601 resultados para Erythroid reconstitution
A study was conducted to evaluate the quality aspects of eight exportable dried fishery products of Bangladesh. The products were evaluated by examining organoleptic properties, water reconstitution behavior, microbiological and biochemical aspects. The water reconstitution rate was faster in ribbon fish and Bombay duck, and slower in other fishes and air bladder and shark fin products. Organoleptic and physical characteristics in respect of color, odor, texture, insect infestation and broken pieces of the products revealed that all of the products were either in excellent or acceptable condition. Total viable bacterial load ranged from 0.95 x 104 CFU/g to 1.8 x 104 CFU/g in dried products. Coliform bacteria was absent in all the dried fishery products. The results of moisture, crude protein, lipid and ash content of the products ranged from 16.20 to 23.51%, 58.37 to 82.86%, 0.17 to 14.44% and 0.58 to 9.23%, respectively. Non-protein nitrogen (NPN) contents were in the range of 0.104 to 2.372% and the pepsin digestibility values were of 88.41 to 94.23%. The results of the study suggested that the exportable dried products were of good quality and hygienically safe.
Lhcb2基因是LHCII基因家族中的一个重要成员。目前,对于其特性、结构和功能还不清楚。本文对豌豆Lhcb2基因的克隆、表达、功能及其在大肠杆菌中的表达产物与色素在体外的重组进行了比较系统的探讨,主要的结果如下: 1.采用RT-PCR技术,从豌豆幼叶中克隆了一个约800 bp的Lhcb2 cDNA。以特异探针进行Southern杂交的结果初步证明,Lhcb2基因以单拷贝形式存在于豌豆基因组中,这在文献中尚未见报道。 2.不同光照时间和温度对豌豆幼苗进行处理的RT-PCR,Northem blotting分析表明,Lhcb2基因转录水平上的表达受光照的控制,且明显地表现出对光照时间的依赖性。用400 μmolm-2.s-1的白光照射0~1.5小时Lhcb2基因未见表达,而在光照2小时以上则大量表达,推测该基因的表达可能要求某种(或某些)需光中间物的合成和积累。温度对Lhcb2基因的表达亦有显著的影响,相同的光照处理,4 ℃下Lhcb2基因的表达量比25℃下的表达量低一倍左右。 3.将豌豆Lhcb2基因反向插入植物表达载体pBIl21中,构建CaMV 35S启动子控制下反义Lhcb2基因的植物表达载体pBIantiLhcb2,通过农杆菌LBA4404介导,在Kan浓度为100 mg/L的筛选培养基上,获得120个抗Kan阳性植株。PCR检测表明至少有80个抗性植株为PCR阳性反应。Southern blotting分析表明,外源反义Lhcb2基因已整合到烟草基因组中。转基因植株在表型上主要表现为三大类型:叶色类似于未转基因的绿色植株、叶色发黄的植株、叶色发白甚至枯死的植株。这几类转基因植株光谱特性的分析表明,Lhcb2基因不仅影响光能的捕获,而且还可能参与激发能分配的调节作用。 4.将豌豆的Lhcb2基因亚克隆至原核表达载体pET-3d上,通过定点突变使其在大肠杆菌BL2l(DE3)中得到高效表达,其表达量约占大肠杆菌总蛋白的40%,并经纯化后获得了电泳纯的Lhcb2蛋白。应用改进的液氮/室温冻融重组方法将纯化的蛋白与色素进行体外重组,建立了高效的重组系统。实验结果表明重组后所获得的LHCB2单体与用生化方法从菠菜类囊体膜中分离纯化的天然LHC II单体相比较,其在部分变性胶的电泳行为,低温荧光发射光谱和激发光谱,以及室温吸收光谱和CD光谱的特征等方面都非常相似,说明大量表达的Lhcb2蛋白与色素已成功地重组,并具有与天然的LHCII单体相类似的组成和结构,这在国际上尚属首次。在此基础上又构建了N端和C端氨基酸残基缺失的突变体,并对这些缺失的氨基酸残基在LHCB2中的可能作用进行了初步的研究。结果表明,N端的前12个氨基酸残基、C端的前10个氨基酸残基和第11位的色氨基酸残基对LHCB2单体的形成不是必需的。 此外,从菠菜中纯化了LHCII,并对其多肽和色素组成及其光谱特性进行了比较系统的研究。同时对用不同浓度OGP和Mg2+处理所获得的不同聚集程度的LHCII的光谱特性进行了研究,并对Mg2+在其中的可能作用进行了初步的探讨。
