909 resultados para Fatigue crack propagation
A study of the influence of SiC-particulate reinforcement on ageing and subsequent fatigue crack growth resistance in a powder metallurgy 8090 aluminium alloy-SiC composite has been made. Macroscopic hardness measurements revealed that ageing at 170°C in the composite is accelerated with respect to the unreinforced alloy, though TEM studies indicate that this is not due to the enhanced precipitation of S′. Fatigue crack growth rates in the naturally aged condition of the composite and unreinforced matrix are similar at low to medium values of ΔK, but diverge above ≈ 8 MPa√m owing to the lower fracture toughness of the composite. As a result of the presence of the reinforcement, planar slip in the composite is suppressed and facetted crack growth is not observed. Ageing at or above 170°C has a deleterious effect on fatigue crack growth. Increased ageing time decreases the roughness of the fracture path at higher growth rates. These effect are though to be due to microstructural changes occurring at or near to the SiC/matrix interfaces, providing sites for static mode failure mechanisms to operate. This suggestion is supported by the observation that as ΔK increases, crack growth rates become Kmax dependent, implying the crack growth rate is strongly influenced by static modes.
Consideration of the influence of test technique and data analysis method is important for data comparison and design purposes. The paper highlights the effects of replication interval, crack growth rate averaging and curve-fitting procedures on crack growth rate results for a Ni-base alloy. It is shown that an upper bound crack growth rate line is not appropriate for use in fatigue design, and that the derivative of a quadratic fit to the a vs N data looks promising. However, this type of averaging, or curve fitting, is not useful in developing an understanding of microstructure/crack tip interactions. For this purpose, simple replica-to-replica growth rate calculations are preferable. © 1988.
Fatigue crack growth behaviour in a 15 wt% SiC particulate reinforced 6061 aluminium alloy has been examined using pre-cracked specimens. Crack initiation and early growth of fatigue cracks in smooth specimens has also been investigated using the technique of periodic replication. The composite contained a bimodal distribution of SiC particle sizes, and detailed attention was paid to interactions between the SiC particles and the growing fatigue-crack tip. At low stress intensity levels, the proportion of coarse SiC particles on the fatigue surfaces was much smaller than that on the metallographic sections, indicating that the fatigue crack tends to run through the matrix avoiding SiC particles. As the stress intensity level increases, the SiC particles ahead of the growing fatigue crack tip are fractured and the fatigue crack then links the fractured particles. The contribution of this monotonic fracture mode resulted in a higher growth rate for the composite than for the unreinforced alloy. An increase in the proportion of cracked, coarse SiC particles on the fatigue surface was observed for specimens tested at a higher stress ratio.
This paper examines the effects of non-metallic particles on fatigue performance and, in particular, their influence on fatigue crack propagation at high ΔK (Kmax) levels. The nature and properties of a number of common non-metallic particles found in Fe- and Al- based alloys are described, and consideration is given to the consequences of mismatch of physical and chemical properties between particle and matrix. Effects of particles on fatigue in conventional alloys are illustrated and compared with the behaviour of Al/SiCp MMC. The problems associated with developing particulate reinforced MMC with adequate fatigue crack growth resistance and toughness for structural applications are discussed. © 1991.
Fatigue crack growth rate tests have been performed on Nimonic AP1, a powder formed Ni-base superalloy, in air and vacuum at room temperature. These show that threshold values are higher, and near-threshold (faceted) crack growth rates are lower, in vacuum than in air, although at high growth rates, in the “structure-insensitive” regime, R-ratio and a dilute environment have little effect. Changing the R-ratio from 0.1 to 0.5 in vacuum does not alter near-threshold crack growth rates very much, despite more extensive secondary cracking being noticeable at R= 0.5. In vacuum, rewelding occurs at contact points across the crack as ΔK falls. This leads to the production of extensive fracture surface damage and bulky fretting debris, and is thought to be a significant contributory factor to the observed increase in threshold values.
The use of engineering materials in critical applications necessitates the accurate prediction of component lifetime for inspection and renewal purposes. In fatigue limited situations, it is necessary to be able to predict the growth rates of cracks from initiation at a defect through to final fracture. To this end, fatigue crack growth data are presented for different microstructures of typical nickel base superalloys used in gas turbine engines. Crack growth behaviour throughout the life history of the crack, i.e. from the short crack through to the long crack propagation regime, is described for each microstructural condition and discussed in terms of current theories of fatigue crack propagation.
The fatigue-crack propagation and threshold behaviour of a C-Mn steel containing boron has been investigated at a range of strength levels suitable for mining chain applications. The heat-treatment variables examined include two austenitizing temperatures (900 degree C and 1250 degree C) and a range of tempering treatments from the as-quenched condition to tempering at 400 degree C. In mining applications the haulage chains undergo a 'calibration' process which has the effect of imposing a tensile prestrain on the chain links before they go into service. Prestrain is shown to reduce threshold values in these steels and this behaviour is related to its effects on the residual stress distribution in the test specimens.
