Corticoteroid-induced glaucoma can result from either topical or systemic corticosteroid use. Compared with adults, the corticosteroid response in children is less well known. The case is reported of a child who developed glaucoma after receiving topical corticosteroids following a scleral re-inforcement procedure. The raised intraocular pressure was controlled after cessation of the corticosteroids and with the use of antiglaucoma therapy. As many forms of cortico-steroids are widely used, children on corticosteroids should have regular intraocular pressure measurements as part of their management.
Mestrado em Gestão e Avaliação de Tecnologias em Saúde
Mestrado em Gestão e Avaliação de Tecnologias em Saúde
Primary angle closure occurs as a result of crowded anterior segment anatomy, causing appositional contact between the peripheral iris and trabecular meshwork, thereby obstructing aqueous outflow. Several studies highlight the role of the crystalline lens in its pathogenesis. The objective of this work is to compare the long-term efficacy of phacoemulsification versus laser peripheral iridotomy (LPI) in the management of chronic primary angle closure (CPAC). Prospective case-control study with 30 eyes of 30 patients randomly divided in two groups: 15 eyes in the LPI group and 15 eyes in the IOL group. Patients in the LPI group underwent LPI using argon and Nd:YAG laser. Patients in the IOL group underwent phacoemulsification with posterior chamber intraocular lens (IOL) implantation. Examinations before and after the procedure included gonioscopy, Goldmann applanation tonometry, and anterior chamber evaluation using the Pentacam rotating Scheimpflug camera. The mean follow-up time was 31.13 ± 4.97 months. There was a statistically significant reduction in the intraocular pressure (IOP) and number of anti-glaucoma medications (p < 0.01) only in the IOL group. Anterior chamber depth, angle, and volume were all higher in the IOL group (p < 0.01) at the end of the follow-up period. Phacoemulsification with posterior chamber IOL implantation results in a higher anterior chamber depth, angle, and volume, when compared to LPI. Consequently, phacoemulsification has greater efficacy in lowering IOP and preventing its long-term increase in patients with CPAC and cataract.
PURPOSE: (i) To investigate whether pulsatility index (PI) and mean flow velocities (MFV) are altered in glaucoma patients. (ii) To evaluate the significance of PI in retrobulbar autoregulation capacity. METHODS: Patients with primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG; n = 49), normal tension glaucoma (NTG; n = 62) and healthy controls (n = 48) underwent colour Doppler imaging measurements of the retrobulbar vasculature. Kruskal-Wallis test was used to compare variables between the three diagnostic groups. Restricted cubic splines were used to determine nonlinearities between the resistive index (RI) and PI correlations. RESULTS: Mean flow velocities (MFV) were lower in both short posterior ciliary arteries (SCPA) and central retinal arteries (CRA) from the two glaucoma groups (p < 0.04 versus healthy controls). No differences were detected in RI or PI in any arteries of the three diagnostic groups (p > 0.08). In healthy individuals, correlations between RI and PI were linear in all arteries. In both POAG and NTG patients, CRA presented a nonlinear curve with a cutpoint at RI 0.77 (p < 0.001) and 0.61 (p = 0.03), respectively, above which the slope increased nearly five- and tenfold (POAG: 1.96 to 10.06; NTG: -0.46-4.06), respectively. A nonlinear correlation in the ophthalmic artery was only observed in NTG patients, with a cutpoint at RI 0.82 (p < 0.001), above which the slope increased from 3.47 to 14.03. CONCLUSIONS: Glaucoma patients do not present the linear relationships between RI and PI observed in healthy individuals. Their nonlinear relations may be indicative of an altered autoregulation and suggest a possible threshold RI could be determined above which autoregulatory disturbances become more relevant.
