283 resultados para Exegese Bíblica


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The modernist poet Emílio Moura (1902-1971) incorporates a strictly modern language regarding the imagistic suggesting a mainly poetry metalinguistic. That way, from the works Canto da hora amarga (1932) and Cancioneiro (1944) we attest, through the poetic analysis, that modernity Moura’s poetry takes place in confluences with ideas ranging from biblical tradition and come to the depersonalization of the modern I and questing. We objectify, therefore, demonstrate and explore the metalinguistic and intertextual character that results in the personification of poetry, as clarified muse. To achieve this, this same poetry undergoes a dualistic and pessimistic sentiment, baroque, the I that is divided into life and death, light and shadow; goes through a romantic feeling of anguish and desolation and reaches the multiplicity of the poetic speaker, which promotes a constant struggle with the language. More than draw a correlation between classical and modern ideas (in the sense that the poet creates depersonalization and appropriates of free, short prose or verse, typical of modernism), intend to supply, at least in part, the dearth of studies on the miner poet who has found fertile ground to question and analyze internally the role of poetry in the multiplicity of man and modern society to therefore conclude that universalism the Emílio Moura becomes distinctive and mature. Thus, we will check how poetic inflows corroborate both works for reevaluation and critical insertion of poetic the Emílio Moura in the context of modern/Modernist Brazilian literature


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The author, based on the work Change of Revolution, analyzes what Jacques Ellul understand as structural and existential in a Marxist revolution. Analyzing the main experiences of this type, the French thinker finds its by technification of the society. However, it also notes the validity of Marx’s objectives of overcoming the proletariat and the alienation. Thus, a revolutionary and libertarian socialism would be possible under certain conditions. On an existential level, Ellul questions in each one of us the permanence of efficiency values, of power and the pursuit of money as the main purpose of life, offering an authentic and radical transformation before the seizure of power. Thus, the author develops the Ellulian concept of God’s revelation in Jesus Christ as a lever and fulcrum of Revolution.


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Der Band gibt die Vorträge der dritten europäischen orthodox-westlichen Exegetenkonferenz vom 24.-31. August 2005 in Sankt Petersburg wieder. Die Konferenz in Sankt Petersburg war der Frage der Einheit und Vielfalt der Kirche nach den Zeugnissen des Neuen Testaments gewidmet. Ein Schwerpunkt liegt auf Beiträgen zum Verständnis der Eucharistie und der Mission in ihrer Bedeutung für die Einheit der Kirche. Daneben werden weitere historische und theologische Fragen zur neutestamentlichen Ekklesiologie sowie wirkungsgeschichtliche Aspekte des Themas behandelt. Zu allen Themenbereichen werden Beiträge aus orthodoxer, katholischer und evangelischer Perspektive geboten. Die Symposien von orthodoxen und 'westlichen' (evangelischen und katholischen) Neutestamentlern werden seit 1998 durchgeführt und widmen sich methodischen und hermeneutischen Grundfragen der biblischen Exegese. Sie dienen der Kontaktaufnahme und Kooperation zwischen Wissenschaftstraditionen der biblischen Exegese, die bisher weitgehend voneinander isoliert waren.


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