444 resultados para Evapotranspiration.
O objetivo deste experimento foi avaliar o efeito de diferentes populações de plantas e espaçamentos entre linhas de cultivo na produção de massa seca, rendimento de grãos e componentes do rendimento da cultura do feijoeiro irrigado. O experimento foi conduzido no ano agrícola 1997/1998, em área do Departamento de Engenharia Rural da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), RS. A cultivar de feijão preto BR-FEPAGRO 44 - Guapo brilhante, habito de crescimento indeterminado (tipo II), foi submetida a três populações de plantas (175, 250 e 325 mil plantas há-1) e três espaçamentos entre linhas de cultivo (35, 50 e 65cm). Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, bifatorial, com quatro repetições. Irrigações por aspersão foram aplicadas quando a evapotranspiração máxima da cultura, estimada a partir da evaporação do tanque classe A, indicava um valor acumulado de 25mm. Os resultados demonstraram que as diferentes populações de plantas e espaçamentos entre linhas de cultivo não ocasionaram alterações no rendimento de grãos e massa de mil sementes. No entanto, o número de sementes por vagem e de vagens por planta aumentaram com a redução na população de plantas. Na fase do enchimento de grãos, a redução do espaçamento entre linhas de cultivo aumentou a massa seca da parte aérea das plantas. A cultivar de feijoeiro, BR-FEPAGRO 44 - Guapo brilhante, apresenta elevada plasticidade dos componentes do rendimento, havendo compensação no rendimento de grãos nas menores populações de plantas com aumento da produção por planta.
O presente trabalho teve por objetivo a apresentação de um modelo iterativo para utilização em microcomputadores capaz de estimar valores de evapotranspiracão de referencia em diversos níveis de probabilidade, a partir de uma série de dados. O procedimento matemático envolvido na técnica iterativa empregada relaciona-se à utilização das funções de densidade gama incompleta e beta. Para tanto, foram utilizados dados quinzenais de evapotranspiracão do mês de março, a partir de uma série de 30 anos para a região de Piracicaba-SP. Através do teste de Kolmogorov-Smirnov, verificou-se que dados estimados através do modelo apresentaram alto grau de ajuste com dados relatados em literatura, justificando assim sua utilização.
Um estudo sobre o uso de água do feijoeiro de inverno (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Carioca) foi realizado num solo Latossol Vermelho Amarelo de textura argilosa. Um sistema de sulcos de infiltração foi usado para proceder a irrigação com o intuito de manter o solo em potenciais de água superiores a -40,0 KPa. Duas doses de aplicação de N em cobertura (0 a 30 Kg N/ha) foram colocados 25 dias após o plantio. Os principais objetivos do estudo foram: avaliar a interação entre as duas doses de N com a evapotranspiração e medir os coeficientes de cultura (Kc). A evapotranspiração média máxima (ETm) foi 1,71 mm/dia, ou 157,16 mm nos 92 dias de observações; os valores de ETm para as fases vegetativa (1), florescimento (2) e formação de vagens (3) foram 1,48; 2,35 e 1,50 mm/dia, respectivamente, para a dose de 30 Kg/ha e 1,48, 1,88 e 1,45 mm/dia para o tratamento sem aplicação de N em cobertura. Os coeficientes de cultura (Kc = ETm/ETo) foram 0,62 e 0,78 para a fase 1, 0,80 e 1,10 para a 2, 0,45 e 0,55 para a 3 e 0,61 e 0,80 para o ciclo todo, respectivamente, baseados no método de FAO-Penman e do Tanque Classe A. Este mostrou melhores resultados para estimar o máximo uso de água pelo feijoeiro de inverno. Os tratamentos de N não afetaram a evapotranspiração significativamente. Entretanto, a evapotranspiração, medida pelo método do balanço de água, foi 59,78 e 27,12% maior no estágio do florescimento que no estádio vegetativo, respectivamente, nas doses de 30 e 0 Kg N/ha.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O experimento foi conduzido no período de 27/05/2006 a 02/08/2006 no SIPA (Sistema Integrado de Produção Agroecológica), localizado no município de Seropédica-RJ. Nesse trabalho, objetivou-se avaliar o desempenho da cultura da alface (Lactuca sativa L.) cultivada sob diferentes lâminas de irrigação em um solo sem e com cobertura de palhada da leguminosa gliricídia. Foram conduzidos dois experimentos simultâneos, utilizando o delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, em ambos os experimentos, nos quais foram aplicadas 5 lâminas de irrigação, correspondendo a 25, 50, 80, 100, 115 % da evapotranspiração da cultura (ETc), sendo a produção final avaliada por meio da determinação da massa fresca, área foliar e número de folhas. Até o nível de 100% ETc, todas as variáveis analisadas tiveram seus valores aumentados, e para o nível de 115%, houve um decrescimento das mesmas. Na produção de massa fresca total, o sistema de cultivo com utilização de cobertura morta foi superior ao sem cobertura não diferenciando estatisticamente ao nível de 5 % probabilidade pelo teste F somente nas lâminas de 25 e 115% ETc.
