975 resultados para Evaluation cycle
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a chain-oriented tool to evaluate the environment performance of products focussing on the entire life cycle of these products: from the extraction of resources, via manufacturing and use, to the final processing of the disposed products. Through all these stages consumption of resources and pollutant releases to air, water, soil are identified and quantified in Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) analysis. Subsequently to the LCI phase follows the Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) phase; that has the purpose to convert resource consumptions and pollutant releases in environmental impacts. The LCIA aims to model and to evaluate environmental issues, called impact categories. Several reports emphasises the importance of LCA in the field of ENMs. The ENMs offer enormous potential for the development of new products and application. There are however unanswered questions about the impacts of ENMs on human health and the environment. In the last decade the increasing production, use and consumption of nanoproducts, with a consequent release into the environment, has accentuated the obligation to ensure that potential risks are adequately understood to protect both human health and environment. Due to its holistic and comprehensive assessment, LCA is an essential tool evaluate, understand and manage the environmental and health effects of nanotechnology. The evaluation of health and environmental impacts of nanotechnologies, throughout the whole of their life-cycle by using LCA methodology. This is due to the lack of knowledge in relation to risk assessment. In fact, to date, the knowledge on human and environmental exposure to nanomaterials, such ENPs is limited. This bottleneck is reflected into LCA where characterisation models and consequently characterisation factors for ENPs are missed. The PhD project aims to assess limitations and challenges of the freshwater aquatic ecotoxicity potential evaluation in LCIA phase for ENPs and in particular nanoparticles as n-TiO2.
Modern food systems are characterized by a high energy intensity as well as by the production of large amounts of waste, residuals and food losses. This inefficiency presents major consequences, in terms of GHG emissions, waste disposal, and natural resource depletion. The research hypothesis is that residual biomass material could contribute to the energetic needs of food systems, if recovered as an integrated renewable energy source (RES), leading to a sensitive reduction of the impacts of food systems, primarily in terms of fossil fuel consumption and GHG emissions. In order to assess these effects, a comparative life cycle assessment (LCA) has been conducted to compare two different food systems: a fossil fuel-based system and an integrated system with the use of residual as RES for self-consumption. The food product under analysis has been the peach nectar, from cultivation to end-of-life. The aim of this LCA is twofold. On one hand, it allows an evaluation of the energy inefficiencies related to agro-food waste. On the other hand, it illustrates how the integration of bioenergy into food systems could effectively contribute to reduce this inefficiency. Data about inputs and waste generated has been collected mainly through literature review and databases. Energy balance, GHG emissions (Global Warming Potential) and waste generation have been analyzed in order to identify the relative requirements and contribution of the different segments. An evaluation of the energy “loss” through the different categories of waste allowed to provide details about the consequences associated with its management and/or disposal. Results should provide an insight of the impacts associated with inefficiencies within food systems. The comparison provides a measure of the potential reuse of wasted biomass and the amount of energy recoverable, that could represent a first step for the formulation of specific policies on the integration of bioenergies for self-consumption.
