218 resultados para Eschatological opponent


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El propósito de esta tesis fue estudiar el rendimiento ofensivo de los equipos de balonmano de élite cuando se considera el balonmano como un sistema dinámico complejo no lineal. La perspectiva de análisis dinámica dependiente del tiempo fue adoptada para evaluar el rendimiento de los equipos durante el partido. La muestra general comprendió los 240 partidos jugados en la temporada 2011-2012 de la liga profesional masculina de balonmano de España (Liga ASOBAL). En el análisis posterior solo se consideraron los partidos ajustados (diferencia final de goles ≤ 5; n = 142). El estado del marcador, la localización del partido, el nivel de los oponentes y el periodo de juego fueron incorporados al análisis como variables situacionales. Tres estudios compusieron el núcleo de la tesis. En el primer estudio, analizamos la coordinación entre las series temporales que representan el proceso goleador a lo largo del partido de cada uno de los dos equipos que se enfrentan. Autocorrelaciones, correlaciones cruzadas, doble media móvil y transformada de Hilbert fueron usadas para el análisis. El proceso goleador de los equipos presentó una alta consistencia a lo largo de todos los partidos, así como fuertes modos de coordinación en fase en todos los contextos de juego. Las únicas diferencias se encontraron en relación al periodo de juego. La coordinación en los procesos goleadores de los equipos fue significativamente menor en el 1er y 2º periodo (0–10 min y 10–20 min), mostrando una clara coordinación creciente a medida que el partido avanzaba. Esto sugiere que son los 20 primeros minutos aquellos que rompen los partidos. En el segundo estudio, analizamos los efectos temporales (efecto inmediato, a corto y a medio plazo) de los tiempos muertos en el rendimiento goleador de los equipos. Modelos de regresión lineal múltiple fueron empleados para el análisis. Los resultados mostraron incrementos de 0.59, 1.40 y 1.85 goles para los periodos que comprenden la primera, tercera y quinta posesión de los equipos que pidieron el tiempo muerto. Inversamente, se encontraron efectos significativamente negativos para los equipos rivales, con decrementos de 0.50, 1.43 y 2.05 goles en los mismos periodos respectivamente. La influencia de las variables situacionales solo se registró en ciertos periodos de juego. Finalmente, en el tercer estudio, analizamos los efectos temporales de las exclusiones de los jugadores sobre el rendimiento goleador de los equipos, tanto para los equipos que sufren la exclusión (inferioridad numérica) como para los rivales (superioridad numérica). Se emplearon modelos de regresión lineal múltiple para el análisis. Los resultados mostraron efectos negativos significativos en el número de goles marcados por los equipos con un jugador menos, con decrementos de 0.25, 0.40, 0.61, 0.62 y 0.57 goles para los periodos que comprenden el primer, segundo, tercer, cuarto y quinto minutos previos y posteriores a la exclusión. Para los rivales, los resultados mostraron efectos positivos significativos, con incrementos de la misma magnitud en los mismos periodos. Esta tendencia no se vio afectada por el estado del marcador, localización del partido, nivel de los oponentes o periodo de juego. Los incrementos goleadores fueron menores de lo que se podría esperar de una superioridad numérica de 2 minutos. Diferentes teorías psicológicas como la paralización ante situaciones de presión donde se espera un gran rendimiento pueden ayudar a explicar este hecho. Los últimos capítulos de la tesis enumeran las conclusiones principales y presentan diferentes aplicaciones prácticas que surgen de los tres estudios. Por último, se presentan las limitaciones y futuras líneas de investigación. ABSTRACT The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the offensive performance of elite handball teams when considering handball as a complex non-linear dynamical system. The time-dependent dynamic approach was adopted to assess teams’ performance during the game. The overall sample comprised the 240 games played in the season 2011-2012 of men’s Spanish Professional Handball League (ASOBAL League). In the subsequent analyses, only close games (final goal-difference ≤ 5; n = 142) were considered. Match status, game location, quality of opposition, and game period situational variables were incorporated into the analysis. Three studies composed the core of the thesis. In the first study, we analyzed the game-scoring coordination between the time series representing the scoring processes of the two opposing teams throughout the game. Autocorrelation, cross-correlation, double moving average, and Hilbert transform were used for analysis. The scoring processes of the teams presented a high consistency across all the games as well as strong in-phase modes of coordination in all the game contexts. The only differences were found when controlling for the game period. The coordination in the scoring processes of the teams was significantly lower for the 1st and 2nd period (0–10 min and 10–20 min), showing a clear increasing coordination behavior as the game progressed. This suggests that the first 20 minutes are those that break the game-scoring. In the second study, we analyzed the temporal effects (immediate effect, short-term effect, and medium-term effect) of team timeouts on teams’ scoring performance. Multiple linear regression models were used for the analysis. The results showed increments of 0.59, 1.40 and 1.85 goals for the periods within the first, third and fifth timeout ball possessions for the teams that requested the timeout. Conversely, significant negative effects on goals scored were found for the opponent teams, with decrements of 0.59, 1.43 and 2.04 goals for the same periods, respectively. The influence of situational variables on the scoring performance was only registered in certain game periods. Finally, in the third study, we analyzed the players’ exclusions temporal effects on teams’ scoring performance, for the teams that suffer the exclusion (numerical inferiority) and for the opponents (numerical superiority). Multiple linear regression models were used for the analysis. The results showed significant negative effects on the number of goals scored for the teams with one less player, with decrements of 0.25, 0.40, 0.61, 0.62, and 0.57 goals for the periods within the previous and post one, two, three, four and five minutes of play. For the opponent teams, the results showed positive effects, with increments of the same magnitude in the same game periods. This trend was not affected by match status, game location, quality of opposition, or game period. The scoring increments were smaller than might be expected from a 2-minute numerical playing superiority. Psychological theories such as choking under pressure situations where good performance is expected could contribute to explain this finding. The final chapters of the thesis enumerate the main conclusions and underline the main practical applications that arise from the three studies. Lastly, limitations and future research directions are described.


