898 resultados para Fe-cr-b


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The electrochemical behavior of a series of undecatungstozincates monosubstituted by first-row transition metals, ZnW11M(H2O)O-39(n-) (M=Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu or Zn), was investigated systematically and comparably in aqueous solutions by electrochemical and in situ UV-visible-near-IR spectroelectrochemical methods. These compounds exhibit not only successive reduction processes of the addenda atoms (W) in a negative potential range, but some of them also involve redox reactions originating from the substituted transition metals (M) such as the reduction of Fe-III and Cu-II at less negative potentials and the oxidation of Mn-II at a more positive potential. Some interesting results and phenomena, especially of the transition metals, were found for the first time. Moreover, possible reaction mechanisms are proposed based on the experimental results.


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The crystal structure of the title complex salt has been determined by single-crystal X-ray structure analysis. The crystal data areas follows; Monoclinic, P2(1)/c, a=15.6480(10)Angstrom, b=16.7870(10)Angstrom, c=10.347(2)Angstrom, beta=90.790(10), V=2717.7(6)Angstrom(3), Z=3, and R=0.0333 for 4789 unique reflections. The complex anion has a pseudo-octahedral structure distorted more than the Cr-III and Co-III analogs, in which each, iminodiacetato ligand (ida(2-)) is coordinated in a facial fashion with the two N atoms in a cis configuration, resulting in an unsym-fac structure.


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With XRD, R-T, and ac chi measurements a comparative study on the doping effects of 3d elements in Bi(1.5)Pb(0.2)Sr(2)Ca(2)Cu(2.8)M(0.2)O(y) (M = Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, or Zn) has been carried out. The effects of the former five members are significantly different, both on phase formed and on T-c, from the latter four. It seems that the effect on phase stabilization correlates with the valency of the doped cation. In connection with the instability of the 2223 phase, the correlation has been discussed.


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为了探索提高Nd-Fe-B磁性材料的居里温度T_C,我们采用了与文献不同的组成和制 条件,研究了Si对合金的物相、T_C等的影响,得出Nd-Fe-B-Si是一种有希望的非钴高居里温度合金体系. 试样系以钕铁、硅铁、硼铁和还原铁粉为原料,按 Nd_(15)Fe_(77-x)Si_xB_8(x=4、8、16、18 at%)配比,在石墨电阻炉内于Ar气保护下熔炼而成.T-σ曲线在日本MB-2型磁天平上测得;微区分析和x-射线衍射分别用JXA-840扫描电镜和日本理学2028x-射线衍射仪进行.


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Fe-B ultrafine amorphous alloy particles (UFAAP) were prepared by chemical reduction of Fe3+ with NaBHO4 and confirmed to be ultrafine amorphous particles by transmission electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. The specific heat of the sample was measured by a high precision adiabatic calorimeter, and a differential scanning calorimeter was used for thermal stability analysis. A topological structure of Fe-B atoms is proposed to explain two crystallization peaks and a melting peak observed at T=600, 868 and 1645 K, respectively.


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This article presents the physical structure of the land, organic substances content and the chemical composition of soil comprising subsoil of 21 urban greenery locations in the city of Poznań. As they tend to be commonly underestimated, they have also been presented with view to their vital functions in plants’ life processes. The analysed microelements are referred to their levels, the so-called geo-chemical background of Polish soils and the limit values for field soils with medium levels of nutrients.


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In the ancient and acidic Ultisol soils of the Southern Piedmont, USA, we studied changes in trace element biogeochemistry over four decades, a period during which formerly cultivated cotton fields were planted with pine seedlings that grew into mature forest stands. In 16 permanent plots, we estimated 40-year accumulations of trace elements in forest biomass and O horizons (between 1957 and 1997), and changes in bioavailable soil fractions indexed by extractions of 0.05 mol/L HCl and 0.2 mol/L acid ammonium oxalate (AAO). Element accumulations in 40-year tree biomass plus O horizons totaled 0.9, 2.9, 4.8, 49.6, and 501.3 kg/ha for Cu, B, Zn, Mn, and Fe, respectively. In response to this forest development, samples of the upper 0.6-m of mineral soil archived in 1962 and 1997 followed one of three patterns. (1) Extractable B and Mn were significantly depleted, by -4.1 and -57.7 kg/ha with AAO, depletions comparable to accumulations in biomass plus O horizons, 2.9 and 49.6 kg/ha, respectively. Tree uptake of B and Mn from mineral soil greatly outpaced resupplies from atmospheric deposition, mineral weathering, and deep-root uptake. (2) Extractable Zn and Cu changed little during forest growth, indicating that nutrient resupplies kept pace with accumulations by the aggrading forest. (3) Oxalate-extractable Fe increased substantially during forest growth, by 275.8 kg/ha, about 10-fold more than accumulations in tree biomass (28.7 kg/ha). The large increases in AAO-extractable Fe in surficial 0.35-m mineral soils were accompanied by substantial accretions of Fe in the forest's O horizon, by 473 kg/ha, amounts that dwarfed inputs via litterfall and canopy throughfall, indicating that forest Fe cycling is qualitatively different from that of other macro- and micronutrients. Bioturbation of surficial forest soil layers cannot account for these fractions and transformations of Fe, and we hypothesize that the secondary forest's large inputs of organic additions over four decades has fundamentally altered soil Fe oxides, potentially altering the bioavailability and retention of macro- and micronutrients, contaminants, and organic matter itself. The wide range of responses among the ecosystem's trace elements illustrates the great dynamics of the soil system over time scales of decades.


