623 resultados para Eucommia Bark


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1. Recovery of rainforest bird community structure and composition, in relation to forest succession after slash-and-burn shifting cultivation or jhum was studied in Mizoram, north-east India. Replicate fallow sites abandoned after shifting cultivation 1, 5, 10, 25 and approximate to 100 years ago, were compared with primary evergreen and semi-evergreen forest using transect and quadrat sampling. 2. Vegetation variables such as woody plant species richness, tree density and vertical stratification increased with fallow age in a rapid. nun-linear, asymptotic manner. Principal components analysis of vegetation variables summarized 92.8% of the variation into two axes: PC1 reflecting forest development and woody plant succession (variables such as tree density, woody plant species richness), and PC2 depicting bamboo density, which increased from 1 to 25 years and declined thereafter. 3. Bird species richness, abundance and diversity, increased rapidly and asymptotically during succession paralleling vegetation recovery as shown by positive correlations with fallow age and PC1 scores of sites. Bamboo density reflected by PC2 had a negative effect on bird species richness and abundance. 4. The bird community similarity (Morisita index) of sites with primary forest also increased asymptotically with fallow age indicating sequential species turnover during succession. Bird community similarity of sites with primary forest (or between sites) was positively correlated with both physiognomic and floristic similarities with primary forest (or between sites). 5. The number of bird species in guilds associated with forest development and woody plants (canopy insectivores, frugivores: bark feeders) was correlated with PCI scores of the sites. Species in other guilds (e. g. granivores, understorey insectivores) appeared to dominate during early and mid-succession. 6. The non-linear relationships imply that fallow periods less than a threshold of 25 years for birds, and about 50-75 years for woody plants, are likely to cause substantial community alteration. 7. As 5-10-year rotation periods or jhum cycles prevail in many parts of north-east India. there is a need to protect and conserve tracts of late-successional and primary forest.


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Background: Taxol (generic name paclitaxel), a plant-derived antineoplastic agent, used widely against breast, ovarian and lung cancer, was originally isolated from the bark of the Pacific yew, Taxus brevifolia. The limited supply of the drug has prompted efforts to find alternative sources, such as chemical synthesis, tissue and cell cultures of the Taxus species both of which are expensive and yield low levels. Fermentation processes with microorganisms would be the methods of choice to lower the costs and increase yields. Previously we have reported that F. solani isolated from T. celebica produced taxol and its precursor baccatin III in liquid grown cultures J Biosci 33: 259-67, 2008. This study was performed to evaluate the inhibition of proliferation and induction of apoptosis of cancer cell lines by the fungal taxol and fungal baccatin III of F. solani isolated from T. celebica. Methods: Cell lines such as HeLa, HepG2, Jurkat, Ovcar3 and T47D were cultured individually and treated with fungal taxol, baccatin III with or without caspase inhibitors according to experimental requirements. Their efficacy on apoptotic induction was examined. Results: Both fungal taxol and baccatin III inhibited cell proliferation of a number of cancer cell lines with IC50 ranging from 0.005 to 0.2 mu M for fungal taxol and 2 to 5 mu M for fungal baccatin III. They also induced apoptosis in JR4-Jurkat cells with a possible involvement of anti-apoptotic Bcl2 and loss in mitochondrial membrane potential, and was unaffected by inhibitors of caspase-9,-2 or -3 but was prevented in presence of caspase-10 inhibitor. DNA fragmentation was also observed in cells treated with fungal taxol and baccatin III. Conclusions: The cytotoxic activity exhibited by fungal taxol and baccatin III involves the same mechanism, dependent on caspase-10 and membrane potential loss of mitochondria, with taxol having far greater cytotoxic potential.


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Fungus-growing termites are involved in many ecological processes and play a central role in influencing soil dynamics in the tropics. The physical and chemical properties of their nest structures have been largely described; however less information is available concerning the relatively temporary structures made above-ground to access food items and protect the foraging space (the soil `sheetings'). This study investigated whether the soil physical and chemical properties of these constructions are constant or if they vary depending on the type of food they cover. Soil samples and soil sheetings were collected in a forest in India, from leaves on the ground (LEAF), fallen branches (WOOD), and vertical soil sheetings covering the bark of trees (TREE). In this environment, termite diversity was dominated by Odontotermes species, and especially Odontotermes feae and Odontotermes obesus. However, there was no clear niche differentiation and, for example, O. feae termites were found on all the materials. Compared with the putative parent soil (control), TREE sheetings showed the greatest (and most significant) differences (higher clay content and smaller clay particle sizes, lower C and N content and smaller delta C-13 and delta N-15), while LEAF sheetings were the least modified, though still significantly different than the control soil. We suggest that the termite diversity is a less important driver of potential soil modification than sheeting diversity. Further, there is evidence that construction properties are adapted to their prospective life-span, with relatively long-lasting structures being most different from the parent soil. (C) 2015 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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杜仲抗真菌蛋白(Eucommiaantifungalprotein,EAFP)的单晶体具有在几小时内就可长大的快速生长特性.用原子力显微成像(atomicforcemicroscope,AFM)技术,原位实时观测了EAFP单斜晶体生长过程中的{10 0}表面形貌动态变化,并分别在不同的过饱和度下测量了其生长速率.结果表明,EAFP晶体生长的速率与蛋白质溶液的过饱和度相关,在过饱和度高时(σ =1 78)晶面生长极快;在中等过饱和度(σ =1 5)下,其晶面台阶的生长速率沿b,c方向分别为 12nm/s和 2 4 2nm/s,比溶菌酶生长速率(6~ 7nm/s)快很多;在蛋白质浓度很低的情况下,其生长速率仍与其他蛋白质相当.EAFP晶体快速生长可能与该分子尺寸较小,内部结构紧凑,分子骨架呈刚性和分子表面性质等其固有特性密切相关.沉淀剂浓度对EAFP晶体生长也有影响.过饱和度很低时,提高沉淀剂浓度会干扰晶体生长.