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OBJETIVO: Esta tesis doctoral pretende analizar el rendimiento en fútbol desde un punto de vista físico de los jugadores de un equipo de excelencia (EE). Se entiende como EE a un equipo que presenta un prolongado bagaje de éxitos nacionales e internacionales a lo largo de varios años. MÉTODO: Se utilizó el sistema de registro (AMISCO) de la actividad del jugador de fútbol en competición (distancia total recorrida, distancias a distintas velocidades, y número de sprints) analizando a lo largo de seis temporadas continuada la actividad de jugadores de élite (N=2082), siendo 1051 pertenecientes al EE y 1031 a jugadores de los equipos rivales (ER). RSULTADO: El perfil de actividad (distancia total, distancia en distintas velocidades y nº de sprints) de los jugadores del EE muestran valores inferiores al de los jugadores de los ER. De igual forma ocurre en cada una de las partes del partido, el puesto específico de juego de los jugadores en las distintas temporadas analizadas y en los distintos meses de la temporada. El EE registra una mayor actividad (distancia total recorrida en el partido, distancia recorrida en velocidades altas V>17 km/h y nº de Sprints) cuando juega de local a cuando lo hace como visitante. Asimismo EE muestra demandas superiores de exigencia física en la competición europea (Champions League) frente a la Liga en la distancia total recorrida en el partido y a velocidades bajas (V<17 km/h), mientras que apenas muestra diferencias en los indicadores de exigencia física cuando se enfrenta a los equipos rivales de distinto nivel de rendimiento, exceptuando en la distancia recorrida andando (V=01-11 km/h) con diferencias significativas superiores cuando el nivel del oponente es de Máxima dificultad frente a Elevada dificultad (p<.01) o Media dificultad (p<.01). En función del estilo de juego se registran diferencias en la distancia total recorrida en el partido, en velocidades bajas (V<17 km/h) y en el nº de Sprints (V>24 km/h). Por último, el perfil de actividad del EE no se ve influenciado por el efecto de estar sometido a una alta densidad competitiva (jugar un partido entre semana). Se constata como un jugador de un EE está supeditado no sólo a las exigencias del puesto específico sino también está sujeta a las características propias del jugador al desempeñar el rol o función táctica encomendada. Esta influencia es más evidente en jugadores que ocupan puestos específicos avanzados. CONCLUSION: La presente investigación aporta la caracterización de la actividad de los jugadores de un EE frente al perfil de actividad de sus rivales, mostrando un nivel de respuesta específica y diferente, más estable frente a determinadas variables contextuales y donde la exigencia física en el puesto específico se ve condicionada por las características individuales del jugador, todos estos aspectos pueden ayudar a la hora de planificar el entrenamiento en este tipo de equipos. ABSTRACT OBJETIVE: This doctoral thesis aims to analyze the performance in football from a physical point of view on a team of excellence. METHOD: The registration system (AMISCO) activity soccer player in competition (total distance traveled distances at different speeds, and number of sprints) was used to analyze over six seasons continued activity elite players (N = 2082), with 1051 belonging to Team Excellence (EE) and 1031 players from rival teams (ER). RESULT: The competitive physical response of the US players are analyzed and compared with that of ER. The activity profile (total distance, distance at different speeds and number of sprints) of EE players shown below players ER values. The same occurs in each of the parts of the game, the specific game since players analyzed in different seasons and in different months of the season. The EE recorded increased activity (total distance traveled in the match, distance at high speeds V> 17 km / h and sprints number) when playing a local when it does on the road. EE also shows higher demands physical demands in European competition (Champions League) against the League in the total distance traveled in the party and at low speeds (V <17 km / h), while just shows differences in indicators of demand physics when the opposing teams with different levels of performance faces, except in the distance walked (V = 01-11 km / h) with significant differences when higher level Maximum opponent is facing difficulty High difficulty (p < .01) or Medium difficulty (p <.01). Depending on the style of play differences are recognized in the total distance traveled in the party, at low speeds (V <17 km / h) and the number of Sprints (V> 24 km / h). Finally, the activity profile of EE is not influenced by the effect of being subjected to a high competitive density (play a game during the week). It is found as a player on a team of Excellence is subject not only to the requirements of the specific position but is also subject to the characteristics of the player to play the role or function entrusted tactics. This influence is most evident in advanced players who occupy specific positions. CONCLUSION: This research provides the characterization of the activity of EE players versus activity profile of its rivals, showing a level of response specific and different, more stable against certain contextual variables and where the physical demands on the specific position is conditioned by the individual characteristics of the player, all these aspects can help in planning training in this type of equipment.


