1000 resultados para Experimento
Objetivo: Este Trabajo Fin de Máster (TFM) analiza la importancia de la información poblacional en el análisis de datos de experimentos en IS. Por otro lado se intenta abordar un estudio sobre las posibles metodologías que se pueden usar para realizar dicho análisis. Contexto: El análisis se realiza sobre los resultados de un experimento llevado a cabo por el Grupo de Investigación de IS empírica de la UPM, cuyo objetivo es analizar el impacto que tiene el uso de TDD (Test Driven Development) sobre la calidad y la productividad del desarrollo software en comparación con el desarrollo tradicional TLD. Método de Investigación: Se analizan ocho variables demográficas frente a tres variables respuesta. Las metodologías o técnicas de análisis que se revisan son la Dicotomización, la Correlación de Pearson, la regresión lineal múltiple y la stepwise regression. Resultados: No se encuentran evidencias claras para afirmar que las variables demográficas influyen en los resultados de los experimentos. No obstante los resultados no son del todo concluyentes y queda abierta la investigación a realizarse con una muestra más amplia y representativa. En relación a la metodología de análisis aplicada, la dicotomización y la correlación de Pearson presentan deficiencias que se solventan con la regresión lineal múltiple y la stepwise regression. Conclusión: Resulta de vital importancia encontrar evidencias de la influencia de las características demográficas de los sujetos experimentales en el análisis de los datos experimentos en IS. Se ha encontrado un buen método para analizar esta influencia, pero falta replicar este análisis a más experimentos de IS para obtener resultados mejor fundados.---ABSTRACT---Objective: This Master's Thesis (TFM) discusses the importance of demographic data in the analysis of data from experiments in SE. On the other hand, it attempts to address a study of the possible methodologies that can be used to perform the analysis. Context: The analysis is performed on the results of an experiment conducted by the ESE Research Group of the UPM, aimed at analyzing the impact of the use of TDD (Test Driven Development) on quality and productivity, compared to traditional development TLD (Test Last Development). Research Method: Eight demographic variables were analyzed against three response variables. The methodologies and analysis techniques that are reviewed include dichotomization, Pearson correlation, multiple linear regression and stepwise regression. Results: There is not clear evidence to say that demographic variables influence the results of SE experiments. However the results are not conclusive, and are open to research with a broader and more representative sample. Regarding the applied analysis methodology, dichotomization and Pearson correlation have deficiencies that are solved with multiple linear regression and stepwise regression. Conclusion: It is very important to find evidence on the influence of demographic characteristics of subjects in the data analysis of SE experiments. We found a good way to analyze this influence, but is necessary replicate this analysis on more SE experiments to obtain sound results.
La presente investigación propone que la construcción del paisaje -la invención del mismo- es el elemento esencial para la comprensión global de la obra de Miguel Fisac. Se rebela así ante el desprecio "por el paisaje social, humano y físico" que le atribuye a los representantes del Movimiento Moderno. A través de tres ejes, Memoria, Aprendizaje y Experimento, se hilvana un viaje autobiográfico, con salida y regreso a La Mancha. Memoria, que recorre sus vivencias infantiles en intenso contacto con la naturaleza; así como su embelesamiento por la esencia de la arquitectura popular, esa "que hacen el pueblo y el tiempo". Aprendizaje, como un proceso de búsqueda con capacidad para mover los ejes referenciales en relación a su concepción de la arquitectura y a como ésta ha de dialogar con el paisaje: viajes alrededor del mundo, encuentros intelectuales con maestros indiscutibles de la modernidad, y el descubrimiento de otras culturas, materializado a través de la casa tradicional japonesa y de La Alhambra. Y Experimento, donde se concretan los conceptos anteriores a través de una suerte de gramática que el arquitecto utiliza para activar el paisaje, modificarlo, o reinterpretarlo. Todo ello se contrasta en ejemplos paradigmáticos de su arquitectura: el Instituto Laboral de Daimiel (1950-1953), el Centro de Formación del Profesorado de la Ciudad Universitaria de Madrid (1952-1957); y en el tránsito producido entre los conjuntos dominicos del Colegio Apostólico de Arcas Reales de Valladolid y el Teologado de Alcobendas (1951-1955). Arquitecturas en las que los citados aprendizajes tamizados en la memoria propicia que el paisaje resuene en ellas, transformando en cuerpo nuevo el alma del pasado. Ejemplos que sustancian un mapa mediante el cual se posibilita, desde el paisaje como herramienta de análisis, una relectura transversal de la obra del maestro daimieleño y que presiente su trayectoria como un proyecto único. ABSTRACT The current research proposes that the landscape construction -its invention- is the essential element for the overall understanding of Miguel Fisac's work. So, he rebels against the thought -attributed to the Modern Movement representatives-, who despise the "social, human, and physical" landscape He uses three aspects to develop his own life journey, which leaves and returns to La Mancha: Memory, Learning and Experimentation. The Memory is a journey inside his childhood, when he was very much in contact with nature; and later, his captivation by the essence of the popular architecture, that one which is "made by people, and by time". The Learning is the process which it has the capacity to move his referential axis relating his own conception of architecture and how it must dialogue with the landscape: journeys around the world, intellectual meetings with the best masters in Modernity and the discovery of other cultures, becoming real in the traditional Japanese house and La Alhambra. And the Experimentation, where these mentioned concepts are concreted through a kind of grammar, with which the architect is able to activate the landscape, modify, or reinterpret it. All of this is reaffirmed in some paradigmatic examples of his best architecture: the Occupational Institute of Daimiel (1950-1953), the Teacher Training Center of the Madrid's University City (1952-1957); and the way between the "Arcas Reales" Apostolic College in Valladolid and the Dominican Theologate in Alcobendas (1951-1955). Architectures that show how the Learning, screened through Memory, promotes that the landscape resonate in them, becoming new body the soul of the past. These examples substantiate a map which allows, from the landscape as a tool of analysis, a cross-reading of the work of this master-architect from Daimiel , and we can sense his career as a unique project.