光系统II(PSII)是存在于类囊体膜中的多亚基色素蛋白复合物,是吸收光能、催化光诱导水裂解释放氧气、质子和电子的重要机构。它在体内的基本单位是由外周天线蛋白(LHCII)与PSII核心复合物结合形成的PSII-LHCII超分子复合物,这一结构保证了LHCII吸收的能量能够快速有效的传递到PSII反应中心(RC),进行原初光化学反应。 本论文分为两部分:1、利用捕光色素蛋白复合物(LHCII)与PSII核心复合物在以DGDG、PG、SQDG三种类囊体膜脂形成的脂质体中重组的方法,研究了LHCII与PSII在脂膜上结构与功能的相互作用;2、通过研究光破坏和色素置换对PSII RC的影响,探讨了RC中不同色素的功能。主要结果如下: 1、LHCII与PSII核心复合物的蛋白脂质体研究: 将OECC(粗提核心复合物)、pdOE(纯化核心复合物)、LHCII(大量天线)制剂分别与脂质体重组并研究了其光谱性质。LHCII在与脂质体重组前表现出典型的聚集态光谱特征,重组后吸收和荧光发射峰发生明显蓝移;LHCII、OECC和pdOE三种蛋白脂质体与重组前的样品相比荧光发射强度增加;表明脂环境影响了色素蛋白复合物的聚集状态以及色素和蛋白之间的相互作用。 OECC和pdOE分别与LHCII在脂质体中重组,得到两种重组蛋白(LHCII-OECC和LHCII-pdOE)脂质体,用冰冻蚀刻电镜技术和低温荧光光谱的方法研究其结构和功能特征。LHCII和核心复合物(OECC或pdOE)结合形成PSII-LHCII重组颗粒,并在脂质体中均匀排布,阻止了LHCII晶格状结构的形成。重组蛋白脂质体的吸收光谱既有LHCII的吸收特征,又有核心复合物的特征吸收峰,但低温荧光光谱的主要发射峰是核心复合物的特征峰(684 nm-685 nm),而不是LHCII的特征峰(680 nm);而且激发不同色素得到的荧光发射光谱基本一致,这些结果证明LHCII吸收的能量传递到了核心复合物中,在重组蛋白脂质体中不同色素蛋白复合物在结构和功能上都实现了相互偶联。 通过对OECC或pdOE与LHCII重组形成的蛋白脂质体放氧或DCPIP光还原活性的检测研究了PSII光化学活性特征。LHCII和核心复合物(OECC或pdOE)的重组蛋白脂质体与单独核心脂质体相比,在强光和弱光下光化学活性都明显提高。这从另一个角度证明了核心复合物与LHCII的功能偶联,LHCII的结合使捕光截面积增大,从而使PSII光化学活性增加。 用77K飞秒时间分辨荧光光谱分析了几种蛋白脂质体的能量传递和捕获情况。LHCII、OECC和pdOE三种蛋白脂质体的主要荧光衰减组分分别是670 ps(发射峰在680 nm)、650 ps(发射峰在690 nm)和570 ps(发射峰在685 nm)。LHCII-OECC和LHCII-pdOE脂质体的主要衰减组分分别是940 ps(发射峰在690 nm)和840 ps(发射峰在685 nm),并且出现了一个在核心复合物脂质体和LHCII脂质体中没有的40 ps组分,可以推测,这是LHCII和核心复合物之间达到平衡的时间组分,比激发态衰减的平均寿命要快得多,因此支持了PSII的trap-limited激发能衰减动力学模型。此外,可以看到天线的增大使Chl a荧光衰减的寿命延长,这一特性可能与PSII的光保护机制有关。 LHCII和OECC、LHCII和pdOE在脂质体中都成功的实现了重组,而且在结构和功能上没有明显差异;表明小天线以及23 kDa、17 kDa蛋白可能不是LHCII和核心复合物结合及能量传递所必需的。 2、受体侧光破坏和色素置换对PSII RC的影响: 在800 μmol.m-2 .s-1光照和无外加电子受体、供体的情况下,研究了PSII RC色素的受体侧光破坏情况。Chl a、Pheo和β-Car的光漂白几乎同时发生,其中在680 nm吸收的色素破坏最为显著,670 nm吸收的外周Chl比其他色素更加稳定。荧光发射强度呈先升高后降低的趋势,最大发射峰位逐渐蓝移,表明色素之间的能量传递受到破坏。用β-Car的主要吸收波长488 nm和514.5 nm激发得到两组谱带峰位和强度不同的拉曼光谱,表明在PSII RC中存在两个光谱性质不同的β-Car。光破坏过程中两组谱带的位置和带宽都没有明显变化,表明β-Car的光保护机制不涉及自身构象的变化。 将PSII RC与Cu-Chl a进行色素置换,得到了与Cu-Chl重组的RC(Cu-Chl-RC),含有0.5 Cu-Chl/2Pheo。与对照RC(按同样方式与Chl a置换的RC)和天然RC相比,Cu-Chl含量增加而Chl含量减少,660 nm的吸收增加而670 nm吸收降低,因此推测是外周Chl被替换。色素置换过程对RC的多肽组分及大部分的P680活性没有影响,CD光谱的变化也很小,表明产生CD信号的色素和蛋白环境也没有受到明显影响。但是Cu-Chl-RC的荧光发射强度明显降低,最大发射峰蓝移且峰形发生变化,Cu-Chl可能在重组RC中作为激发态的淬灭剂,阻碍了色素之间的能量传递。
