996 resultados para Experimental Transmission


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La presente tesis doctoral estudia las características de un transductor acústico bioinspirado en la estructura del maxilar inferior de un Zifio de Couvier (Ziphius cavirostris). El mecanismo de funcionamiento del sensor se basa en las características de un sistema acoplado formado por los distintos componentes acústicos identificados en el maxilar. Para analizar las características del sensor se propone un modelo simplificado 2D que consta de una cavidad cerrada con forma de bocina acoplada a una lengüeta. Una parte de la lengüeta se encuentra dentro de la cavidad y otra en el exterior. Dicha lengüeta detecta los cambios de presión acústica y las vibraciones generadas por el sonido y las transmite con ondas de flexión al interior de la cavidad. La excitación prolongada sobre la placa puede provocar la activación de los modos propios del sistema acoplado. Dichos modos se caracterizan porque presentan un máximo de presión en el cono de la bocina la cual a su vez actúa como un amplificador acústico. Mediante el Método de los elementos Finitos se analizan las características acústicas del sensor y se construye un prototipo experimental para validar los resultados evaluados en el modelo numérico. Se propone una metodología numérica que permite desarrollar y validar un elemento tetraédrico para caracterizar el comportamiento isotrópico de los medios porosos. La metodología permite construir elementos de línea y bidimensionales. A partir de esta metodología se desarrolla un elemento plano ortotrópico. Se realiza un modelo de la cavidad en el que una de las paredes de la bocina está constituida por material poroso y se une la parte exterior de la lengüeta a dicho material para que constituya una viga sobre un apoyo elástico. Se calcula la respuesta modal y se discuten los efectos del material poroso en la eficiencia del transductor y las posibles mejoras a introducir en el mismo. SUMMARY This Thesis studies the characteristics of an acoustic transducer bioinspired by the structure of the lower maxilla of an odontoceto. In this case a Cuvier’s beaked whale (Ziphius cavirostris). The transducer working mechanism is based in a coupled system, with components identified in the maxilla. To analyze the transducer a simplified 2D model composed by a horn shaped closed cavity is modeled. The cavity is coupled with a flat belt. The belt has one part inside the cavity and the other part outside of it. The belt traverses the cavity wall and it is in charge to pick the vibrations from outside and introduce it inside the cavity. The transmission is obtained through the belt bending. A sustained external load with the right frequency contents will allow the system to reach a stationary pressure intensity distribution inside the cavity. Frequencies with modal shapes that show an important intensity increase at the horn tip are of special interest because of the signal amplification. A finite element model is constructed to study the transducer coupled modes and a prototype is constructed to validate the numerical results. A numerical methodology to construct and validate a tetrahedral finite element for isotropic porous materials is presented. The methodology allows constructing linear and 2D elements. It is extended to model orthotropic porous materials behavior. At the end, one of the horn walls is made of an orthotropic material and the external belt is glued to it in order to configure a belt over an elastic foundation. Modal response is evaluated and the porous material effects in the transducer efficiency and further improvements are discussed.


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Understanding the radio signal transmission characteristics in the environment where the telerobotic application is sought is a key part of achieving a reliable wireless communication link between a telerobot and a control station. In this paper, wireless communication requirements and a case study of a typical telerobotic application in an underground facility at CERN are presented. Then, the theoretical and experimental characteristics of radio propagation are investigated with respect to time, distance, location and surrounding objects. Based on analysis of the experimental findings, we show how a commercial wireless system, such as Wi-Fi, can be made suitable for a case study application at CERN.


