993 resultados para Expulsion of Jesuits
Dans l’Union européenne, certaines catégories d’immigrants font l’objet d’une protection renforcée contre l’expulsion. Cette protection contre l’expulsion s’acquiert notamment après avoir résidé de manière continue et pour une longue durée dans un État membre de l’Union européenne, de sorte que son intégration y soit forte. Qu’est ce que la notion de protection renforcée contre l’expulsion signifie exactement? Nous examinerons le droit de l’UE, en comparant le droit à la libre circulation des ressortissants européens et des travailleurs turcs, et l’étendue de leur protection respective contre l’expulsion. Est-elle la même ? Pour répondre à cette question, nous verrons le droit applicable à chacune de ces catégories de citoyens, notamment la Directive 2004/38/CE du Parlement européen et du Conseil, du 29 avril 2004, relative au droit des citoyens de l’Union et des membres de leurs familles de circuler et de séjourner librement sur le territoire des États membres, le droit d’association UE/Turquie ainsi que la Directive 2003/109/CE du Conseil du 25 novembre 2003 relative au statut des ressortissants de pays tiers résidents de longue durée. Cette protection diffère selon la citoyenneté des individus. Ainsi, la protection des ressortissants turcs est moindre que celle des ressortissants européens. Toutefois, la CJUE a joué un rôle proactif dans l’interprétation des droits à la libre circulation des travailleurs turcs, en interprétant le droit d’association Turquie/UE par analogie avec celui applicable aux citoyens européens. Dans les litiges relatifs à la protection contre l’expulsion, les travailleurs turcs se sont également vu reconnaître une protection semblable à celle des ressortissants européens par la CJUE. La Convention européenne des droits de l’homme est un autre instrument qui vient protéger les résidants de l’Europe contre une violation de leurs droits fondamentaux que pourrait entraîner une expulsion du territoire. Face à cet activisme judiciaire, on est en mesure de se demander dans quelle mesure les ressortissants travailleurs turcs et européens jouissent d’une protection différente contre l’expulsion.
El Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos no impugnó nunca el derecho de los Estados de expulsar extranjeros por distintas razones en la medida en que naturalmente un Estado parte del Convenio Europeo de Derechos Humanos sigue ejerciendo su soberanía en su territorio. No obstante, este derecho debe conciliarse con la obligación de los Estados partes del Convenio Europeo de Derechos Humanos de no exponer a los extranjeros y, en general, a las personas dependientes de su jurisdicción a riesgos de violación de las disposiciones del Convenio.Procurar que ningún derecho consagrado por el Convenio se viole con motivo de una expulsión es, sin embargo, una tarea un tanto pesada de asumir, ya que eso podría terminar por invalidar el derecho soberano de los Estados a expulsar de su territorio a extranjeros. El Tribunal de Estrasburgo retiene sobre todo un único riesgo de violación: el del artículo 3º del Convenio, según el cual se prohíben las penas y tratos inhumanos o degradantes y, a fortiori, los actos de tortura. Su jurisprudencia, abundante y rica en matices, en este marco, ha llevado a examinar las condiciones de protección de los derechos humanos en todo Estado hacia el cual un extranjero sea (o haya sido) expulsado
A metal organic framework of Cu-II, tartarate (tar) and 2,2'-bipyridyl (2,2'-bipy)], {[Cu(tar)(2,2'-bipy)]center dot 5H(2)O}(n)} (1) has been synthesized at the mild ambient condition and characterized by single crystal X-ray crystallography. In the compound, the Cu(2,2'-bipy) entities are bridged by tartarate ions which are coordinated to Cu-II by both hydroxyl and monodentate carboxylate oxygen to form a one-dimensional chain. The non-coordinated water molecules form ID water chains by edge-sharing cyclic water pentamers along with dangling water dimers. It shows reversible water expulsion upon heating. The water chains join the ID coordination polymeric chains to a 31) network through hydrogen-bond interactions.
The present work proposes an investigation of the treatment given to memory in Pinter’s latest play, Ashes to Ashes, and of its function in the development of Pinter’s work. In order to do that, different aspects of the construction of meaning in the theatre are analysed, so that the specificity of its reception is determined. A survey of techniques used to present information, time and space in the theatre is made. The analytical drama, the history drama, and the theatre of the absurd are defined. After that, the evolution of the author’s work is analysed to determine what characterises Pinter’s work, while at the same time determining how his treatment of themes like menace, memory, and political oppression of the individual has evolved. Finally, a detailed survey of the apparently disconnected elements that are mentioned in Ashes to Ashes is made. The intertextual analysis allied to a study of the analytical form as used in this play enables the discovery of several layers of meaning. Through the connection established between the Holocaust and man’s fall followed by expulsion from Eden, Pinter examines the use of memory as a way of dealing with personal and collective responsibility and guilt. It is through the recovery of memory (also through writing) that the present can establish a critical and responsible relation with the past.