光合作用过程中光能的吸收、传递和转化都是在类囊体膜中进行的,它是由脂质双层膜和色素蛋白复合物构成的。光系统II(PSII)是存在于类囊体膜中的多亚基色素蛋白复合物,主要功能是吸收光能,进行光诱导的电荷分离,产生电子传递并催化水的光解。光系统II捕光天线复合物(LHCII)与PSII核心复合物结合形成的PSII-LHCII超分子复合物,是PSII在体内的基本结构和功能单元,这一结构保证了LHCII吸收的能量快速有效的传递到PSII反应中心,进行原初光化学反应。膜脂与膜蛋白的相互作用在调节PSII-LHCII超分子复合物各亚基之间的结构和功能方面起着重要作用,而在类囊体膜脂中,非双层脂单半乳糖甘油二脂(MGDG)含量最多,约占50%,在光合膜蛋白的结构和功能中具有重要作用。 本论文利用脂质体重组等技术研究了LHCII和放氧核心超分子复合物(OECC)之间的功能关系,MGDG的作用以及微量天线的功能。主要结果如下: 1. MGDG能和Chl a、PC或其它类囊体膜脂一起与PSII蛋白构建蛋白脂质体,脂质体形状较规则统一,基本呈圆球状,阻止了MGDG反六角相结构的形成。脂质体的直径大小在100-500 nm之间,属于小单层脂质体。PSII膜蛋白LHCII和OECC能在MGDG脂质体中实现重组,形成LHCII-OECC超分子复合物,在结构上相互偶联,LHCII-OECC蛋白颗粒直径在15-25 nm之间。LHCII吸收的能量能够传递到核心复合物OECC中,形成功能上的偶联,而且LHCII的结合增加了功能天线的大小和捕光截面积,从而提高了PSII的光化学活性。 2. MGDG对蛋白脂质体的结构和功能有影响。低温荧光发射光谱和PSII光化学活性的结果显示,MGDG影响了PSII复合物色素和蛋白的存在状态;MGDG能增强LHCII和OECC之间的相互作用,促进能量从LHCII到核心复合物的传递,提高PSII的光化学活性。 3. MGDG促进类囊体膜脂和PC-MGDG蛋白脂质体的放氧活性的原因不同。在类囊体膜脂脂质体中,MGDG主要通过膜蛋白疏水部分的横向压力增加PSII偶合的天线量,提高PSII的光化学活性;而在PC-MGDG蛋白脂质体中,MGDG不能加强PSII与天线的偶合,可能是通过MGDG与LHCII的相互作用,增加PSII的光化学活性。 4. 微量天线不是大量天线和核心复合物重组和相互作用所必需的,但微量天线的存在,能促进大量天线与PSII核心复合物之间的能量传递和放氧活性,大量天线与PSII核心复合物之间的偶联作用得到增强。而且蛋白脂质体放氧活性的证据表明,MGDG能促进微量天线的这种作用。
The effects of initial soil fabric on behaviors of granular soils are investigated by using Distinct Element Method (DEM) numerical simulation. Soil specimens are represented by an assembly of non-uniform sized spheres with different initial contact normal distributions. Isotropically consolidated triaxial compression loading and extension unloading in both undrained and drained conditions are simulated for vertically- and horizontally-sheared specimens. The numerical simulation results are compared qualitatively with the published experimental data and the effects of initial soil fabric on resulting soil behaviors are discussed, including the effects of specimen reconstitution methods, effects of large preshearing, and anisotropic characteristics in undrained and drained conditions. The effects of initial soil fabric and mode of shearing on the quasi-steady state line are also investigated. The numerical simulation results can systematically explain that the observed experimental behaviors of granular soils are due principally to their conditions of the initial soil fabric. This outcome provides insights into the observed phenomena in microscopic view. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.