The aim of this study was to try the forecast of corn (Zea mays L.) sowing dates, the understanding of the quantitative effect of water deficits on that crop and crop yield decrease on a basis of a climatic model of water deficit forecast. This model was applied at Cambara (lat. 23 degrees 00'S, long. 50 circle 02'WGr, altitude 450 m), PR, Brazil. The model estimates yield decrease, in relation to potential values, as a function of the sowing dates which determine flowering and grain filling dates, highly critical times in relation to water deficit. The estimates were done from expected values of water deficit, at the 80% probability level and accumulated degrees-days, using several climatological data. Results show that the first ten days of November are the best corn sowing date under dry or irrigated conditions. Under these same conditions, the worst time showed to be August. Estimates of total needs of supplementar irrigation get values of 126 e 226 mm, respectively to the corn sowed at the first ten days of November and August.
In this work, the aim was to evaluate the performance of Irrigameter in the management of the irrigation water, led in the culture of the bean plant, comparatively to the use of the methods standard of stove, tensiometers, Bouyoucos, automatic meteorological station and pan Class A. Irrigameter was adjusted to the soil characteristics, culture of the bean and irrigation equipment to confection the management ruler. For direct estimation of the evapotranspiration of the culture of the bean plant in your development stadiums, Irrigameter operated inside with heights of the levels of water of the evaporatorio same to 2, 3 and 5 cm, corresponding to the stadiums of initial development, vegetative development and flowering, respectively. The humidity obtained by the standard method of stove it was adopted as reference in the comparisons of the irrigation depth. Irrigameter can be used in the management of the irrigation to determine the consumption of water directly for a culture, in any development stadium; the methods that estimate the evapotranspiration of the culture overestimated the irrigation depth recommended by the standard method of stove, happening behavior contrary with the ones that determines the current humidity of the soil.
With technological innovations, such as irrigation, the bean has been grown by producers who have the most varied levels of technology that, in suitable times, allows the planting great success in grain yield. The aim of this study was to evaluate the response of the dry bean to different managements of irrigation and nitrogen fertilization with no-tillage system, in Aquidauana - MS, Brazil. The experiment was conducted at the Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul (UEMS), with the soil of the area classified as Alfisol, using the bean crop "Perola" sown on June 30, 2007. The experimental design was a randomized block split-plot consisting of three blocks and two replications within each block. The plots were composed of three management of irrigation, by the Class A pan method, using Hargreaves-Samani equation, and management by tensiometry (-40 kPa), with water replacement of 16.5 mm for all irrigation plots. The subplots consisted on four rates of nitrogen fertilization (0; 50; 100 and 150 kg ha(-1)), in which the nitrogen source was urea. It was concluded that the irrigation management through the Class A pan and Hargreaves-Samani equation conduced to higher grain yields of bean, 3031.11 and 3005.02 kg ha(-1) respectively.
Caracterizacao climatica e variacao das disponibilidodes de agua nos nucieos canavieriros paulistas.
