295 resultados para FCC


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New parameters of nearest-neighbor EAM (1N-EAM), n-th neighbor EAM (NN-EAM), and the second-moment approximation to the tight-binding (TB-SMA) potentials are obtained by fitting experimental data at different temperatures. In comparison with the available many-body potentials, our results suggest that the 1N-EAM potential with the new parameters is the best description of atomic interactions in studying the thermal expansion of noble metals. For mechanical properties, it is suggested that the elastic constants should be calculated in the experimental zero-stress states for all three potentials. Furthermore, for NNEAM and TB-SMA potentials, the calculated results approach the experimental data as the range of the atomic interaction increases from the first-neighbor to the sixth-neighbor distance.


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本论文用重离子在室温下辐照Fe/Cu(Si/Fe(10nm)/[Cu(2.5nm)/Fe(2.5nm)]8/Cu(5n m)、Si/Fe(10nm)/[Cu(4nm)/Fe(4nm)]5(8)/Cu(4nm)、Si/[Fe(10nm)/Cu(10nm)]5)和Fe/Nb(Si /[Fe(10nm)/Nb(4nm)/Fe(4nm)/Nb(4nm)]2/[Fe(4nm)/Nb(4nm)]4))金属多层膜样品,然后利用X射线衍射谱、俄歇电子元素深度剖析谱、透射电子显微镜和振动样品磁强计对样品进行分析。主要研究界面原子混合、相变现象及其与离子辐照参数之间的关系。 1. 室温下用400 keV Xe离子辐照Fe/Cu(Si/Fe(10nm)/[Cu(2.5nm)/Fe(2.5nm)]8/Cu (5nm)、Si/Fe(10nm)/[Cu(4nm)/Fe(4nm)]5/Cu(4nm))和Fe/Nb多层膜。结果显示:随着辐照量的增加,离子辐照引起了Fe/Cu多层膜中Fe与Cu原子的混合和Cu基fcc固溶体和Fe基bcc固溶体地出现;而在Fe/Nb多层膜中,离子辐照引起Fe与Nb原子的混合和FeNb固溶体和非晶态FeNb合金相的出现。随着样品的结构变化,样品的磁滞回线也发生了变化。 2. 室温下用2 MeV Xe离子辐照Fe/Cu和Fe/Nb多层膜。结果显示:随着辐照量的增加,首先发生Fe、Cu原子的偏析和界面锐化,接着发生混合,辐照量较大时形成Cu基fcc固溶体和Fe基bcc固溶体;而在Fe/Nb多层膜中,低辐照量辐照引起多层膜的界面锐化,高辐照量辐照引起Fe与Nb原子混合和FeNb固溶体和非晶态FeNb合金相的出现。随着样品的结构变化,样品的磁滞回线也发生了变化。 3. 室温下用2.03 GeV Kr离子辐照Fe/Cu和Fe/Nb多层膜。结果显示:对于Si/Fe(10nm)/[Cu(4nm)/Fe(4nm)]5/Cu(4nm)多层膜,辐照量为1.0×1013ions/cm2时,发生Fe、Cu原子的偏析和界面锐化;对于Si/[Fe(10nm)/Cu(10nm)]5多层膜,随着辐照量的增加,首先发生Fe、Cu原子的偏析和界面锐化,接着发生混合;对于Fe/Nb多层膜,低辐照量辐照引起多层膜的界面锐化,高辐照量辐照引起Fe与Nb原子混合。随着样品的结构变化,多层膜样品的磁滞回线也发生了变化。 4. 室温下用1.08 GeV Kr离子辐照Fe/Cu和Fe/Nb多层膜。结果显示:在Si/Fe(10nm)/[Cu(4nm)/Fe(4nm)]5/Cu(4nm)、Si/[Fe(10nm)/Cu(10nm)]5和Fe/Nb多层膜中,辐照引起Fe层与Cu(Nb)层混合。随着样品的结构变化,多层膜样品的磁滞回线也发生了变化。 最后,对重离子辐照引起多层膜界面原子混合及相变的机理进行了探讨


