974 resultados para ELECTRON SPECTROSCOPY


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Silicon carbide (SiC) is considered a suitable candidate for high-power, high-frequency devices due to its wide bandgap, high breakdown field, and high electron mobility. It also has the unique ability to synthesize graphene on its surface by subliming Si during an annealing stage. The deposition of SiC is most often carried out using chemical vapor deposition (CVD) techniques, but little research has been explored with respect to the sputtering of SiC. Investigations of the thin film depositions of SiC from pulse sputtering a hollow cathode SiC target are presented. Although there are many different polytypes of SiC, techniques are discussed that were used to identify the film polytype on both 4H-SiC substrates and Si substrates. Results are presented about the ability to incorporate Ge into the growing SiC films for the purpose of creating a possible heterojunction device with pure SiC. Efforts to synthesize graphene on these films are introduced and reasons for the inability to create it are discussed. Analysis mainly includes crystallographic and morphological studies about the deposited films and their quality using x-ray diffraction (XRD), reflection high energy electron diffraction (RHEED), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) and Raman spectroscopy. Optical and electrical properties are also discussed via ellipsometric modeling and resistivity measurements. The general interpretation of these analytical experiments indicates that the films are not single crystal. However, the majority of the films, which proved to be the 3C-SiC polytype, were grown in a highly ordered and highly textured manner on both (111) and (110) Si substrates.


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A comprehensive study of pulsed nitriding in AISI H13 tool steel at low temperature (400 degrees C) is reported for several durations. X-ray diffraction results reveal that a nitrogen enriched compound (epsilon-Fe2-3N, iron nitride) builds up on the surface within the first process hour despite the low process temperature. Beneath the surface, X-ray Wavelength Dispersive Spectroscopy (WDS) in a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) indicates relatively higher nitrogen concentrations (up to 12 at.%) within the diffusion layer while microscopic nitrides are not formed and existing carbides are not dissolved. Moreover, in the diffusion layer, nitrogen is found to be dispersed in the matrix and forming nanosized precipitates. The small coherent precipitates are observed by High-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy (HR-TEM) while the presence of nitrogen is confirmed by electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS). Hardness tests show that the material hardness increases linearly with the nitrogen concentration, reaching up to 14.5 GPa in the surface while the Young Modulus remains essentially unaffected. Indeed, the original steel microstructure is well preserved even in the nitrogen diffusion layer. Nitrogen profiles show a case depth of about similar to 43 mu m after nine hours of nitriding process. These results indicate that pulsed plasma nitriding is highly efficient even at such low temperatures and that at this process temperature it is possible to form thick and hard nitrided layers with satisfactory mechanical properties. This process can be particularly interesting to enhance the surface hardness of tool steels without exposing the workpiece to high temperatures and altering its bulk microstructure. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Spinpolarisationsmessungen an freien Elektronen sind seit ihrer ersten Verwirklichung durch Mott anspruchsvoll geblieben. Die relevante Größe eines Spinpolarimeters ist seine Gütefunktion, FoM = S^2*I/I_0, mit der Asymmetriefunktion S und dem Verhältnis aus Streu- und Primärintensität I/I_0. Alle bisherigen Geräte basieren auf einer einkanaligen Streuung (Spin-Bahn- oder Austauschwechselwirkung), die durch FoM = 10^(-4) charakterisiert ist. Moderne Halbkugelanalysatoren ermöglichen hingegen eine effiziente Vielkanaldetektion der spinintegralen Intensität mit mehr als 10^4 simultan erfassten Datenpunkten. Im Vergleich zwischen spinaufgelöster und spinintegraler Elektronenspektroskopie findet man somit einen Effizienzunterschied von 8 Größenordnungen.rnDie vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Entwicklung und Untersuchung eines neuartigen Verfahrens zur Effizienzsteigerung in der spinaufgelösten Elektronenspektroskopie unter Ausnutzung von Vielkanaldetektion. Der Spindetektor wurde in eine µ-metallgeschirmte UHV-Kammer integriert und hinter einem konventionellen Halbkugelanalysator angebracht. Durch elektronenoptische Simulationen wurde die Geometrie des elektrostatischen Linsensystems festgelegt. Das Grundkonzept basiert auf der k(senkrecht)-erhaltenden elastischen Streuung des (0,0)-Spekularstrahls an einem W(100)- Streukristall unter einem Einfallswinkel von 45°. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass etwarn960 Datenpunkte (15 Energie- und 64 Winkelpunkte) in einem Energiebereich vonrnetwa 3 eV simultan auf einen Delayline-Detektor abgebildet werden können. Dies führt zu einer zweidimensionalen Gütefunktion von FoM_2D = 1,7. Verglichen mit konventionellen Spindetektoren ist der neuartige Ansatz somit durch einen Effizienzgewinn von 4 Größenordnungen gekennzeichnet.rnDurch Messungen einer Fe/MgO(100) und O p(1x1)/Fe(100)-Probe konnte die Funktionstüchtigkeit des neuen Spinpolarimeters nachgewiesen werden, indem die aus der Literatur bekannten typischen UPS-Ergebnisse mit stark verkürzter Messzeit reproduziert wurden. Durch die hohe Effizienz ist es möglich, besonders reaktive Oberflächen in kurzer Zeit zu vermessen. Dieser Vorteil wurde bereits für eine erste grundlagenorientierte Anwendung genutzt: Als Test für die Gültigkeit von Bandstrukturrechnungen für die Heusler-Verbindung Co_2MnGa, wobei eine gute Übereinstimmung zwischen Theorie und Experiment gefunden wurde.rnMit dem Vielkanal-Spinfilter wurde die Grundlage zu einem um Größenordnungen verbesserten Messverfahren der Elektronenspin-Polarisation geschaffen und damit der Zugang zu Experimenten eröffnet, die mit den bisherigen einkanaligen Detektoren nicht möglich sind.rn