Analyses water budgets and time series data on the relationship between rainfall and evapotranspiration for the sugar-cane zones of Sao Paulo State and then compares water availability in soil with agricultural yields. -R.N.Gwynne
Annual runoff, loss by interception, transpiration and evapotranspiration of two watersheds in the Amazon rainforest of the terra firme type in central Amazonia, were estimated. The results show the significant importance of the forest to the present ecological balance of the region, which may be seriously altered if uncontrolled and unplanned deforestation continues.-from Authors
In order to estimate the deforestation consequences on the actual solar energy budget of the Central Amazon Region, two ecosystems of different characteristics were compared. The present conditions of the region were represented by a typical 'terra firme' forest cover located at INPA's Ducke Forest Reserve, where the measurements necessary to evaluate its solar energy balance were carried out. The second ecosystem, simulating a deforested area, was represented by an area about 1.0 ha without natural vegetation and situated in the same Reserve. In this area lysimeters were placed, two of them filled with yellow latosol and two others with quartzose sand soil. Both soils are representative soils in the region. Their water balances were taken into account as well as the other parameters necessary to compute the solar energy balances. The results showed that water loss by evaporation was about 41.8% of the total precipitation in the yellow latosol lysimeters and about 26.4% for the quartzose sand ones. For the forest cover it was estimated an evapotranspiration of 67.9% of the rainfall amount. In relation to solar energy balance calculated for the forest cover, it was found that 83.1% of the total energy incoming to this ecosystem was used by the evapotranspiration process, while the remaining of 16.9% can be taken as sensible heat. For bare soils, 55.1% and 31.8% of the total energy were used as latent heat by yellow latosol and quartzose sand soils, respectively. So, the remaining amounts of 44.9% and 68.2% were related to sensible heat and available to atmospheric air heating of these ecosystems. Such results suggest that a large deforestation of the Amazon Region would have direct consequences on their water and solar radiation balances, with an expected change on the actual climatic conditions of the region. © 1993.
This work deals with the Priestley-Taylor model for evapotranspiration in different grown stages of a bean crop. Priestley and Taylor derived a practical formulation for energy partitioning between the sensible and latent heat fluxes through the α parameter. Bowen ratio energy balance (BREB) was carried out for daily sensible and latent heat flux estimations in three different crop stages. Mean daily values of Priestley-Taylor α parameter were determined for eleven days during the crop cycle. Diurnal variation patterns of α are presented for the growing, flowering and graining periods. The mean values of 1.13 ± 0.33, 1.26 ± 0.74, 1.22 ± 0.55 were obtained for a day in the growing, in the flowering and for graining periods, respectively. Eleven days values of α are shown and gave a mean value of 1.23 ± 0.10 which agree on the reported literature.
Trichilia catigua A. Juss. - Meliaceae has been traditionally used as a tonic and digestive medicine. Some Brazilian pharmaceutical firms use this species to produce phytopharmaceuticals and alcoholic beverages. The aim of this work is to determine its geographical distribution and characterise the environments where catuaba is found in the state of Paraná, in order to support the domestication strategy for the agricultural production of this species. Based on the literature, botanical collections and field observations it was established, that five species of the genus occurring in Paraná, which were identified as T casaretti, T catigua, T claussenii, T elegans, T pallida and another supposed to be T pattens. Trichilia catigua occurs within a wide but defined strip in the state. By evaluating data of climate; soil types; natural vegetation formations; mean, maximum and minimum temperatures; relative humidity; rainfall; altitudes and evapotranspiration the strip may be localised above latitude 25° in the central and Eastern regions of the state and above latitude 26° in South-western Parana. In general, T catigua was found to occur on fertile, organic-matter-rich soils and predominantly under forest canopies.
The objective of this study was to determine the influence of five different water levels on the crop development of Calla. The crop parameters evaluated were leaf area and evapotranspiration. The study was conducted in glass greenhouse with 50% of sunlight reduction. The plants were grown in PVC pots with 150 mm diameter, which were filled with substrate. The plant tubers weighed from 10 g to 12 g. The pots were placed within containers, under water level constant automatically.. The table water levels used were 10, 17, 24, 31 and 38 cm. Nine evaluations during the growth cycle checked the growth development. The evaporation varied from 26.89 to 46.14 L.plant-1 for 38 and 10 cm water levels, respectively and leaf area per plant showed 1011.6 to 2016.3 for the same levels. The substrate water was more available in the treatment 24 cm, with more restrictions in the upper and lower treatments. There was positive correlation between leaf area and evapotranspiration at the final of the culture.