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本论文主要进行了核孔膜的蚀刻和紫外光辐照效应研究,以及在核孔膜模板内进行Cu、CO金属纳米线阵列的制备研究。在UNILAC(GSI,Darmstadt)加速器上真空和室温条件下对30μm厚的聚碳酸酯(PC)薄膜进行快重离子辐照,照射离子为11. 4 MeV/u的Au离子,辐照剂量在lion/cm,-3X109i0ns/cm,之间。重离子辐照导致在PC中产生潜径迹,通过化学蚀刻的方法将潜径迹放大而形成孔道。蚀刻速率与蚀刻温度、蚀刻液浓度、紫外光辐照敏化等参数密切相关。结果表明随着温度的升高蚀刻液浓度的增加、紫外光辐照时间的增长径迹蚀刻速率剧烈增加。此外,通过紫外可见光谱和力学性能测试发现,紫外光辐照会使Pc膜的光学性能和力学性能发生显著的变化。在能量密度为16mw/cm2的紫外光下,当膜两侧分别经过17.5小时的光照以后,392 nm处的吸收峰消失,而且其断裂伸长率大大减小。作为紫外光辐照效应的一个应用,我们利用“紫外光辐照+液氮冷冻”的方法成功制备出了核孔膜断面的扫描电子显微镜样品,此方法能使样品的断面含有较少的残余应力从而使膜在断裂过程中没有发生明显的变形,使断面很好显现了膜和孔道的原始信息,如孔密度、形状、尺寸等。利用PC核孔膜作为模板用电化学沉积方法制备出了金属纳米线阵列。用磁控溅射的方法在PC膜模板的一面沉积一层Pt金属薄膜在电沉积过程中用作阴极。在自制的电沉积系统中用直流沉积的方法在PC核孔膜模板中成功制备出了Cu和Co金属纳米线,并运用SEM、xRD、VSM等手段对纳米线进行分析。结果表明,制备出的Cu纳米线长度约为30μm,直径从nm到协m量级,具有面心立方(fcc)结构,且纯度很高没有发现杂质。对Co纳米线阵列的xRD结果进行分析可以看出,制备出的c。纳米线阵列具有两种晶体结构:单相hcp结构和hcp、fcc共存结构。从vsM测量结果可以看出,Co纳米线阵列存在磁各向异性,即平行于纳米线轴向和垂直于纳米线轴向的剩余磁化强度和矫顽力存在明显差异,这主要是由于纳米线的形状各向异性和纳米线之间的磁相互作用引起的。


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Pt3Sn/C catalyst was prepared by a modified polyol process and treated in air, H-2/Ar, and Ar atmosphere, respectively. XRD analyses indicate that all of these catalysts have face-centered cubic (fcc) crystal structure. Temperature-programmed reduction (TPR) experiments show that more Sn exists in zero-valence in the Ar-treated PtSn catalyst than in the others. Cyclic voltammetry (CV), chronoamperometry (CA) experiments, and the performance tests of direct ethanol fuel cell (DEFC) indicate that the catalytic activity of PtSn/C for ethanol oxidation was affected significantly by the chemical state of Sn in catalyst particles. The as-prepared PtSn/C gives the higher power density, while Ar-treated PtSn/C shows the lower cell performance. It seems that the multivalence Sn rather than the zero-valence Sn in the PtSn catalyst is the favorable form for ethanol oxidation. Energy dispersion X-ray analysis (EDX) of the PtSn/C-as prepared and PtSn/C (after stability test) shows the active species (platinum, tin, and oxygen) composition changed to a different extent. Further attempt to improve the catalyst stability is needed.


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This article reports an analytical method for separating, identifying and quantitating sulfur-containing compounds and their groups in diesel oils (170-400degreesC) using comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography coupled with a sulfur chemiluminescence detector. The identification of target compounds and their groups was based on standard substances, the group separation feature and the-effect of comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography. The quantitative analysis on major sulfur compounds and total sulfur was carried out based on the linear response of sulfur chemiluminescence detector and the internal standards method. The results of total sulfur determination in the samples were compared with those from ASTM D 4294 standard method, the R.S.D. percentage were <6.02%, correctness of this method can meet the industrial requirement. To the end, the method developed was used to investigate the sulfur-containing compounds in different diesel oils, the result shows that the distribution of sulfur-containing compounds in diesel oils from different process units are apparently different. The sulfur compounds in fluid catalytic cracking (FCC), residuum fluid catalytic cracking (RFCC) diesel oils mainly exist in the form of alkyl-substituted dibenzothiophenes that add up to about 40-50% of the total sulfur, while this number is only 6-8 and 20-28% in visbreaking (VB) and delayed-coking (DC) diesel oils, respectively. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Single-crystal Au nanosheets and fcc gold nanocrystals of uniform size were synthesized by a novel and simple route. The results of field-emission scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) indicated the formation of the single-crystal structure of gold nanosheets and fcc nanocrystals. Energy-dispersive analysis of X-ray (EDAX) showed absorbance of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) molecules onto the surface of gold nanostructures.