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Este trabajo de investigación trata de aportar luz al estudio del tiempo de reacción (TR) en velocistas con y sin discapacidad auditiva desde las Ciencias del Deporte. El planteamiento del presente estudio surgió al cuestionarnos la existencia de las diferencias en cuanto al TR visual y auditivo aplicado a velocistas con y sin discapacidad auditiva, pensando en el desarrollo futuro de competiciones inclusivas entre ambos colectivos. Por ello, este estudio trata de resolver las dificultades que los velocistas con discapacidad se encuentran habitualmente en las competiciones. A priori, los atletas con discapacidad auditiva compiten en inferioridad de condiciones como consecuencia de una salida que no parece la más adecuada para ellos (desde los tacos, han de mirar hacia la pistola del juez o el movimiento de un rival). El documento se divide en tres partes. En la primera parte se realiza la pertinente revisión del marco teórico y justificación del estudio. La segunda parte se centra en los objetivos de la investigación, el material y el método, donde se muestran los resultados, discusión y conclusiones del estudio realizado, así como las limitaciones del presente trabajo y sus futuras líneas de investigación. La tercera parte corresponde a la bibliografía y la cuarta parte a los anexos. En la primera parte, presentamos el marco teórico compuesto por cinco capítulos organizan la fundamentación que hemos realizado como revisión sobre los aspectos más destacados del TR, determinado por las características de la tarea y otros factores que influyen en el TR como objeto de nuestro estudio. Después exponemos los principales aspectos estructurales y funcionales del sistema nervioso (SN) relacionados con el TR visual y auditivo. Tras ello se expone la realidad del deporte para personas con discapacidad auditiva, indagando en sus peculiaridades y criterios de elegibilidad que tiene ese colectivo dentro del ámbito deportivo. A continuación abordamos el estudio de la salida de velocidad en el atletismo, como aspecto clave que va a guiar nuestra investigación, especialmente los parámetros determinantes en la colocación de los tacos de salida para atletas con y sin discapacidad auditiva, la posición de salida y la propia colocación de los estímulos en dicha situación. Es la segunda parte se desarrolla el trabajo de investigación que tiene como objetivos estudiar los valores de TR visual simple manual, TR en salida de tacos y los tiempos de desplazamiento a los 10m y 20m de velocistas con y sin discapacidad auditiva, así como analizar las posibles diferencias en TR según posición y tipo de estímulo luminoso, respecto a ambos grupos de atletas. Como tercer objetivo de estudio se evalúa cualitativamente, por parte de los propios atletas, el dispositivo luminoso utilizado. La toma de datos de este estudio se llevó a cabo entre los meses de febrero y mayo del 2014, en el módulo de atletismo del Centro de Alto Rendimiento Joaquín Blume (Madrid), con dos grupos de estudio, uno de 9 velocistas con discapacidad auditiva (VDA), conformando éstos el 60% de toda la población en España, según el número de las licencias de la FEDS en la modalidad de atletismo (velocistas, pruebas de 100 y 200 m.l.), en el momento del estudio, y otro de 13 velocistas sin discapacidad (VsDA) que se presentaron de manera voluntaria con unos mismos criterios de inclusión para ambos grupos. Para la medición y el registro de los datos se utilizaron materiales como hoja de registro, Medidor de Tiempo de Reacción (MTR), tacos de salida, ReacTime®, dispositivo luminoso conectado a los tacos de salida, células fotoeléctricas, ordenador y software del ReacTime, y cámara de video. La metodología utilizada en este estudio fue de tipo correlacional, analizando los resultados del TR simple manual según vía sensitiva (visual y auditiva) entre los dos grupos de VDA y VsDA. También se estudiaron los TR desde la salida de tacos en función de la colocación del dispositivo luminoso (en el suelo y a 5 metros, vía visual) y pistola de salida atlética (vía auditiva) así como el tiempo de desplazamiento a los 10m (t10m) y 20m (t20m) de ambos grupos de velocistas. Finalmente, se desarrolló y llevó a cabo un cuestionario de evaluación por parte de los atletas VDA con el objetivo de conocer el grado de satisfacción después de haber realizado la serie de experimentos con el dispositivo luminoso y adaptado para sistemas de salida en la velocidad atlética. Con el objetivo de comprobar la viabilidad de la metodología descrita y probar en el contexto de análisis real el protocolo experimental, se realizó un estudio piloto con el fin de conocer las posibles diferencias del TR visual desde los tacos de salida en velocistas con discapacidad auditiva, usando para dicha salida un estímulo visual mediante un dispositivo luminoso coordinado con la señal sonora de salida (Soto-Rey, Pérez-Tejero, Rojo-González y Álvarez-Ortiz, 2015). En cuanto a los procedimientos estadísticos utilizados, con el fin de analizar la distribución de los datos y su normalidad, se aplicó la prueba de Kolmogorov-Smirnof, dicha prueba arrojó resultados de normalidad para todas las variables analizadas de las situaciones experimentales EA, EVsuelo y EV5m. Es por ello que en el presente trabajo de investigación se utilizó estadística paramétrica. Como medidas descriptivas, se calcularon el máximo, mínimo, media y la desviación estándar. En relación a las situaciones experimentales, para estudiar las posibles diferencias en las variables estudiadas dentro de cada grupo de velocistas (intragrupo) en la situación experimental 1 (MTR), se empleó una prueba T de Student para muestras independientes. En las situaciones experimentales 2, 3 y 4, para conocer las diferencias entre ambos grupos de velocistas en cada situación, se utilizó igualmente la prueba T para muestras independientes, mientras que un ANOVA simple (con post hoc Bonferroni) se utilizó para analizar las diferencias para cada grupo (VDA y VsDA) por situación experimental. Así mismo, se utilizó un ANOVA de medidas repetidas, donde el tipo de estímulo (situación experimental) fue la variable intra-grupo y el grupo de velocistas participantes (VDA y VsDA) la entre-grupo, realizándose esta prueba para evaluar en cada situación el TR, t1m0 y t20m y las interacciones entre las variables. Para el tratamiento estadístico fue utilizado el paquete estadístico SPSS 18.0 (Chicago, IL, EEUU). Los niveles de significación fueron establecidos para un ≤0.05, indicando el valor de p en cada caso. Uno de los aspectos más relevantes de este trabajo es la medición en diferentes situaciones, con instrumentación distinta y con situaciones experimentales distintas, del TR en velocistas con y sin discapacidad auditiva. Ello supuso el desarrollo de un diseño de investigación que respondió a las necesidades planteadas por los objetivos del estudio, así como el desarrollo de instrumentación específica (Rojo-Lacal, Soto-Rey, Pérez-Tejero y Rojo-González, 2014; Soto-Rey et al., 2015) y distintas situaciones experimentales que reprodujeran las condiciones de práctica y competición real de VsDA y VDA en las pruebas atléticas de velocidad, y más concretamente, en las salidas. El análisis estadístico mostró diferencias significativas entre los estímulos visuales y sonoros medidos con el MTR, siendo menor el TR ante el estímulo visual que ante el sonoro, tanto para los atletas con discapacidad auditiva como para los que no la presentaron (TR visual, 0.195 s ± 0.018 vs 0.197 s ± 0.022, p≤0.05; TR sonoro 0.230 s ± 0.016 vs 0.237 s ± 0.045, p≤0.05). Teniendo en cuenta los resultados según población objeto de estudio y situación experimental, se registraron diferencias significativas entre ambas poblaciones, VDA y VsDA, siendo más rápidos los VDA que VsDA en la situación experimental con el estímulo visual en el suelo (EVsuelo, 0.191 ±0.025 vs 0.210 ±0.025, p≤0.05, respectivamente) y los VsDA en la situación experimental con el estímulo auditivo (EA, 0.396 ±0.045 vs 0.174 ±0.021, p≤0.05), aunque sin diferencias entre ambos grupos en la situación experimental con el estímulo visual a 5m de los tacos de salida. Es de destacar que en el TR no hubo diferencias significativas entre EA para VsDA y EVsuelo para VDA. El ANOVA simple registró diferencias significativas en todas las situaciones experimentales dentro de cada grupo y para todas las variables, por lo que estadísticamente, las situaciones experimentales fueron diferentes entre sí. En relación al de ANOVA medidas repetidas, la prueba de esfericidad se mostró adecuada, existiendo diferencias significativas en las varianzas de los pares de medias: el valor de F indicó que existieron diferencias entre las diferentes situaciones experimentales en cuanto a TR, incluso cuando éstas se relacionaban con el factor discapacidad (factor interacción, p≤0,05). Por ello, queda patente que las situaciones son distintas entre sí, también teniendo en cuenta la discapacidad. El η2 (eta al cuadrado, tamaño del efecto, para la interacción) indica que el 91.7% de la variación se deben a las condiciones del estudio, y no al error (indicador de la generalización de los resultados del estudio). Por otro lado, la evaluación del dispositivo luminoso fue positiva en relación a la iluminación, comodidad de uso, ubicación, color, tamaño, adecuación del dispositivo y del equipamiento necesario para adaptar al sistema de salida. La totalidad de los atletas afirman rotundamente que el dispositivo luminoso favorecería la adaptación al sistema de salida atlética para permitir una competición inclusiva. Asimismo concluyen que el dispositivo luminoso favorecería el rendimiento o mejora de marca en la competición. La discusión de este estudio presenta justificación de las diferencias demostradas que el tipo de estímulo y su colocación son clave en el TR de esta prueba, por lo que podríamos argumentar la necesidad de contar con dispositivos luminosos para VDA a la hora de competir con VsDA en una misma prueba, inclusiva. El presente trabajo de investigación ha demostrado, aplicando el método científico, que el uso de estos dispositivos, en las condiciones técnicas y experimentales indicadas, permite el uso por parte del VDA, usando su mejor TR visual posible, que se muestra similar (ns) al TR auditivo de VsDA, lo que indica que, para competiciones inclusivas, la salida usando el semáforo (para VDA) y la salida habitual (estímulo sonoro) para VsDA, puede ser una solución equitativa en base a la evidencia demostrada en este estudio. De esta manera, y como referencia, indicar que la media de los TR de los velocistas en la final de los 100 m.l. en los Juegos Olímpicos de Londres 2012 fue de 0.162 ±0.015. De esta manera, creemos que estos parámetros sirven de referencia a técnicos deportivos, atletas y futuros trabajos de investigación. Las aplicaciones de este trabajo permitirán modificaciones y reflexiones en forma de apoyo al entrenamiento y la competición para el entrenador, o juez de salida en la competición que, creemos, es necesaria para proporcionar a este colectivo una atención adecuada en las salidas, especialmente en situaciones inclusivas de práctica. ABSTRACT This research aims to study of reaction time (RT) in sprinters with and without hearing impairment from the Sports Science perspective. The approach of this study came asking whether there were differences in the visual and auditory RT applied to sprinters with and without hearing impairment, thinking about the future development of inclusive competition between the two groups. Therefore, this study attempts to resolve the difficulties commonly founded by sprinters with hearing impairments during competitions. A priori, sprinters with hearing impairment would compete in a disadvantage situation as a result of the use of a staring signal not suitable for them (from the blocks, they have to look to the judge´s pistol or the movement of an opponent). The document is divided into three parts. In the first part of the review of relevant theoretical framework and justification of the study is presented. The second part focuses on the research objectives, material and method, where results, discussion and conclusions of the study, as well as the limitations of this study and future research are presented. The third part contains references and the fourth, annexes. In the first part, we present the theoretical framework consisting of five chapters, organizing the state of the art of RT, determined by the characteristics of the task and other factors that influence the RT as object of our study. Then we present the main structural and functional aspects of the nervous system associated with visual and auditory RT. After that, sport for people with hearing disabilities is presented, investigating its peculiarities and eligibility criteria is that group within the deaf sport. Finally, we discuss the theoretical foundation of the study of start speed in athletics as a key aspect that will guide our research, especially the determining parameters in placing the starting blocks for athletes with and without hearing impairment, the starting position and the actual placement of stimuli in such a situation. The second part of the research aims to study the values of simple manual visual RT, RT start from blocks and travel times up to 10m and 20m of sprinters with and without hearing impairment, and to analyze possible differences in RT as position and type of light stimulus with respect to both groups of athletes. The third objective of the study is to assess the pertinence of the lighting device developed and used in the study, in a qualitatively way by athletes themselves. Data collection for this study was carried out between February and May 2014, in the Athletics module at the High Performance Centre Joaquin Blume (Madrid) with the two study groups: 9 sprinters with hearing impairments(VDA, reaching 60% of the population in Spain, according to the number of licenses for athletics at FEDS: sprint, 100 and 200 m.l., at the time of the study), and another 13 sprinters without disability (VsDA) who voluntarily presented themselves, with same inclusion criteria for both groups. For measuring and data collection materials such as recording sheet, gauge reaction time (MTR), starting blocks, ReacTime®, luminous device connected to the starting blocks, photocells, computer and software ReacTime, and video camera were used. The methodology used in this study was correlational, analyzing the results of simple manual RT according sensory pathway (visual and auditory) between the two groups (VsDA and VDA). Also auditory and visual RT was studied depending the placement of the start light signal (on the ground and 5 meters, visual pathway) and athletic start gun signal (auditory pathway, conventional situation) and travel time up to 10m (t10m) and 20m (t20m) for both groups of sprinters. Finally, we developed and carried out an evaluation questionnaire for VDA athletes in order to determine the degree of satisfaction after completing the series of experiments with lighting device and adapted to start systems in athletic speed. In order to test the feasibility of the methodology described and tested in the context of real analysis of the experimental protocol, a pilot study in order to know the possible differences visual RT from the starting blocks in sprinters with hearing impairments was performed, to said output using a visual stimulus coordinated by a lighting device with sound output signal (Soto-Rey Perez-Tejero, Rojo-González y Álvarez-Ortiz, 2015). For the statistical procedures, in order to analyze the distribution of the data and their normality, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was applied, this test yielded normal results for all variables analyzed during EA, EVsuelo and EV5m experimental situations. Parametric statistics were used in this research. As descriptive measures, the maximum, minimum, mean and standard deviation were calculated. In relation to experimental situations, to study possible differences in the variables studied in each group sprinters (intragroup) in the experimental situation 1 (MTR), a Student t test was used for independent samples. Under the experimental situations 2, 3 and 4, to know the differences between the two groups of sprinters in every situation, the T test for independent samples was used, while a simple ANOVA (with post hoc Bonferroni) was used to analyze differences for each group (VDA and VsDA) by experimental situation. Likewise, a repeated measures ANOVA, where the type of stimulus (experimental situation) was variable intra-group and participants sprinters group (VDA and VsDA) the variable between-group, was performed to assess each situation for RT, t10m and t20m, and also interactions between variables. For the statistical treatment SPSS 18.0 (Chicago, IL, USA) was used. Significance levels were set for  ≤0.05, indicating the value of p in each case. One of the most important aspects of this work is the measurement of RT in sprinters with and without hearing impairment in different situations, with different instrumentation and different experimental situations. This involved the development of a research design that responded to the needs raised by the study aims and the development of specific instrumentation (Rojo-Lacal, Soto-Rey Perez-Tejero and Rojo-Gonzalez, 2014; Soto-Rey et al., 2015) and different experimental situations to reproduce the conditions of practical and real competition VsDA and VDA in athletic sprints, and more specifically, at the start. Statistical analysis showed significant differences between the visual and sound stimuli measured by the MTR, with lower RT to the visual stimulus that for sound, both for athletes with hearing disabilities and for those without (visual RT, 0.195 s ± 0.018 s vs 0.197 ± 0.022, p≤0.05; sound RT 0.230 s ± 0.016 vs 0.237 s ± 0.045, p≤0.05). Considering the results according to study population and experimental situation, significant differences between the two populations, VDA and VsDA were found, being faster the VDA than VsDA in the experimental situation with the visual stimulus on the floor (EVsuelo, recorded 0.191 s ± 0.025 vs 0.210 s ± 0.025, p≤0.05, respectively) and VsDA in the experimental situation with the auditory stimulus (EA, 0.396 s ± 0.045 vs 0.174 s ± 0.021, p≤0.05), but no difference between groups in the experimental situation with the 5m visual stimulus to the starting blocks. It is noteworthy that no significant differences in EA and EVsuelo between VsDA to VDA, respectively, for RT. Simple ANOVA showed significant differences in all experimental situations within each group and for all variables, so statistically, the experimental situations were different. Regarding the repeated measures ANOVA, the sphericity test showed adequate, and there were significant differences in the variances of the pairs of means: the value of F indicated that there were differences between the different experimental situations regarding RT, even when they were related to the disability factor (factor interaction, p≤0.05). Therefore, it is clear that the situations were different from each other, also taking into account impairment. The η2 (eta squared, effect size, for interaction) indicates that 91.7% of the variation is due to the conditions of the study, not by error (as indicator of the generalization potential of the study results). On the other hand, evaluation of the light signal was positively related to lighting, ease of use, location, color, size, alignment device and equipment necessary to adapt the start system. All the athletes claim strongly in favor of the lighting device adaptation system to enable athletic competition inclusive. Also they concluded that light device would enhance performance or would decrease their RT during the competition. The discussion of this study justify the type of stimulus and the start light positioning as key to the RT performance, so that we could argue the need for lighting devices for VDA when competing against VsDA the same competition, inclusive. This research has demonstrated, applying the scientific method, that the use of these devices, techniques and given experimental conditions, allows the use of the VDA, using his best visual RT, shown similar (ns) auditory RT of VsDA, indicating that for inclusive competitions, the start signal using the light (for VDA) and the usual start (sound stimulus) to VsDA can be an equitable solution based on the evidence shown in this study. Thus, and as a reference, indicate that the average of the RT sprinters in the 100 m. final at the 2012 Summer Olympic Games was 0.162 s ± 0.015. Thus, we believe that these parameters become a reference to sports coaches, athletes and future research. Applications of this work will allow modifications and reflections in the form of support for training and competition for the coach, or judge, as we believe is necessary to provide adequate attention to VDA in speed starts, especially in inclusive practice situations.