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杜仲抗真菌蛋白(eucommia antifungal protein,EAFP),含有41个氨基酸残基,其中有10个半胱氨酸,半胱氨酸间形成的二硫桥键使分子构象很稳定.EAFP的晶体属单斜晶系,空间群为P21,晶胞参数为:a=1.9085nm,b=2.3225nm,c=3.0854nm10-6,β=98.64,分子量为4158.9.EAFP晶体生长速度快,对X射线的衍射能力强,很值得研究其生长的机理.利用原子力显微镜(AFM)对EAFP晶体的{100}面进行动态的生长研究,发现在中低过饱和度下主要以各向异性的单双链螺旋位错的生长模式进行生长,详细研究了这种螺旋的形成机制,并探讨了其结构基础.


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随着后基因组时代的到来以及蛋白质组学研究的深入开展,研究蛋白质晶体生长成为生物化学和结构生物学领域一个广泛关注的课题。通过使用原子力显微镜(Atomic Force Microscope,简称AFM)对杜仲抗真菌蛋白(eucommia antifungal protein,简称EAFP)的晶体在有母液存在下原位实时动态地进行了晶面生长观察。研究结果表明:不同过饱和度对EAFP晶体生长形貌的影响较大,较高的过饱和度下生长很快,生长台阶密度高,较高的过饱和度下主要进行各向异性二维台阶的发生、发展,较低的过饱和度下主要采用螺旋位错的生长方式,当过饱和度极低时生长缓慢,且晶体表面有很多小孔存在,晶面生长很不完整;还对不同过饱和度下晶体生长速率进行了定量的测量,也反映了过饱和度对EAFP晶体生长的影响;同时对在AFM观察过程中由探针的扫描速度和方向对表面形貌的影响进行了讨论。


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A juçara, Euterpe oleracea Mart., fruta indígena da Amazônia Legal, é rica em fitoquímicos com atividades anti-oxidante, antiinflamatória e anti-câncer. Este estudo tem por objetivo analisar os efeitos do extrato hidroalcoólico da casca, caroço e fruto total da juçara em diferentes linhagens de células malignas humana. Os frutos foram coletados no Parque da Juçara, localizado no Maracanã, município de São Luís, seguida da confecção da excicata que se mantém registrada no Herbário Rosa Mochel do Núcleo de Estudos Biológicos da Universidade Estadual do Maranhão. Os extratos hidroalcoólicos da casca, caroço e fruto total foram extraidos no Laboratório de Farmacologia e Psicobiologia da UERJ. As linhagens celulares utilizadas nos ensaios foram MCF-7 (adenocarcinoma de mama), CACO-2 e HT-20 (adenocarcinoma colo retal) e adenocarcinoma na mama (MDA-MB-468). As linhagens foram tratadas com 10, 20 e 40g/mL dos extratos por 24 e 48 horas e feitas às análises. Células MCF-7 controle apresentaram núcleo proeminente com nucléolos evidentes. Após tratamento com o extrato hidroalcoólico da casca da juçara, as células mostraram morfologia arredondada com retração do citoplasma. O ensaio de viabilidade com MTT ((3-(4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide)) demonstrou uma redução na viabilidade das células. Após 48 horas, o tratamento das células com 20g/mL do extrato da casca reduziu a viabilidade sendo que o efeito citotóxico do tratamento com 40g/mL do extrato da casca foi potencializado. Células tratadas com 10g/mL do extrato do caroço de juçara apresentavam-se arredondadas com consequente redução no volume celular. A concentração 20g/mL de extrato hidroalcoólico do caroço, causou severa redução no volume das células e ocasionou o surgimento de vacúolos intracelulares. O mesmo foi observado após tratamento com 40g/mL. O tratamento com 40g/mL do extrato hidroalcoólico do fruto total, modificou drasticamente a morfologia das células MCF-7 causando vacuolização e aparente lise com perda do conteúdo citoplasmático e o ensaio da viabilidade com MTT demonstrou redução na viabilidade das células MCF-7 tratadas com 20 e 40g/mL após 24 horas de tratamento. Análises por MET (Microscopia Eletrônica de Transmissão) demonstraram o surgimento de vesículas autofágicas, cuja comprovação deu-se com a identificação da expressão da proteína LC3BII na membrana do autofagossoma pela técnica de Western Blotting. Mediante o demonstrado pelos experimentos, com as linhagens MCF-7 e MDA-MB-468, confirma-se que as frações isoladas do extrato do caroço da juçara, promove modificações celulares indicativas de autofagia a partir de 10g/mL, em 24 horas. O núcleo permaneceu íntegro, não apresentando características de núcleo apoptótico. Os dados são conclusivos para ocorrência de morte celular por autofagia em linhagem celulares de carcinoma de mama MCF-7 quando tratadas com extrato hidroalcoólico da casca, caroço e fruto total da juçara do Maranhão, agente quimiopreventivo no câncer de mama estrogênio-dependente.


