively modified. The Fe doped samples exhibit enhancement in antiferromagnetic ordering Neel temperature (T-N) from 77K (ErMnO3) to 280K (ErFe0.5Mn0.5O3). The anomalies observed in the dielectric constant around T-N in doped ErMnO3 samples indicate the coupling between electric and magnetic order parameters. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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We have employed the highly sensitive electron magnetic resonance technique complimented by magnetization measurements to study the impact of size reduction on the magnetic ordering in nanosized Sm1-x Ca (x) MnO3 (x = 0.35, 0.65 and 0.92). In the bulk form, x = 0.35 sample shows a charge ordering transition at 235 K followed by a mixed magnetic phase, the sample with x = 0.65 exhibits charge order below 275 K and shows an antiferromagnetic insulator phase below 135 K while that with x = 0.92 has a ferromagnetic-cluster glass ground state. Thus, a comparative study of magnetic ground states of bulk and nanoparticles (diameter similar to 25 nm) enables us to investigate size-induced effects on different types of magnetic ordering. It is seen that in the bulk samples the temperature dependences of the EPR parameters are quite different from each other. This difference diminishes for the nanosamples where all the three samples show qualitatively similar behavior. The magnetization measurements corroborate this conclusion.


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This study systematically investigates the phenomenon of internal clamping in ferroelectric materials through the formation of glass-ceramic composites. Lead-free 0.715Bi(0.5)Na(0.5)TiO(3)-0.065BaTiO(3)-0.22SrTiO(3) (BNT-BT-ST) bulk ferroelectric ceramic was selected for the course of investigation. 3BaO - 3TiO(2) - B2O3 (BTBO) glass was then incorporated systematically to create sintered samples containing 0%, 2%, 4% and 6% glass (by weight). Upon glass induction features like remnant polarization, saturation polarization, hysteresis losses and coercive field could be varied as a function of glass content. Such effects were observed to benefit derived applications like enhanced energy storage density similar to 174 k J/m(3) to similar to 203 k J/m(3) and pyroelectric coefficient 5.7x10(-4) Cm-2K-1 to 6.8x10(-4) Cm-2K-1 by incorporation of 4% glass. Additionally, BNT-BT-ST depolarization temperature decreased from 457K to 431K by addition of 4% glass content. Glass incorporation could systematically increases diffuse phase transition and relaxor behavior temperature range from 70 K to 81K and 20K to 34 K, respectively when 6% and 4% glass content is added which indicates addition of glass provides better temperature stability. The most promising feature was observed to be that of dielectric response tuning. It can be also used to control (to an extent) the dielectric behavior of the host ceramic. Dielectric permittivity and losses decreased from 1278 to 705 and 0.109 to 0.107 for 6% glass, at room temperature. However this reduction in dielectric constant and loss increases pyroelectric figures of merit (FOMs) for high voltage responsivity (F-v) high detectivity (F-d) and energy harvesting (F-e) from 0.018 to 0.037 m(2)C(-1), 5.89 to 8.85 mu Pa-1/2 and 28.71 to 61.55 Jm(-3)K(-2), respectively for 4% added ceramic-glass at room temperature. Such findings can have huge implications in the field of tailoring ferroelectric response for application specific requirements. (C) 2015 Author(s).


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Heterophase structures in lead-free perovskite-type ferroelectric solid solutions of (1 - z)(Na0.5Bi0.5)TiO3 - zBaTiO(3) are analysed for a few critical compositions near the morphotropic phase boundary (z = 0.05-0.07). Examples of the phase coexistence and elastic matching of the phases from different symmetry groups are considered to find optimum volume fractions of specific domain types and coexisting phases at the complete stress relief in two-phase samples. Some interrelations between these volume fractions are described using variants of the domain arrangement at changes in the composition and unit-cell parameters. The evaluated room-temperature volume fractions of the ferroelectric monoclinic (Cm symmetry) and tetragonal (P4mm symmetry) phases near the morphotropic phase boundary are in agreement with experimental data.


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A series of multiferroic materials with the compositional formula, Tb1 - xDyxMnO3 (where x=0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 and 0.4) were prepared by the sol gel method. After characterizing the samples structurally, a systematic investigation of specific heat, magnetization and dielectric properties over the temperature range, 4-300 K, was undertaken. Based on these studies, it was found that all the samples exhibit a transition at 40 K and the observed behavior may be attributed to the ordering of Mn3+ ions. Further, all the five samples are found to exhibit a ferroelectric transition in the temperature range 20-24 K. Finally, yet another transition was also exhibited by all the samples at temperatures below 10 K and is attributed to the antiferromagnetic (AF) ordering of rare-earth ionic moments. The magnetic entropy of all the samples was also computed with the help of their heat capacity data. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The complex nature of the structural disorder in the lead-free ferroelectric Na1/2Bi1/2TiO3 has a profound impact on the perceived global structure and polar properties. In this paper, we have investigated the effect of electric field and temperature on the local structure around theBi and Ti atoms using extended x-ray absorption fine structure. Detailed analysis revealed that poling brings about a noticeable change in the bond distances associated with the Bi-coordination sphere, whereas the Ti coordination remains unaffected. We also observed discontinuity in the Bi-O bond lengths across the depolarization temperature of the poled specimen. These results establish that the disappearance of the monoclinic-like (Cc) global distortion, along with the drastic suppression of the short-ranged in-phase octahedral tilt after poling B. N. Rao et al., Phys. Rev. B 88, 224103 (2013)] is a result of the readjustment of theA-O bonds by the electric field, so as to be in conformity with the rhombohedral R3c structure.