In den westlichen Ländern nimmt die Zahl der Schlaganfall-Patienten stetig zu und zählt mittlerweilernzu einer der häufigsten Todesursachen. Derzeit ist die Rekanalisationstherapie mit demrnFibrinolytikum rt-PA die einzig zugelassene Therapie. Die Rekanalisationsrate ist oftmals inkomplettrnund aufgrund von möglichen Blutungskomplikationen die Therapie nicht bei allen Patientenrnmöglich. Daher ist es wichtig, Alternativtherapieansätze (z.B. Ultraschallthrombolyse) zurnentwickeln. Blutgerinnsel können mit Hilfe von Ultraschall in Schwingung gebracht und sornlysiert oder die Wirkung von rt-PA verstärkt werden. Die vorliegende Arbeit hatte die Evaluationrnvon Bioeffekten von 60 kHz Ultraschall an gesundem und ischämischem Hirngewebe zum Ziel.rnNeben tierexperimentellen Methoden kamen auch molekular-biologische Techniken zur Anwendung.rnDie erste Studie beschäftigte sich mit der Wirkung von 60 kHz (Intensität: 0,2 W/cm2 undrnDuty Cycle 50%) auf ischämisches Hirngewebe (permanent ischämisch und nach Reperfusion).rnLediglich nach Reperfusion und Ultraschallbehandlung war das Läsionsvolumen signifikantrnerhöht, so dass von einer besonderen Vulnerabilität des Hirngewebes nach Reperfusionrnauszugehen ist (Penumbraschädigung). In der neurologischen Beurteilung der Tiere zeigte sichrnbei allen Tieren mit permanenter Okklusion und etwa einem Drittel der Tiere nach Reperfusionrnund Ultraschallbehandlung eine Hörminderung. In der anschließenden Studie wurde diernUltraschallintensität erniedrigt und der Duty Cycle variiert. In einer publizierten in vitro Studiernkonnte die zunehmende Lyserate mit steigendem Duty Cycle nachgewiesen werden. DiernAuswertung ergab eine Abhängigkeit des Läsionsvolumens von der Länge des Duty Cycles. Derrndritte Teil der Arbeit befasst sich mit der Wirkung von Ultraschall auf die Genexpression. Hierzurnwurden gesunde Ratten mit Ultraschall verschiedener Frequenzen (60 kHz, 488 kHz und 3 MHz)rntranskraniell behandelt und 4 h bzw. 24 h nach der Behandlung getötet. Proben von ischämischenrnTieren dienten als positive Kontrollen. Aufgrund von Literaturrecherchen wurden mehrerernKandidatengene ermittelt. Die Messung der Ischämieproben ergab eine weitgehende Übereinstimmungrnmit der Literatur. Die Messungen an den mit 60 kHz behandelten Proben ergabenrnkaum Anzeichen für eine differenzielle Genregulation. Die Frequenz von 488 kHz zeigte diernmeisten Regulationen, gefolgt von der Behandlung mit 3 MHz. Dieses Ergebnis lässt vermuten,rndass es sich bei den detektierten Veränderungen um protektive Mechanismen handelt, da diesernFrequenzen bislang im Tierversuch als nebenwirkungsarm beschrieben wurden. Die Auswertungrnvon 60 kHz-Proben mit Affymetrix Arrays ergab lediglich einige wenige differentiell regulierternGene. Die Array-Experimente konnten nicht durch qPCR-Messungen bestätigt werden.
In questo lavoro di tesi si è elaborato un quadro di riferimento per l’utilizzo combinato di due metodologie di valutazione di impatti LCA e RA, per tecnologie emergenti. L’originalità dello studio sta nell’aver proposto e anche applicato il quadro di riferimento ad un caso studio, in particolare ad una tecnologia innovativa di refrigerazione, basata su nanofluidi (NF), sviluppata da partner del progetto Europeo Nanohex che hanno collaborato all’elaborazione degli studi soprattutto per quanto riguarda l’inventario dei dati necessari. La complessità dello studio è da ritrovare tanto nella difficile integrazione di due metodologie nate per scopi differenti e strutturate per assolvere a quegli scopi, quanto nel settore di applicazione che seppur in forte espansione ha delle forti lacune di informazioni circa processi di produzione e comportamento delle sostanze. L’applicazione è stata effettuata sulla produzione di nanofluido (NF) di allumina secondo due vie produttive (single-stage e two-stage) per valutare e confrontare gli impatti per la salute umana e l’ambiente. Occorre specificare che il LCA è stato quantitativo ma non ha considerato gli impatti dei NM nelle categorie di tossicità. Per quanto concerne il RA è stato sviluppato uno studio di tipo qualitativo, a causa della problematica di carenza di parametri tossicologici e di esposizione su citata avente come focus la categoria dei lavoratori, pertanto è stata fatta l’assunzione che i rilasci in ambiente durante la fase di produzione sono trascurabili. Per il RA qualitativo è stato utilizzato un SW specifico, lo Stoffenmanger-Nano che rende possibile la prioritizzazione dei rischi associati ad inalazione in ambiente di lavoro. Il quadro di riferimento prevede una procedura articolata in quattro fasi: DEFINIZIONE SISTEMA TECNOLOGICO, RACCOLTA DATI, VALUTAZIONE DEL RISCHIO E QUANTIFICAZIONE DEGLI IMPATTI, INTERPRETAZIONE.