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Hoy en día, el proceso de un proyecto sostenible persigue realizar edificios de elevadas prestaciones que son, energéticamente eficientes, saludables y económicamente viables utilizando sabiamente recursos renovables para minimizar el impacto sobre el medio ambiente reduciendo, en lo posible, la demanda de energía, lo que se ha convertido, en la última década, en una prioridad. La Directiva 2002/91/CE "Eficiencia Energética de los Edificios" (y actualizaciones posteriores) ha establecido el marco regulatorio general para el cálculo de los requerimientos energéticos mínimos. Desde esa fecha, el objetivo de cumplir con las nuevas directivas y protocolos ha conducido las políticas energéticas de los distintos países en la misma dirección, centrándose en la necesidad de aumentar la eficiencia energética en los edificios, la adopción de medidas para reducir el consumo, y el fomento de la generación de energía a través de fuentes renovables. Los edificios de energía nula o casi nula (ZEB, Zero Energy Buildings ó NZEB, Net Zero Energy Buildings) deberán convertirse en un estándar de la construcción en Europa y con el fin de equilibrar el consumo de energía, además de reducirlo al mínimo, los edificios necesariamente deberán ser autoproductores de energía. Por esta razón, la envolvente del edifico y en particular las fachadas son importantes para el logro de estos objetivos y la tecnología fotovoltaica puede tener un papel preponderante en este reto. Para promover el uso de la tecnología fotovoltaica, diferentes programas de investigación internacionales fomentan y apoyan soluciones para favorecer la integración completa de éstos sistemas como elementos arquitectónicos y constructivos, los sistemas BIPV (Building Integrated Photovoltaic), sobre todo considerando el próximo futuro hacia edificios NZEB. Se ha constatado en este estudio que todavía hay una falta de información útil disponible sobre los sistemas BIPV, a pesar de que el mercado ofrece una interesante gama de soluciones, en algunos aspectos comparables a los sistemas tradicionales de construcción. Pero por el momento, la falta estandarización y de una regulación armonizada, además de la falta de información en las hojas de datos técnicos (todavía no comparables con las mismas que están disponibles para los materiales de construcción), hacen difícil evaluar adecuadamente la conveniencia y factibilidad de utilizar los componentes BIPV como parte integrante de la envolvente del edificio. Organizaciones internacionales están trabajando para establecer las normas adecuadas y procedimientos de prueba y ensayo para comprobar la seguridad, viabilidad y fiabilidad estos sistemas. Sin embargo, hoy en día, no hay reglas específicas para la evaluación y caracterización completa de un componente fotovoltaico de integración arquitectónica de acuerdo con el Reglamento Europeo de Productos de la Construcción, CPR 305/2011. Los productos BIPV, como elementos de construcción, deben cumplir con diferentes aspectos prácticos como resistencia mecánica y la estabilidad; integridad estructural; seguridad de utilización; protección contra el clima (lluvia, nieve, viento, granizo), el fuego y el ruido, aspectos que se han convertido en requisitos esenciales, en la perspectiva de obtener productos ambientalmente sostenibles, saludables, eficientes energéticamente y económicamente asequibles. Por lo tanto, el módulo / sistema BIPV se convierte en una parte multifuncional del edificio no sólo para ser física y técnicamente "integrado", además de ser una oportunidad innovadora del diseño. Las normas IEC, de uso común en Europa para certificar módulos fotovoltaicos -IEC 61215 e IEC 61646 cualificación de diseño y homologación del tipo para módulos fotovoltaicos de uso terrestre, respectivamente para módulos fotovoltaicos de silicio cristalino y de lámina delgada- atestan únicamente la potencia del módulo fotovoltaico y dan fe de su fiabilidad por un período de tiempo definido, certificando una disminución de potencia dentro de unos límites. Existe también un estándar, en parte en desarrollo, el IEC 61853 (“Ensayos de rendimiento de módulos fotovoltaicos y evaluación energética") cuyo objetivo es la búsqueda de procedimientos y metodologías de prueba apropiados para calcular el rendimiento energético de los módulos fotovoltaicos en diferentes condiciones climáticas. Sin embargo, no existen ensayos normalizados en las condiciones específicas de la instalación (p. ej. sistemas BIPV de fachada). Eso significa que es imposible conocer las efectivas prestaciones de estos sistemas y las condiciones ambientales que se generan en el interior del edificio. La potencia nominal de pico Wp, de un módulo fotovoltaico identifica la máxima potencia eléctrica que éste puede generar bajo condiciones estándares de medida (STC: irradición 1000 W/m2, 25 °C de temperatura del módulo y distribución espectral, AM 1,5) caracterizando eléctricamente el módulo PV en condiciones específicas con el fin de poder comparar los diferentes módulos y tecnologías. El vatio pico (Wp por su abreviatura en inglés) es la medida de la potencia nominal del módulo PV y no es suficiente para evaluar el comportamiento y producción del panel en términos de vatios hora en las diferentes condiciones de operación, y tampoco permite predecir con convicción la eficiencia y el comportamiento energético de un determinado módulo en condiciones ambientales y de instalación reales. Un adecuado elemento de integración arquitectónica de fachada, por ejemplo, debería tener en cuenta propiedades térmicas y de aislamiento, factores como la transparencia para permitir ganancias solares o un buen control solar si es necesario, aspectos vinculados y dependientes en gran medida de las condiciones climáticas y del nivel de confort requerido en el edificio, lo que implica una necesidad de adaptación a cada contexto específico para obtener el mejor resultado. Sin embargo, la influencia en condiciones reales de operación de las diferentes soluciones fotovoltaicas de integración, en el consumo de energía del edificio no es fácil de evaluar. Los aspectos térmicos del interior del ambiente o de iluminación, al utilizar módulos BIPV semitransparentes por ejemplo, son aún desconocidos. Como se dijo antes, la utilización de componentes de integración arquitectónica fotovoltaicos y el uso de energía renovable ya es un hecho para producir energía limpia, pero también sería importante conocer su posible contribución para mejorar el confort y la salud de los ocupantes del edificio. Aspectos como el confort, la protección o transmisión de luz natural, el aislamiento térmico, el consumo energético o la generación de energía son aspectos que suelen considerarse independientemente, mientras que todos juntos contribuyen, sin embargo, al balance energético global del edificio. Además, la necesidad de dar prioridad a una orientación determinada del edificio, para alcanzar el mayor beneficio de la producción de energía eléctrica o térmica, en el caso de sistemas activos y pasivos, respectivamente, podría hacer estos últimos incompatibles, pero no necesariamente. Se necesita un enfoque holístico que permita arquitectos e ingenieros implementar sistemas tecnológicos que trabajen en sinergia. Se ha planteado por ello un nuevo concepto: "C-BIPV, elemento fotovoltaico consciente integrado", esto significa necesariamente conocer los efectos positivos o negativos (en términos de confort y de energía) en condiciones reales de funcionamiento e instalación. Propósito de la tesis, método y resultados Los sistemas fotovoltaicos integrados en fachada son a menudo soluciones de vidrio fácilmente integrables, ya que por lo general están hechos a medida. Estos componentes BIPV semitransparentes, integrados en el cerramiento proporcionan iluminación natural y también sombra, lo que evita el sobrecalentamiento en los momentos de excesivo calor, aunque como componente estático, asimismo evitan las posibles contribuciones pasivas de ganancias solares en los meses fríos. Además, la temperatura del módulo varía considerablemente en ciertas circunstancias influenciada por la tecnología fotovoltaica instalada, la radiación solar, el sistema de montaje, la tipología de instalación, falta de ventilación, etc. Este factor, puede suponer un aumento adicional de la carga térmica en el edificio, altamente variable y difícil de cuantificar. Se necesitan, en relación con esto, más conocimientos sobre el confort ambiental interior en los edificios que utilizan tecnologías fotovoltaicas integradas, para abrir de ese modo, una nueva perspectiva de la investigación. Con este fin, se ha diseñado, proyectado y construido una instalación de pruebas al aire libre, el BIPV Env-lab "BIPV Test Laboratory", para la caracterización integral de los diferentes módulos semitransparentes BIPV. Se han definido también el método y el protocolo de ensayos de caracterización en el contexto de un edificio y en condiciones climáticas y de funcionamiento reales. Esto ha sido posible una vez evaluado el estado de la técnica y la investigación, los aspectos que influyen en la integración arquitectónica y los diferentes tipos de integración, después de haber examinado los métodos de ensayo para los componentes de construcción y fotovoltaicos, en condiciones de operación utilizadas hasta ahora. El laboratorio de pruebas experimentales, que consiste en dos habitaciones idénticas a escala real, 1:1, ha sido equipado con sensores y todos los sistemas de monitorización gracias a los cuales es posible obtener datos fiables para evaluar las prestaciones térmicas, de iluminación y el rendimiento eléctrico de los módulos fotovoltaicos. Este laboratorio permite el estudio de tres diferentes aspectos que influencian el confort y consumo de energía del edificio: el confort térmico, lumínico, y el rendimiento energético global (demanda/producción de energía) de los módulos BIPV. Conociendo el balance de energía para cada tecnología solar fotovoltaica experimentada, es posible determinar cuál funciona mejor en cada caso específico. Se ha propuesto una metodología teórica para la evaluación de estos parámetros, definidos en esta tesis como índices o indicadores que consideran cuestiones relacionados con el bienestar, la energía y el rendimiento energético global de los componentes BIPV. Esta metodología considera y tiene en cuenta las normas reglamentarias y estándares existentes para cada aspecto, relacionándolos entre sí. Diferentes módulos BIPV de doble vidrio aislante, semitransparentes, representativos de diferentes tecnologías fotovoltaicas (tecnología de silicio monocristalino, m-Si; de capa fina en silicio amorfo unión simple, a-Si y de capa fina en diseleniuro de cobre e indio, CIS) fueron seleccionados para llevar a cabo una serie de pruebas experimentales al objeto de demostrar la validez del método de caracterización propuesto. Como resultado final, se ha desarrollado y generado el Diagrama Caracterización Integral DCI, un