The population dynamics in the enteric connective tissues of eosinophils, mucosal mast cells (MMC), and in the mucosal epithelium of goblet cells were examined morphometrically in fixed ileal tissue of outbred Sprague Dawley rats during the first 32 days of infection with the tapeworm Hymenolepis diminuta. MMC and eosinophils were present in the lamina propria and submucosa; however, only eosinophils were also present in the muscularis externa. Eosinophilic infiltrate was first observed in the lamina propria at 15 days postinfection (dpi) and the numbers of eosinophils remained elevated through 32 dpi. Initial mucosal mastocytosis was detected on 6 dpi and MC numbers continued to rise over the study period without reaching a plateau. Goblet cell hyperplasia occurred only at 32 dpi. In contrast to some intestinal nematode infections where these same 3 cell types are associated with the host's expulsion responses, H. diminuta is not lost by a rapid host response in the outbred Sprague Dawley rat strain used in these experiments. We suggest that either the induction of hyperplasia of these host effector cells in ileum tissue during H. diminuta infection is not capable of triggering parasite rejection mechanisms, or the function of the induced hyperplasia is necessary for some as yet unassociated physiological or tissue architecture change in the host's intestine.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This study aimed to evaluate the effect of chloprostenol administration, at early or intermediary puerperium, under uterine involution, intrauterine fluid accumulation and ovarian activity return. 30 Murrah postpartum buffaloes were randomly divided into three groups: CONT (saline, n = 10); CLO2 (chloprostenol at days 2 and 5 postpartum, n = 10) and; CLO15 (chloprostenol at days 15 and 20 postpartum, n = 10). Gynecological exams were performed at days 2, 7, 14, 21 and 28 postpartum, when uterine involution degree (1 to 3 scale, by transrectal palpation), intrauterine fluid accumulation (0 to 3 scale, by ultrasound exam) and ovarian activity (B-mode ultrasound exam) were evaluated. CLO2 group presented higher uterine involution (2.00 +/- 0.23, 1.66 +/- 0.23, 1.58 +/- 0.23 for groups CLO2, CONT and CLO15, respectively) and faster ovarian activity return in relation to groups CONT and CLO15 (P < 0.05). Groups CLO2 and CLO15 showed lower intrauterine fluid accumulation compared to CONT group (2.04 +/- 0.20, 1.58 +/- 0.20, 1.92 +/- 0.20 for groups CONT, CLO2 and CLO15, respectively; P < 0.05). Prostaglandin analogue administration in postpartum buffalo benefited uterine involution, lochia expulsion and ovarian activity return, improving reproductive efficiency in this specie.
In summer 1866 the Austro-Prussian struggle for supremacy in Germany erupted into open conflict. King Georg V of Hanover sided with other governments loyal to the German Confederation against Prussia, but after initially defeating Prussian forces at Langensalza, he was forced to capitulate. Two days after the battle, on June 29, 1866, the widow of the Hanoverian general Sir Georg Julius von Hartmann told her daughter in no uncertain terms how she felt about the Prussian government and its allies. In her opinion they were nothing more than “robber states” that cloaked their disregard for the Ten Commandments in sanctimonious public displays of piety. “These Protestant Jesuits,” she continued, “offend me more than the Catholic ones. You know that I am German with all my heart and love my Germany, but I cannot consider them genuine Germans anymore because they only want to make Germany Prussian.”
Pathogenic bacteria secrete pore-forming toxins that permeabilize the plasma membrane of host cells. Nucleated cells possess protective mechanisms that repair toxin-damaged plasmalemma. Currently two putative repair scenarios are debated: either the isolation of the damaged membrane regions and their subsequent expulsion as microvesicles (shedding) or lysosome-dependent repair might allow the cell to rid itself of its toxic cargo and prevent lysis. Here we provide evidence that both mechanisms operate in tandem but fulfill diverse cellular needs. The prevalence of the repair strategy varies between cell types and is guided by the severity and the localization of the initial toxin-induced damage, by the morphology of a cell and, most important, by the incidence of the secondary mechanical damage. The surgically precise action of microvesicle shedding is best suited for the instant elimination of individual toxin pores, whereas lysosomal repair is indispensable for mending of self-inflicted mechanical injuries following initial plasmalemmal permeabilization by bacterial toxins. Our study provides new insights into the functioning of non-immune cellular defenses against bacterial pathogens.