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Esta pesquisa se dedica ao debate em torno da redação e composição do livro de Amós, e pretende, primeiramente, apresentar e criticar algumas hipóteses sobre as camadas literárias, que poderiam pertencer ao próprio profeta, e os acréscimos tardios. Como primeiro passo para uma abordagem do problema redacional, este estudo examina algumas contribuições de especialistas estrangeiros e de estudiosos brasileiros, e tenta fazer um julgamento crítico de suas hipóteses sobre a redação do livro de Amós. A questão do processo redacional do livro de Amós tem sido, na verdade, objeto de uma animada discussão entre muitos estudiosos. Em segundo lugar, a leitura diacrônica é complementada com o estudo sincrônico do livro, isto é, com o debate em torno da estrutura não só da composição em Amós 6,1-14, mas também do livro todo. Em terceiro lugar, a partir da avaliação do resultado da pesquisa e com a utilização do método histórico-crítico, a composição em Amós 6,1-14 é analisada como uma unidade literária de sentido. Para tal análise são, indubitavelmente, relevantes algumas considerações prévias sobre o gênero literário da lamentação, a denúncia profética da injustiça social e a instituição do banquete do marzeah. Em seqüência, esta tese analisa o fenômeno literário dos panfletos proféticos e da organização social, que poderia estar por detrás de sua autoria. Por isso, e levando em conta o desafio de novas propostas metodológicas, esta pesquisa visa dar uma contribuição específica ao estudo de Amós. Ela se empenha em demonstrar que, em relação a Amós 6,1-14, o leitor está diante de uma criação coletiva. De fato, a mencionada composição é o resultado não só da pregação oral do próprio profeta, mas também, em razão de sua forma compósita, das vozes proféticas de pessoas oprimidas, que, impulsionadas pelo Espírito, confirmaram a denúncia severa de Amós e até a completaram com suas próprias experiências e sofrimentos. Finalmente, um despretensioso excursus examina o livro de Amós em um contexto literário mais amplo, para dar uma visão geral do debate em torno do processo redacional do Livro dos Doze Profetas, particularmente a partir de sua perspectiva escatológica mediante a categoria teológica do Dia do Senhor.(AU)