Sweet sorghum, a C4 crop of tropical origin, is gaining momentum as a multipurpose feedstock to tackle the growing environmental, food and energy security demands. Under temperate climates sweet sorghum is considered as a potential bioethanol feedstock, however, being a relatively new crop in such areas its physiological and metabolic adaptability has to be evaluated; especially to the more frequent and severe drought spells occurring throughout the growing season and to the cold temperatures during the establishment period of the crop. The objective of this thesis was to evaluate some adaptive photosynthetic traits of sweet sorghum to drought and cold stress, both under field and controlled conditions. To meet such goal, a series of experiments were carried out. A new cold-tolerant sweet sorghum genotype was sown in rhizotrons of 1 m3 in order to evaluate its tolerance to progressive drought until plant death at young and mature stages. Young plants were able to retain high photosynthetic rate for 10 days longer than mature plants. Such response was associated to the efficient PSII down-regulation capacity mediated by light energy dissipation, closure of reaction centers (JIP-test parameters), and accumulation of glucose and sucrose. On the other hand, when sweet sorghum plants went into blooming stage, neither energy dissipation nor sugar accumulation counteracted the negative effect of drought. Two hybrids with contrastable cold tolerance, selected from an early sowing field trial were subjected to chilling temperatures under controlled growth conditions to evaluate in deep their physiological and metabolic cold adaptation mechanisms. The hybrid which poorly performed under field conditions (ICSSH31), showed earlier metabolic changes (Chl a + b, xanthophyll cycle) and greater inhibition of enzymatic activity (Rubisco and PEPcase activity) than the cold tolerant hybrid (Bulldozer). Important insights on the potential adaptability of sweet sorghum to temperate climates are given.
This dissertation consists of three empirical studies that aim at providing new evidence in the field of public policy evaluation. In particular, the first two chapters focus on the effects of the European cohesion policy, while the third chapter assesses the effectiveness of Italian labour market incentives in reducing long-term unemployment. The first study analyses the effect of EU funds on life satisfaction across European regions , under the assumption that projects financed by structural funds in the fields of employment, education, health and environment may affect the overall quality of life in recipient regions. Using regional data from the European Social Survey in 2002-2006, it resorts to a regression discontinuity design, where the discontinuity is provided by the institutional framework of the policy. The second study aims at estimating the impact of large transfers from a centralized authority to a local administration on the incidence of white collar crimes. It merges a unique dataset on crimes committed in Italian municipalities between 2007 and 2011 with information on the disbursement of EU structural funds in 2007-2013 programming period, employing an instrumental variable estimation strategy that exploits the variation in the electoral cycle at local level. The third study analyses the impact of an Italian labour market policy that allowed firms to cut their labour costs on open-ended job contracts when hiring long-term unemployed workers. It takes advantage of a unique dataset that draws information from the unemployment lists in Veneto region and it resorts to a regression discontinuity approach to estimate the effect of the policy on the job finding rate of long-term unemployed workers.
The present work is included in the context of the assessment of sustainability in the construction field and is aimed at estimating and analyzing life cycle cost of the existing reinforced concrete bridge “Viadotto delle Capre” during its entire life. This was accomplished by a comprehensive data collection and results evaluation. In detail, the economic analysis of the project is performed. The work has investigated possible design alternatives for maintenance/rehabilitation and end-of-life operations, when structural, functional, economic and also environmental requirements have to be fulfilled. In detail, the economic impact of different design options for the given reinforced concrete bridge have been assessed, whereupon the most economically, structurally and environmentally efficient scenario was chosen. The Integrated Life-Cycle Analysis procedure and Environmental Impact Assessment were also discussed in this work. The scope of this thesis is to illustrate that Life Cycle Cost analysis as part of Life Cycle Assessment approach could be effectively used to drive the design and management strategy of new and existing structures. The final objective of this contribution is to show how an economic analysis can influence decision-making in the definition of the most sustainable design alternatives. The designers can monitor the economic impact of different design strategies in order to identify the most appropriate option.
