960 resultados para Electronic Educational Materials


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The employ of vegetal fibers for textiles and composites represents a great potential in economic and social sustainable development. Some Malvaceae species are considered tropical cosmopolitans, such as from Sida genus. Several species of this genus provide excellent textile bast fibers, which are very similar in qualities to the jute textile fiber. The objective of the present study is present the physicochemical characterization of six Brazilian vegetal fibers: Sida rhombifolia L.; Sida carpinifolia L. f.; Sidastrum paniculatum (L.) Fryxell; Sida cordifolia L.; Malvastrum coromandelianum (L.) Gurck; Wissadula subpeltata (Kuntze) R.E.Fries. Respectively the two first species are from Brazilian Atlantic Forest biome and the four remaining from Brazilian Cerrado biome, despite of present in other regions of the planet. The stems of these species were retted in water at 37oC for 20 days. The fibers were tested in order to determine tensile rupture strength, tenacity, elongation, Young’s modulus, cross microscopic structure, Scanning Electronic Microscopy (SEM), regain, combustion, acid, alkali, organic solvent and cellulase effects, pH of the aqueous extract, Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA). The obtained values were compared with those from fibers of recognized applicability in the textile industry including hemp. The results are promising in terms of their employment in thermoset and thermoplastic medium resistance composites.


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We investigate the low-energy electronic transport across grain boundaries in graphene ribbons and infinite flakes. Using the recursive Green’s function method, we calculate the electronic transmission across different types of grain boundaries in graphene ribbons. We show results for the charge density distribution and the current flow along the ribbon. We study linear defects at various angles with the ribbon direction, as well as overlaps of two monolayer ribbon domains forming a bilayer region. For a class of extended defect lines with periodicity 3, an analytic approach is developed to study transport in infinite flakes. This class of extended grain boundaries is particularly interesting, since the K and K0 Dirac points are superposed.


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CONSPECTUS: Two-dimensional (2D) crystals derived from transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) are intriguing materials that offer a unique platform to study fundamental physical phenomena as well as to explore development of novel devices. Semiconducting group 6 TMDs such as MoS2 and WSe2 are known for their large optical absorption coefficient and their potential for high efficiency photovoltaics and photodetectors. Monolayer sheets of these compounds are flexible, stretchable, and soft semiconductors with a direct band gap in contrast to their well-known bulk crystals that are rigid and hard indirect gap semiconductors. Recent intense research has been motivated by the distinct electrical, optical, and mechanical properties of these TMD crystals in the ultimate thickness regime. As a semiconductor with a band gap in the visible to near-IR frequencies, these 2D MX2 materials (M = Mo, W; X = S, Se) exhibit distinct excitonic absorption and emission features. In this Account, we discuss how optical spectroscopy of these materials allows investigation of their electronic properties and the relaxation dynamics of excitons. We first discuss the basic electronic structure of 2D TMDs highlighting the key features of the dispersion relation. With the help of theoretical calculations, we further discuss how photoluminescence energy of direct and indirect excitons provide a guide to understanding the evolution of the electronic structure as a function of the number of layers. We also highlight the behavior of the two competing conduction valleys and their role in the optical processes. Intercalation of group 6 TMDs by alkali metals results in the structural phase transformation with corresponding semiconductor-to-metal transition. Monolayer TMDs obtained by intercalation-assisted exfoliation retains the metastable metallic phase. Mild annealing, however, destabilizes the metastable phase and gradually restores the original semiconducting phase. Interestingly, the semiconducting 2H phase, metallic 1T phase, and a charge-density-wave-like 1T' phase can coexist within a single crystalline monolayer sheet. We further discuss the electronic properties of the restacked films of chemically exfoliated MoS2. Finally, we focus on the strong optical absorption and related exciton relaxation in monolayer and bilayer MX2. Monolayer MX2 absorbs as much as 30% of incident photons in the blue region of the visible light despite being atomically thin. This giant absorption is attributed to nesting of the conduction and valence bands, which leads to diversion of optical conductivity. We describe how the relaxation pathway of excitons depends strongly on the excitation energy. Excitation at the band nesting region is of unique significance because it leads to relaxation of electrons and holes with opposite momentum and spontaneous formation of indirect excitons.