This paper will discuss how the gender perspective can be applied to the study of the Early Modern Jesuit China mission. I will show that the category of gender provides a promising research perspective on Sino-Western cultural exchange, for it brings to the forefront important aspects of social life in the “contact zone” of Chinese Christian communities. I will argue that through the intercultural contact initiated by the Jesuit China mission, gender roles started to shift slightly on both sides. On the one hand, the Jesuits adopted the Confucian ideal of the separation of the sexes (nannü zhi bie), building for example separate Churches for women, something unknown in Europe. On the other hand, Chinese Christians were urged to reconsider aspects of their traditional gender norms, when for instance some men left their concubines in order to become Christian. The paper will be divided in three parts. First, it will focus on the history of concepts and discuss what gender relations meant in the context of the Early Modern China mission. Then it will turn to the representation of female religiosity in Jesuit Annual Letters and show how the gender perspective can lead to a re-evaluation this source genre. Finally, it will reflect on how the gender perspective can give us fresh insights into well-known paradigms on Sino-Western relations, taking the accommodation paradigm as an example.
The Al Shomou Silicilyte Member (Athel Formation) in the South Oman Salt Basin shares many of the characteristics of a light, tight-oil (LTO) reservoir: it is a prolifi c source rock mature for light oil, it produces light oil from a very tight matrix and reservoir, and hydraulic fracking technology is required to produce the oil. What is intriguing about the Al Shomou Silicilyte, and different from other LTO reservoirs, is its position related to the Precambrian/Cambrian Boundary (PCB) and the fact that it is a ‘laminated chert‘ rather than a shale. In an integrated diagenetic study we applied microstructural analyses (SEM, BSE) combined with state-of-the-art stable isotope and trace element analysis of the silicilyte matrix and fractures. Fluid inclusion microthermometry was applied to record the salinity and minimum trapping temperatures. The microstructural investigations reveal a fi ne lamination of the silicilyte matrix with a mean lamina thickness of ca. 20 μm consisting of predominantly organic matter-rich and fi nely crystalline quartz-rich layers, respectively. Authigenic, micron-sized idiomorphic quartz crystals are the main matrix components of the silicilyte. Other diagenetic phases are pyrite, apatite, dolomite, magnesite and barite cements. Porosity values based on neutron density logs and core plug data indicate porosity in the silicilyte ranges from less than 2% to almost to 40%. The majority of the pore space in the silicilyte is related to (primary) inter-crystalline pores, with locally important oversized secondary pores. Pore casts of the silica matrix show that pores are extremely irregular in three dimensions, and are generally interconnected by a complex web or meshwork of fi ne elongate pore throats. Mercury injection capillary data are in line with the microstructural observations suggesting two populations of pore throats, with an effective average modal diameter of 0.4 μm. The acquired geochemical data support the interpretation that the primary source of the silica is the ambient seawater rather than hydrothermal or biogenic. A maximum temperature of ca. 45°C for the formation of microcrystalline quartz in the silicilyte is good evidence that the lithifi cation and crystallization of quartz occurred in the fi rst 5 Ma after deposition. Several phases of brittle fracturing and mineralization occurred in response to salt tectonics during burial. The sequences of fracture-fi lling mineral phases (dolomite - layered chalcedony – quartz – apatite - magnesite I+II - barite – halite) indicates a complex fl uid evolution after silicilyte lithifi cation. Primary, all-liquid fl uid inclusions in the fracturefi lling quartz are good evidence of growth beginning at low temperatures, i.e. ≤ 50ºC. Continuous precipitation during increasing temperature and burial is documented by primary two-phase fl uid inclusions in quartz cements that show brines at 50°C and fi rst hydrocarbons at ca. 70°C. The absolute timing of each mineral phase can be constrained based on U-Pb geochronometry, and basin modelling. Secondary fl uid inclusions in quartz, magnesite and barite indicate reactivation of the fracture system after peak burial temperature during the major cooling event, i.e. uplift, between 450 and 310 Ma. A number of fi rst-order trends in porosity and reservoir-quality distribution are observed which are strongly related to the diagenetic and fl uid history of the reservoir: the early in-situ generation of hydrocarbons and overpressure development arrests diagenesis and preserves matrix porosity. Chemical compaction by pressure dissolution in the fl ank areas could be a valid hypothesis to explain the porosity variations in the silicilitye slabs resulting in lower porosity and poorer connectivity on the fl anks of the reservoir. Most of the hydrocarbon storage and production comes from intervals characterized by Amthor et al. 114488 preserved micropores, not hydrocarbon storage in a fracture system. The absence of oil expulsion results in present-day high oil saturations. The main diagenetic modifi cations of the silicilyte occurred and were completed relatively early in its history, i.e. before 300 Ma. An instrumental factor for preserving matrix porosity is the diffi culty for a given slab to evacuate all the fl uids (water and hydrocarbons), or in other words, the very good sealing capacity of the salt embedding the slab.