sistema gráfico y visual para representar los resultados y gestionar la información, una herramienta operativa útil para la toma de decisiones con respecto a las instalaciones fotovoltaicas. Este diagrama muestra todos los conceptos y parámetros estudiados en relación con los demás y ofrece visualmente toda la información cualitativa y cuantitativa sobre la eficiencia energética de los componentes BIPV, por caracterizarlos de manera integral. ABSTRACT A sustainable design process today is intended to produce high-performance buildings that are energy-efficient, healthy and economically feasible, by wisely using renewable resources to minimize the impact on the environment and to reduce, as much as possible, the energy demand. In the last decade, the reduction of energy needs in buildings has become a top priority. The Directive 2002/91/EC “Energy Performance of Buildings” (and its subsequent updates) established a general regulatory framework’s methodology for calculation of minimum energy requirements. Since then, the aim of fulfilling new directives and protocols has led the energy policies in several countries in a similar direction that is, focusing on the need of increasing energy efficiency in buildings, taking measures to reduce energy consumption, and fostering the use of renewable sources. Zero Energy Buildings or Net Zero Energy Buildings will become a standard in the European building industry and in order to balance energy consumption, buildings, in addition to reduce the end-use consumption should necessarily become selfenergy producers. For this reason, the façade system plays an important role for achieving these energy and environmental goals and Photovoltaic can play a leading role in this challenge. To promote the use of photovoltaic technology in buildings, international research programs encourage and support solutions, which favors the complete integration of photovoltaic devices as an architectural element, the so-called BIPV (Building Integrated Photovoltaic), furthermore facing to next future towards net-zero energy buildings. Therefore, the BIPV module/system becomes a multifunctional building layer, not only physically and functionally “integrated” in the building, but also used as an innovative chance for the building envelope design. It has been found in this study that there is still a lack of useful information about BIPV for architects and designers even though the market is providing more and more interesting solutions, sometimes comparable to the existing traditional building systems. However at the moment, the lack of an harmonized regulation and standardization besides to the non-accuracy in the technical BIPV datasheets (not yet comparable with the same ones available for building materials), makes difficult for a designer to properly evaluate the fesibility of this BIPV components when used as a technological system of the building skin. International organizations are working to establish the most suitable standards and test procedures to check the safety, feasibility and reliability of BIPV systems. Anyway, nowadays, there are no specific rules for a complete characterization and evaluation of a BIPV component according to the European Construction Product Regulation, CPR 305/2011. BIPV products, as building components, must comply with different practical aspects such as mechanical resistance and stability; structural integrity; safety in use; protection against weather (rain, snow, wind, hail); fire and noise: aspects that have become essential requirements in the perspective of more and more environmentally sustainable, healthy, energy efficient and economically affordable products. IEC standards, commonly used in Europe to certify PV modules (IEC 61215 and IEC 61646 respectively crystalline and thin-film ‘Terrestrial PV Modules-Design Qualification and Type Approval’), attest the feasibility and reliability of PV modules for a defined period of time with a limited power decrease. There is also a standard (IEC 61853, ‘Performance Testing and Energy Rating of Terrestrial PV Modules’) still under preparation, whose aim is finding appropriate test procedures and methodologies to calculate the energy yield of PV modules under different climate conditions. Furthermore, the lack of tests in specific conditions of installation (e.g. façade BIPV devices) means that it is difficult knowing the exact effective performance of these systems and the environmental conditions in which the building will operate. The nominal PV power at Standard Test Conditions, STC (1.000 W/m2, 25 °C temperature and AM 1.5) is usually measured in indoor laboratories, and it characterizes the PV module at specific conditions in order to be able to compare different modules and technologies on a first step. The “Watt-peak” is not enough to evaluate the panel performance in terms of Watt-hours of various modules under different operating conditions, and it gives no assurance of being able to predict the energy performance of a certain module at given environmental conditions. A proper BIPV element for façade should take into account thermal and insulation properties, factors as transparency to allow solar gains if possible or a good solar control if necessary, aspects that are linked and high dependent on climate conditions and on the level of comfort to be reached. However, the influence of different façade integrated photovoltaic solutions on the building energy consumption is not easy to assess under real operating conditions. Thermal aspects, indoor temperatures or luminance level that can be expected using building integrated PV (BIPV) modules are not well known. As said before, integrated photovoltaic BIPV components and the use of renewable energy is already a standard for green energy production, but would also be important to know the possible contribution to improve the comfort and health of building occupants. Comfort, light transmission or protection, thermal insulation or thermal/electricity power production are aspects that are usually considered alone, while all together contribute to the building global energy balance. Besides, the need to prioritize a particular building envelope orientation to harvest the most benefit from the electrical or thermal energy production, in the case of active and passive systems respectively might be not compatible, but also not necessary. A holistic approach is needed to enable architects and engineers implementing technological systems working in synergy. A new concept have been suggested: “C-BIPV, conscious integrated BIPV”. BIPV systems have to be “consciously integrated” which means that it is essential to know the positive and negative effects in terms of comfort and energy under real operating conditions. Purpose of the work, method and results The façade-integrated photovoltaic systems are often glass solutions easily integrable, as they usually are custommade. These BIPV semi-transparent components integrated as a window element provides natural lighting and shade that prevents overheating at times of excessive heat, but as static component, likewise avoid the possible solar gains contributions in the cold months. In addition, the temperature of the module varies considerably in certain circumstances influenced by the PV technology installed, solar radiation, mounting system, lack of ventilation, etc. This factor may result in additional heat input in the building highly variable and difficult to quantify. In addition, further insights into the indoor environmental comfort in buildings using integrated photovoltaic technologies are needed to open up thereby, a new research perspective. This research aims to study their behaviour through a series of experiments in order to define the real influence on comfort aspects and on global energy building consumption, as well as, electrical and thermal characteristics of these devices. The final objective was to analyze a whole set of issues that influence the global energy consumption/production in a building using BIPV modules by quantifying the global energy balance and the BIPV system real performances. Other qualitative issues to be studied were comfort aspect (thermal and lighting aspects) and the electrical behaviour of different BIPV technologies for vertical integration, aspects that influence both energy consumption and electricity production. Thus, it will be possible to obtain a comprehensive global characterization of BIPV systems. A specific design of an outdoor test facility, the BIPV Env-lab “BIPV Test Laboratory”, for the integral characterization of different BIPV semi-transparent modules was developed and built. The method and test protocol for the BIPV characterization was also defined in a real building context and weather conditions. This has been possible once assessed the state of the art and research, the aspects that influence the architectural integration and the different possibilities and types of integration for PV and after having examined the test methods for building and photovoltaic components, under operation conditions heretofore used. The test laboratory that consists in two equivalent test rooms (1:1) has a monitoring system in which reliable data of thermal, daylighting and electrical performances can be obtained for the evaluation of PV modules. The experimental set-up facility (testing room) allows studying three different aspects that affect building energy consumption and comfort issues: the thermal indoor comfort, the lighting comfort and the energy performance of BIPV modules tested under real environmental conditions. Knowing the energy balance for each experimented solar technology, it is possible to determine which one performs best. A theoretical methodology has been proposed for evaluating these parameters, as defined in this thesis as indices or indicators, which regard comfort issues, energy and the overall performance of BIPV components. This methodology considers the existing regulatory standards for each aspect, relating them to one another. A set of insulated glass BIPV modules see-through and light-through, representative of different PV technologies (mono-crystalline silicon technology, mc-Si, amorphous silicon thin film single junction, a-Si and copper indium selenide thin film technology CIS) were selected for a series of experimental tests in order to demonstrate the validity of the proposed characterization method. As result, it has been developed and generated the ICD Integral Characterization Diagram, a graphic and visual system to represent the results and manage information, a useful operational tool for decision-making regarding to photovoltaic installations. This diagram shows all concepts and parameters studied in relation to each other and visually provides access to all the results obtained during the experimental phase to make available all the qualitative and quantitative information on the energy performance of the BIPV components by characterizing them in a comprehensive way.