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Biological materials are increasingly used in abdominal surgery for ventral, pelvic and perineal reconstructions, especially in contaminated fields. Future applications are multi-fold and include prevention and one-step closure of infected areas. This includes prevention of abdominal, parastomal and pelvic hernia, but could also include prevention of separation of multiple anastomoses, suture- or staple-lines. Further indications could be a containment of infected and/or inflammatory areas and protection of vital implants such as vascular grafts. Reinforcement patches of high-risk anastomoses or unresectable perforation sites are possibilities at least. Current applications are based mostly on case series and better data is urgently needed. Clinical benefits need to be assessed in prospective studies to provide reliable proof of efficacy with a sufficient follow-up. Only superior results compared with standard treatment will justify the higher costs of these materials. To date, the use of biological materials is not standard and applications should be limited to case-by-case decision.


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Different embolic materials for portal vein embolization (PVE) were evaluated. Twenty pigs received left and median PVE. Hydrophilic phosphorylcholine, N-butyl cyanoacrylate, hydrophilic gel, and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) particles measuring either 50-150 microm or 700-900 microm were used in five pigs each. Portography and portal vein pressure measurement were performed before, immediately after PVE, and before being euthanized at day 7. Tissue wedges from embolized, and non-embolized liver were obtained for pathology. After complete embolization, recanalization occurred at 7 days in one gel and one 700-900 PVA embolization. Post-PVE increase in portal pressure was found in all groups (p = 0.01). The area of the hepatic lobules in non-embolized liver was larger than in the embolized liver in all groups (p = 0.001). The ratios of the areas between non-embolized/embolized livers were 1.65, 2.19, 1.57, and 1.32 for gel, NBCA, 50-150 PVA and 700-900 PVA, respectively; the ratios of fibrosis between the embolized and non-embolized livers were 1.37, 3.01, 3.49, and 2.11 for gel, NBCA, 50-150 PVA and 700-900 PVA, respectively. Hepatic lobules in non-embolized liver were significantly larger with NBCA than in other groups (p = 0.01). Fibrosis in embolized liver was significantly higher for NBCA and 50-150 PVA (p = 0.002). The most severe changes in embolized and non-embolized liver were induced by 50-150 PVA and NCBA PVE.


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OdACAV és un banc electrònic d’objectes d’aprenentatge (OdA) que te com a finalitat principal servir als docents de les assignatures troncals dels Estudis de Comunicació Audiovisual (CAV) de la UB (obert també a altres universitats catalanes) implicats o que es vulguin implicar en la innovació docent i pretén facilitar i potenciar la documentació per a la investigació i la recerca a l’entorn del paper innovador dels OdA digitals; així com la patrimonialització dels mateixos. Què és i que no és un OdA de CAV? És tot allò que serveix en un procés d'ensinistrament, d'aprenentatge, de formació - que en els cas que ens ocupa, es tradueix en una col·lecció d'imatges fixes, en un hipertext, en una hipermèdia, un vídeo, etc.-, i la missió dels quals és suscitar l’interès i l'aprofitament en el transvasament dels continguts de les assignatures dels estudis actuals (de la Llicenciatura) i futurs (del Grau) de Comunicació Audiovisual. El projecte sorgeix com a necessitat orgànica de la mateixa naturalesa de l'ensenyament de Comunicació Audiovisual, on en el pla dels continguts els exemples, els referents, els models no són encara prou desenvolupats i costa molt disposar d'OdAs suficientment competents. Les fonts documentals del cinema, de la televisió i dels mitjans en general són la base sobre la que s’han bastit els OdA de la base de dades del web http://www.lmi.ub.es/repositori/ amb l’esperança que resultin adequats a la innovació en els Estudis de Comunicació Audiovisual. És, doncs, un repositori de condició cooperativa, dinàmic i flexible; amb esperit blog/wiki, els objectius del qual són: la creació d'un sistema de dipositació dels OdA; l'establiment d'un sistema de recuperació dels mateixos; la implantació de fluxos d'entrada i sortida; la consolidació d'un observatori d'investigació i de recerca sobre la innovació dels OdA en els entorns i els sistemes educatius actuals; l’articulació de possibles accions patrimonials al voltant de la creació i preservació d’aquests.


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Aquest projecte s'ha realitzat al Servei de Microscòpia de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, i ha tingut una durada de dos anys (2006-2008). La finalitat d’aquest projecte ha estat l’elaboració de material didàctic basat en la captació d’imatges i l’edició de recursos pedagògics de suport digital aplicats a la ciència de materials. Es pretén millorar així la qualitat docent de les pràctiques de diverses assignatures dels ensenyaments de Física i d’Enginyeria de Materials utilitzant tècniques d’anàlisi actuals com són la Microscòpia Electrònica de Rastreig (MER) i la Microscòpia Optica (MO). Amb aquest projecte es vol fomentar també el treball interdisciplinari en equip entre professionals (docents i tècnics superiors de recerca) i acostar la teoria de les assignatures a la realització pràctica, facilitant el suport digital necessari per aconseguir un màxim aprofitament a les aules. Les imatges de MER i MO ajudaran als alumnes a familiaritzar-se amb el món de la recerca i la indústria.