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Esta pesquisa se dedica ao debate em torno da redação e composição do livro de Amós, e pretende, primeiramente, apresentar e criticar algumas hipóteses sobre as camadas literárias, que poderiam pertencer ao próprio profeta, e os acréscimos tardios. Como primeiro passo para uma abordagem do problema redacional, este estudo examina algumas contribuições de especialistas estrangeiros e de estudiosos brasileiros, e tenta fazer um julgamento crítico de suas hipóteses sobre a redação do livro de Amós. A questão do processo redacional do livro de Amós tem sido, na verdade, objeto de uma animada discussão entre muitos estudiosos. Em segundo lugar, a leitura diacrônica é complementada com o estudo sincrônico do livro, isto é, com o debate em torno da estrutura não só da composição em Amós 6,1-14, mas também do livro todo. Em terceiro lugar, a partir da avaliação do resultado da pesquisa e com a utilização do método histórico-crítico, a composição em Amós 6,1-14 é analisada como uma unidade literária de sentido. Para tal análise são, indubitavelmente, relevantes algumas considerações prévias sobre o gênero literário da lamentação, a denúncia profética da injustiça social e a instituição do banquete do marzeah. Em seqüência, esta tese analisa o fenômeno literário dos panfletos proféticos e da organização social, que poderia estar por detrás de sua autoria. Por isso, e levando em conta o desafio de novas propostas metodológicas, esta pesquisa visa dar uma contribuição específica ao estudo de Amós. Ela se empenha em demonstrar que, em relação a Amós 6,1-14, o leitor está diante de uma criação coletiva. De fato, a mencionada composição é o resultado não só da pregação oral do próprio profeta, mas também, em razão de sua forma compósita, das vozes proféticas de pessoas oprimidas, que, impulsionadas pelo Espírito, confirmaram a denúncia severa de Amós e até a completaram com suas próprias experiências e sofrimentos. Finalmente, um despretensioso excursus examina o livro de Amós em um contexto literário mais amplo, para dar uma visão geral do debate em torno do processo redacional do Livro dos Doze Profetas, particularmente a partir de sua perspectiva escatológica mediante a categoria teológica do Dia do Senhor.(AU)