PURPOSE: Recently, the absence of spontaneous venous pulsation (SVP) has been suggested as a vascular risk factor for primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG). As the mechanism behind this phenomenon is still unknown, the authors have studied this vascular component using colour Doppler imaging (CDI). METHODS: A total of 236 patients were divided into three diagnostic groups: healthy controls (81), POAG (86) and normal tension glaucoma (NTG; 69). All subjects were submitted to CDI studies of the retrobulbar circulation, intraocular pressure measurements and assessment of SVP existence. Mann-Whitney, chi-square contingency tables and Spearman correlations were used to explore differences and correlations between variables in the diagnostic groups. RESULTS: Eighty-two percent of healthy controls had SVP (66/81), while a smaller numbers were registered in both glaucoma groups: POAG - 50% (43/86); NTG - 51% (35/69). In NTG patients, but not in POAG patients, the prevalence of the SVP phenomenon decreases with increased glaucoma damage (p = 0.04; p = 0.55, respectively). Overall glaucoma patients from both groups had lower central retinal vein (CRV) velocities than the healthy controls (p < 0.05). NTG patients with SVP had less severe visual field defects (mean defect -6.92 versus -11.1, p < 0.05), higher [correction added after online publication 21 September 2012; the word 'higher' has been inserted to replace the word 'lower'] peak systolic and mean flow velocities in the central retinal artery (p < 0.01; p < 0.05, respectively) as well as higher [correction added after online publication 21 September 2012; the word higher has been inserted to replace the word lower] maximal velocities and RI of the CRV (p < 0.02; p < 0.05, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Glaucoma patients have a decrease in CRV velocities. SVP is less prevalent in glaucoma patients than in healthy individuals. This phenomenon apparently reflects different hemodynamic patterns in the central retinal vessels. This variable may be of particular importance in NTG patients, where it may be associated with more advanced functional damage.
PURPOSE: To determine the correlation between ocular blood flow velocities and ocular pulse amplitude (OPA) in glaucoma patients using colour Doppler imaging (CDI) waveform analysis. METHOD: A prospective, observer-masked, case-control study was performed. OPA and blood flow variables from central retinal artery and vein (CRA, CRV), nasal and temporal short posterior ciliary arteries (NPCA, TPCA) and ophthalmic artery (OA) were obtained through dynamic contour tonometry and CDI, respectively. Univariate and multiple regression analyses were performed to explore the correlations between OPA and retrobulbar CDI waveform and systemic cardiovascular parameters (blood pressure, blood pressure amplitude, mean ocular perfusion pressure and peripheral pulse). RESULTS: One hundred and ninety-two patients were included [healthy controls: 55; primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG): 74; normal-tension glaucoma (NTG): 63]. OPA was statistically different between groups (Healthy: 3.17 ± 1.2 mmHg; NTG: 2.58 ± 1.2 mmHg; POAG: 2.60 ± 1.1 mmHg; p < 0.01), but not between the glaucoma groups (p = 0.60). Multiple regression models to explain OPA variance were made for each cohort (healthy: p < 0.001, r = 0.605; NTG: p = 0.003, r = 0.372; POAG: p < 0.001, r = 0.412). OPA was independently associated with retrobulbar CDI parameters in the healthy subjects and POAG patients (healthy CRV resistance index: β = 3.37, CI: 0.16-6.59; healthy NPCA mean systolic/diastolic velocity ratio: β = 1.34, CI: 0.52-2.15; POAG TPCA mean systolic velocity: β = 0.14, CI 0.05-0.23). OPA in the NTG group was associated with diastolic blood pressure and pulse rate (β = -0.04, CI: -0.06 to -0.01; β = -0.04, CI: -0.06 to -0.001, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Vascular-related models provide a better explanation to OPA variance in healthy individuals than in glaucoma patients. The variables that influence OPA seem to be different in healthy, POAG and NTG patients.
Glaucoma is a multifactorial condition under serious influence of many risk factors. The role of diabetes mellitus (DM) in glaucoma etiology or progression remains inconclusive. Although, the diabetic patients have different healing mechanism comparing to the general population and it has a possible-negative role on surgical outcomes. This review article attempts to analyze the association of both diseases, glaucoma and DM, before and after the surgery. The epidemiological studies, based mainly in population prevalence analyzes, have shown opposite outcomes in time and even in the most recent articles also the association remains inconclusive. On the contrary, the experimental models based on animal induced chronic hyperglycemia have shown an important association of both diseases, explained by common neurodegenerative mechanisms. Diabetic patients have a different wound healing process in the eye viz-a-viz other organs. The healing process is more and it results in lower surgical survival time, higher intraocular pressure (IOP) levels and, therefore, these patients usually need more medication to lower the IOP. Both randomized and nonrandomized retrospective and experimental molecular studies have shown the association between DM and glaucoma. Further studies are needed to get better explanations about outcomes on more recent surgical procedures and with the exponential use of antifibrotics. How to cite this article: Costa L, Cunha JP, Amado D, Pinto LA, Ferreira J. Diabetes Mellitus as a Risk Factor in Glaucoma's Physiopathology and Surgical Survival Time: A Literature Review.