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We analyse the cost of controlling the invasive quinine tree Cinchona pubescens Vahl in the highlands of Santa Cruz Island, Galapagos. Control costs in ten 400 m2 plots formed the basis for estimating the cost of control over the whole island. In the plots, densities were 2100–24,000 stems/ha (stems >150 cm tall) and 55,000–138,000 stems/ha (all size classes combined). Control involved uprooting small plants, and applying of a mix of metsulfuron methyl and picloram to cut stumps or to machete cuts in the bark of larger trees. These methods are presently used by Galapagos National Park field crews to control quinine. Costs (in man hours, herbicide and US$) were related to stem density; the density of stems summed across four height classes was a better predictor of costs than density of any one size class. Regressions (on all size classes combined) formed the basis for predictive models of costs. Costs ranged from $14 to $2225 per ha depending on stem density. The amount of herbicide (active ingredient/ha) that must be applied to high density stands of quinine is higher than typical rates of application in an agricultural setting. The cost of treating all existing plants once across quinine’s known range on Santa Cruz Island (c. 11,000 ha) was estimated at c. US$1.65 million. CDF Contribution Number 1013.


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  早在20世纪三十年代,前人发现山旺中新世具有丰富的植物化石,枝叶、果实、花保存完好。1940年我国植物学家胡先骗与美国加州大学钱耐发表研究专著《中国山东山旺中新世植物群》,报道了30科61属84种植物,为最早系统地进行山旺植物研究的奠基之作,至今仍然具有很高的科学价值和国际影响。1946年布朗发表论文涉及山旺部分属种修订工作。1951年斯行健发表文章:评胡先骗与钱耐著“山东中新统植物群”, 对部分属种鉴定提出异议。1978年植物所与南古所老一辈科学家又作了大量补充与修订,完成合著《中国新生代植物》,该书对山旺植物群进行了系统整理,总计43科87属125种植物,奠定了 山旺植物群的基本面貌。此后,山旺植物群陆续有新的类群添加。目前所知山旺植物群主要以温带落叶植物为主混生了部分亚热带常绿和落叶阔叶植物。该植物群不仅种类繁多,数量丰富,而且保存完整,是我国新生代植物群中研究程度最好的代表。 尽管山旺研究已经取得如此丰富的成果,但是在Hu&Chaney (1940)研究山旺植物群之后的长达60年里( 1940-1999),关于山旺叶、果实与花的研究仅局限于外部的形态描述,缺乏对其进行细胞形态结构和角质层等结构植物学的实验分析研究,从而大大制约了对该植物群性质的理解和类群演化生物学的深入的研究。 近年来我们通过与国际国内同行的广泛合作,运用国际古植物学研究的新技术、新方法,如叶结构分析、角质层分析、细胞形态结构分析等,在光学显微镜与电子显微镜不同层次的观察上,将植物体外部形态学与内部细胞结构研究相结合,开展对山旺植物群的类群研究,取得了重要进展。我们首次成功提取了山旺植物“阿斯羌属”(As tronium)的角质层,并观察到气孔器结构,为该类群的正确修订提供了确凿的生物学证据,建立了化石新属钱耐属(Wang andManchester,2000)。山旺中新世地层中过去报道存在大量的“阿斯羌”花化石,为五个萼片宿存的辐射对称的花,果实球形,一枚,项生。这种生殖结构也普遍见于欧洲大陆的中新世地层和北美大陆美国的始新世地层中。欧洲人Heer在1859年提出它属于分布于东亚的旋花科的飞蛾藤属(Porana)植物; Weyland在1937年认为它应当是热带龙脑香科非洲马达加斯加岛屿特有分布的Mono tes属植物;美国人MacGinitie在1953年认为它属于分布于南美的漆树科的阿斯羌属(Astronium)植物,其确切系统位置众说纷纭。在中国新生代植物一书中,采用了美国人MacGinitie在1953年的观点,称之为阿斯羌花。斯行健先生认为是旋花科的飞蛾藤属植物。 我们调查了密苏里北京植物园标本馆馆藏的南美和非洲标本,以及哈佛大学标本馆的馆藏东亚标本,对上述科属现存植物的花结构进行了全面的详细研究。发现5个萼片宿存的辐射对称的花见于多个不同的科属类群,是一种趋同演化性状,而萼片脉纹与表皮细胞气孔器排列、果实形态与数目等特征在上述不同类群中极易区分。因而逐一排除了属于上述现存类群的可能性。我们研究的山旺与北美的化石标本显示的果实个体发育过程与现存植物苦木科苦木属(Picrasma)的果实发育相似,果实发育早期为5枚分离,后期3-4枚退化,仅1-2枚,通常为1枚球形果实留存,花瓣脱落,萼片宿存。但是,它们二者在果实形态与萼片表皮结构上,仍存在很大差异。现在认为它属于一个绝灭的植物类群,化石的系统位置尚无法放入现存的科属系统,可能接近于苦木科。因此,建立了一个化石新属钱耐属(Chaneya)。目前,该属包含二个种,一个分布于北美始新世地层,另一个分布于东亚中新世地层,欧洲的材料由于缺乏深入研究,尚无法确定归属。钱耐属在北半球第三纪地层中呈东亚北美间断分布。钱耐属的研究,不仅为探讨东亚与北美植物区系的联系和植物类群的分化历史提供了重要的证据(Wang and Manchester,2000),更为深入探讨山旺化石植物重要类群的结构与演化生物学研究提供了成功的范例。 山旺的榉属(Zelkova)是山旺植物群的一个常见分子。榉属是欧亚大陆分布的植物,现存6种,在欧亚大陆第三纪地层中发现了大量的榉属化石,包括果实与叶连生的枝条。在北美大陆虽然有榉属化石报道,但是由于缺乏果实,仅靠叶的特征难以令人信服,榉属是否存在于北美仍有争议( Manchester,1989;Manchester,个人通讯)。近年基于我们在山旺组发现和采集到大量的榉属离散叶片以及联生有果实和叶的生殖枝条的深入研究,获得了化石叶结构、表皮细胞、表皮毛、气孔器、核果的大量结构生物学信息。通过与奥地利维也纳大学的 Ferguson教授合作,建立了欧亚现存榉属6个种的生物学形态与结构信息参照系,古今对比结果清楚表明山旺榉的叶缘齿式结构及表皮特征组合最接近我国南部分布的Z. schneideriana,而不是Hu and Chaney (1940)建议的广布于东亚的Z serrata,也明显不同于欧亚大陆共有、分布于西亚伊朗和东欧高加索地区的Z. carpinifolia。常见于欧洲第三纪的翁格榉(Z. ungeri)在形态学更接近Z.carpinifolia。