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In this paper, a phenomenologically motivated magneto-mechanically coupled finite strain elastic framework for simulating the curing process of polymers in the presence of a magnetic load is proposed. This approach is in line with previous works by Hossain and co-workers on finite strain curing modelling framework for the purely mechanical polymer curing (Hossain et al., 2009b). The proposed thermodynamically consistent approach is independent of any particular free energy function that may be used for the fully-cured magneto-sensitive polymer modelling, i.e. any phenomenological or micromechanical-inspired free energy can be inserted into the main modelling framework. For the fabrication of magneto-sensitive polymers, micron-size ferromagnetic particles are mixed with the liquid matrix material in the uncured stage. The particles align in a preferred direction with the application of a magnetic field during the curing process. The polymer curing process is a complex (visco) elastic process that transforms a fluid to a solid with time. Such transformation process is modelled by an appropriate constitutive relation which takes into account the temporal evolution of the material parameters appearing in a particular energy function. For demonstration in this work, a frequently used energy function is chosen, i.e. the classical Mooney-Rivlin free energy enhanced by coupling terms. Several representative numerical examples are demonstrated that prove the capability of our approach to correctly capture common features in polymers undergoing curing processes in the presence of a magneto-mechanical coupled load.


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We describe an innovative use of multimedia materials to support training and advocacy within a schistosomiasis control programme. The Schistosomiasis Control Initiative (SCI) at Imperial College London works with selected sub-Saharan African countries to develop schistosomiasis control programmes. Two elements of the SCI programme were supported by multimedia materials developed at the Wellcome Trust in collaboration with the SCI: (1) training of programme managers, district health officers, and those delivering practical elements of the programme; and (2) advocacy targeted at decision-makers and donors. Evaluation of the materials revealed high reported ratings for both user satisfaction and impact from use of the product. From this experience we draw out several general messages about development of multimedia materials and how these will play a growing future role in promoting training within international health.


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Variability in anatomical contouring is one of the important uncertainties in radiotherapy. FALCON (Fellowship in Anatomic deLineation and CONtouring) is an educational ESTRO (European SocieTy for Radiation and Oncology) project devoted to improve interactive teaching, the homogeneity in contouring and to compare individual contours with endorsed guidelines or expert opinions. This report summarizes the experience from the first 4 years using FALCON for educational activities within ESTRO School and presents the perspectives for the future.


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The EVS4CSCL project starts in the context of a Computer Supported Collaborative Learning environment (CSCL). Previous UOC projects created a CSCL generic platform (CLPL) to facilitate the development of CSCL applications. A discussion forum (DF) was the first application developed over the framework. This discussion forum was different from other products on the marketplace because of its focus on the learning process. The DF carried out the specification and elaboration phases from the discussion learning process but there was a lack in the consensus phase. The consensus phase in a learning environment is not something to be achieved but tested. Common tests are done by Electronic Voting System (EVS) tools, but consensus test is not an assessment test. We are not evaluating our students by their answers but by their discussion activity. Our educational EVS would be used as a discussion catalyst proposing a discussion about the results after an initial query or it would be used after a discussion period in order to manifest how the discussion changed the students mind (consensus). It should be also used by the teacher as a quick way to know where the student needs some reinforcement. That is important in a distance-learning environment where there is no direct contact between the teacher and the student and it is difficult to detect the learning lacks. In an educational environment, assessment it is a must and the EVS will provide direct assessment by peer usefulness evaluation, teacher marks on every query created and indirect assessment from statistics regarding the user activity.