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Entre los años 1965 y 1985, arquitectos españoles irrumpieron con una serie de aportaciones singulares que abrieron nuevas líneas de exploración más allá de los límites que marcaba la tradición. Se trata de un conjunto de prácticas arquitectónicas que podríamos calificar de “experimentales”3. El carácter aislado y disperso de estas manifestaciones4, ha contribuido a su desconocimiento y falta de difusión tanto dentro como fuera de nuestras fronteras. Hasta la fecha no se ha realizado una revisión del tema en su conjunto. Con este estudio se pretende analizar la producción arquitectónica experimental de este periodo en su globalidad, generar una estructura que permita incluir las distintas vías experimentales, de idear y proyectar arquitectura, que podemos encontrar dentro de nuestro territorio, inscribiéndolas en un contexto más amplio. Se han identificado cuatro nichos de experimentación en torno a los cuales se estructura la producción experimental española en el arco temporal definido: “sistemas de organización espacial”, “interacción con el medio ambiente”, “lógica constructiva e imaginación material” y “el campo expandido del lenguaje y el proceso proyectual”. La comprensión de estas manifestaciones, con una mirada global, es la que mejor puede contribuir a la construcción de un corpus propio, que sea reconocible por sus diferencias y especificidades. Se trata igualmente de un estudio comparado, que busca facilitar la inscripción de las prácticas experimentales españolas en el marco de la cultura internacional, no como una excepción encerrada en su particularismo, ni como una derivación inmediata de tendencias externas, sino como una realidad donde apoyar una historia que entrelaza lo local y lo internacional. En definitiva, con esta investigación se pretende recuperar un fragmento reciente de la arquitectura en España, en un periodo clave, en el que comienza a abrirse al intercambio de teorías y prácticas, con el resto de Europa y América. Incluyendo voces paralelas al discurso central, que habían sido desplazadas durante el proceso de construcción del mismo, se quiere participar en la transmisión de un legado completo de nuestra cultura y práctica arquitectónica. ABSTRACT Between the years 1965 and 1985, Spanish architects burst in with unique contributions that could be described as "experimental"1. The isolated and dispersed nature of these occurrences2 has contributed to the oversight and lack of dissemination of the Spanish experimental architecture both within and beyond our borders. To date, there has been no review of the topic in its entirety. This study tries to examine the experimental architectural production of this period as a whole, generating a structure that allows for the inclusion of different experimental ways of envisioning and projecting architecture within our territory, registering them in a wider context. Four niches of experimentation have been identified around which the Spanish experimental production in the time span defined: "spatial organisation systems," "interaction with the environment", "constructive logic and equipment imagination" and” expanded field of language and the design process. " Understanding these manifestations, with a global perspective, can best contribute to the construction of our own corpus, which is recognisable by their differences and specificities. At the same time, it is a comparative study that seeks to facilitate the registration of the Spanish experimental practices within the framework of international culture, not as an exception enclosed in its particularity, not as an immediate derivation of external trends, but as a reality to support a story that weaves together the local and the international. In short, it deals with recovering a recent fragment of architecture, in a key period in which Spain begins to open to the exchange of cultural and architectural theories and practices with the rest of Europe and America. Including parallel voices to the central discourse, which until recently had been displaced during the construction processes of that same discourse, this research wants to participate in the transmission of a complete legacy of the history of our culture and architectural practice.


