923 resultados para Equilibrium Poly(hema-co-thfma) Hydrogels


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The compatibilization effect of poly(styrene-b-2-ethyl-2-oxazoline) diblock copolymer, P(S-b-EOx), on immiscible blends of poly(2,6-dimethyl-1,4-phenylene oxide) (PPO) and poly(ethylene-co-acrylic acid) (EAA) is examined in terms of phase structure and thermal, rheological and mechanical properties, and its compatibilizing mechanism is investigated by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. The block copolymer, synthesized by a mechanism transformation copolymerization, is used in solution blending of PPO/EAA. Scanning electron micrographs show that the blends exhibit a more regular and finer dispersion on addition of a small amount of P(S-b-EOx). Thermal analysis indicates that the grass transition of PPO and the lower endothermic peal; of EAA components become closer on adding P(S-b-EOx), and the added diblock copolymer is mainly located at the interface between the PPO and EAA phases. The interfacial tension estimated by theological measurement is significantly reduced on addition of a small amount of P(S-b-EOx). The tensile strength and elongation at break increase with the addition of the diblock copolymer for PPO-rich blends, whereas the tensile strength increases but the elongation at break decreases for EAA-rich blends. This effect is interpreted in terms of interfacial activity and the reinforcing effect of the diblock copolymer, and it is concluded that the diblock copolymer plays a role as an effective compatibilizer for PPO/EAA blends. The specific interaction between EAA and polar parts of P(S-b-EOx) is mainly hydrogen bonding. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Blends of chromophore-labeled LLDPE and chromophore-labeled PMMA compatibilized by block copolymer of hydrogenated polybutadiene and methyl methacrylate (PHB-b-PMMA) were studied by nonradiative energy transfer (NRET) technique. The ratio of fluorescence intensity of the donor at 336 nm and the acceptor at 408 nm (I-D/I-A) decreased with an increase in block copolymer content. At about 8 wt.-% block copolymer content I-D/I-A reached a minimum value, indicating the interdiffusion of LLDPE chains and PMMA chains in the interface is strongest. The influence of temperature on the interdiffusion of polymer chains in the interface was also examined. Samples quenched in liquid nitrogen from 140 degrees C showed lower energy transfer efficiencies than those annealed from 150 degrees C to room temperature.


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The axial coordination effect of F- on the redox behavior of (TPP)Co was investigated and spectroeletrochemistry in dichloroethane. It was verified that mono(F-) axial adduct (TPP)Co(II)(F-) could be reduced at 0.1 V(SCE). and bis(F-) axis adduct (TPP)Co(II)(F-)(2) formed with added F- molar ratio>1 could be reduced at the potential <-0.6 V(SCE). The equilibrium between (TPP)Co(II)(F-) and (TPP)Co(II)(F-)(2) was demonstrated.