In order to determine the prevalence of ocular lesions in HTLV-1 infected patients in Salvador Bahia, a transversal study was conducted on 140 HTLV-1 infected patients (90 asymptomatic and 50 tropical spastic paraparesis/HTLV-1-associated myelopathy) between June 2004 and November 2005. The ophthalmological examination included visual acuity measurement, ocular motility, biomicroscopy of the anterior and posterior chambers, intraocular pressure and evaluation of lachrymal secretion. Observation verified 4 (2.8%) out of 140 patients with uveitis (two patients had intermediate uveitis and two had pan-uveitis) and 39 (36.4%) out of 107 patients with keratoconjunctivitis sicca. The prevalence of Keratoconjunctivitis sicca was significantly higher among the TSP/HAM patients (OR age adjusted=3.64; 95%CI 1.59-8.32). Uveitis and corneal opacities were also important findings, indicating the strong need for periodic ophthalmological follow-up in all HTLV-1 subjects.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to assess portal hemodynamics in patients with portal hypertension due to hepatosplenic schistosomiasis as well as to assess the contribution of splanchnic hyperflow to the pathophysiology of the portal hypertension. METHODS: Sixteen patients with schistosomal portal hypertension and previous history of upper digestive bleeding due to esophageal varices rupture underwent elective esophagogastric devascularization and splenectomy and were prospectively studied. All patients underwent intraoperative invasive hemodynamic portal monitoring with a 4F-thermodilution catheter. The intraoperative portal hemodynamic assessment was conducted after laparotomy (initial) and after esophagogastric devascularization (final). RESULTS: The initial portal pressure was elevated (mean 28.5 ± 4.5 mm Hg), and a significant drop of 25% was observed at the end of the surgery (21.9 ± 4.9 mm Hg). The initial portal flow was elevated (mean 1766.9 ± 686.6 mL/min). A significant fall (42%) occurred at the end of the surgical procedure (1025.62 ± 338.7 mL/min). Fourteen patients (87.5%) presented a portal flow of more than 1200 mL/min, and in 5 cases, values greater than 2000 mL/min were observed. CONCLUSIONS: Esophagogastric devascularization and splenectomy promote a significant reduction of the elevated portal pressure and flow in schistosomal portal hypertension. These data favor the hypothesis of portal hyperflow in the physiopathology of portal hypertension of schistosomiasis.
OBJECTIVE: To report the pattern of occurrence, diagnosis, and treatment of hypertension in a female nursing staff of an emergency hospital. METHODS: We carried out a cross-sectional study that included interviews and blood pressure measurements of 494 nursing professionals at an emergency hospital in the city of Salvador, in the state of Bahia, Brazil. We considered hypertensive all individual with blood pressure > or = 140/90 mmHg or normal pressure if on regular treatment. RESULTS: We found a prevalence of hypertension of 36.4%. Only 18.3% of the individuals ignored their hypertensive condition, and 64.2% admitted not being having regular treatment. Of those individuals who were having treatment, 69.4% had elevated blood pressure on examination. The major reasons for not being on treatment was the occasional elevation of blood pressure (22.2%) and medical counseling (20.0%). CONCLUSION: The results point to the need to introduce hypertension control measures in this occupational group, because of the magnitude of the disease and the potential impact on diffusion of knowledge and measures to control hypertension.
Background:Transposition of the great arteries (TGA) is the most common cyanotic cardiopathy, with an incidence ranging between 0.2 and 0.4 per 1000 live births. Many patients not treated in the first few months of life may progress with severe pulmonary vascular disease. Treatment of these patients may include palliative surgery to redirect the flow at the atrial level.Objective:Report our institutional experience with the palliative Senning procedure in children diagnosed with TGA and double outlet right ventricle with severe pulmonary vascular disease, and to evaluate the early and late clinical progression of the palliative Senning procedure.Methods:Retrospective study based on the evaluation of medical records in the period of 1991 to 2014. Only patients without an indication for definitive surgical treatment of the cardiopathy due to elevated pulmonary pressure were included.Results:After one year of follow-up there was a mean increase in arterial oxygen saturation from 62.1% to 92.5% and a mean decrease in hematocrit from 49.4% to 36.3%. Lung histological analysis was feasible in 16 patients. In 8 patients, pulmonary biopsy grades 3 and 4 were evidenced.Conclusion:The palliative Senning procedure improved arterial oxygen saturation, reduced polycythemia, and provided a better quality of life for patients with TGA with ventricular septal defect, severe pulmonary hypertension, and poor prognosis.