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Esta investigación aborda el estudio de la influencia de las uniones en el aislamiento acústico a ruido aéreo en los edificios y el análisis de las transmisiones indirectas producidas en particiones de dos hojas de ladrillo cerámico sobre bandas elásticas. La transmisión de ruido entre dos recintos separados por una partición se produce por dos vías: La vía directa a través del elemento que separa los dos recintos y la vía indirecta, a través de los elementos de flanco, como forjados, particiones, fachadas, etc. que conectados a dicho elemento de separación, vibran en presencia del campo acústico transmitiendo sus vibraciones al recinto receptor. Si las transmisiones indirectas son dominantes, el aislamiento acústico “in situ” puede ser menor que el esperado. El parámetro que expresa la atenuación acústica en las uniones es el índice de reducción vibracional en la unión o Kij. Éste parámetro se utiliza en los métodos de cálculo del aislamiento acústico a ruido aéreo, que permiten la justificación del cumplimiento de la normativa actual, el Documento Básico DB HR Protección frente al ruido del CTE. La determinación de los índices Kij de las uniones es una cuestión que debe abordarse de forma experimental. Existen diferentes expresiones empíricas obtenidas en varios laboratorios europeos que permiten el cálculo del índice Kij, pero no se han validado con ensayos realizados en soluciones habituales en la construcción española, como las estudiadas en este trabajo. El objetivo de este trabajo es la medida, análisis y cuantificación de las transmisiones indirectas producidas en las uniones de elementos de dos hojas de fábrica de ladrillo cerámico. Se ha recurrido a una campaña de ensayos en la que se reproducían las condiciones de un edificio real y se ha medido el aislamiento acústico a ruido aéreo y los índices Kij de diferentes configuraciones de uniones. Del análisis de los resultados, se demuestra que el aislamiento acústico a ruido aéreo depende de las uniones, pudiéndose obtener mejoras significativas al variar la forma de unión entre los elementos constructivos. Las mejoras de aislamiento acústico están relacionadas con un buen diseño de las uniones y con valores elevados del índice Kij. Este trabajo aporta valores experimentales de Kij para soluciones de fábrica de ladrillo y pone en discusión los valores teóricos que actualmente aparecen en la normativa vigente. ABSTRACT This research work deals with the effects of junction construction details on airborne sound insulation in buildings and the analysis of flanking transmissions across double ceramic brick walls with elastic interlayers. The sound transmission between two adjacent rooms comprises two paths: the direct path, caused by the incident sound on a separating wall, and the indirect path, through flanking elements connected to the separating wall, such as floors, internal walls, ceilings, etc. Flanking elements vibrate when excited in the sound field, thus transferring sound via structure borne to the receiving room. Dominant flanking transmissions can decrease the field sound insulation performance of the building. The vibration reduction index, Kij. expresses the acoustic attenuation of construction joints. This is an input parameter in the calculation models designed to estimate the airborne sound insulation between adjoining rooms in buildings. These models are used to comply with the acoustic requirements set by Basic Document DB HR Protection against noise included in the Spanish Building Code. The characterization of Kij. must be addressed experimentally by means of measurements. The available empirical Kij. formulae were developed in different European laboratories, but they have not been validated with standard tests performed on common Spanish walls, such as those studied in this work. The aim of this work is the measurement, analysis and quantification of indirect transmissions though joints of double ceramic brick walls. Airborne sound insulation tests and Kij measurements were performed in a laboratory which emulated the conditions of a real building. These tests were performed in different partitions whose joints were modified. It follows from the analysis of the results that airborne sound insulation depends strongly on the design of joints. Sound insulation improves when the joints between construction elements are modified to eliminate acoustic bridges. The increase in sound insulation corresponds to best practice design of joints and to high Kij values. This research work provides experimental Kij data of double ceramic brick walls and the results put in discussion the theoretical values set in the current Standards.


