963 resultados para Educational programs
La razón de ser del patrimonio cultural es la posibilidad de que la sociedad disfrute de él, lo conozca y valore. Precisamente, una de las vías de acceso al conocimiento patrimonial es a través de las noticias de prensa, que nos dan cumplida cuenta de informaciones en torno a la custodia, protección y conservación de los bienes culturales --en sentido amplio-- pero también de su destrucción; de los biblioclasmos y memoricidios de que son objeto, por mor de los fanatismos y los integrismos religiosos, entre otros factores. Por ello, además de esa forma de difusión o divulgación indirecta o informal del patrimonio, necesaria por otra parte, resulta esencial establecer y sustentar un vínculo afectivo de la ciudadanía con el patrimonio, a partir de programas didácticos enraizados en los currícula académicos desde la educación primaria hasta los postgrados universitarios.
La ira y la ansiedad están relacionadas a través de la vulnerabilidad biológica subyacente en ambos constructos, ya que los individuos reaccionan ante una amenaza con ira o ansiedad. Pero ¿tiene la ira la capacidad para predecir la ansiedad? En este estudio nos hemos propuesto analizar esta capacidad predictiva de la ira sobre la ansiedad escolar en una muestra de 1131 estudiantes chilenos de Educación Secundaria, 560 chicos y 571 chicas (49,51% y 51,49%, respectivamente) todos ellos con edades comprendidas entre los 13 y los 18 años (M=15.30; DE=1.10). La expresión de la ira se midió con el State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory for Children and Adolescents (STAXINA) y la Ansiedad Escolar con el Inventario de Ansiedad Escolar (IAES). Los análisis de regresión logística revelaron que altas puntuaciones en sentimientos de ira, temperamento de ira, expresión interna de ira, ira-estado e ira-rasgo predicen la alta ansiedad. Estos resultados sugieren la necesidad de diseñar y desarrollar programas educativos que ayuden a los estudiantes a canalizar la expresión de la ira y disminuyan los niveles de ansiedad escolar.
This report is prepared in response to the requirements of Section 2-3-7(a)(6) of the Illinois School Code: The State Board of Education shall report to the General Assembly by November 1, 2010, and every three years thereafter on the results and progress of students who are enrolled in preschool educational programs, including an assessment of which programs have been most successful in promoting academic excellence and alleviating academic failure. The State Board of Education shall assess the academic progress of all students who have been enrolled in preschool education programs.
A survey of mayors in small Illinois municipalities to determine the extent to which local public officials are using the Internet, the information from which will be used to design educational programs to assist public officials in finding ways to use the Internet to increase their access to the latest management practices and other information to improve the overall delivery of local public services and to provide benchmark information that can be used to monitor changes in the amount and types of Internet usage.
Mode of access: Internet.
"July 1979."
Prepared under contract "for the National Advisory Council on Women's Educational Programs."
Background There are no analytical studies of individual risks for Ross River virus (RRV) disease. Therefore, we set out to determine individual risk and protective factors for RRV disease in a high incidence area and to assess the utility of the case-control design applied for this purpose to an arbovirus disease. Methods We used a prospective matched case-control study of new community cases of RRV disease in the local government areas of Cairns, Mareeba, Douglas, and Atherton, in tropical Queensland, from January I to May 31, 1998. Results Protective measures against mosquitoes reduced the risk for disease. Mosquito coils, repellents, and citronella candles each decreased risk by at least 2-fold, with a dose-response for the number of protective measures used. Light-coloured clothing decreased risk 3-fold. Camping increased the risk 8-fold. Conclusions These risks were substantial and statistically significant, and provide a basis for educational programs on individual protection against RRV disease in Australia. Our study demonstrates the utility of the case-control method for investigating arbovirus risks. Such a risk analysis has not been done before for RRV infection, and is infrequently reported for other arbovirus infections.
Recent years have seen a significant increase in the importance of environmental protection and sustainability to consumers, policy makers, and society in general. Reflecting this, most organizations are at least aware of this new agenda and wish to be seen as taking steps to improve behaviors in this regard. However, there appears to be a gap between this evolving agenda and the comparatively low level of knowledge that marketing managers actually have of the environmental impact of their own functional decisions. We suggest that this low knowledge level may be due, in part, to the marketplace focus of foundational marketing educational programs, and we attempt to show how broadening the horizons of marketing courses can help students (i.e., future managers) more deeply understand the environmental consequences of their actions. We demonstrate the use of a novel business game, based on the Life Cycle Assessment method, as the foundational cornerstone for the development of a broad understanding of the environmental impact of marketing decisions and actions for the entire life cycle of a product—from raw material extraction to ultimate disposal. The results of an empirical study show that this approach increases students’ appreciation for, and understanding of, these fundamental environmental sustainability concepts.
In this paper we propose an approach for cost-effective employing of semantic technologies to improve the efficiency of searching and browsing of digital artwork collections. It is based on a semi-automatic creation of a Topic Map-based virtual art gallery portal by using existing Topic Maps tools. Such a ‘cheap’ solution could enable small art museums or art-related educational programs that lack sufficient funding for software development and publication infrastructure to take advantage of the emerging semantic technologies. The proposed approach has been used for creating the WSSU Diggs Gallery Portal.