因此,山旺榉明显不同于翁格榉,有其独立的种级特征,应建立东亚中新世榉属的一新种一山旺榉(Z shanwangensis sp. nov.)。榉属在欧亚大陆上的种级分化可能至少在中中新世即已出现。 我们1995年报道了山旺中新世地层发现中国特有植物杜仲化石,并利用先进的电子显微镜设备,找到了确凿无疑的原位化石杜仲特殊胶丝结构直接证据。《美国植物学报》1997年发表文章评论这是目前我国唯一可靠的、保存有精美的胶丝细胞结构的杜仲化石。近年我们迸一步采用古今结合的方法,运用自创的“特有种气候分析法”,对中国重要特有植物杜仲开展了多学科综合研究,利用现存杜仲种子春季萌发需要特定温度的生理学研究结果,结合自然分布区的温度分布,定量恢复了山旺中新世古春季温度数值;该项研究工作的论文列入著名国际SCI刊物《美国植物学报》2003年1月第一期首篇文章。美国植物学报评审人评价:这是应用现代植物实验数据解决地质时期古气候学问题的一个极好例子,是经典之说“现代是(认知)过去的钥匙”的例证,更是当前古植物学研究的一个范例。该文作出的重要贡献体现在如下几个方面:1、提供了现代植物生理生态的实验数据;2、提供了古植物学研究需要的解剖学证据(胶丝);3、更正了古生物地理方面的一个假说(杜仲何时在中国出现); 4、提出了一个解答古气候学问题的新方法。 最后一点实际上也是最重要的一点。” 油杉属的研究显示该属现代有三个种,生活在东亚中国,越南和老挝。它曾经在北半球广泛分布,以球果、种鳞、具翅的种子、木材等形式保存在新生代第三纪地层中,如已经有报道的北美大陆美国俄勒冈渐新世和中新世,欧洲中部中新世,亚洲日本中新世和上新世,俄罗斯远东渐新世到中新世地层。本次山旺中中新世与美国俄勒冈渐新世Rujada flora发现的油杉,接近现存油杉属的属型种油杉。北美中新世和亚洲日本中新世和上新世报道了接近于现存种铁坚油杉的化石。这些证据反映了东亚与北美第三纪植物区系的联系远比今天密切,油杉在北美中新世末期后、在欧洲早更新世之后和在东亚日本上新世结束,在上述地区消失。油杉今天仅孑遗分布于东亚中国秦岭以南、雅砻江以东,长江以南及台湾、海南岛和越南、老挝等亚热带至热带北缘的低山、丘陵山区。山旺油杉的球果化石具有现存油杉和铁坚油杉复合种的特征,可能代表了兼具中国两种油杉共同特征的一个早期类型,由此也表明油杉和铁坚油杉的物种分化在中国有可能是1500万年以来发生的新近事件。同时,油杉球果(松科)的首次发现,解决了山东山旺中中新世化石产地有无裸子植物这个长达半个世纪的争论(Hu andChaney,1940:斯行健,1951),进一步确证了山旺中中新世气候为亚热带山地气候类型。


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种子贮藏稳定性对于种质资源的长期保存具有重要意义,目前关于种子贮藏的最新理论为玻璃态理论,该理论认为种子的玻璃化有利于种子的长期贮藏。当种子处于玻璃态时,玻璃化物质的高度粘滞性降低了种子细胞内分子流动性,阻止了细胞质中分子的扩散,从而减少老化过程中细胞结构的损伤和化学组分的变化,延缓种子老化劣变反应速率,延长贮藏寿命。评价玻璃态的一个重要指标是玻璃化转变温度,当种子贮藏于玻璃化温度或以下10℃~30℃范围内时,种子具有最佳的贮藏稳定性。因此,检测种子的玻璃化转变温度对于种子的长期有效贮藏具有重要指导意义。 本研究将差示量热扫描技术(DSC)与电子顺磁共振波谱仪技术(EPR)应用于杜仲种子玻璃化转变温度方面的研究。在DSC方法中,选用4.4%~31.6%含水量范围的杜仲种胚分别进行了DSC图谱扫描。EPR方法选用3-羧基-2,2,5,5-四甲基吡咯烷-1-氧(3-carboxy-2,2,5,5-tetramethylpyrrolidine-1-oxyl,CP)和2,2,6,6-四甲基哌啶(4-hydroxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy,TEMPO)作为探针标记杜仲种胚, 利用EPR技术测定不同含水量杜仲种胚的分子运动,通过对EPR图谱参数的分析计算,最终确定不同含水量杜仲种胚的玻璃化转变温度。 DSC实验结果显示,含水量为22.3%、28.0%、31.6%的杜仲种胚在0℃ 左右出现了一个水的熔融峰。该熔融峰的面积代表了自由水含量的多少,随着种胚含水量的降低该熔融峰面积减小。4.4%~31.6%含水量范围的杜仲种胚在-28℃左右还出现了一个熔融峰,推测此峰为杜仲种胚中某类物质熔融所形成的熔融峰。然而在此曲线上我们未观察到标志玻璃化转变的“台阶”出现。 CP-EPR实验的结果表明,利用EPR测定得到含水量为4.4%~11.6%的杜仲种胚在-110℃~20℃温度范围内,同一含水量的杜仲种胚随着温度的升高,分子运动速率加快;在同一温度条件下,高含水量的种胚比低含水量种胚的分子运动速率快。通过CP-EPR波谱两外缘峰最大距离(2Azz)的测定和数据统计分析,得到含水量为4.4%、5.7%、8.6%、10.3%、11.6%杜仲种胚的玻璃化转变温度分别约为44℃、25℃、4℃、-31℃、-43℃。可以把测定的杜仲种胚的这几个含水量的玻璃化转变温度与杜仲种子贮藏相结合,用于指导杜仲种子的贮藏。 TEMPO-EPR实验测定分析得到含水量为2.1%、3.4%、4.8%、8.3%、11.2% 的杜仲种胚的玻璃化转变温度分别为-21℃、-18℃、-24℃、-20℃、-27℃,玻璃化转变温度随含水量升高其变化的规律不明显,这与CP-EPR实验测得的结果有着较明显的差别。通过分析,认为对于脂质含量较高的杜仲种胚,随着含水量的降低,作为标记化合物的TEMPO随着脱水进入脂相,从而不能真实反映出不同含水量种胚的分子运动情况。与TEMPO标记相比,CP标记可能能够更真实地反映不同含水量杜仲种胚细胞质分子运动的情况,根据其分子运动情况得到的玻璃化转变温度更准确。


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预测下世纪中叶,大气CO_2浓度将高到目前的两倍(即达到700μ1•1~(-1))。CO_2倍增对植物地上部的影响已经有了较多的研究,胆是由于方法学上的困难,至今关于倍增CO_2对植物根及根区微生物的研究仍是非常匮乏。本文应用国际上最新的根研究方法,以根系为中心,研究开顶式CO_2C熏蒸培养室中,CO_2倍增条件下根系与地上部,根系与根区微生物[共生的泡囊-丛枝菌根(VAM)真菌,非共生的土壤微生物]的关系。 1. CO_2倍增对根系的影响目前CO_2倍增对根系影响的研究多集中在根生物量的测定,或根/冠比值的测定,而善于其它参数如根长度则很少涉及,而根表面的反应目前还未见文献报道。本实验以幼苗期小麦“青323”(Triticum aestivum)、水稻“中作 29”(Oryza sativa)、大豆“科农4号”(Glycine max)、玉米“农大3138”(Zea mays)、甜高粱“M-81E”(Sorghum saccharatum)为材料,研究CO_2倍增对植物生物量的影响,发现CO_2倍增使C_3植物水稻、大豆的地上部、根系干重均显著增加,使小麦的根系干重显著增加,地上部无显著差异;C_4植物玉米和甜高粱的地上部和根系均没有显著反应。植物干重反应资料表明在光合产物的分配方面,C_3和C_4植物之间存在巨大的差异。 为了解根系获取土壤资源的能力的变化,我们对根系总长度和总表面积进行了分析。用样格交叉法研究根系长度的变化,结果显示,幼苗期的小麦、大豆的根系长度均被显著促进,尤其值得注意的是,尽管玉米根系干重没有显著改变,但是根长度已发生显著变化。同时应用研究根系表面积的最新方法-Na NO_2吸附法,研究发现幼苗期小麦、水稻和大豆的根系表面积在CO_2倍增条件下均显著增加,C_4植物玉米的根表面积亦有显著增加,但甜高粱的根表面积却没有显著反应,这说明即使在C_4植物类型中,根系表面积的反应在不同物种间仍存在很大差异。由于根长度和根表面积增幅大于根干重的增幅,所以推断在CO_2倍增条件下,植物根系细根比例增加,这有利于植物获取更多的养分。由于不同植物之间根系的反应不同,这将改变群落中原有的根系竞争关系,从而影响群落中物种的组成。 2. CO_2倍增对VAM真菌侵染强度和活力的影响本文应用NBT染色法,并结合浸染强度等级和活力等级标准,首次对CO_2倍增条件下,植物VAM真菌的侵染强度和活力的变化进行了检测。