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According to the classical calcium hypothesis of synaptic transmission, the release of neurotransmitter from presynaptic terminals occurs through an exocytotic process triggered by depolarization-induced presynaptic calcium influx. However, evidence has been accumulating in the last two decades indicating that, in many preparations, synaptic transmitter release can persist or even increase when calcium is omitted from the perfusing saline, leading to the notion of a "calcium-independent release" mechanism. Our study shows that the enhancement of synaptic transmission between photoreceptors and horizontal cells of the vertebrate retina induced by low-calcium media is caused by an increase of calcium influx into presynaptic terminals. This paradoxical effect is accounted for by modifications of surface potential on the photoreceptor membrane. Since lowering extracellular calcium concentration may likewise enhance calcium influx into other nerve cells, other experimental observations of "calcium-independent" release may be reaccommodated within the framework of the classical calcium hypothesis without invoking unconventional processes.


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A hipótese de \"manipulação comportamental\" supõe que um parasito pode alterar o comportamento de seu hospedeiro visando aumentar a probabilidade de completar seu ciclo evolutivo. Tais alterações aumentariam a taxa de transmissão hospedeirohospedeiro, assegurando ao parasito ou a seus propágulos o encontro de novo hospedeiro. A possibilidade de infecções parasitárias provocarem mudanças comportamentais em seus hospedeiros e a elevada frequência com que o acometimento de seres humanos por larvas de Toxocara e cistos de Toxoplasma ocorre, têm chamado à atenção de pesquisadores interessados no estudo das relações hospedeiro-parasita. Na infecção por Toxoplasma gondii e Toxocara canis, cistos e larvas estão presentes em diversos locais anatômicos incluindo musculatura, coração, pulmões, olhos e cérebro. A presença de parasitos no cérebro dá oportunidade de manipulação do comportamento do hospedeiro. Entretanto, não se sabe qual ou quais mecanismos estão envolvidos no processo de manipulação do comportamento. Os objetivos do presente estudo foram verificar alterações na ansiedade, medo, memória e aprendizagem de Rattus norvegicus experimentalmente infectados por Toxocara canis e/ou Toxoplasma gondii em dois períodos após infecção, bem como a localização das larvas e cistos e presença de placas beta amiloide ( A) na região do hipocampo no tecido cerebral desses roedores corado pela técnica de Hematoxilina e Eosina (HE), e Vermelho de Congo, respectivamente. Foram utilizadas 40 exemplares fêmeas da espécie Rattus norvegicus, com seis a oito semanas. Os animais foram divididos em quatro grupos: Toxocara - 10 ratos infectados com 300 ovos de Toxocara canis, Toxoplasma -10 ratos infectados com 10 cistos de Toxoplasma gondii, Infecção dupla - 10 ratos infectados com 300 ovos de Toxocara canis e 10 cistos de Toxoplasma gondii, e controle - 10 ratos sem infecção. Nos dias 40, 41, 70 e 71 após a infecção, os animais dos grupos infectados e controle foram submetidos à avaliação no Labirinto em Cruz Elevado e Campo aberto. Aos 120 após infecção foi feita avaliação da memória, aprendizado e aversão a urina de gato dos animais no Labirinto de Barnes. No final das análises comportamentais os animais foram levados a eutanásia para retirada do cérebro e confecção dos cortes histológicos preparados em HE e Vermelho de Congo. Os resultados mostraram efeito ansiolítico para ambas as infecções, principalmente para Toxoplasma gondii. Não houve comprometimento da memória e aprendizado no LB, porém os animais infectados por Toxocara canis ou Toxoplasma gondii apresentaram menor tempo para encontrar a toca com urina e entrar nela. A leitura dos cortes histológicos corados com HE mostraram larvas de Toxocara canis e cistos de Toxoplasma gondii em regiões do sistema nervoso central dos animais relacionadas com memória e aprendizado. As lâminas coradas com Vermelho de Congo apresentaram placas beta amiloides ( A) em metade dos animais infectados por Toxoplasma gondii. Conclui-se que a infecção por ambos os parasitos apresenta efeito ansiolítico quando ocorre infecção única. Quando a Infecção ocorre concomitantemente há modulação no comportamento. Além disso, ratas infectadas com infecção única apresentam-se menos aversivas à urina de gatos.