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Films obtained via drying a polymeric latex dispersion are normally colloidal crystalline where latex particles are packed into a face centered cubic (fcc) structure. Different from conventional atomic crystallites or hard sphere colloidal crystallites, the crystalline structure of these films is normally deformable due to the low glass transition temperature of the latex particles. Upon tensile deformation, depending on the drawing direction with respect to the normal of specific crystallographic plane, one observes different crystalline structural changes. Three typical situations where crystallographic c-axis, body diagonal or face diagonal of the fcc structure of the colloidal crystallites being parallel to the stretching direction were investigated.


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A polymer dispersion consisting of soft latex spheres with a diameter of 135 nm was used to produce a crystalline film with face-centered cubic (fcc) packing of the spheres. Different from conventional small-molecule and hardsphere colloidal crystals, the crystalline latex film in the present case is soft (i.e., easily deformable). The structural evolution of this soft colloidal latex film under stretching was investigated by in-situ synchrotron ultra-small-angle X-ray scattering. The film exhibits polycrystalline scattering behavior corresponding to fcc structure. Stretching results not only in a large deformation of the crystallographic structure but also in considerable nonaffine deformation at high draw ratios. The unexpected nonaffine deformation was attributed to slippage between rows of particles and crystalline grain boundaries. The crystalline structure remains intact even at high deformation, suggesting that directional anisotropic colloidal crystallites can be easily produced.


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A unique reverse micelle method has been developed to prepare gold-coated iron (Fe@Au) nanoparticles. XRD, UV/vis, TEM, and magnetic measurements are utilized to characterize the nanocomposites. XRD only gives FCC patterns of gold for the obtained nanoparticles. The absorption band of the Fe@Au colloid shifts to a longer wavelength and broadens relative to that of the pure gold colloid. TEM results show that the average size of Fe@Au nanoparticles is about 10 nm, These nanoparticles are self-assembled into chains on micron scale under a 0.5 T magnetic field. Magnetic measurements show that the particles are superparamagnetic with a blocking temperature (T-B) of 42 K, At 300 K (above T-B), no coercivity (Hc) and remanence (M-r) is observed in the magnetization curve, while at 2K (below T-B) He and M, are observed to be 728 Oe and 4.12 emu/g, respectively, (C) 2001 Academic Press.


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The catalytic stability of LiCl/MnOx/PC catalyst have been investigated, the deactivation mechanism was discussed. The experimental results show that ethane conversion decreases and ethylene selectivity keeps about 90% as reaction time increases. The main deactivation reasons of LiCl/MnOx/PC catalyst for oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane (ODHE) to ethylene are the transition of active species Mn2O3 to MnO species and the loss of arrive component Cl in catalyst. instead of ethane with FCC tailed-gas, the stability of LiCl/MnOx/PC catalyst has been largely improved.


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The catalytic performance of Fe/Si-2 and Fe-Mn/Si-2 catalysts for conversion of C2H6 with CO2 to C2H4 was examined in a continuous-flow and fixed-bed reactor. The results show that the Fe-Mn/Si-2 catalyst exhibits much better reaction activity and selectivity to C2H4 than those of the Fe/Si-2 catalyst. Furthermore, the coking-decoking behaviors of these catalysts were studied through TG. The catalytic performances of the catalysts after regeneration for conversion of C2H6 or dilute C2H6 in FCC off-gas with CO2 to C2H4 were also examined. The results show that both activity and selectivity of the Fe-Mn/Si-2 catalyst after regeneration reached the same level as those of the fresh catalyst, whereas it is difficult for the Fe/Si-2 catalyst to refresh its reaction behavior after regeneration.