FGF-2 has been implicated in the cardiac response to hypertrophic stimuli. Angiotensin II (Ang II) contributes to maintain elevated blood pressure in hypertensive individuals and exerts direct trophic effects on cardiac cells. However, the role of FGF-2 in Ang II-induced cardiac hypertrophy has not been established. Therefore, mice deficient in FGF-2 expression were studied using a model of Ang II-dependent hypertension and cardiac hypertrophy. Echocardiographic measurements show the presence of dilated cardiomyopathy in normotensive mice lacking FGF-2. Moreover, hypertensive mice without FGF-2 developed no compensatory cardiac hypertrophy. In wild-type mice, hypertrophy was associated with a stimulation of the c-Jun N-terminal kinase, the extracellular signal regulated kinase, and the p38 kinase pathways. In contrast, mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) activation was markedly attenuated in FGF-2-deficient mice. In vitro, FGF-2 of fibroblast origin was demonstrated to be essential in the paracrine stimulation of MAPK activation in cardiomyocytes. Indeed, fibroblasts lacking FGF-2 expression have a defective capacity for releasing growth factors to induce hypertrophic responses in cardiomyocytes. Therefore, these results identify the cardiac fibroblast population as a primary integrator of hypertrophic stimuli in the heart, and suggest that FGF-2 is a crucial mediator of cardiac hypertrophy via autocrine/paracrine actions on cardiac cells.
PURPOSE: To assess the role of vitreoretinal surgery in maximizing treatment outcome following complications after proton therapy for uveal melanoma and to evaluate its safety. METHODS: Retrospective chart study on 21 patients (2% of a total of 1,005 treated by proton therapy between January 2003 and August 2007) who had developed a complication requiring vitreoretinal surgery. Mean/median total follow-up after irradiation was 43/43 months (range, 12-70 months). RESULTS: Indications for surgery included vitreous hemorrhage (n = 13), epimacular membrane (n = 5), rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (n = 1), combined vitreous hemorrhage with total serous retinal detachment (n = 1), and vitritis (n = 1). Mean/median interval for vitreoretinal surgery after irradiation was 21/20 months (range, 4-45 months), and mean/median follow-up after pars plana vitrectomy was 22/23 months (range, 2-56 months). Pars plana vitrectomy was combined with retinal photocoagulation (n = 5), air/gas (n = 5), or silicone oil tamponade (n = 1). Mean Snellen visual acuity was 20/200 (0-20/40) before and 20/100 (0-20/25) after pars plana vitrectomy. A transient postoperative rise in intraocular pressure was measured in seven patients. Four patients developed phthisis bulbi. CONCLUSION: Vitreoretinal surgery was efficient in maximizing treatment outcome after proton therapy, as it allowed a better oncologic follow-up. Pars plana vitrectomy permitted panretinal photocoagulation to avoid neovascular glaucoma or retinal detachment repair. Macular surgery improved visual acuity, especially in anterior melanoma, whereas repeated surgery may increase the risk of enucleation.
Experimental evidence demonstrates that therapeutic temperature modulation with the use of mild induced hypothermia (MIH, defined as the maintenance of body temperature at 32-35 °C) exerts significant neuroprotection and attenuates secondary cerebral insults after traumatic brain injury (TBI). In adult TBI patients, MIH has been used during the acute "early" phase as prophylactic neuroprotectant and in the sub-acute "late" phase to control brain edema. When used to control brain edema, MIH is effective in reducing elevated intracranial pressure (ICP), and is a valid therapy of refractory intracranial hypertension in TBI patients. Based on the available evidence, we recommend: applying standardized algorithms for the management of induced cooling; paying attention to limit potential side effects (shivering, infections, electrolyte disorders, arrhythmias, reduced cardiac output); and using controlled, slow (0.1-0.2 °C/h) rewarming, to avoid rebound ICP. The optimal temperature target should be titrated to maintain ICP <20 mmHg and to avoid temperatures <35 °C. The duration of cooling should be individualized until the resolution of brain edema, and may be longer than 48 h. Patients with refractory elevated ICP following focal TBI (e.g. hemorrhagic contusions) may respond better to MIH than those with diffuse injury. Randomized controlled trials are underway to evaluate the impact of MIH on neurological outcome in adult TBI patients with elevated ICP. The use of MIH as prophylactic neuroprotectant in the early phase of adult TBI is not supported by clinical evidence and is not recommended.