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La maladie cœliaque ou sprue cœliaque est une intolérance au gluten. Il s’agit d’une maladie inflammatoire de l’intestin liée à l’ingestion de gluten chez des personnes génétiquement susceptibles. Ce désordre présente une forte prévalence puisqu’il touche 1 % de la population mondiale. En l’état actuel des choses, il n’existe aucun outil pharmacologique pour traiter ou pallier à cette maladie. Cependant, grâce aux avancées dans la compréhension de sa pathogenèse, de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques ont été identifiées. À l’heure actuelle, le seul traitement efficace consiste à suspendre la consommation de l’agent pathogène, à savoir le gluten. Le gluten est un ensemble de protéines de stockage des céréales contenu dans le blé, l’orge et le seigle. Le gluten du blé se subdivise en gluténines et gliadines. Ce sont ces dernières qui semblent les plus impliquées dans la maladie cœliaque. Les gliadines et ses protéines apparentées (i.e. sécalines et hordéines, respectivement dans le seigle et l’orge) sont riches en prolines et en glutamines, les rendant résistantes à la dégradation par les enzymes digestives et celles de la bordure en brosse. Les peptides résultant de cette digestion incomplète peuvent induire des réponses immunitaires acquises et innées. L’objectif principal de cette thèse était de tester un nouveau traitement d’appoint de la maladie cœliaque utile lors de voyages ou d’évènements ponctuels. Dans les années 80, une observation italienne montra l’inhibition de certains effets induits par des gliadines digérées sur des cultures cellulaires grâce à la co-incubation en présence de mannane: un polyoside naturel composé de mannoses. Malheureusement, ce traitement n’était pas applicable in vivo à cause de la dégradation par les enzymes du tractus gastro-intestinales du polymère, de par sa nature osidique. Les polymères de synthèse, grâce à la diversité et au contrôle de leurs propriétés physico-chimiques, se révèlent être une alternative attrayante à ce polymère naturel. L’objectif de cette recherche était d’obtenir un polymère liant la gliadine, capable d’interférer dans la genèse de la maladie au niveau du tube digestif, afin d’abolir les effets délétères induits par la protéine. Tout d’abord, des copolymères de type poly (hydroxyéthylméthacrylate)-co-(styrène sulfonate) (P(HEMA-co-SS)) ont été synthétisés par polymérisation radicalaire contrôlée par transfert d’atome (ATRP). Une petite bibliothèque de polymères a été préparée en faisant varier la masse molaire, ainsi que les proportions de chacun des monomères. Ces polymères ont ensuite été testés quant à leur capacité de complexer la gliadine aux pH stomacal et intestinal et les meilleurs candidats ont été retenus pour des essais cellulaires. Les travaux ont permis de montrer que le copolymère P(HEMA-co-SS) (45:55 mol%, 40 kDa) permettait une séquestration sélective de la gliadine et qu’il abolissait les effets induits par la gliadine sur différents types cellulaires. De plus, ce composé interférait avec la digestion de la gliadine, suggérant une diminution de peptides immunogènes impliqués dans la maladie. Ce candidat a été testé in vivo, sur un modèle murin sensible au gluten, quant à son efficacité vis-à-vis de la gliadine pure et d’un mélange contenant du gluten avec d’autres composants alimentaires. Le P(HEMA-co-SS) a permis de diminuer les effets sur les paramètres de perméabilité et d’inflammation, ainsi que de moduler la réponse immunitaire engendrée par l’administration de gliadine et celle du gluten. Des études de toxicité et de biodistribution en administration aigüe et chronique ont été réalisées afin de démontrer que ce dernier était bien toléré et peu absorbé suite à son administration par la voie orale. Enfin des études sur des échantillons de tissus de patients souffrants de maladie cœliaque ont montré un bénéfice therapeutique du polymère. L’ensemble des travaux présentés dans cette thèse a permis de mettre en évidence le potentiel thérapeutique du P(HEMA-co-SS) pour prévenir les désordres reliés à l’ingestion de gluten, indiquant que ce type de polymère pourrait être exploité dans un avenir proche.


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Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) and layer-by-layer films (LbL) of a PPV (p-phenylenevinylene) derivative, an azo compound and tetrasulfonated phthalocyanines were successfully employed as transducers in an ""electronic tongue"" system for detecting trace levels of phenolic compounds in water. The choice of the materials was based on their distinct electrical natures, which enabled the array to establish a fingerprint of very similar liquids. Impedance spectroscopy measurements were taken in the frequency range from 10 Hz to 1 MHz, with the data analysed with principal component analysis (PCA). The sensing units were obtained from five-layer LB films of (poly[(2-methoxy-5-n-hexyloxy)-p-phenylenevinylene]), OC(1)OC(18)-PPV (poly(2-methoxy,5-(n-octadecyl)-p-phenylenevinylene)), DR (HEMA-co-DR13MA (poly-(hydroxyethylmethacrylate-co-[4`-[[2-(methacryloyloxy)-ethyl]ethylamino]-2-chloro-4-nitroazobenzene]))) and five-bilayer LbL films of tetrasulfonated metallic phthalocyanines deposited onto gold interdigitated electrodes. The sensors were immersed into phenol, 2-chloro-4-methoxyphenol, 2-chlorophenol and 3-chlorophenol (isomers) solutions at 1 x 10(-9) mol L(-1), with control experiments carried out in ultra pure water. Samples could be distinguished if the principal component analysis (PCA) plots were made with capacitance values taken at 10(3) Hz, which is promising for detection of trace amounts of phenolic pollutants in natural water.