Grabaciones mediante cámara y micrófono de un altavoz emitiendo un sonido formado por 2 funciones sinusoidales de frecuencias 317 Hz y 412 Hz.
Vídeo del experimento realizado para medir la frecuencia de vibración de un diapasón.
El objetivo del estudio fue identificar características de la construcción del significado de límite de una función en estudiantes de bachillerato (16-17 años). Se diseñó un experimento de enseñanza utilizando una descomposición genética (APOE) del concepto de límite de una función integrando recursos informáticos. Se usó el constructo “Reflexión sobre la Relación Actividad-Efecto” (Simon, Tzur, Heinz y Kinzel, 2004) como una particularización de la abstracción reflexiva para identificar factores que configuran la Trayectoria de Aprendizaje. Los resultados indican que la trayectoria está determinada por la coordinación de las aproximaciones en el dominio y en el rango en diferentes tipos de funciones.
We try to relate this research with other logic, to discover a path of practical approach to approach a creation composed of fragments and a search of parameters for the aesthetics of appropriation. Accordingly, we find relationship with the theater composed of fragments, where different styles are appropriate theatrical and representational styles are merged with each other. Discusses in the first chapter on the theater composed of fragments, and stroll through lanes of the strategies of some directors in the ways of the contemporary scene. In the second chapter we seek procedures and concepts of atmosphere Mikhail Tchekhov (TCHEKHOV, 1996), and the transition from point-to-point by Scott McCloud (2005). In the third part we describe the observation of the experiment conducted by the students of the Bachelor's Degree in Regional Theatre at the University of Cariri in Juazeiro, Ceará, in 2010. Using the methodology of "pesquisa-ação", observing that the scenic writing end of the experiment, called "Toque Me", and the presentation in the cities of Crato and Barbalha, in August 2010, contained elements of the strategies from theater fragmentary scenes and conceptual contents of contemporary theater
The Landless Rural Workers Movement (MST) from its educational process and the path taken in education, started in the year 2013, with an experimental curricular proposal by Complexes of study the School Base and the Itinerant Schools, the MST, in Paraná state. For the construction of this proposed curriculum, the movement takes the historical background and the experience of the original foundations of the single school of labor started by the working class in revolutionary Soviet period as a training proposal and school organization that comes close to the creation of collective subjects, fighters and builders of a new society and sociopolitical objectives to this social movement. The Soviet experiment reference required a work of a critical appropriation for the Brazilian context. The curriculum prescription, called Study Plan, in its introduction, includes elements of design fundamentals like: the Education Eesign and Training Matrix; Matrix detailing: School and Life, School and Labor Formative Matrix, School and Social Struggle Formative Matrix, School and Collective Organization Formative Matrix, School and Culture Formative Matrix and School and History Formative Matrix; general school guidelines: a pedagogical function of the environment, the school's political organization, school times, specific methodological aspects, sequencing and duration of Complexes of Study and the evaluation process. The Study Plan contemplates the complexes, the disciplines, the portions of reality / practice categories present in complexes, organized by semester and year, i. e., from 6th to 9th grade in elementary school. Given the the presented context, this research aims to analyze the process of testing the proposed curriculum for the Complexes of Study in Primary School of Iraci Salette Strozak State School, located in the Marcos Freire Settlement, in Rio Bonito do Iguaçu in Paraná state. As a methodological approach, we chose the qualitative approach and analysis were conducted under the Marxism perspective. Library research and field research, semi-structured interviews and analysis of documents generated in the process of construction of the proposal were made.Initially, in this paper, we discus about the path followed by the MST in the fight for schools and public education; highlighting elements of the process which led to the understanding, by the Movement, of which only the struggle for land is not enough for the realization of Agrarian Reform. Then discuss whether some elements of Pedagogy of the Movement, the concept of education and the goals for education that Social Movement, the training matrices and the potential to transform the school from a pedagogical proposal that has these elements as guiding. They present also the original foundations of Complexes Study in its historical origin and design. Is discussed about the changes and curriculum innovations, curriculum as schooling as social reproduction and presents the structure of Curriculum Proposal by Complex of Study. Forth, it is shown how the experiment occurred in basis School Iraci Salette Strozak. At this point, we propose a dialogue on the transformations in the organization of pedagogical work, discussing the elements of the proposal that are being experienced and the changes already perceived. Still, we address the issue of formation of educators and also elements relating to the challenges andadvancements encountered by the school in this area, and possible implications for the experiment.