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Transmission of the protozoan parasite Giardia lamblia from one to another host individuum occurs through peroral ingestion of cysts which, following excystation in the small intestine, release two trophozoites each. Many studies have focused on the major surface antigen, VSP (for variant surface protein), which is responsible for the antigenic variability of the parasite. By using trophozoites of G. lamblia clone GS/M-83-H7 (expressing VSP H7) and the neonatal mouse model for experimental infections, we quantitatively assessed the process of antigenic variation of the parasite on the transcriptional level. In the present study, variant-specific regions identified on different GS/M-83-H7 vsp sequences served as targets for quantitative reverse transcription-PCR to monitor alterations in vsp mRNA levels during infection. Respective results demonstrated that antigenic switching of both the duodenal trophozoite and the cecal cyst populations was associated with a massive reduction in vsp H7 mRNA levels but not with a simultaneous increase in transcripts of any of the subvariant vsp genes analyzed. Most importantly, we also explored giardial variant-type formation and vsp mRNA levels after infection of mice with cysts. This infection mode led to an antigenic reset of the parasite in that a VSP H7-negative inoculum "converted" into a population of intestinal trophozoites that essentially consisted of the original VSP H7 type. This antigenic reset appears to be associated with excystation rather than with a selective process which favors expansion of a residual population of VSP H7 types within the antigenically diversified cyst inoculum. Based on these findings, the VSP H7 type has to be regarded as a predominant variant of G. lamblia clone GS/M-83-H7 which (re-)emerges during early-stage infection and may contribute to an optimal establishment of the parasite within the intestine of the experimental murine host.


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The approach of estimating the current state of the overhead transmission lines is considering. The performance functions of the overhead transmission lines has been generated on the basis of experimental data and reports. Results of simulation of the approximation functions for overhead transmission lines are analyzed.


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Observation of autosoliton propagation in a dispersion-managed optical transmission system controlled by in-line nonlinear fiber loop switches is reported for what is believed to be the first time. The system is based on a strong dispersion map with large amplifier spacing. Operation at transmission rates of 10 and 40 Gbits/s is demonstrated. ©2004 Optical Society of America.


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We present experimental results of 10 Gbit/s, 20 ps soliton data transmission over standard fibre, dispersion compensated to 0.5 ps/nm/km. Acceptable Q values were measured to a distance of 2022 km.