This thesis evaluates a novel asymmetric capacitor incorporating a carbon foam supported nickel hydroxide positive electrode and a carbon black negative electrode. A series of symmetric capacitors were prepared to characterize the carbon black (CB) negative electrode. The influence of the binder, PTFE, content on the cell properties was evaluated. X-ray diffraction characterization of the nickel electrode during cycling is also presented. The 3 wt% and 5 wt% PTFE/CB symmetric cells were examined using cyclic voltammetry (CV) and constant current charge/discharge measurements. As compared with symmetric cells containing more PTFE, the 3 wt% cell has the highest average specific capacitance, energy density and power density over 300 cycles, 121.8 F/g, 6.44 Wh/kg, and 604.1 W/kg, respectively. Over the 3 to 10 wt% PTFE/CB range, the 3 wt% sample exhibited the lowest effective resistance and the highest BET surface area. Three asymmetric cells (3 wt% PTFE/CB negative electrode and a nickel positive) were fabricated; cycle life was examined at 3 current densities. The highest average energy and power densities over 1000 cycles were 20 Wh/kg (21 mA/cm2) and 715 W/kg (31 mA/cm2), respectively. The longest cycle life was 11,505 cycles (at 8 mA/cm2), with an average efficiency of 79% and an average energy density of 14 Wh/kg. The XRD results demonstrate that the cathodically deposited nickel electrode is a typical α-Ni(OH)2 with the R3m structure (ABBCCA stacking); the charged electrodes are 3γ-NiOOH with the same stacking as the α-type; the discharged electrodes (including as-formed electrode) are aged to β’-Ni(OH)2 (a disordered β) with the P3m structure (ABAB stacking). A 3γ remnant was observed.
Electrochemical capacitors have been an important development in recent years in the field of energy storage. Capacitors can be developed by utilizing either double layer capacitance at the electrode/solution interfaces alone or in combination with a battery electrode associated with a faradic redox process in one electrode. An asymmetric capacitor consisting of electrochemically deposited nickel hydroxide, supported on carbon foam as a positive electrode and carbon sheet as a negative electrode has been successfully assembled and cycled. One objective of this study has been to demonstrate the viability of the nickel carbon foam positive electrode, especially in terms of cycle life. Electrochemical characterization shows stable, high cycle performance in 26 wt. % KOH electrolyte with a maximum energy density of 4.1 Wh/Kg and a relaxation time constant of 6.24 s. This cell has demonstrated high cycle life, 14,500 cycles, with efficiency better than 98%. In addition, the cell failure mechanism and self-discharge behavior of the aforesaid capacitor are analyzed.
OBJECTIVE: Glycodelin (PP14) is produced by the epithelium of the endometrium and its determination in the serum is used for functional evaluation of this tissue. Given the complex regulation and the combined contraceptive and immunosuppressive roles of glycodelin, the current lack of normal values for its serum concentration in the physiological menstrual cycle, derived from a large sample number, is a problem. We have therefore established reference values from over 600 sera. DESIGN: Retrospective study using banked serum samples. SETTING: University hospital. METHODS: Measurement of blood samples daily or every second day during one full cycle. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Serum concentrations of glycodelin and normal values for every such one- or two-day interval were calculated. Late luteal phase glycodelin levels were compared with ovarian hormones. Follicular phase levels were compared with stimulated cycles from patients undergoing in vitro fertilization. RESULTS: Glycodelin concentrations were low around ovulation. Highest levels were observed at the end of the luteal phase; the glycodelin serum peak was reached 6-8 days after the one for progesterone. Late luteal glycodelin levels correlated negatively with the body mass index and positively with the progesterone level earlier in the secretory (mid-luteal) phase in the same woman. No associations with other ovarian hormones were observed. Follicular phase glycodelin levels were higher in the spontaneous than in the in vitro fertilization cycles. CONCLUSIONS: Normal values taken at two- or one-day intervals demonstrate the very late appearance of high serum glycodelin levels during the physiological menstrual cycle and their correlation with progesterone occurring earlier in the cycle.