We try to relate this research with other logic, to discover a path of practical approach to approach a creation composed of fragments and a search of parameters for the aesthetics of appropriation. Accordingly, we find relationship with the theater composed of fragments, where different styles are appropriate theatrical and representational styles are merged with each other. Discusses in the first chapter on the theater composed of fragments, and stroll through lanes of the strategies of some directors in the ways of the contemporary scene. In the second chapter we seek procedures and concepts of atmosphere Mikhail Tchekhov (TCHEKHOV, 1996), and the transition from point-to-point by Scott McCloud (2005). In the third part we describe the observation of the experiment conducted by the students of the Bachelor's Degree in Regional Theatre at the University of Cariri in Juazeiro, Ceará, in 2010. Using the methodology of "pesquisa-ação", observing that the scenic writing end of the experiment, called "Toque Me", and the presentation in the cities of Crato and Barbalha, in August 2010, contained elements of the strategies from theater fragmentary scenes and conceptual contents of contemporary theater
Esta tesis indaga en la interacción entre los aspectos estéticos y relacionales que tienen lugar en un proceso de creación colectiva. Durante los últimos años han proliferado multitud de formas de colaboración artística, a menudo asociadas a movimientos de preocupación social o a comunidades ideológicas y alejadas de los circuitos institucionales, moviéndose entre nuevas posibilidades de autogestión y espacios alternativos de difusión. A fin de entender en primera persona cuáles son las implicaciones de la inclusión del "otro" en el proceso creativo individual, realizamos una experiencia autogestionada de creación colectiva en Barcelona entre los años 2007 y 2011. El presente estudio propone una doble lectura crítica del experimento, planteada en dos niveles paralelos: el nivel de la propia construcción artístico-estética y el nivel de las relaciones que se establecieron entre los participantes a lo largo del proceso. A través del abordaje empírico, la doble lectura crítica y el estudio teórico del contexto, demostramos que la colectivización y "relacionalización" del hecho creativo contribuyen a la rehumanización de la práctica artística, socializando los procesos, contextualizando los mensajes y proponiendo el diálogo como principal herramienta de creación. ———— ABSTRACT This thesis explores the interaction between the aesthetic and relational aspects that take place in a process of collective creation. During the last few years, many new forms of artistic collaboration have proliferated, often associated with socially engaged movements or ideological communities, away from institutional art circuits, moving between new possibilities of self-management and alternative show spaces. In order to understand first-hand what the implications of the inclusion of the “other” are in the individual creative process, we conducted a self-managed collective creation experience in Barcelona from 2007 to 2011. This study proposes a double critical reading of the experiment, displayed in two parallel levels: the level of artistic-aesthetic construction itself and the level of relations established between participants throughout the process. Through the empirical approach, double critical reading and a theoretical study of the context, we demonstrate that the collectivization and "relationalization" of the creative act contribute to re-humanizing the artistic practice, socializing processes, contextualizing messages and proposing dialogue as the main tool of creation.
In Brazil the adoption of several models of cattle confinement leads to special conditions for management methods in dairy production, which can be improved by the use of technology that assures better herd management. Indexes relating environmental variables to production are applied for the prediction of milk production. The values of temperature and relative humidity, rain index, solar radiation and pasture soil temperature are generally considered potential stress agents for cows. The objective of this research was to develop an index for predicting milk production for high productivity Jersey milking cows lodged in semi confinement in tropical conditions. The experiment considered two treatments: A - the cows waited for 30 minutes prior to milking in a room with a shower associated to a fan; B - the cows did not have access to this room (control). Other than the waiting period, the cows had access to pasture. Differences in the effect of average production were not statistically significant. The analysis for studying the effect of the variables and designing the model led to a statistical model relating the variables milk production and rain index, as well as the maximum soil temperature of pasture, and milk production.