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Ferroelectricity in ZnO is an unlikely physical phenomenon. Here, we show ferroelectricity in undoped 001] ZnO nanorods due to zinc vacancies. Generation of ferroelectricity in a ZnO nanorod effectively increases its piezoelectricity and turns the ZnO nanorod into an ultrahigh-piezoelectric material. Here using piezoelectric force microscopy (PFM), it is observed that increasing the frequency of the AC excitation electric field decreases the effective d(33). Subsequently, the existence of a reversible permanent electric dipole is also found from the P-E hysteresis loop of the ZnO nanorods. Under a high resolution transmission electron microscope (HRTEM), we observe a zinc blende stacking in the wurtzite stacking of a single nanorod along the growth axis. The zinc blende nature of this defect is also supported by the X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman spectra. The presence of zinc vacancies in this basal stacking fault modulates p-d hybridization of the ZnO nanorod and produces a magnetic moment through the adjacent oxygen ions. This in turn induces a reversible electric dipole in the non-centrosymmetric nanostructure and is responsible for the ultrahigh-piezoelectric response in these undoped ZnO nanorods. We reveal that this defect engineered ZnO can be considered to be in the competitive class of ultrahigh-piezoelectric nanomaterials for energy harvesting and electromechanical device fabrication.


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We have investigated the multiferroic and glassy behaviour of metal-organic framework (MOF) material (CH3)(2)NH2Co(CHOO)(3). The compound has perovskite-like architecture in which the metal-formate forms a framework. The organic cation (CH3)(2)NH2+ occupies the cavities in the formate framework in the framework via N-H center dot center dot center dot O hydrogen bonds. At room temperature, the organic cation is disordered and occupies three crystallographically equivalent positions. Upon cooling, the organic cation is ordered which leads to a structural phase transition at 155 K. The structural phase transition is associated with a para-ferroelectric phase transition and is revealed by dielectric and pyroelectric measurements. Further, a PE hysteresis loop below 155 K confirms the ferroelectric behaviour of the material. Analysis of dielectric data reveal large frequency dispersion in the values of dielectric constant and tan delta which signifies the presence of glassy dielectric behaviour. The material displays a antiferromagnetic ordering below 15 K which is attributed to the super-exchange interaction between Co2+ ions mediated via formate linkers. Interestingly, another magnetic transition is also found around 11 K. The peak of the transition shifts to lower temperature with increasing frequency, suggesting glassy magnetism in the sample. (C) 2016 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Adsorption of a molecule or group with an atom which is less electronegative than oxygen (0) and directly interacting with the surface is very relevant to development of PtM (M = 3d-transition metal) catalysts with high activity. Here, we present theoretical analysis of the adsorption of NH3 molecule (N being less electronegative than 0) on (111) surfaces of PtM (Fe, Co, Ni) alloys using the first principles density functional approach. We find that, while NH3-Pt interaction is stronger than that of NH3 with the elemental M-surfaces, it is weaker than the strength of interaction of NH3 with M-site on the surface of PtM alloy. (C) 2016 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Achieving control on the formation of different organization states of magnetic nanoparticles is crucial to harness their organization dependent physical properties in desired ways. In this study, three organization states of iron oxide nanoparticles (gamma-Fe2O3), defining as (i) assembly (ii) network aggregate and (iii) cluster, have been developed by simply changing the solvent evaporation conditions. All three systems have retained the same phase and polydispersity of primary particles. Magnetic measurements show that the partial alignment of the easy axes of the particles in the network system due to the stacking aggregation morphology can result in significant enhancement of the coercivity and remanence values, while the opposite is obtained for the cluster system due to the random orientation of easy axes. Partial alignment in the aggregate system also results in noticeable non -monotonic field dependence of ZFC peak temperature (TpeaB). The lowest value of the blocking temperature (TB) for the cluster system is related to the lowering of the effective anisotropy due to the strongest demagnetizing effect. FC (Field cooled) memory effect was observed to be decreasing with the increasing strength of dipolar interaction of organization states. Therefore, the stacking aggregation and the cluster formation are two interesting ways of magnetic nanoparticles organization for modulating collective magnetic properties significantly, which can have renewed application potentials from recording devices to biomedicine. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.