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A presente pesquisa analisou a posição e ação política nas Assembleias de Deus do Brasil nos períodos 1930-1945 e 1978-1988. Defendemos a tese de que desde 1930 há no interior do pentecostalismo brasileiro posições e intervenções no mundo da política. Tanto no período de 1930-1945 como o de 1978-1988 nossas análises serão realizadas a partir das temporalidades discutidas por Giorgio Agamben: chronos, aiôn e kairos. No que diz respeito ao primeiro período 1930-1945, as pesquisas quase sempre vinculam o discurso escatológico do pentecostalismo a processos de alienação e não envolvimento com a política partidária. Entretanto, acredita-se que as narrativas escatológicas não foram causa de certo afastamento da esfera pública brasileira, mas sim efeito de processos de exclusão aos quais homens e mulheres de pertença pentecostal estiveram circunscritos. Doutrinas como a escatologia e a pneumatologia foram potencializadoras de processos que aqui denominamos de biopotência. Já no segundo período, de 1978-1988, a posição e a ação política que predominaram no pentecostalismo estiveram relacionadas com a biopolítica. Chamamos de capítulo intermedário ou de transição o período correspondente às datas 1946-1977. Nele descreveremos e analisaremos personalidades pentecostais de destaque no campo da política brasileira. Metodologicamente, fizemos nossa análise a partir de artigos publicados no órgão oficial de comunicação da denominação religiosa em questão, o jornal Mensageiro da Paz. Esse periódico circula desde 1930. Além dos artigos, destacamos também as autoras e os autores, todas elas e todos eles figuras de destaque no assembleianismo. Ao longo da pesquisa questionamos a ideia do apoliticismo pentecostal. Defendemos a tese de que desde 1930, que é o início de nossa pesquisa, há posição e ação política nas Assembleias de Deus. Como resultado disso, questionamos a ideia do apoliticismo pentecostal. Nossa hipótese é de que no período 1930-1945 o pentecostalismo foi um polo de biopotência. Se a biopolítica é o poder sobre a vida, a biopotência é o poder da vida. Doutrinas como a escatologia e pneumatologia contribuíram para que nos espaços marginais onde se reuniam os pentecostais fossem criados novos modelos de sociabilidade e de cooperação; eram também espaços de criação de outras narrativas e de crítica a modelos hegemônicos e excludentes. O pentecostalismo foi um movimento que promoveu a dignidade humana de sujeitos subalternos.