Studies were conducted to evaluate the quality aspects of marine dried fish i.e. silver jew fish (Johnius argentatus), Bombay duck (Harpodon nehereus) and ribbon fish (Trichiums haumela) products produced in rotating and solar tunnel dryers. On the basis of organoleptic characteristics such as colour, odour, texture, broken pieces, insect infestation and overall quality, four member panels of experts evaluated the quality of the dried products obtained from both rotating and solar tunnel dryers and all the products were found in acceptable quality. Reconstitutions properties of samples were in the range of 51.05 to 98.75% for the dried fish produced in rotating dryer, while 24.64 to 76.76% for dried fish produced in solar tunnel dryer. The highest reconstitution rate was found in dried silver jew fish and lowest in ribbon fish produced in rotating dryer. On the other hand, the highest reconstitution was observed in dried silver jew fish and lowest in dried Bombay duck produced in solar tunnel dryer. Proximate composition such as moisture, crude protein, lipid and ash content of the dried fish muscles produced in rotating dryer ranged from 16.36% to 19.1%, 62.35% to 67.37%, 6.37% to 10.75% and 7.00% to 8.05%, respectively and in solar tunnel dried fish products, they were in the range of 14.05% to 19.71%,57.64% to 69. 21%,6.92% to 15.40%and 7.69% to 8.80 %, respectively. The TVBN values of dried fish products obtained from rotating dryer were in the range of 15.02 to 19.05 mg/100g, while in solar tunnel dried fish products, the values were in the range of 15.46 to 19.21 mg/100g. The results of the studies indicated that dried fish produced from both rotating and solar tunnel drier were acceptable quality in terms of organoleptic and food quality aspects.
Studies were conducted to assessment the quality of traditional and solar tunnel dried SIS products. The moisture content of the solar products ranged from 14.38 to 18.48% with the lowest in batashi and the highest value in tengra. The moisture content of the traditional products was in the range of 23.26 to 26.42%. The range of protein contents on moisture free basis was from 67.57 to 71.90% in solar dried fishes with highest value obtained in dhela and lowest value in batashi. These values were more or less similar to those of traditional dried SIS products which were in the range of 68.02 to 73.54% on dry weight basis. Lipid contents of solar dried SIS varied from 14.10 to 16.26% and on moisture free basis the in the range of 11.73 to 21.98 with highest value found in tengra and lowest in puti. These values were more or less similar to those found for traditional dried products on dry weight basis and ranged from were 12.37 to 22.43%. Maximum reconstitution of solar dried products was obtained at 80°C in all samples and was in the range of 65.26 to 70.51% where the percentage of reconstitution increases with the increase of socking time and reach maximum at the end of up to 60 min. The TVB-N content of solar dried fish is low compared with traditional one ranging from 20.30 to 28.40mg/100g and peroxide value in the range of 12. 54 to 19.20meq./kg oil. The TVB-N of traditionally dried products were in the range of 32.50 to 45.45mg/100g and PO values of the traditionally dried products were in the range of 30.00 to 36.00meq./kg oil. The bacterial load of the solar dried products was in the range of 4.0x10 super(3)/g to 3.6x10 super(5)CFU/g and of the traditionally dried products ranged from 1.45x10 super(5) to 2.52x10 super(6) CFU/g.