对比常规的酸性品红乳酸甘油法和NBT法,发现两者在显示侵染强度时元显著差异,但后者能同时用于侵染活力等级的研究。对幼苗期大豆以及不同生长期的小麦和玉米根系VAM真菌的侵染强度和活力进行观测,结果显示,倍增CO_2对大豆的侵染强度和活力均没有显著效应;使幼苗期玉米的侵染强度显著增加,但侵染活力无显著差异,但随生长期的推移,侵染强度所受的CO_2倍增效应逐渐减小,与14天苗龄(DAP)和35DAP相比,侵染活力在22DAP时所受效应最大;使10DAP小麦的VAM侵染强度和活力均显著增加,而且这种效应在30DAP小麦中的表现与10DAP小麦的相同。说明C_3、C_4植物中,菌根真菌对CO_2倍增反应不同,这也许是C_3、C_4植物对CO_2倍增反应不同的原因之一。倍增CO_2改善了VAM真菌的发育,所以较之于非菌根侵染植物,菌根侵染植物将因为CO_2倍增而获益更多,另一方面不同种植物中,VAM真菌的发育反应不同,这将使植物群落中,根系获取无机营养的竞争能力发生变化,最终影响植物群落的物种丰度和生物多样性以及群落的演替。 3. CO_2倍增对非共生土壤微生物的影响CO_2倍增使生长70天的小麦、垂柳(Salix babylonica)、藜(Chenopodium album)、繁穗苋(Amaranthus cruentus)品种“红苋K112”的地上部和根系的生物量增加。以这些植物所在土壤为材料,用氯仿熏蒸直接提取法研究土壤微生物生物量C(C_(mic))和生物量N(N_(mic))的变化,发现CO_2倍增尽管使各类型植物的C_4植物)土壤中C_(mic)的变化趋势不完全相同(小麦和藜所在土壤的C_(mic)下降,垂柳中C_(mic)升高,而在繁穗苋中无显著差异),但N_(mic)在各物种所在土壤中均有不同程度的上升,在繁穗苋中增幅最大。C_(mic):N_(mic)比值在4个物种所在土壤中均明显下降,这意味着CO_2倍增后在植物生长后期,土壤微生物活性提高,分解植物凋落物和土壤中其它有机质的能力加强,从而改善贫瘠土壤中有机质质量。 4.CO_2倍增对植物呼吸和光合作用及C素积累的影响 1)CO_2倍增对植物暗呼吸的影响:以杜仲(Eucommia ulmoides)、紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa)和玉米等10种植物的离体成熟叶片或整株为材料,研究不同测定温度(15~35 ℃)下,CO_2倍增对植物暗呼吸的影响。结果表明:在较低温度(15 ℃、20 ℃)下,CO_2倍增对植物暗呼吸没有显著效应;在较高温度(30 ℃、35 ℃)时,多数被测植物的暗呼吸显著增强。由于植物在不同温度时它们的暗咱吸受CO_2倍增的促进幅度不同,这将导致不同地区(环境温度不同)的植物暗呼吸反应有差异,而且由于不同物种的暗呼吸增幅不同,综合光合效应,它们的生物量的反应也会不同。 2)CO_2倍增对整株植物的CO_2气体交换及植物C素积累的影响:利用自行设计的一套CO_2气体测定装置,首次尝试同步测定CO_2倍增条件下幼苗期小麦地下部和地上部的气体交换在昼夜24小时内的变化及C素的积累。发现CO_2倍增不仅使小麦地上部C素的积累增加,也使地下部释放的C素增加,但整株植物的C素收入仍高于对照两倍多,这从植物与环境的CO_2气体交换角度为CO_2倍增促进植物生物量的增加提供了依据。并首次提出:植物的整体性及植物所在的环境条件(主要是温度和光照强度)决定着植物暗呼吸对CO_2倍增的响应方式:被抑制或无效应。


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Natural food plants of partly provisioned groups of Macaca thibetana included about 196 species belonging to 135 genera and 72 families. The macaques consumed mainly bamboo shoots and fruits for about 2 months in autumn, whereas they relied on active or passive provisions from visitors, a variety of structural parts of plants and a small amount of invertebrates in late spring and summer and ate mainly mature leaves and bark for the rest of the year. About half of the species eaten came from the dense herb and shrub layers. This forest-dwelling species shows a distinctive feeding and foraging pattern in comparison with other macaques, explaining why M. thibetana has the largest body weight of all macaques.


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The diet and feeding ecology of a wild subpopulation of black-and-white snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus bieti) were studied at Xiaochangdu in Honglaxueshan Nature Reserve, Tibet. This region is climatologically harsher than any other inhabited by non-human primates. Black-and-white snub-nosed monkeys fed on 48 parts of 25 plant species, at least three species of lichens and seven species of invertebrates. The number of food items exploited varied markedly among seasons, with dietary diversity being greatest in spring and summer. In winter, black-and-white snub-nosed monkeys had to subsist on fallback foods such as dried grass and bark. Ubiquitous lichens formed a major dietary constituent throughout the year, contributing about 75% of feeding records. Even though lichens act as a staple, our findings signify that the monkeys at Xiaochangdu prefer feeding on foliage, which is higher in protein content than the former. We provide evidence that black-and-white snub-nosed monkeys are able to cope with an array of food items other than lichens and hence can be regarded as feeding generalists. We discuss the results with reference to previous studies on other subpopulations living in habitats that are floristically more diverse and offer more plant food items than the marginal habitat at Xiaochangdu.