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In optimal foraging theory, search time is a key variable defining the value of a prey type. But the sensory-perceptual processes that constrain the search for food have rarely been considered. Here we evaluate the flight behavior of bumblebees (Bombus terrestris) searching for artificial flowers of various sizes and colors. When flowers were large, search times correlated well with the color contrast of the targets with their green foliage-type background, as predicted by a model of color opponent coding using inputs from the bees' UV, blue, and green receptors. Targets that made poor color contrast with their backdrop, such as white, UV-reflecting ones, or red flowers, took longest to detect, even though brightness contrast with the background was pronounced. When searching for small targets, bees changed their strategy in several ways. They flew significantly slower and closer to the ground, so increasing the minimum detectable area subtended by an object on the ground. In addition, they used a different neuronal channel for flower detection. Instead of color contrast, they used only the green receptor signal for detection. We relate these findings to temporal and spatial limitations of different neuronal channels involved in stimulus detection and recognition. Thus, foraging speed may not be limited only by factors such as prey density, flight energetics, and scramble competition. Our results show that understanding the behavioral ecology of foraging can substantially gain from knowledge about mechanisms of visual information processing.


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Human color vision starts with the signals from three cone photoreceptor types, maximally sensitive to long (L-cone), middle (M-cone), and short (S-cone) wavelengths. Within the retina these signals combine in an antagonistic way to form red-green and blue-yellow spectral opponent pathways. In the classical model this antagonism is thought to arise from the convergence of cone type-specific excitatory and inhibitory inputs to retinal ganglion cells. The circuitry for spectral opponency is now being investigated using an in vitro preparation of the macaque monkey retina. Intracellular recording and staining has shown that blue-ON/yellow-OFF opponent responses arise from a distinctive bistratified ganglion cell type. Surprisingly, this cone opponency appears to arise by dual excitatory cone bipolar cell inputs: an ON bipolar cell that contacts only S-cones and an OFF bipolar cell that contacts L- and M-cones. Red-green spectral opponency has long been linked to the midget ganglion cells, but an underlying mechanism remains unclear. For example, receptive field mapping argues for segregation of L-and M-cone signals to the midget cell center and surround, but horizontal cell interneurons, believed to generate the inhibitory surround, lack opponency and cannot contribute selective L- or M-cone input to the midget cell surround. The solution to this color puzzle no doubt lies in the great diversity of cell types in the primate retina that still await discovery and analysis.


