220 resultados para Edo


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BACKGROUND Acute myeloid leukaemia mainly affects elderly people, with a median age at diagnosis of around 70 years. Although about 50-60% of patients enter first complete remission upon intensive induction chemotherapy, relapse remains high and overall outcomes are disappointing. Therefore, effective post-remission therapy is urgently needed. Although often no post-remission therapy is given to elderly patients, it might include chemotherapy or allogeneic haemopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) following reduced-intensity conditioning. We aimed to assess the comparative value of allogeneic HSCT with other approaches, including no post-remission therapy, in patients with acute myeloid leukaemia aged 60 years and older. METHODS For this time-dependent analysis, we used the results from four successive prospective HOVON-SAKK acute myeloid leukaemia trials. Between May 3, 2001, and Feb 5, 2010, a total of 1155 patients aged 60 years and older were entered into these trials, of whom 640 obtained a first complete remission after induction chemotherapy and were included in the analysis. Post-remission therapy consisted of allogeneic HSCT following reduced-intensity conditioning (n=97), gemtuzumab ozogamicin (n=110), chemotherapy (n=44), autologous HSCT (n=23), or no further treatment (n=366). Reduced-intensity conditioning regimens consisted of fludarabine combined with 2 Gy of total body irradiation (n=71), fludarabine with busulfan (n=10), or other regimens (n=16). A time-dependent analysis was done, in which allogeneic HSCT was compared with other types of post-remission therapy. The primary endpoint of the study was 5-year overall survival for all treatment groups, analysed by a time-dependent analysis. FINDINGS 5-year overall survival was 35% (95% CI 25-44) for patients who received an allogeneic HSCT, 21% (17-26) for those who received no additional post-remission therapy, and 26% (19-33) for patients who received either additional chemotherapy or autologous HSCT. Overall survival at 5 years was strongly affected by the European LeukemiaNET acute myeloid leukaemia risk score, with patients in the favourable risk group (n=65) having better 5-year overall survival (56% [95% CI 43-67]) than those with intermediate-risk (n=131; 23% [19-27]) or adverse-risk (n=444; 13% [8-20]) acute myeloid leukaemia. Multivariable analysis with allogeneic HSCT as a time-dependent variable showed that allogeneic HSCT was associated with better 5-year overall survival (HR 0·71 [95% CI 0·53-0·95], p=0·017) compared with non-allogeneic HSCT post-remission therapies or no post-remission therapy, especially in patients with intermediate-risk (0·82 [0·58-1·15]) or adverse-risk (0.39 [0·21-0·73]) acute myeloid leukaemia. INTERPRETATION Collectively, the results from these four trials suggest that allogeneic HSCT might be the preferred treatment approach in patients 60 years of age and older with intermediate-risk and adverse-risk acute myeloid leukaemia in first complete remission, but the comparative value should ideally be shown in a prospective randomised study. FUNDING None.


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We provide explicit families of tame automorphisms of the complex affine three-space which degenerate to wild automorphisms. This shows that the tame subgroup of the group of polynomial automorphisms of C3 is not closed, when the latter is seen as an infinite-dimensional algebraic group.


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La norma UNE 153010:2003 recogía requisitos para el subtitulado para personas sordas a través de teletexto. Fue el resultado de varios años de trabajo en el Subcomité 5 del Comité Técnico de Normalización (CTN) 153 de AENOR. Los cambios en los últimos años en cuanto a los medios audiovisuales llevaron a dicho Subcomité a plantearse en el año 2008 la posibilidad de actualizar los contenidos de esta norma, con el fin de adaptarse a nuevas tecnologías, como los DVD, la televisión digital o la televisión emitida a través de Internet. Inicialmente se planteó la posibilidad de realizar normas específicas de subtitulado para cada tecnología de emisión, pero finalmente se decidió desarrollar una norma general de subtitulado que fuera de aplicación general. Tras un largo periodo de trabajo, la nueva versión de la norma UNE 153010 está a punto de ver la luz, dado que se encuentra en periodo de información pública. En este artículo se narra el proceso de desarrollo de esta norma y se describe los aspectos más importantes de la misma, resultado de una intensa labor con gran voluntad de consenso por parte de las entidades implicadas.


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This paper explains the work that the HBB4ALL project is carrying out to deploy signing services based on HbbTV (Hybrid Broadcast Broadband TV). HbbTV is an open standard specification for the new Connected TV technology, enabling interoperability of broadcast and broadband contents on the TV set. HBB4ALL proposes to take advantage of this broadcast-broadband convergence for the deployment of access services, including signing, due to the restrictions that this service has traditionally suffered.