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本论文由三部分共6 章组成。第一部分报道了余甘子、细叶草乌和土荆皮等三种药用植物的化学成分研究成果;第二部分报道了细叶草乌和土荆皮中分离得到的化合物的活性测试,以及这两种植物的质谱分析;第三部分概述了土荆皮的研究现状。第一部分包括1-3 章。在第1 章、第2 章和第3 章中分别报道了余甘子(Phyllanthus emblica L.) 、细叶草乌(Aconitum richardsonianum var.pseudosessiliflorum) 和土荆皮( pseudolarix kaempferi) 的化学成分。采用正、反相硅胶柱层析等各种分离方法,从余甘子中共分离出10 个化合物,其中1 个为新化合物,另外还有2 个为首次从该植物中分离得到。细叶草乌的化学成分研究尚未见报道,我们从该植物中共分离出15 个化合物,其中6 个为二萜生物碱,9个为非生物碱成分。从土荆皮中分离得到16 个化合物,其中8 个二萜、1 个三萜和7 个其它类型化合物,其中有4 个化合物为首次在该植物中分离得到;从土荆皮挥发油中分离鉴定出了22 个化合物,占挥发油总量的90%。第二部分包括4-5 章。第4 章报道了从细叶草乌和土荆皮中分离得到的13个化合物的药理活性研究,结果显示,展花乌头宁和土荆乙酸葡萄糖苷等表现出较高的组织蛋白酶K 抑制活性;土荆乙酸葡萄糖苷表现出较高的组织蛋白酶B抑制活性;8-去乙酰滇乌碱表现出较高的蛋白质酪氨酸磷酸酶抑制活性。第5 章报道了细叶草乌和土荆皮总浸膏的质谱( ESI-MS ) 分析,研究结果表明,ESI-MS 法可以简单快速地检测这两种植物的主要成分;通过ESI-MS2 分析初步探讨了一些化合物的裂解规律,尝试质谱在其结构测定中的具体应用。第三部分为第6 章。从化学成分、药理、构效关系、主要成分的定量分析、及其合成研究等方面概述了土荆皮的研究进展。 This dissertation consists of three parts. The first part elaborate thephytochemical investigation of three medicinal plants, Phyllanthus emblica L.,Aconitum richardsonianum var. pseudosessiliflorum and pseudolarix kaempferi. Thesecond part reported the bioassay of 13 constituents from Aconitum richardsonianumvar. pseudosessiliflorum and pseudolarix kaempferi, and ESI-MS analysis of these twoplant . The third part is a review on the research progress of pseudolarix kaempferi.The first part is composed of three chapters. Chapters 1-3 focus on the isolationand identification of chemical constituents from Phyllanthus emblica L., Aconitumrichardsonianum var. pseudosessiliflorum and pseudolarix kaempferi. 10 compoundsincluding a new tannin were isolated from the fruits of Phyllanthus emblica by repeatcolumn chromatography over normal and reversed phase silica gel, 2 of them werefirstly reported in this plant. The chemical constituents of Aconitum richardsonianumvar. pseudosessiliflorum never reported before, 15 compounds including 6 diterpenealkaloids were isolated and identified from the roots of this plant. 16 compoundsincluding 8 diterpenes , 1 triterpene and 7 other compounds were isolated from the bark of pseudolarix kaempferi, among them, 4 compounds were firstly reported fromthe EtOH extracts of this plant, and 22 compounds were identified from its essentialoil, representing 90% of the total essential oil.The second part includes chapters 4 and 5. Chapter 4 reported thepharmacological activities of 13 compounds isolated from Aconitum richardsonianumvar. pseudosessiliflorum and pseudolarix kaempferi. Results demonstrated that chasmanine and pseudolaric acid B-β-D-glucoside exhibit relatively high anti-Cathepsin K activities; pseudolaric acid B-β-D-glucoside exhibits relatively highanti-Cathepsin B activity; 8-deacetyl-yunaconitine exhibits relatively high anti-PTP1Bactivity. Chapter 5 reported the ESI-MS analysis of extractions from Aconitumrichardsonianum var. pseudosessiliflorum and pseudolarix kaempferi, it was showedthat ESI-MS can be used as an useful tool in analyzing the major constituents of thesetwo plant much quick and easy, in addition, the fragmentation rules of somecompounds were discussed, in order to find some applications of ESI-MS2 method in their structure determination.The third part is a review on the research progress of pseudolarix kaempferi,including the chemical constituents, pharmacology, structure-activity relationship(SAP), quantitative analysis and synthesis of the major constituents.