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The aim of this study was to assess the way volleyball teams score with regard to: whether or not they won the game, whether they were the home or away team, the level of the opposing teams, and the type of confrontation. The sample was composed of 118,083 plays from 794 men’s volleyball matches and 125,751 plays from 719 women’s matches of Spain’s first division clubs (from the 2002-2003 season to the 2006-2007 season). The variables studied were: the way points were obtained in each play, being the home or away team, the level of the teams, the result of the match, and the type of confrontation between the teams with regard to their level. The results demonstrate that for both men’s and women’s teams, the majority of the points were obtained in attack and by opponent errors. Differences were found with regard to the way points were obtained when winning or losing the match was taken into account as well as when considering the level of the teams. This paper discusses the differences found with regard to whether the team is home or visiting and the type of confrontation.


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One folio-sized leaf containing a handwritten essay responding to an unidentified opponent's claims that "thinking is essential to the soul." The response begins with the introduction, "In the consideration of this question, I shall only examine one or two of the most material objects of our antagonist." The verso is inscribed: "2d Forensic. not read."


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The powers of the General Government are so much greater than those of the United States in its relations with the Local Governments, that the central power must win. The next quarter century was marked by struggle, or rather a series of struggles, between the Dominion Government and those of the various provinces with as a general rule contrary to Macdonal's expectations, the latter proving successful. Ontario was the most consistent opponent of centralizing tendencies; her most notably victory was scored in what is known as the Ontario-Manitoba Boundary Dispute. It is out intention to deal with this question primarily as a phase of post-Confederation politics.


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The statements made in recent weeks by Russian officials, and especially President Vladimir Putin, in connection with Moscow’s policy towards Ukraine, may suggest that the emergence of a certain doctrine of Russian foreign and security policy is at hand, especially in relation to the post-Soviet area. Most of the arguments at the core of this doctrine are not new, but recently they have been formulated more openly and in more radical terms. Those arguments concern the role of Russia as the defender of Russian-speaking communities abroad and the guarantor of their rights, as well as specifically understood good neighbourly relations (meaning in fact limited sovereignty) as a precondition that must be met in order for Moscow to recognise the independence and territorial integrity of post-Soviet states. However, the new doctrine also includes arguments which have not been raised before, or have hitherto only been formulated on rare occasions, and which may indicate the future evolution of Russia’s policy. Specifically, this refers to Russia’s use of extralegal categories, such as national interest, truth and justice, to justify its policy, and its recognition of military force as a legitimate instrument to defend its compatriots abroad. This doctrine is effectively an outline of the conceptual foundation for Russian dominance in the post-Soviet area. It offers a justification for the efforts to restore the unity of the ‘Russian nation’ (or more broadly, the Russian-speaking community), within a bloc pursuing close integration (the Eurasian Economic Union), or even within a single state encompassing at least parts of that area. As such, it poses a challenge for the West, which Moscow sees as the main opponent of Russia’s plans to build a new order in Europe (Eurasia) that would undermine the post-Cold War order.


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After a passionate two-day election, Alexander Van Der Bellen (supported by the Greens) narrowly defeated his far-right wing opponent, Norbert Hofer (Freedom Party of Austria or FPÖ), thereby becoming Austria’s new President (50.3% vs 49.7%). Notably, the ecologist candidate only managed to win thanks to the postal votes counted on the day after the polls closed, whereas anti-EU Hofer was still leading by some 144,000 votes on the previous evening. Such a narrow defeat is likely to have long-term implications for Austrian and European politics.


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social stressors typically elicit two distinct behavioural responses in vertebrates: an active response (i.e., "fight or flight") or behavioural inhibition (i.e., freezing). Here, we report an interesting exception to this dichotomy in a Caribbean cleaner fish, which interacts with a wide variety of reef fish clients, including predatory species. Cleaning gobies appraise predatory clients as potential threat and become stressed in their presence, as evidenced by their higher cortisol levels when exposed to predatory rather than to non-predatory clients. Nevertheless, cleaning gobies neither flee nor freeze in response to dangerous clients but instead approach predators faster (both in captivity and in the wild), and interact longer with these clients than with non-predatory clients (in the wild). We hypothesise that cleaners interrupt the potentially harmful physiological consequences elicited by predatory clients by becoming increasingly proactive and by reducing the time elapsed between client approach and the start of the interaction process. The activation of a stress response may therefore also be responsible for the longer cleaning service provided by these cleaners to predatory clients in the wild. Future experimental studies may reveal similar patterns in other social vertebrate species when, for instance, individuals approach an opponent for reconciliation after a conflict.


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Group living animals must be able to express different behavior profiles depending on their social status. Therefore, the same genotype may translate into different behavioral phenotypes through socially driven differential gene expression. However, how social information is translated into a neurogenomic response and what are the specific cues in a social interaction that signal a change in social status are questions that have remained unanswered. Here, we show for the first time, to our knowledge, that the switch between status-specific neurogenomic states relies on the assessment of fight outcome rather than just on self- or opponent-only assessment of fighting ability. For this purpose, we manipulated the perception of fight outcome in male zebrafish and measured its impact on the brain transcriptome using a zebrafish whole genome gene chip. Males fought either a real opponent, and a winner and a loser were identified, or their own image on a mirror, in which case, despite expressing aggressive behavior, males did not experience either a victory or a defeat. Massive changes in the brain transcriptome were observed in real opponent fighters, with losers displaying both a higher number of differentially expressed genes and of coexpressed gene modules than winners. In contrast, mirror fighters expressed a neurogenomic state similar to that of noninteracting fish. The genes that responded to fight outcome included immediate early genes and genes involved in neuroplasticity and epigenetic modifications. These results indicate that, even in cognitively simple organisms such as zebrafish, neurogenomic responses underlying changes in social status rely on mutual assessment of fighting ability.