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La referencia a la tradición como una fuerza capaz de aportar unidad, al abarcar tanto la continuidad como los cambios en las expresiones al margen de la época o las técnicas empleadas, ha sido siempre un componente muy importante de las manifestaciones artísticas de Japón y es la sutil ligazón que las conecta desde el pasado hasta la actualidad. Se entiende aquí que tradición no equivale simplemente a preservación, sino que se trata de una transmisión con una vertiente dual, pues permite una constante evolución sin que se altere su esencia básica. Es de esta forma que la cultura japonesa de la era Edo (1600-1868), con su alto grado de innovación, riqueza y sofisticación, pero además como epílogo histórico previo a la Restauración Meiji de 1868, ha sido la referencia clave en lo relativo a esa mirada a la tradición nipona para el desarrollo de esta tesis. A partir de la segunda mitad del siglo XIX, todas estas características tan genuinas del período Edo quedaron en suspenso y, desde entonces, Japón ha seguido la vía de la modernización (que en muchos aspectos ha sido también la de la occidentalización). Los entrelazamientos de otras dualidades provocados en Japón por los ataques nucleares de 1945 condujeron a una inevitable fusión de aquel mundo físico con el mundo metafísico, de aquella terrible presencia con un tremendo sentimiento de ausencia y, en definitiva, de Oriente con Occidente. El consiguiente impacto sobre la cultura de la nación tuvo una especial repercusión en el ámbito arquitectónico. En este sentido, el pensamiento francés ha desempeñado un papel fundamental en el replanteamiento radical de muchos supuestos esenciales, de muchos conceptos y valores de la cultura occidental, incluyendo los procedentes de la Ilustración, en este mundo contemporáneo que es cada vez más complejo y plural. Éstos y otros hechos otorgan a la cultura japonesa tradicional una cualidad multidimensional (frente a la marcada bidimensionalidad que suele caracterizar a las culturas occidentales) que, tal y como esta tesis doctoral pretende poner de manifiesto, podría revelarse como una «síntesis de contradicciones» en la obra de los arquitectos japoneses Tadao Ando (Osaka, 1941-) y Toyo Ito (Keijo, actual Seúl, 1941-). En el pensamiento oriental una dualidad es entendida como la complementariedad entre dos polos, sólo en apariencia opuestos, que integra dos vertientes de un único concepto. Al igual que la idea de «parejas» budista, concebida según esta doctrina como una unidad entre dos extremos inevitablemente interrelacionados, el objetivo principal sería el de poner de manifiesto cómo la obra de ambos arquitectos trata de resolver los mismos conflictos partiendo de puntos de vista polarizados. ABSTRACT The reference to tradition as a force for unity, encompassing both continuity and changes in expressions regardless of the time or techniques used, has always been a very important component of the artistic manifestations of Japan and it is the subtle link that connects them from the past to the present. It is understood here that tradition does not mean simply preservation, but it is a transmission with a dual aspect, because it allows a constant evolution without altering its basic essence. It is thus that the Japanese culture of the Edo era (1600-1868), with its high degree of innovation, wealth and sophistication, but also as a historical epilogue prior to the Meiji Restoration of 1868 has been the key reference concerning that look to the Japanese tradition for the development of this thesis. From the second half of the 19th century, all these as genuine features of the Edo period remained at a standstill and, since then, Japan has followed the path of modernization (which has also been that of Westernization in many ways). The interlacements of other dualities caused in Japan by the 1945 nuclear attacks led to an inevitable fusion of the physical with the metaphysical world, of that terrible presence with a tremendous sense of absence and, eventually, of East with West. The resulting impact on the culture of the nation had a special repercussion on the architectural field. In this sense, the French thought has played a key role in the radical rethinking of many core assumptions, many concepts and values of Western thought, including those from the Age of Enlightenment, in this contemporary world that is increasingly complex and plural. These and other facts give the traditional Japanese culture a multidimensional quality (opposed to the marked two-dimensionality that usually characterizes Western cultures). As this thesis aims to highlight, this could prove to be a «synthesis of contradictions» in the work of Japanese architects Tadao Ando (Osaka, 1941-) and Toyo Ito (Keijo, current Seoul, 1941-). In the Eastern thought a duality is understood as the complementarity between two poles, only apparently opposite, which integrates two aspects of a single concept. Like the Buddhist notion of «couples» (conceived according to this doctrine as a unity between two inevitably interlinked extremes) the main objective would be to show how the work of both architects tries to resolve the same conflicts starting with polarized viewpoints.


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Este trabajo ha sido realizado gracias a la ayuda de los proyectos CTQ2008-05520 (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación) y Prometeo/2009/043/FEDER (Generalitat Valenciana).