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当前大气CO2浓度升高是全球变化的主要趋势之一,CO2浓度升高还会引起全球变暖等其它环境问题,因而CO2浓度浓度升高对植物影响的研究已经成为全球变化领域的焦点。红桦是川西亚高山地区暗针叶林演替初期的先锋树种和演替后期的建群种,在群落演替过程中它对环境因子的响应决定红桦群落的演替进程。本文通过控制CO2浓度的气候室试验,研究了CO2浓度倍增环境下,不同密度水平红桦碳氮固定、分配可能发生的改变,并探讨了升高大气CO2浓度对群体内部竞争的影响。以期通过本研究明确川西亚高山地区代表性物种红桦对未来气候变化的响应,为今后采取措施应对气候变化、妥善进行森林管理提供理论依据和科学指导。主要研究结果如下: 1.升高CO2浓度对红桦幼苗生长的影响以及树皮、树干响应的不同 (1) CO2浓度升高显著促进红桦幼苗的生物量、株高、基茎的生长,同时也改变生物量在体内的分配格局,主要是增加根和主茎、减少叶在总生物量中的比重。(2)树皮和树干对升高CO2浓度的影响有差异,它们对CO2浓度升高的反应程度不同,但反应方向一致。 2.密度的副效应 (1) 增加种植密度对单株生物量、株高和基径的生长具有副效应,也降低升高CO2浓度对红桦生长的正效应。(2) 增加种植密度,显著增加红桦幼苗的群体生物量,从而使红桦群体固定更多的大气CO2气体。可见密度在决定红桦生物量及固碳能力方面具有重要意义。探索适合未来大气CO2浓度升高条件下植物生长的密度,对未来的森林经济生产、生态恢复具有重要意义。 3. 升高CO2浓度对红桦幼苗苗冠结构及冠层内部竞争的影响 (1) 冠幅、冠高、苗冠表面积和苗冠体积等树冠特征均受CO2浓度升高的影响而增加,但是受密度增加的影响而降低。(2) 单位苗冠投影面积叶片数(LDcpa)和单位苗冠体积叶片数(LDcv)均低于相应的现行CO2浓度处理,这主要是由于冠幅和冠高的快速生长所造成的。(3) LDcpa和LDcv的降低表明,红桦在升高CO2浓度的条件下,会作出积极的响应,从而缓解由于群体和个体生长的增加所引起的竞争压力的增加。 4. 升高CO2浓度对红桦幼苗养分元素吸收与分配的影响 (1) CO2浓度升高,植株各器官N、P含量降低,但单株N、P总吸收量均增加。红桦幼苗体内N、P浓度的下降是由于生物量迅速增加引起的稀释效应造成的。(2) CO2浓度升高,N、P向主茎和根的分配增加,向叶片的分配减少,主要是由于前者在总生物量中的比重增加,而后者减少了。(3) CO2浓度升高,氮磷利用效率(NUE和PUE)提高,氮磷累积速率(NAcR和PAcR)显著增加。而NUE和PUE的提高可以有效缓解CO2浓度升高后,亚高山和高山地区森林土壤中养分元素不足对森林生产力的限制。 5. 升高CO2浓度对红桦幼苗群体碳平衡的影响 (1) 升高CO2浓度对植物的光合作用、呼吸速率和生长均具有促进作用。(2) 土壤有机碳含量在实验前期迅速增加,后期积累速率下降。(3) 升高CO2浓度以后,土壤呼吸显著增强;土壤呼吸还具有明显的季节变化。(4) 红桦群体日固碳量受到升高CO2浓度的促进作用。结果(1)-(4)说明所研究群落的碳动态对现行的气候波动是敏感的;所研究群落在作为大气CO2气体的源-汇关系方面至少存在季节间的源汇飘移。(5)种植密度的升高显著增加了群体固碳量。 6. 升高CO2浓度对红桦幼苗生长后期叶片衰老的影响 升高CO2浓度有利于减缓红桦幼苗叶片生长季节末期的衰老。生长季节末期,随着CO2浓度的升高光合速率和可溶性蛋白含量均呈上升趋势,同时MDA(丙二醛)含量下降,保护酶SOD(超氧化物岐化酶)、CAT(过氧化氢酶)活性升高。由此说明,升高CO2浓度有利于减缓生长季节后期叶片的衰老,使叶片维持较高的光合速率,也从生理学的角度支持了本文及前人有关CO2浓度升高促进植物光合和生长的假说及结果。 The increased CO2 concentration is one of the most important problems among global changes. The increase of CO2 will also cause other environmental problems, such as global warming, etc. So the effects of elevated CO2 on plant have drawn sights of many scientists in the research field of global change. Red birch (Betula albosinensis) usually emerges as the pioneer species in initial stage and as constructive species in later stages of forest community succession of the dark coniferous forests in Western Sichuan, China. It’s response to elevated CO2 may determine the succession process of the community where it lives in. By controlling CO2 at the ambient and twice as the ambient level (ambient + 350 umol mol-1) using enclosed-top chambers (ETC), possible effects of elevated CO2 on carbon fixation and allocation under two plantation densities are investigated. The effects of elevated CO2 on competition within canopy of red birch seedlings are also observed in the present paper. We hope to make sure of the effects of elevated CO2 on the representative species, red birch. And so that, our results could provide a strong theoretical evidence and scientific direction for forest management and afforestation under a future, CO2 elevated world. The results are as fowllows: 1. The effects of elevated CO2 on growth and the different responses of wood and bark of red birch seedlings (1) Elevated CO2 increases the growth of seedling biomass, seedling height and basal diameter of red birch. It also changed the biomass allocation in red birch seedlings. The ratio of root and main stem to all biomass is increased and the ratio of leaf is decreased. (2) Tree bark and wood show different response degree but similar response direction to elevated CO2. 