A comprehensive experimental study, utilizing a rocking autoclave hydrothermal apparatus with isotope tracers, was applied to evaluate the temperature of squeezing artifacts on B contents and isotopic compositions in pore waters. The partition coefficient (KD) was determined at temperatures from 25 ° to 350 °C, at 800 bars, and this information was applied to reconstruct pore water B and d11B in ODP drill sites, where pH, T, and porosity are known. The partition coefficient of B is a function of temperature, pH, and sediment mineralogy. The solution pH exerts a dominant control at low temperatures; however, KD decreases to a value of essentially zero (compared to that of KD = ~3.5 at 25 °C) at high temperatures indicating no adsorption. Two empirical equations were derived to represent most of the available experimental results. For pelagic clay rich sediments, a KD = -3.84-0.020T + 0.88pH (R = 0.84; 1sigma = 0.25) is established. For sediments that have experienced progressive metamorphism, a KD = -1.38-0.008T + 0.59pH (R = 0.81; 1sigma = 0.37) can be applied. Similarly the effect on pore water d11B can be corrected if the fractionation factors at different temperatures are assumed. The corrected B and d11B in ODP Sites 671, 672, and 808 indicate significant mobilization of bulk B in sediment (exchangeable + lattice bound) at depth, especially near the décollement zone or other potential flow conduits. Tectonically expelled fluids from mud diapirs of Barbados Ridge Complex, hot springs of Rumsey Hills, California, and mud pot waters of the Salton Sea geothermal field, are enriched in B (up to 20 mM) with lower d11B, supporting the argument of B mobilization as a result of fluid expulsion in accretionary prisms.
An area of massive barite precipitations was studied at a tectonic horst in 1500 m water depth in the Derugin Basin, Sea of Okhotsk. Seafloor observations and dredge samples showed irregular, block- to column-shaped barite build-ups up to 10 m high which were scattered over the seafloor along an observation track 3.5 km long. High methane concentrations in the water column show that methane expulsion and probably carbonate precipitation is a recently active process. Small fields of chemoautotrophic clams (Calyptogena sp., Acharax sp.) at the seafloor provide additional evidence for active fluid venting. The white to yellow barites show a very porous and often layered internal fabric, and are typically covered by dark-brown Mn-rich sediment; electron microprobe spectroscopy measurements of barite sub-samples show a Ba substitution of up to 10.5 mol% of Sr. Rare idiomorphic pyrite crystals (~1%) in the barite fabric imply the presence of H2S. This was confirmed by clusters of living chemoautotrophic tube worms (1 mm in diameter) found in pores and channels within the barite. Microscopic examination showed that micritic aragonite and Mg-calcite aggregates or crusts are common authigenic precipitations within the barite fabric. Equivalent micritic carbonates and barite carbonate cemented worm tubes were recovered from sediment cores taken in the vicinity of the barite build-up area. Negative d13C values of these carbonates (>-43.5 per mill PDB) indicate methane as major carbon source; d18O values between 4.04 and 5.88 per mill PDB correspond to formation temperatures, which are certainly below 5°C. One core also contained shells of Calyptogena sp. at different core depths with 14C-ages ranging from 20 680 to >49 080 yr. Pore water analyses revealed that fluids also contain high amounts of Ba; they also show decreasing SO4**2- concentrations and a parallel increase of H2S with depth. Additionally, S and O isotope data of barite sulfate (d34S: 21.0-38.6 per mill CDT; d18O: 9.0-17.6 per mill SMOW) strongly point to biological sulfate reduction processes. The isotope ranges of both S and O can be exclusively explained as the result of a mixture of residual sulfate after a biological sulfate reduction and isotopic fractionation with 'normal' seawater sulfate. While massive barite deposits are commonly assumed to be of hydrothermal origin, the assemblage of cheomautotrophic clams, methane-derived carbonates, and non-thermally equilibrated barite sulfate strongly implies that these barites have formed at ambient bottom water temperatures and form the features of a Giant Cold Seep setting that has been active for at least 49 000 yr.