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Car Fluff samples collected from a shredding plant in Italy were classified based on particle size, and three different size fractions were obtained in this way. A comparison between these size fractions and the original light fluff was made from two different points of view: (i) the properties of each size fraction as a fuel were evaluated and (ii) the pollutants evolved when each size fraction was subjected to combustion were studied. The aim was to establish which size fraction would be the most suitable for the purposes of energy recovery. The light fluff analyzed contained up to 50 wt.% fines (particle size < 20 mm). However, its low calorific value and high emissions of polychlorinated dioxins and furans (PCDD/Fs), generated during combustion, make the fines fraction inappropriate for energy recovery, and therefore, landfilling would be the best option. The 50–100 mm fraction exhibited a high calorific value and low PCDD/F emissions were generated when the sample was combusted, making it the most suitable fraction for use as refuse-derived fuel (RDF). Results obtained suggest that removing fines from the original ASR sample would lead to a material product that is more suitable for use as RDF.


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Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is one of the plastics most extensively used due to its versatility. The demand of PVC resin in Europe during 2012 reached 5000 ktonnes1. PVC waste management is a big problem because of the high volume generated all over the world and its chlorine content. End-of-life PVC is mainly mixed with municipal solid waste (MSW) and one common disposal option for this is waste-to-energy incineration (WtE). The presence of plastics such as PVC in the fuel mix increases the heating value of the fuel. PVC has two times higher energy content than MSW ‒around 20 MJ/kg vs 10 MJ/kg, respectively. However, the high chlorine content in PVC resin, 57 wt.%, may be a source for the formation of hazardous chlorinated organic pollutants in thermal processes. Chlorine present in the feedstock of WtE plants plays an important role in the formation of (i) chlorine (Cl2) and (ii) hydrochloric gas (HCl), both of them responsible for corrosion, and (iii) chlorinated organic pollutants2. In this work, pyrolytic and oxidative thermal degradation of PVC resin were carried out in a laboratory scale reactor at 500 ºC in order to analyze the influence of the reaction atmosphere on the emissions evolved. Special emphasis was put on the analysis of chlorinated organic pollutants such as polychlorodibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), polychlorodibenzofurans (PCDFs) and other related compounds like polychlorobenzenes (PCBzs), polychlorophenols (PCPhs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Another objective of this work was to compare the results with those of a previous work3 in which emissions at different temperatures in both pyrolysis and combustion of another PVC resin had been studied; in that case, experiments for PCDD/Fs emissions had been performed only at 850 ºC.


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Mechanical treatments such as shredding or extrusion are applied to municipal solid wastes (MSW) to produce refuse-derived fuels (RDF). In this way, a waste fraction (mainly composed by food waste) is removed and the quality of the fuel is improved. In this research, simultaneous thermal analysis (STA) was used to investigate how different mechanical treatments applied to MSW influence the composition and combustion behaviour of fuel blends produced by combining MSW or RDF with wood in different ratios. Shredding and screening resulted in a more efficient mechanical treatment than extrusion to reduce the chlorine content in a fuel, which would improve its quality. This study revealed that when plastics and food waste are combined in the fuel matrix, the thermal decomposition of the fuels are accelerated. The combination of MSW or RDF and woody materials in a fuel blend has a positive impact on its decomposition.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Man'en kaisei O-Edo oezu, Takai Ranzan zu. It was published by Okadaya Kashichi in Man'en gannen in 1860. Scale [ca. 1:10,700]. This layer is image 2 of 4 total images of the four sheet source map, representing the southeast portion of the map. Covers Tokyo, Japan. Map in Japanese.The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the Tokyo Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Zone 54N projected coordinate system. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as roads, railroads and stations, drainage, built-up areas and selected buildings, names of landowners, parks, and more. Shows main temples, shrines, and points of interest pictorially.This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features. The selection represents a range of originators, ground condition dates, scales, and map purposes.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Man'en kaisei O-Edo oezu, Takai Ranzan zu. It was published by Okadaya Kashichi in Man'en gannen in 1860. Scale [ca. 1:10,700]. This layer is image 1 of 4 total images of the four sheet source map, representing the northwest portion of the map. Covers Tokyo, Japan. Map in Japanese.The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the Tokyo Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Zone 54N projected coordinate system. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as roads, railroads and stations, drainage, built-up areas and selected buildings, names of landowners, parks, and more. Shows main temples, shrines, and points of interest pictorially.This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features. The selection represents a range of originators, ground condition dates, scales, and map purposes.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Man'en kaisei O-Edo oezu, Takai Ranzan zu. It was published by Okadaya Kashichi in Man'en gannen in 1860. Scale [ca. 1:10,700]. This layer is image 3 of 4 total images of the four sheet source map, representing the northeast portion of the map. Covers Tokyo, Japan. Map in Japanese.The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the Tokyo Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Zone 54N projected coordinate system. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as roads, railroads and stations, drainage, built-up areas and selected buildings, names of landowners, parks, and more. Shows main temples, shrines, and points of interest pictorially.This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features. The selection represents a range of originators, ground condition dates, scales, and map purposes.