BACKGROUND Noninflammatory alopecia is a frequent problem in dogs, and the pathogenesis is still unclear. OBJECTIVE The objective of this study was a comparative histological description of skin biopsies from dogs with different alopecic disorders and control dogs matched for coat type, season and disease duration. ANIMALS Twenty-one cases of alopecia X in plush-coated dogs, 12 cases of recurrent flank alopecia, three cases of hyperestrogenism, 15 cases of hyperadrenocorticism, 12 cases of hypothyroidism and 12 cases of primary alopecic disorders of unknown cause were evaluated. The controls were biopsies from 38 dogs of different coat types. METHODS We evaluated five serial sections of each biopsy histologically and immunohistologically to compare the histological findings within the disease groups and with the control. RESULTS All the dogs with hair cycle disorders had a significant increase in the number of hairless hair follicles, which we assigned to kenogen. In addition, dogs with alopecia X had the lowest percentage of anagen follicles and the highest percentage of telogen follicles. CONCLUSIONS The marked increase in kenogen follicles is a strong indication that the induction of the new anagen phase is impaired in hair cycle disorders. The findings in dogs with alopecia X further suggest that premature catagen is also involved in the pathogenesis. Further work to investigate the stem cell compartment and possible initiating factors for the different cycle phases is required to elucidate the exact pathogenesis.
Recent treatment planning studies have demonstrated the use of physiologic images in radiation therapy treatment planning to identify regions for functional avoidance. This image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT) strategy may reduce the injury and/or functional loss following thoracic radiotherapy. 4D computed tomography (CT), developed for radiotherapy treatment planning, is a relatively new imaging technique that allows the acquisition of a time-varying sequence of 3D CT images of the patient's lungs through the respiratory cycle. Guerrero et al. developed a method to calculate ventilation imaging from 4D CT, which is potentially better suited and more broadly available for IGRT than the current standard imaging methods. The key to extracting function information from 4D CT is the construction of a volumetric deformation field that accurately tracks the motion of the patient's lungs during the respiratory cycle. The spatial accuracy of the displacement field directly impacts the ventilation images; higher spatial registration accuracy will result in less ventilation image artifacts and physiologic inaccuracies. Presently, a consistent methodology for spatial accuracy evaluation of the DIR transformation is lacking. Evaluation of the 4D CT-derived ventilation images will be performed to assess correlation with global measurements of lung ventilation, as well as regional correlation of the distribution of ventilation with the current clinical standard SPECT. This requires a novel framework for both the detailed assessment of an image registration algorithm's performance characteristics as well as quality assurance for spatial accuracy assessment in routine application. Finally, we hypothesize that hypo-ventilated regions, identified on 4D CT ventilation images, will correlate with hypo-perfused regions in lung cancer patients who have obstructive lesions. A prospective imaging trial of patients with locally advanced non-small-cell lung cancer will allow this hypothesis to be tested. These advances are intended to contribute to the validation and clinical implementation of CT-based ventilation imaging in prospective clinical trials, in which the impact of this imaging method on patient outcomes may be tested.
BACKGROUND Aortic dissection is a severe pathological condition in which blood penetrates between layers of the aortic wall and creates a duplicate channel - the false lumen. This considerable change on the aortic morphology alters hemodynamic features dramatically and, in the case of rupture, induces markedly high rates of morbidity and mortality. METHODS In this study, we establish a patient-specific computational model and simulate the pulsatile blood flow within the dissected aorta. The k-ω SST turbulence model is employed to represent the flow and finite volume method is applied for numerical solutions. Our emphasis is on flow exchange between true and false lumen during the cardiac cycle and on quantifying the flow across specific passages. Loading distributions including pressure and wall shear stress have also been investigated and results of direct simulations are compared with solutions employing appropriate turbulence models. RESULTS Our results indicate that (i) high velocities occur at the periphery of the entries; (ii) for the case studied, approximately 40% of the blood flow passes the false lumen during a heartbeat cycle; (iii) higher pressures are found at the outer wall of the dissection, which may induce further dilation of the pseudo-lumen; (iv) highest wall shear stresses occur around the entries, perhaps indicating the vulnerability of this region to further splitting; and (v) laminar simulations with adequately fine mesh resolutions, especially refined near the walls, can capture similar flow patterns to the (coarser mesh) turbulent results, although the absolute magnitudes computed are in general smaller. CONCLUSIONS The patient-specific model of aortic dissection provides detailed flow information of blood transport within the true and false lumen and quantifies the loading distributions over the aorta and dissection walls. This contributes to evaluating potential thrombotic behavior in the false lumen and is pivotal in guiding endovascular intervention. Moreover, as a computational study, mesh requirements to successfully evaluate the hemodynamic parameters have been proposed.