Details objectives and plans for future development of Florida International University campuses, educational programs, and operations with an emphasis on focus, excellence, efficiency, and innovation.
Draft of the College of Medicine's Institutional Self-Study for the LCME. Includes an overview of the College of Medicine's history, development, and vision, as well as details regarding the organization of the college, educational programs and resources, and future goals.
The extent to which Registered Dietitians (RD) promote exercise as part of diabetes self-management education to older diabetic adults has not been established. This study explored the exercise-related knowledge, design, and content of educational programs among RDs who were Certified Diabetes Educators (CDEs) and non-CDEs. The Exercise Teaching Questionnaire was completed by 94 CDEs and 73 non-CDEs in Florida, California, and Texas. ^ CDEs had significantly (p < 0.001) higher mean Knowledge, Design, and Content scores (11.8 ± 1.1, 33.5 ± 9.4, 26.9 ± 4.8, respectively) than non-CDEs (11.1 ± 1.6, 29.2 ± 11.1, 22.4 ± 7.4, respectively). However, Knowledge means for both CDEs and non-CDEs were above the 85 percentile. Design and content scale responses showed that while dietitians provided basic information about safety and benefits related to exercise, they frequently reported “never” or only “sometimes” making exercise recommendations. ^ Although these results suggest that RDs are knowledgeable about exercise for older adults with Type 2 diabetes, greater importance should be made on training RDs to promote exercise, perhaps with an emphasis on a comprehensive team approach. ^
In September 2002, the State of Florida implemented a new retirement structure for those employed in the Florida Public School System. Teachers were given the option to maintain their existing defined benefit plan or choose the newly offered defined contribution plan. The variables that affect planning for retirement are innumerable. Identifying the most significant variables is essential to understanding how one plans for retirement. ^ This study examined the relationship between hypothesized psychosocial and demographic factors and an individual's level of pre-retirement planning. The criterion variable, the level of pre-retirement planning, comprised two concepts. First, the time spent thinking about retirement was determined by the score an individual received on a pre-retirement planning scale. This scale included the concepts of information gathering, goals, anticipated resources, and long-range planning. Second, implementation of retirement plan procedures was determined by the percentage an individual annually deferred to retirement. ^ The survey used for data collection contained 50 close-ended items. It was distributed to all full-time teachers in nine randomly selected elementary, middle, and senior high schools throughout Miami-Dade County Public Schools. Multiple regression and crosstabulation indicated that math anxiety, general risk, years of service, and total family income were significant predictors of the level of pre-retirement planning, as measured by the pre-retirement planning scale. In addition, the statistical analysis indicated that math anxiety, internal locus of control, years of service, and total family income were significant predictors of the level pre-retirement planning, as measured by the amount deferred to retirement. An individual's level of math anxiety and family income were the two factors that were the most significant predictors for both concepts on the level of pre-retirement planning. ^ Based on the findings of the study, recommendations focused on assessing an individual's level of math anxiety and educating teachers, particularly pre-service candidates, about the factors that affect pre-retirement planning. Further research should investigate the benefit of such educational programs. ^
Housing Partnerships (HPs) are collaborative arrangements that assist communities in the delivery of affordable housing by combining the strengths of the public and private sectors. They emerged in several states, counties, and cities in the eighties as innovative solutions to the challenges in affordable housing resulting from changing dynamics of delivery and production. ^ My study examines HPs with particular emphasis upon the identification of those factors associated with the successful performance of their mission of affordable housing. I will use the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) framework in this study. The identification of performance factors facilitates a better understanding of how HPs can be successful in achieving their mission. The identification of performance factors is significant in the context of the current economic environment because HPs can be viewed as innovative institutional mechanisms in the provision of affordable housing. ^ The present study uses a mixed methods research approach, drawing on data from the IRS Form 990 tax returns, a survey of the chief executives of HPs, and other secondary sources. The data analysis is framed according to the four perspectives of BSC: the financial, customer, internal business, and learning and growth. Financially, revenue diversification affects the financial health of HPs and overall performance. Although HPs depend on private and government funding, they also depend on service fees to carry out their mission. From a customer perspective, the HPs mainly serve low and moderate income households, although some serve specific groups such as seniors, homeless, veterans, and victims of domestic violence. From an internal business perspective, HPs’ programs are oriented toward affordable housing needs, undertaking not only traditional activities such as construction, loan provision, etc., but also advocacy and educational programs. From an employee and learning growth perspective, the HPs are small in staff size, but undertake a range of activities with the help of volunteers. Every part of the HP is developed to maximize resources, knowledge, and skills in order to assist communities in the delivery of affordable housing and related needs. Overall, housing partnerships have played a key role in affordable housing despite the housing market downturn since 2006. Their expenses on affordable housing activities increased despite the decrease in their revenues.^