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This thesis presents results of transmission experiments using optical solitons in a dispersion managed optical fibre recirculating loop. The basic concepts of pulse propagation in optical fibre are introduced before optical solitons and their use in optically amplified fibre systems are discussed. The role of dispersion management in such systems is then considered. The design, operation and limitations of the recirculating loop and soliton sources which were used and the experimental techniques are described before the experimental work is presented. The experimental work covers a number of areas all of which used dispersion management of the transmission line. A novel ultra-long distance propagation scheme which achieved low timing jitter by suppression of the amplifier noise and by working close to the zero dispersion wavelength has been discovered. The use of fibre Bragg gratings as wavelength filters to suppress noise and reduce timing jitter has been investigated. The performance of the fibre grating cornpared favourably with that of a bulk device and was in good agreement with theoretical predictions. The upgrade of existing standard fibre systems to higher bit rates is currently an important issue. The possibility of using solitons with dispersion compensation to allow an increase in data rate of existing standard fibre systems to 10Gbit/s over 5000km has been demonstrated. The applicability of this technique to longer distances, higher bit rates or longer amplifier spans is also investigated by optimisation of the dispersion management scheme. The use of fibre Bragg gratings as the dispersion compensating elements in such standard fibre transmission experiments has been examined and the main problem that these devices currently have, high polarisation mode dispersion, is discussed. The likely future direction of optical communications and what part solitons and dispersion management will play in this development is discussed in the thesis conclusions


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This thesis presents details on both theoretical and experimental aspects of UV written fibre gratings. The main body of the thesis deals with the design, fabrication and testing of telecommunication optical fibre grating devices, but also an accurate theoretical analysis of intra-core fibre gratings is presented. Since more than a decade, fibre gratings have been extensively used in the telecommunication field (as filters, dispersion compensators, and add/drop multiplexers for instance). Gratings for telecommunication should conform to very high fabrication standards as the presence of any imperfection raises the noise level in the transmission system compromising its ability of transmitting intelligible sequence of bits to the receiver. Strong side lobes suppression and high and sharp reflection profile are then necessary characteristics. A fundamental part of the theoretical and experimental work reported in this thesis is about apodisation. The physical principle of apodisation is introduced and a number of apodisation techniques, experimental results and numerical optimisation of the shading functions and all the practical parameters involved in the fabrication are detailed. The measurement of chromatic dispersion in fibres and FBGs is detailed and an estimation of its accuracy is given. An overview on the possible methods that can be implemented for the fabrication of tunable fibre gratings is given before detailing a new dispersion compensator device based on the action of a distributed strain onto a linearly chirped FBG. It is shown that tuning of second and third order dispersion of the grating can be obtained by the use of a specially designed multipoint bending rig. Experiments on the recompression of optical pulses travelling long distances are detailed for 10 Gb/s and 40 Gb/s. The characterisation of a new kind of double section LPG fabricated on a metal-clad coated fibre is reported. The fabrication of the device is made easier by directly writing the grating through the metal coating. This device may be used to overcome the recoating problems associated with standard LPGs written in step-index fibre. Also, it can be used as a sensor for simultaneous measurements of temperature and surrounding medium refractive index.


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This thesis presents several advanced optical techniques that are crucial for improving high capacity transmission systems. The basic theory of optical fibre communications are introduced before optical solitons and their usage in optically amplified fibre systems are discussed. The design, operation, limitations and importance of the recirculating loop are illustrated. The crucial role of dispersion management in the transmission systems is then considered. Two of the most popular dispersion compensation methods - dispersion compensating fibres and fibre Bragg gratings - are emphasised. A tunable dispersion compensator is fabricated using the linear chirped fibre Bragg gratings and a bending rig. Results show that it is capable of compensating not only the second order dispersion, but also higher order dispersion. Stimulated Raman Scattering (SRS) are studied and discussed. Different dispersion maps are performed for all Raman amplified standard fibre link to obtain maximum transmission distances. Raman amplification is used in most of our loop experiments since it improves the optical signal-to-noise ratio (OSNR) and significantly reduces the nonlinear intrachannel effects of the transmission systems. The main body of the experimental work is concerned with nonlinear optical switching using the nonlinear optical loop mirrors (NOLMs). A number of different types of optical loop mirrors are built, tested and implemented in the transmission systems for noise suppression and 2R regeneration. Their results show that for 2R regeneration, NOLM does improve system performance, while NILM degrades system performance due to its sensitivity to the input pulse width, and the NALM built is unstable and therefore affects system performance.


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This thesis contains the results of experimental and numerical simulations of optical transmission systems using dispersion managed transmission techniques. Theoretical background is given on the propagation of pulses in optical fibres before extending the arguments to optical solitons, their applications and uses in communications. Dispersion management for transmission systems is introduced and then a brief explanation of quasi-linear pulse propagation is given. Techniques for performing laboratory transmission experiments are divulged and focus on the construction and operation of a recirculating loop. Laser sources and modulators for 40Gbit/s transmission rates are discussed and techniques for acquiring information from the resultant eye are explained.The operation of optically time division demultiplexing with a nonlinear elecro-absorption modulator is considered and then is replaced by the used of a linear electro-optic modulator and Dispersion unbalanced loop mirror (DILM). The use of nonlinearity as a positive effect for the use of processing and regenerating optical data is approached with an insight into the operation interferometers. Successful experimental results are given for the characterisation of the DILM and 40Gbit/ to l0Gbit/s demultiplexing is demonstrated.Modelling of a terrestrial style system is performed and the methods for computer simulation are discussed. The simulations model single channel 40Gbit/s transmission, 16 x 40Gbit/s WDM transmission and WDM transmission with varying channel separation. Three modulation formats are examined over the single mode fibre span. It is found that the dispersion managed soliton is not suitable for terrestrial style systems and that return-to-zero was the optimum format for the considered system.