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BACKGROUND We evaluated a newly designed electronic portfolio (e-Portfolio) that provided quantitative evaluation of surgical skills. Medical students at the University of Seville used the e-Portfolio on a voluntary basis for evaluation of their performance in undergraduate surgical subjects. METHODS Our new web-based e-Portfolio was designed to evaluate surgical practical knowledge and skills targets. Students recorded each activity on a form, attached evidence, and added their reflections. Students self-assessed their practical knowledge using qualitative criteria (yes/no), and graded their skills according to complexity (basic/advanced) and participation (observer/assistant/independent). A numerical value was assigned to each activity, and the values of all activities were summated to obtain the total score. The application automatically displayed quantitative feedback. We performed qualitative evaluation of the perceived usefulness of the e-Portfolio and quantitative evaluation of the targets achieved. RESULTS Thirty-seven of 112 students (33%) used the e-Portfolio, of which 87% reported that they understood the methodology of the portfolio. All students reported an improved understanding of their learning objectives resulting from the numerical visualization of progress, all students reported that the quantitative feedback encouraged their learning, and 79% of students felt that their teachers were more available because they were using the e-Portfolio. Only 51.3% of students reported that the reflective aspects of learning were useful. Individual students achieved a maximum of 65% of the total targets and 87% of the skills targets. The mean total score was 345 ± 38 points. For basic skills, 92% of students achieved the maximum score for participation as an independent operator, and all achieved the maximum scores for participation as an observer and assistant. For complex skills, 62% of students achieved the maximum score for participation as an independent operator, and 98% achieved the maximum scores for participation as an observer or assistant. CONCLUSIONS Medical students reported that use of an electronic portfolio that provided quantitative feedback on their progress was useful when the number and complexity of targets were appropriate, but not when the portfolio offered only formative evaluations based on reflection. Students felt that use of the e-Portfolio guided their learning process by indicating knowledge gaps to themselves and teachers.


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BACKGROUND We evaluated a newly designed electronic portfolio (e-Portfolio) that provided quantitative evaluation of surgical skills. Medical students at the University of Seville used the e-Portfolio on a voluntary basis for evaluation of their performance in undergraduate surgical subjects. METHODS Our new web-based e-Portfolio was designed to evaluate surgical practical knowledge and skills targets. Students recorded each activity on a form, attached evidence, and added their reflections. Students self-assessed their practical knowledge using qualitative criteria (yes/no), and graded their skills according to complexity (basic/advanced) and participation (observer/assistant/independent). A numerical value was assigned to each activity, and the values of all activities were summated to obtain the total score. The application automatically displayed quantitative feedback. We performed qualitative evaluation of the perceived usefulness of the e-Portfolio and quantitative evaluation of the targets achieved. RESULTS Thirty-seven of 112 students (33%) used the e-Portfolio, of which 87% reported that they understood the methodology of the portfolio. All students reported an improved understanding of their learning objectives resulting from the numerical visualization of progress, all students reported that the quantitative feedback encouraged their learning, and 79% of students felt that their teachers were more available because they were using the e-Portfolio. Only 51.3% of students reported that the reflective aspects of learning were useful. Individual students achieved a maximum of 65% of the total targets and 87% of the skills targets. The mean total score was 345 ± 38 points. For basic skills, 92% of students achieved the maximum score for participation as an independent operator, and all achieved the maximum scores for participation as an observer and assistant. For complex skills, 62% of students achieved the maximum score for participation as an independent operator, and 98% achieved the maximum scores for participation as an observer or assistant. CONCLUSIONS Medical students reported that use of an electronic portfolio that provided quantitative feedback on their progress was useful when the number and complexity of targets were appropriate, but not when the portfolio offered only formative evaluations based on reflection. Students felt that use of the e-Portfolio guided their learning process by indicating knowledge gaps to themselves and teachers.


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The aim of this study was to compare clinical and radiological outcome of lateral condyle fracture of the elbow in children treated with bioabsorbable or metallic material. From January 2008 to December 2009, 16 children with similar fractures and ages were grouped according to the fixation material used. Children were seen at 3, 6, and 12 months and more than 4 years (mean 51.8 months) postoperatively. The clinical results were compared using the Mayo Elbow Performance Score (MEPS). Radiographic studies of the fractured and opposite elbow were assessed at last follow-up control. Twelve children had a sufficient followup and could be included in the study. Seven could be included in the traditional group and 5 in the bioabsorbable group. At 12 months, the MEPS was 100 for every child in both groups. Asymptomatic bony radiolucent visible tracks and heterotopic ossifications were noted in both groups. There were no significant differences in terms of clinical and radiological outcome between the two groups. The use of bioabsorbable pins or screws is a reasonable alternative to the traditional use of metallic materials for the treatment of lateral condyle fracture of the elbow in children.


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Computer based training or distance education are facing dramatic changes withthe advent of standardization efforts, some of them concentrating in maximal reuse.This is of paramount importance for a sustainable -cost affordable- production ofeducational materials. Reuse in itself should not be a goal, though, since manymethodological aspects might be lost. In this paper we propose two contentproduction approaches for the InterMediActor platform under a competence-basedmethodology: either a bottom-up approach where content is designed from scratchor a top-down methodology where existing material can be gradually adapted tofulfil requisites to be used with maximal flexibility into InterMediActor.