Alveolar echinococcosis (AE), caused by larva stage of Echinococcus multilocularis, is one of the lethal parasitic diseases of man and a major public health problem in many countries in the northern hemisphere. When the living conditions and habits in Turkey were considered in terms of relation with the life cycle of the parasite, it was suggested that AE has been much more common than reported mainly from the Eastern Anatolia region of Turkey. Since in vitro serologic diagnosis tests with high specificity for AE have not been used in our country, most of the cases with liver lesions were misdiagnosed by radiological investigations as malignancies. The aim of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic value of the in-house ELISA methods developed by using three different antigens (EgHF, Em2, EmII/3-10) in the serological diagnosis of AE. The study samples included a total of 100 sera provided by Bern University Parasitology Institute where samples were obtained from patients with helminthiasis and all were confirmed by clinical, parasitological and/or histopathological means. Ten samples from each of the cases infected by E.multilocularis, E.granulosus, Taenia solium, Wuchereria bancrofti, Strongyloides stercolaris, Ascaris lumbricoides, Toxocara canis, Trichinella spiralis, Fasciola hepatica and Schistosoma haematobium were studied. In the study, EgHF (E.granulosus hydatid fluid) antigens were prepared in our laboratory from the liver cyst fluids of sheeps with cystic echinococcosis, however Em2 (E.multilocularis metacestode-purified laminated layer) and EmII/3-10 (E.multilocularis recombinant protoscolex tegument) antigens were provided by Bern University Parasitology Institute. Flat bottom ELISA plates were covered with EgHF, Em2 and EmII/3-10 antigens in the concentrations of 2.5 µg, 1 µg and 0.18 µg per well, respectively, and all sera were tested by EgHF-ELISA, Em2-ELISA and EmII/3-10-ELISA methods. For each tests, the samples which were reactive above the cut-off value (mean OD of negative controls+2 SD) were accepted as positive. The sensitivity of the ELISA tests performed with EgHF, Em2 and Em2II/3-10 antigens were estimated as 100%, 90% and 90%, respectively, whereas the specificity were 63%, 91% and 91%, respectively. When Em2-ELISA and EmII/3-10-ELISA tests were evaluated together, the specificity increased to 96%. Our data indicated that the highest sensitivity (100% with EgHF-ELISA) and specificity (96% with Em2-ELISA + EmII/3-10-ELISA) for the serodiagnosis of AE can be achieved by the combined use of the ELISA tests with three different antigens. It was concluded that the early and accurate diagnosis of AE in our country which is endemic for that disease, could be supported by the use of highly specific serological tests such as Em2-ELISA ve EmII/3-10-ELISA contributing radiological data.
Dua and Miller (1996) created leading and coincident employment indexes for the state of Connecticut, following Moore's (1981) work at the national level. The performance of the Dua-Miller indexes following the recession of the early 1990s fell short of expectations. This paper performs two tasks. First, it describes the process of revising the Connecticut Coincident and Leading Employment Indexes. Second, it analyzes the statistical properties and performance of the new indexes by comparing the lead profiles of the new and old indexes as well as their out-of-sample forecasting performance, using the Bayesian Vector Autoregressive (BVAR) method. The new indexes show improved performance in dating employment cycle chronologies. The lead profile test demonstrates that superiority in a rigorous, non-parametric statistic fashion. The mixed evidence on the BVAR forecasting experiments illustrates the truth in the Granger and Newbold (1986) caution that leading indexes properly predict cycle turning points and do not necessarily provide accurate forecasts except at turning points, a view that our results support.