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Boron abundances have been derived for seven main-sequence B- type stars from Hubble Space Telescope STIS spectra around the B III lambda2066 line. In two stars, boron appears to be undepleted with respect to the presumed initial abundance. In one star, boron is detectable but is clearly depleted. In the other four stars, boron is undetectable, implying depletions of 1-2 dex. Three of these four stars are nitrogen enriched, but the fourth shows no enrichment of nitrogen. Only rotationally induced mixing predicts that boron depletions are unaccompanied by nitrogen enrichments. The inferred rate of boron depletion from our observations is in good agreement with these predictions. Other boron-depleted nitrogen-normal stars are identified from the literature. In addition, several boron- depleted nitrogen-rich stars are identified, and while all fall on the boron-nitrogen trend predicted by rotationally induced mixing, a majority have nitrogen enrichments that are not uniquely explained by rotation. The spectra have also been used to determine iron group (Cr, Mn, Fe, and Ni) abundances. The seven B-type stars have near-solar iron group abundances, as expected for young stars in the solar neighborhood. We have also analyzed the halo B-type star PG 0832 + 676. We find [Fe/H] = -0.88 +/- 0.10, and the absence of the B III line gives the upper limit [B/H] <-2.5. These and other published abundances are used to infer the star's evolutionary status as a post-asymptotic giant branch star.


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Tesis (Doctorado en Ciencias con Acentuación en Química de Productos Naturales) UANL, 2012.


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The incorporation of transition metal oxide pillars such as those of iron and chromium along with Al2O3, pillars within the interlayers of a montmorillonite clay is investigated. The surface acidity of these catalysts has been evaluated for the first time employing the equilibrium adsorption of an electron donor, perylene, and the results are compared with those obtained by temperature programmed desorption of ammonia. The principle is based on the ability of a catalyst surface site to accept a single electron from an electron donor like perylene to form charge transfer complexes and the amount of adsorbed species is measured quantitatively by UV-vis spectroscopy. Fina1ly, an attempt has been made to correlate the acidity determined by the two independcnt methods and the catalytic activity of present systems in the benzoylation of toluene with benzoyl chloride. Incorporation of Fe and Cr has changed the properties of AI pitlared montmorillonite. Fe pillared systems have been found to be vcry good catalysts for benzoylation reaction


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Sediments play a fundamental role in the behaviour of contaminants in aquatic systems. Various processes in sediments, eg adsorption-desorption, oxidation-reduction, ion exchange or biological activities, can cause accumulation or release of metals and anions from the bottom of reservoirs, and have been recently studied in Polish waters [1-3]. Sediment samples from layer A: (1 divided by 6 cm depth in direct contact with bottom water); layer B: (7 divided by 12 cm depth moderate contact); and layer C: (12+ cm depth, in theory an inactive layer) were collected in September 2007 from six sites representing different types of hydrological conditions along the Dobczyce Reservoir (Fig. l). Water depths at the sampling points varied from 3.5 to 21 m. We have focused on studying the distribution and accumulation of several heavy metals (Cr, Pb, Cd, Cu and Zn) in the sediments. The surface, bottom and pore water (extracted from sediments by centrifugation) samples were also collected. Possible relationships between the heavy-metal distribution in sediments and the sediment characteristics (mineralogy, organic matter) as well as the Fe, Mn and Ca content of sediments, have been studied. The 02 concentrations in water samples were also measured. The heavy metals in sediments ranged from 19.0 to 226.3 mg/kg of dry mass (ppm). The results show considerable variations in heavy-metal concentrations between the 6 stations, but not in the individual layers (A, B, C). These variations are related to the mineralogy and chemical composition of the sediments and their pore waters.