Studies on the quality assessments of three traditional, rotary and solar tunnel dried SIS products were conducted. Organoleptic quality of traditional dried SIS products available in the markets was poor compared to those produced in rotary and solar tunnel dryer. Reconstitution of samples were in the range of 54.26% to 75.24%, 69.37% to 83.73% and 55.08% to 80.24% when soaked at 80°C for traditional, rotary and solar tunnel dried products, respectively. The percentage of reconstitution increased with the increase of soaking time and the uptake of water was maximum after 60 min of soaking. The moisture contents of traditional, rotary and solar tunnel dried products were in the range of 26.02% to 27.33%, 16.23% to 22.84% and 13.71% to 19.30%, respectively. The protein contents were in the range of 60.78% to 72.59%, 62.17% to 76.27% and 61.11% to 76.00%, respectively; lipid contents were in the range of 12.26% to 22.60%, 14.00% to 24.71% and 13.92% to 22.39%, respectively and ash contents in the range of 15.11% to 16.59%, 8.32% to 13.51% and 8.71% to 16.45%, respectively on dry matter basis. The TVB-N content of rotary and solar tunnel dried products was low compared to traditional one ranging from 10.64 to 17.52 mg/100g and 14.34 to 15.68 mg/100g, respectively whereas the TVB-N content of traditional samples was in the range of 15.46 to 20.36 mg/100g. The bacterial load of traditional, rotary and solar tunnel dried products were in the range of 1.43x10 super(8) CFU/g to 2.89 x10 super(80 CFU/g, 1.91x10 super(8) CFU/g to 2.84x10 super(8) CFU/g and 1.95x10 super(8) CFU/g to 2.59x10 super(8) CFU/g, respectively. The results of the study indicated that dried fish products from rotary dryer and solar tunnel dryer were found to be of better quality in nutritional and food quality aspects than those of traditional dried products.
Studies were conducted on the organoleptic, biochemical and bacteriological aspects of three dried fish products produced from two different model of low cost solar tunnel dryer. The overall quality of the products obtained from both dryers was excellent. Sixty minutes soaking showed the maximum water reconstitution of the products with values between 66.82 to 75.28% and 71.98 to 78.09% in dryer 1 & 2 respectively. The highest reconstitution was obtained from Silver Jew fish (75.28-78.09%) and lowest from Bombay duck (66.86-71.98%) from both dryers. The average moisture, protein, lipid and ash content of the dried products were 11.8-15.0%, 57.32-68.49%, 6.08-8.62% and 12.25-14.88% respectively in fish in dryer 1 and dryer 2. The TVB-N values were in the range of 24.3 to 30.9 in dryer 1 and 22.1 to 28.2 mg/100 g samples in dryer 2. The highest values were obtained from Bombay duck and lowest value in Silver Jew fish in both dryers. The peroxide values varied from 14.1 to 16.9% in dryer 1 and 13.3 to 16.4% in dryer 2. The highest peroxide value was obtained from Ribbon fish and lowest from Silver Jew fish. Total bacterial load varied in the range of 6.6x10⁴— 8.6x10⁴ CFU/g in dryer 1 and 2.54x10⁴ to 4.9x10⁴ CFU/g in dryer 2. The highest value was obtained from Ribbon fish and lowest from Silver Jew fish.
The effects of initial soil fabric and mode of shearing on quasi-steady state line in void ratiostress space are studied by employing the Distinct Element Method numerical analysis. The results show that the initial soil fabric and the mode of shearing have a profound effect on the location of the quasi-steady state line. The evolution of the soil fabric during the course of undrained shearing shows that the specimens with different initial soil fabrics reach quasi-steady state at various soil fabric conditions. At quasi-steady state, the soil fabric has a significant adjustment to change its behavior from contractive to dilative. As the stress state approaches the steady state, the soil fabrics of different initial conditions become similar. The numerical analysis results are compared qualitatively with the published experimental data and the effects of specimen reconstitution methods and mode of shearing found in the experimental studies canbe systematically explained by the numerical analysis. © 2009 Taylor & Francis Group.