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Ten polymeric hydrogels were chemically synthesized by varying the concentrations of copolymer (DMA) and cross-linker (MBAm) molecules. An alkaline lipase of Bacillus coagulans MTCC-6375 was immobilized onto a poly (MAc-co-DMA-cl-MBAm)-hydrogel support at pH 8.5 and temperature 55ºC in 16 h. The bound lipase possessed 7.6 U.g⁻¹ (matrix) lipase activity with a specific activity of 18 U.mg⁻¹ protein. Hydrogel bound-lipase catalyzed esterification of oleic acid and ethanol to synthesize ethyl oleate in n-nonane. Various kinetic parameters were optimized to produce ethyl oleate using immobilized lipase. The optimal parameters were bound enzyme/substrate (E/S) ratio 0.62 mg/mM, ethanol/oleic acid 100 mM:75 mM or 100 mM:100 mM, incubation time 18 h and reaction temperature 55ºC that resulted in approximately 53% conversion of reactants into ethyl oleate in n-nonane. However, addition of a molecular sieve to the reaction mixture promoted the conversion to 58% in 18 h in n-nonane, which was equivalent to 55 mM of ethyl oleate produced.


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Avaliaram-se a biocompatibilidade e a biodegradabilidade do sistema de liberação controlada de poli-lactato-co-glicolato (PLGA) no tratamento com ciprofloxacina das ceratites por Staphylococcus aureus em coelhos. Foram utilizados 20 coelhos, distribuídos em quatro grupos (G). Os animais dos G1, G3 e G4 foram inoculados com 2,5µL da bactéria - 108UFC, no estroma corneano. Os do G2 não receberam a aplicação do inóculo. O tratamento foi realizado com solução salina básica para os animais do G1, micropartículas de PLGA contendo ciprofloxacina nos animais dos G2 e G4 e colírio de ciprofloxacina naqueles do G3. Suabe e biópsia da superfície ocular foram coletados para cultura. Apenas um animal do G1 apresentou cultura positiva para S. aureus. Exame histológico revelou a presença bacteriana em todos os animais do G1 e em dois animais do G3. Também foi constatada reação inflamatória no local da aplicação do sistema de liberação controlada. O tratamento com micropartículas de PLGA foi eficiente no tratamento de ceratites bacterianas, ao eliminar por completo a presença do S. aureus, mas entretanto não foi completamente biocompatível e biodegradável após cinco dias.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Matrizes poliméricas como os hidrogéis são sistemas de liberação controlada que estão sendo largamente utilizados na indústria farmacêutica. Neste trabalho os hidrogéis de PAAm-co-MC foram obtidos e caracterizados afim de carrear o propranolol, fármaco anti-hipertensivo. Os hidrogéis compostos pelos monômeros AAm e MC foram sintetizados por polimerização via radical livre, sendo investigada quatro concentrações de AAm (3,6%; 7,2%; 14,7% e 21,7% m/v). A caracterização dos hidrogéis foi realizada com os estudos de grau de intumescimento, potencial zeta, IR-FT, MEV e análises térmicas (TG, DTA, DTG e DSC). O hidrogel 3,6% apresentou maior grau de intumescimento em todos os meios de análise. O potencial zeta revelou que todos os hidrogéis permanecem próximo do ponto isoelétrico. O espectro de absorção do infravermelho permitiu identificar bandas características, tanto do hidrogel como do propranolol. As curvas de TG dos hidrogéis evidenciaram a degradação dos mesmos em dois estágios, sendo observado na curva DTG a maior perda de massa em torno de 400ºC e as curvas DTA e DSC confirmaram os três eventos endotérmicos. Já o propranolol apresentou um único estágio de degradação e seu pico de fusão foi em 163,4ºC. As microfotografias relevaram a disposição da rede tridimensional dos hidrogéis. A relação da adsorção propranolol/hidrogel foi de 573 mg/g, seguindo o modelo da isoterma de Langmuir. No estudo da cinética de liberação in vitro a liberação do propranolol a partir da matriz do hidrogel foi de aproximadamente 80% do fármaco em 424 horas, apresentando um modelo bimodal. A realização deste trabalho demonstrou que o hidrogel de PAAm-co-MC é um grande promissor para aplicação em sistemas carreadores de fármacos.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)