2. Negative effects of planting density (1) The increase of planting density showes negative effects on the individual growth of seedling biomass, seedling height and basal diameter of red birch. It also eliminates the positive effects of elevated CO2 on growth of red birch seedlings. (2) Community biomass is increased by the elevated planting density, which means that the high density red birch community could fix more CO2 than the low density one. These results show that planting density plays an important role in determining biomass and carbon fixation ability of red birch community. Thus, exploring proper planting density becomes economically important for the future, CO2 elevated word. 3. The effects of elevated CO2 on crown architecture and competition within canopy of red birch seedlings (1) Crown width, crown depth, crown surface area and crown volume are all increased under the influence of elevated CO2. (2) Leaf number per unit area of projected crown area (LDcpa) and per unit volume of crown volume (LDcv) are lower under elevated CO2. This is resulted from the stimulated growth of tree crown features. (3) The decrease of LDcpa and LDcv indicate that plants will respond forwardly to reduce the possible increase of competition resulted from stimulated growth of individual plant and collectives in conditions of elevated CO2. 4. The effects of elevated CO2 on nutrition accumulation and allocation of red birch seedlings (1) Contents of N and P decrease due to the prompt increase of biomass of plant organs caused by elevated CO2. However, their accumulations increase under elevated CO2. (2) Elevated CO2 increases the allocation of N, P to main stem but reduced its allocation to leaf for that dry weight of the former increased but the dry weight of the later decreased. (3) Using efficiencies of N, P (NUE and PUE) and their accumulation rates (NAcR and PAcR) are found to increase under elevated CO2. Soil nutrition contents are always the limiting factors for plant growth at subalpine and alpine region. The increased NUE and PUE are helpful to eliminate the nutrition limitation in this area in the future world, when CO2 concentration doubles the ambient. 5. The effects of elevated CO2 on carbon balance of red birch communities (1) Net photosynthetic rates (Pn), dark respiration rates (Rd) and growth are all stimulated by elevated CO2. (2) Content soil organic carbon increases sharply at the primary stage of experiments and then the increasing rates decrease to a low level at later stages. (3) Soil respiration rates increase significantly with the elevation of CO2 concentration. (4) The daily carbon fixations of whole community are heightened by elevated CO2. The results (1)-(4) suggest that, the community being studied are sensitive to current climate change; the studied community, as a sink of atmospheric CO2, is pool-sink alternative between seasons. (5) The carbon fixations are increased along the increase of planting densities. 6. The effects of elevated CO2 on physiological features of leaf senescences of red birch seedlings at the later stage of growing season Elevated CO2 helps to postpone the leaf senescences of red birch at the end of the growth season. CO2 enrichment increases the photosynthetic rates, contents of soluble proteins and photosynthetic pigments. And meanwhile contents of malondialdehyde (MDA) decreases and activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) are both increased. These results suggest that the senescences of red birch leaves are delayed by elevated CO2, which keep the photosynthetic rates at relatively high levels. Our results lend supports to hypothesis and results on stimulated photosynthetic rates and growth from both other researchers and the present paper.