This work approaches the forced air cooling of strawberry by numerical simulation. The mathematical model that was used describes the process of heat transfer, based on the Fourier's law, in spherical coordinates and simplified to describe the one-dimensional process. For the resolution of the equation expressed for the mathematical model, an algorithm was developed based on the explicit scheme of the numerical method of the finite differences and implemented in the scientific computation program MATLAB 6.1. The validation of the mathematical model was made by the comparison between theoretical and experimental data, where strawberries had been cooled with forced air. The results showed to be possible the determination of the convective heat transfer coefficient by fitting the numerical and experimental data. The methodology of the numerical simulations was showed like a promising tool in the support of the decision to use or to develop equipment in the area of cooling process with forced air of spherical fruits.
Knowing the importance that the poultry industry represents for the Brazilian economy, this work, searched to understand and to identify new welfare pointers inherent to the animal that contributed for the increase of the productive effectiveness, studying different behavior reactions in broiler breeders, in climatic chamber. The experiment was delineated as a Latin Square 3x3x3, where the variable: temperature of air, birds ration and birds age had been controlled. The birds of different ages had been lodged in distinct boxes. Observations of the behavior of the birds in two schedules of the day had been made, being one in the morning and the other one in the afternoon, during a period of 15 minutes each through video cameras, installed in the ceiling of the climatic chamber, having no interference of human being in the register of the data. It was verified the influence of the controlled variables in diverse observed behaviors where it was concluded that the presence of food resulted in bigger occurrences of aggressiveness reactions.
The covering of the soil is an agricultural practice that intends to control the harmful herbs, to reduce the losses of water by evaporation of the soil, and to facilitate the harvest and the commercialization, once the product is cleaner and healthier. However, when the soil is covered important microclimatic parameters are also altered, and consequently the germination of seeds, the growth of roots, the absorption of water and nutrients, the metabolic activity of the plants and the carbohydrates storage. The current trial intended to evaluate the effect of soil covering with blue colored film on consumptive water-use in a lettuce crop (Lactuca sativa, L.). The experiment was carried out in a plastic greenhouse in Araras - São Paulo State, Brazil from March 3rd, 2001 to May 5th, 2001. The consumptive water-use was measured through two weighing lysimeter installed inside the greenhouse. Crop spacing was 0.25 m x 0.25 m and the color of the film above soil was blue. Leaf area index (IAF), was measured six times (7; 14; 21; 28; 35; 40 days after transplant) and the water-use efficiency (EU) was measured at the end. The experimental design was subdivided portions with two treatments, bare soil and covered soil. The average consumptive water-use was 4.17 mm day-1 to the bare soil treatment and 3.11 mm day-1 to the covered soil treatment. The final leaf area index was 25.23 to the bare soil treatment and 24.39 to the covered soil treatment, and there was no statistical difference between then.
A trial was carried out to evaluate the chemical composition in the aerial part of lettuce, cv. 'Elisa', irrigated with wastewater treated with constructed wetland and source deposit water, grown on a Rhodic Hapludox Soil, using the irrigation systems sprinkle, subsurface drip and surface drip irrigation. The experiment was carried out from August 17th to October 3rd of 2001 and the chemical analyses of the lettuce were accomplished to 47 days after transplanting of the seedling. The aerial part of the lettuce was analyzed as for the levels of total nitrogen, nitrate, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, iron, manganese, copper, zinc, sodium, boron, cobalt and molybdenum. The sodium and the sulfur presented higher levels than the maximum suitable in the aerial part of the lettuce and the smallest level of magnesium, while other chemical elements analyzed were normal and appropriate considering the standard for well-nourished plants, not being influenced by the water type. The sodium was the chemical element that presented the highest levels in the aerial part of the lettuce in the treatments irrigated with wastewater, presenting significant difference in relationship to the treatments irrigated with source deposit water in the three irrigation systems. The use of the different irrigation systems by the application of wastewater treated with constructed wetland did not interfere in the levels of nutrients in the aerial part of the lettuce.
The use of technology to protect and produce vegetables and ornamental plants was developed over several adaptation phases that supported the demand for quality and amount of products. These developments also reduced production costs and climate damage to the crops. Many of these adaptations were carried out by farmers on their own initiative, using different materials and devices to solve their problems. This study was carried out at Agricultural Engineering College - Campinas University/UNICAMP, from December 2002 to January 2003, with the objective of evaluating the deformations of the constructive system of bamboo structure for greenhouses, submitted to different spacing among columns, and different vertical strains. It was tested the use of beams and columns built with bamboo stems from the specie Bambusa tuldoides Munro. The beams and columns were tied together with plastic spacing parts, specially designed to facilitate and standardize the construction of the building, providing more resistance and stability. Three column spaces (2.0, 2.5 and 3.0 m) were evaluated under different load strains. The best result was obtained with a spacing of 2.5 m.