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The conversion of n-C4H10 was undertaken on MoO3/HZSM-5 catalyst at 773-973K and the phases of molybdenum species were detected by XRD. The XRD results show that bulk MoO3 on HZSM-5 can be readily reduced by n-C4H10 to MoO2 at 773 K and MoO2 can be gradually carburized to molybdenum carbide above 813 K. The molybdenum carbide formed from the carburization of MoO2 with n-C4H10 below 893 K is alpha-MoC1-x with fcc-structure, while hcp-molybdenum carbide formed above 933 K. During the evolution of MoO3 to MoO2 (>773 K) or the carburization of MoO2 to molybdenum carbide (>813 K), deep oxidation, cracking and coke deposition are serious, in particular at higher reaction temperatures, these lead to the poor selectivity to aromatics. Aromatization of n-C4H10 can proceed catalytically on both Mo2C/HZSM-5 and MoO2/HZSM-5, the distribution of the products for the two catalysts is similar below 813 K, but the, activity for Mo2C/HZSM-5 is much higher than that for MoO2/HZSM-5. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A series of MCM-22/ZSM-35 composites has been hydrothermally synthesized and characterized by XRD, SEM, particle size distribution analysis, N-2 adsorption and NH3-TPD techniques. Pulse and continuous flow reactions were carried out to evaluate the catalytic performances of these composites in aromatization of olefins, respectively. It was found that MCM-22/ZSM-35 composites could be rapidly crystallized at 174 degrees C with an optimal gel composition of SiO2/Al2O3=25, Na2O/SiO2=0.11, HMI/SiO2=0.35, and H2O/SiO2=45 (molar ratio), of which the weight ratio of ZSM-35 zeolite in the composite relied on the crystallization time. The coexistence of MCM-22 and ZSM-35 in the composite (MCM-22/ZSM-35=45/55 wt/wt) was observed to exert a notable synergistic effect on the aromatization ability for butene conversion and FCC gasoline updating, possibly due to the intergrowth of some MCM-22 and ZSM-35 layers.


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This thesis presents several routes towards achieving artificial opal templates by colloidal self-assembly of polystyrene (PS) or poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) spheres and the use of these template for the fabrication of V2O5 inverse opals as cathode materials for lithium ion battery applications. First, through the manipulation of different experimental factors, several methods of affecting or directing opal growth towards realizing different structures, improving order and/or achieving faster formation on a variety of substrates are presented. The addition of the surfactant sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) at a concentration above the critical micelle concentration for SDS to a 5 wt% solution of PMMA spheres before dip-coating is presented as a method of achieving ordered 2D PhC monolayers on hydrophobic Au-coated silicon substrates at fast and slow rates of withdrawal. The effect that the degree of hydrophilicity of glass substrates has on the ordering of PMMA spheres is next investigated for a slow rate of withdrawal under noise agitation. Heating of the colloidal solution is also presented as a means of affecting order and thickness of opal deposits formed using fast rate dip coating. E-beam patterned substrates are shown as a means of altering the thermodynamically favoured FCC ordering of polystyrene spheres (PS) when dip coated at slow rate. Facile routes toward the synthesis of ordered V2O5 inverse opals are presented with direct infiltration of polymer sphere templates using liquid precursor. The use of different opal templates, both 2D and 3D partially ordered templates, is compared and the composition and arrangement of the subsequent IO structures post infiltration and calcination for various procedures is characterised. V2O5 IOs are also synthesised by electrodeposition from an aqueous VOSO4 solution at constant voltage. Electrochemical characterisation of these structures as cathode material for Li-ion batteries is assessed in a half cell arrangement for samples deposited on stainless steel foil substrates. Improved rate capabilities are demonstrated for these materials over bulk V2O5, with the improvement attributed to the shorter Li ion diffusion distances and increased electrolyte infiltration provided by the IO structure.


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Molecular dynamics has been employed to model the fracture of a twodimensional triangular atomic lattice. The N-body Sutton-Chen potential developed for fcc metals and its extended version (Rafii-Tabar and Sutton) for fcc random binary alloys were used for the interatomic interactions. It is shown that at low temperatures cleavage fractures can occur in both an elemental metal and an alloy. At elevated temperatures the nucleation of dislocations is shown to cause a brittle-to-ductile transition. For the brittle crack propagation in the elemental metal, crack propagation speeds have been computed for different stress rates, and a crack instability found to exist as the speed reaches a critical value of about 32% of the Rayleigh wave speed. For the random alloy, we find that the dislocation movement can be affected by the distorted lattice.