A new variant of the Element-Free Galerkin (EFG) method, that combines the diffraction method, to characterize the crack tip solution, and the Heaviside enrichment function for representing discontinuity due to a crack, has been used to model crack propagation through non-homogenous materials. In the case of interface crack propagation, the kink angle is predicted by applying the maximum tangential principal stress (MTPS) criterion in conjunction with consideration of the energy release rate (ERR). The MTPS criterion is applied to the crack tip stress field described by both the stress intensity factor (SIF) and the T-stress, which are extracted using the interaction integral method. The proposed EFG method has been developed and applied for 2D case studies involving a crack in an orthotropic material, crack along an interface and a crack terminating at a bi-material interface, under mechanical or thermal loading; this is done to demonstrate the advantages and efficiency of the proposed methodology. The computed SIFs, T-stress and the predicted interface crack kink angles are compared with existing results in the literature and are found to be in good agreement. An example of crack growth through a particle-reinforced composite materials, which may involve crack meandering around the particle, is reported.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG
For engineering projects that require high reliability levels, is often not enough know only physical and chemical material properties. It’s necessary understand the failure mode of these materials in operation to ensure security level in the project and establish more stringent criteria in the analysis of structural integrity. Due to this need, aircraft industry has been using aluminum alloys in their designs and projects. “Currently more than 70% of aircraft structures are built of high strength aluminum alloys among which stand out 7075-T6 and 2024-T3 alloys, which are considered basics for being used in the new alloys development.” (PASTOUKHOV & VOORWALD, 1995). Some years ago ALCOA develops Al 2524 alloy that has emerged as refinement of Al 2024 (Al, Cu. Mg) alloy, with purpose of improve fracture toughness and fatigue resistance on structural components. The present research addresses testing of fatigue crack propagation under variable amplitude loading for Al 2024 alloy, observing the interaction effects from application of overhead blocks and plastic zone at the crack tip and makes an analysis of fracture surface images
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG
O transporte de gás e derivados de petróleo é realizado pelo uso de tubulações, denominadas de oleodutos ou gasodutos, que necessitam de elevados níveis de resistência mecânica e corrosão, aliadas a uma boa tenacidade à fratura e resistência à fadiga. A adição de elementos de liga nesses aços, Ti, V e Nb entre outros, é realizada para o atendimento destes níveis de resistência após o processamento termomecânico das chapas para fabricação destes dutos, utilizando-se a norma API 5L do American Petroleum Institute, API, para a classificação destes aços. A adição de elementos de liga em associação com o processamento termomecânico visa o refino de grão da microestrutura austenítica, o qual é transferido para a estrutura ferrítica resultante. O Brasil é o detentor das maiores reservas mundiais de nióbio, que tem sido apresentado como refinador da microestrutura mais eficiente que outros elementos, como o V e Ti. Neste trabalho dois aços, denominados Normal e Alto Nb foram estudados. A norma API propõe que a soma das concentrações de Nióbio, Vanádio e Titânio devem ser menores que 0,15% no aço. As concentrações no aço contendo mais alto Nb é de 0,107%, contra 0,082% do aço de composição normal, ou seja, ambos atendem o valor especificado pela norma API. Entretanto, os aços são destinados ao uso em dutovias pela PETROBRÁS que impõe limites nos elementos microligantes para os aços aplicados em dutovias. Deste modo estudos foram desenvolvidos para verificar se os parâmetros de resistência à tração, ductilidade, tenacidade ao impacto e resistência à propagação de trinca por fadiga, estariam em acordo com a norma API 5L grau X70 e com os resultados que outros pesquisadores têm encontrado para aços dessa classe. Ainda, como para a formação de uma dutovia os tubos são unidos uns aos outros por processo de soldagem (circunferencial), o estudo de fadiga foi estendido para as regiões da solda e zona termicamente afetada (ZTA). Como conclusão final observa-se que o aço API 5L X70 com Nb modificado, produzido conforme processo desenvolvido pela ArcelorMittal - Tubarão, apresenta os parâmetros de resistência e ductilidade em tração, resistência ao impacto e resistência a propagação de trinca em fadiga (PTF) similar aos aços API 5L X70 com teores de Nb = 0,06 % peso e aqueles da literatura com teores de Nb+Ti+V < 0,15% peso. O metal base, metal de solda e zona termicamente afetada apresentaram curvas da/dN x ΔK similares, com os parâmetros do material C e m, da equação de Paris, respectivamente na faixa de 3,3 - 4,2 e 1.3x10-10 - 5.0x10-10 [(mm/ciclo)/(MPa.m1/2)m].