990 resultados para Elliptically Polarized


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We present experimental studies on ion acceleration from ultrathin diamondlike carbon foils irradiated by ultrahigh contrast laser pulses of energy 0.7 J focused to peak intensities of 5×1019  W/cm2. A reduction in electron heating is observed when the laser polarization is changed from linear to circular, leading to a pronounced peak in the fully ionized carbon spectrum at the optimum foil thickness of 5.3 nm. Two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations reveal that those C6+ ions are for the first time dominantly accelerated in a phase-stable way by the laser radiation pressure.


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In recent experiments at the Trident laser facility, quasi-monoenergetic ion beams have been obtained from the interaction of an ultraintense, circularly polarized laser with a diamond-like carbon target of nm-scale thickness under conditions of ultrahigh laser pulse contrast. Kinetic simulations of this experiment under realistic laser and plasma conditions show that relativistic transparency occurs before significant radiation pressure acceleration and that the main ion acceleration occurs after the onset of relativistic transparency. Associated with this transition are a period of intense ion acceleration and the generation of a new class of ion solitons that naturally give rise to quasi-monoenergetic ion beams. An analytic theory has been derived for the properties of these solitons that reproduces the behavior observed in kinetic simulations and the experiments. © 2011 American Institute of Physics.


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A new class of circularly polarized (CP) Fabry-Perot cavity antennas is introduced that maintain the simplicity of a linearly polarized primary feed and a single cavity structure. The proposed antennas employ a double-sided partially reflective surface (PRS), which allows independent control of the magnitude and phase responses for the reflection and transmission coefficients. In conjunction with an anisotropic high-impedance surface (HIS) ground plane, this arrangement allows for the first time a single cavity antenna to produce a specified gain in CP from a linearly polarized primary source. A design procedure for this class of antennas is introduced. The method exploits a simple ray optics model to calculate the magnitude and phase of the electric field in the cavity upon plane wave excitation. Based on this model, analytical expressions are derived, which enforce the resonance condition for both polarizations at a predetermined PRS reflectivity (and hence predetermined antenna gain) together with a 90 degrees differential phase between them. The validity of the concept is confirmed by means of an example entailing an antenna with gain of approximately 21 dB at 15 GHz. Full-wave simulation results and experimental testing on a fabricated prototype are presented and agree well with the theoretical predictions.


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A study of a large number of published experiments on the behaviour of insects navigating by skylight has led to the design of a system for navigation in lightly clouded skies, suitable for a robot or drone. The design is based on the measurement of the directions in the sky at which the polarization angle, i.e. the angle χ between the polarized E-vector and the meridian, equals ±π/4 or ±(π/4 + π/3) or ±(π/4 - π/3). For any one of these three options, at any given elevation, there are usually 4 such directions and these directions can give the azimuth of the sun accurately in a few short steps, as an insect can do. A simulation shows that this compass is accurate as well as simple and well suited for an insect or robot. A major advantage of this design is that it is close to being invariant to variable cloud cover. Also if at least two of these 12 directions are observed the solar azimuth can still be found by a robot, and possibly by an insect.


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In a recent study, Greif et al. (2014) demonstrated a functional role of polarized light for a bat species confronted with a homing task. These non-migratory bats appeared to calibrate their magnetic compass by using polarized skylight at dusk, yet it is unknown if migratory bats also use these cues for calibration. During autumn migration, we equipped Nathusius' bats, Pipistrellus nathusii, with radio transmitters and tested if experimental animals exposed to a 90° rotated band of polarized light during dusk, would head in a different direction compared with control animals. After release, bats of both groups continued their journey in the same direction. This observation argues against the use of a polarization-calibrated magnetic compass by this migratory bat and questions that the ability of using polarized light for navigation is a consistent feature in bats. This finding matches with observations in some passerine birds that used polarized light for calibration of their magnetic compass before but not during migration.


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This paper proposes a design method for the realisation of circularly polarised frequency selective surfaces (CP FSS). An equivalent circuit model for a capacitive asymmetric loop FSS is proposed. For this model a set of nonlinear design equation for CP operation is obtained. Based on space mapping of the model and full-wave simulation, a fast converging design method for CP FSS synthesis is demonstrated for the first time. 


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A novel dual frequency dual-polarized square microstrip patch antenna embedded with a slot is presented. The proposed antenna offers tunability of the frequency ratio between the two frequencies by adjusting the slot dimensions. This configuration also provides a size reduction up to -51 and 35% for the two modes as compared to a square micro strip patch antenna


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A compact microstrip antenna with circular polarization radiation is demonstrated.A reducation in the required parameters for achieving CP radiation makes the present antenna design simpler


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Experimental studies on a compact dual frequency microstrip antenna are presented. This antenna configuration provides an area reduction of 40% compared to a standard rectangular antenna operating at the same frequency without much degradation of the gain. The antenna structure can be modified to achieve the desired ratio between the two resonant frequencies


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A new compact dual-band, dual-polarized microstrip antenna is presented. 7'iris antenna resonates at two frequencies with different polarizations: a linearly polarized one for terrestrial communication, and a circularly polarized one for satellite mobile communication. This antenna also provides an area reduction of 70% compared to a standard rectangular patch antenna


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Experimental and simulated results for a dual-port dual-polarized microstrip antenna are presented. The antenna excites two orthogonally polarized resonant frequencies providing an isolation of -30 dB between the ports. The patch geometry consists of two circular arcs of different radii with their centers displaced by a distance. This new design offers an area reduction of -70% coinpared to it standard rectangular microstrip antenna with a reduction in gain of 1.7 dB


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A new design of' a dual-frequency dual-polarized square microsh'ip antenna fed along the diagonal, embedded with a square slot having three extended stubs for frequency tuning, is introduced. The proposed antenna was fabricated using a standard photolithographic method and the antenna was tested using the HP 3510(:; Vector Network Analyser. The antenna is capable of generating dual resonant frequencies with mutually perpendicular polarizations and broad radiation pattern characteristics. Such dual-frequency designs find wide applications in personal mobile handsets combining GSM and CDS 1800 modes, and applications in which different frequencies are used for emission and reception such as personal satellite communications and cellular network systems.


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Design and development of a circularly polarized and matched H-plane sectorial horn antenna have been reported By proper trimming of the flange parameters any desired polarization can be obtained from the horn