Albumin, the most abundant protein components of blood plasma, is synthesized and secreted by liver cells in vertebrates. Recently, it was demonstrated that frog Bombina maxima albumin is also expressed in skin. Both B. maxima albumins from skin and serum (BmA-skin and BmAserum) have similar biochemical characteristics except that the former contains haem b. Present studies showed that BmA-skin exhibited cytotoxic activity on H9 and C8166 cells. Pretreated with hemin to induce erythroid differentiation, K562 cells lost their resistance to cytotoxicity of BmAskin. After treating cells with BmA-skin for 48 h, 50 percentage cytotoxic concentrations (CC50) of BmA-skin on H9, C8166 and hemin-treated K562 cells were 1.31±0.09, 1.59±0.08 and 2.28±0.06 μM, respectively. The cell death induced by BmA-skin was mediated by apoptosis of the tested cell lines, as demonstrated by nuclear morphological changes, DNA fragmentation and DNA hypodiploidy of apoptosis cells. At BmA-skin concentration of 2 μM, 27.3%, 19.7% and 17.8% of H9, C8166 and hemin-treated K562 cells were found to be apoptotic. In contrast, BmA-serum possessed no cytotoxic and apoptosis-inducing activity on all the cell lines tested, even with concentration used up to 15 μM. These results indicated that bound haem b in BmA-skin contributed significantly to its cytotoxic and apoptosis-inducing activity on the cell lines assayed.
Cyclin A(2) is critical for the initiation of DNA replication, transcription and cell cycle regulation. Cumulative evidences indicate that the deregulation of cyclin A(2) is tightly linked to the chromosomal instability, neoplastic transformation and tumor proliferation. Here we report that treatment of chronic myelogenous leukaemia K562 cells with doxorubicin results in an accumulation of cyclin A(2) and follows by induction of apoptotic cell death. To investigate the potential preclinical relevance, K562 cells were transiently transfected with the siRNA targeting cyclin A(2) by functionalized single wall carbon nanotubes. Knocking down the expression of cyclin A(2) in K562 cells suppressed doxorubicin-induced growth arrest and cell apoptosis. Upon administration with doxorubicin, K562 cells with reduced cyclin A(2) showed a significant decrease in erythroid differentiation, and a small fraction of cells were differentiated along megakaryocytic and monocyte-macrophage pathways. The results demonstrate the pro-apoptotic role of cyclin A(2) and suggest that cyclin A(2) is a key regulator of cell differentiation.
Glucose oxidase and laccase immobilized at multiwalled carbon nanotubes-ionic liquid gel modified electrodes are used as the catalysts of anode and cathode of biofuel cells (BFCs), respectively. The BFC based on glucose and air is proposed. When ferrocene monocarboxylic acid is adopted as the mediator of anode, the power output of the BFC is ca. 4.1 mu W (power density ca. 10.0 mu W cm(-2)), which is higher than the value of 2.7 mu W (power density ca. 6.6 mu W cm(-2)) by taking ferrocene dicarboxylic acid as the mediator. This implies that the mediator with formal potential closing to that of the enzyme does improve the power output. Furthermore, the power output of the BFC is greatly improved by taking grape juice as the fuel of anode rather than glucose. This system also indicates that grape juice as a fuel of the BFC not only is feasible and can also enhances the power output of the BFCs. Besides, it greatly lowers the cost and simplifies the preparation procedure of the BFCs, making the BFC towards "green" bioenergy.
A novel method for the fabrication of gold nanoparticle multilayer films based on the covalent-bonding interaction between boronic acid and polyols, poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA), was developed. The multilayer buildup was monitored by UV-vis absorbance, spectroscopy, which showed a linear increase of the film absorbance with the number of adsorbed Au layers and indicated the stepwise and uniform assembling process. The atomic force microscopy (AFM) image showed that a compact gold multilayer thin film was successfully assembled. The residual boronic acid group on the surface of thin film Could incorporate glycosylated-protein horseradish peroxidase (HRP), and good catalytic activity for H2O2 could be observed.
Heterogeneous expression of multiple genes in the nucleus of transgenic plants requires the introduction of an individual gene and the subsequent backcross to reconstitute multi-subunit proteins or metabolic pathways. In order to accomplish the expression of multiple genes in a single transformation event, we inserted both large and small subunits of allophycocyanin gene (apcA and apcB) into Chlamydomonas reinhardtii chloroplast expression vector, resulting in papc-S. The constructed vector was then introduced into the chloroplast of C. reinhardtii by micro-particle bombardment. Polymerase chain reaction and Southern blot analysis revealed that the two genes had integrated into the chloroplast genome. Western blot and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay showed that the two genes from the prokaryotic cyanobacteria could be correctly expressed in the chloroplasts of C. reinhardtii. The expressed foreign protein in transformants accounted for about 2%-3% of total soluble proteins. These findings pave the way to the reconstitution of multi-subunit proteins or metabolic pathways in transgenic C. reinhardtii chloroplasts in a single transformation event.