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Während der letzten Jahre wurde für Spinfilter-Detektoren ein wesentlicher Schritt in Richtung stark erhöhter Effizienz vollzogen. Das ist eine wichtige Voraussetzung für spinaufgelöste Messungen mit Hilfe von modernen Elektronensp ektrometern und Impulsmikroskopen. In dieser Doktorarbeit wurden bisherige Arbeiten der parallel abbildenden Technik weiterentwickelt, die darauf beruht, dass ein elektronenoptisches Bild unter Ausnutzung der k-parallel Erhaltung in der Niedrigenergie-Elektronenbeugung auch nach einer Reflektion an einer kristallinen Oberfläche erhalten bleibt. Frühere Messungen basierend auf der spekularen Reflexion an einerrnW(001) Oberfläche [Kolbe et al., 2011; Tusche et al., 2011] wurden auf einenrnviel größeren Parameterbereich erweitert und mit Ir(001) wurde ein neues System untersucht, welches eine sehr viel längere Lebensdauer der gereinigten Kristalloberfläche im UHV aufweist. Die Streuenergie- und Einfallswinkel-“Landschaft” der Spinempfindlichkeit S und der Reflektivität I/I0 von gestreuten Elektronen wurde im Bereich von 13.7 - 36.7 eV Streuenergie und 30◦ - 60◦ Streuwinkel gemessen. Die dazu neu aufgebaute Messanordnung umfasst eine spinpolarisierte GaAs Elektronenquellernund einen drehbaren Elektronendetektor (Delayline Detektor) zur ortsauflösenden Detektion der gestreuten Elektronen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen mehrere Regionen mit hoher Asymmetrie und großem Gütefaktor (figure of merit FoM), definiert als S2 · I/I0. Diese Regionen eröffnen einen Weg für eine deutliche Verbesserung der Vielkanal-Spinfiltertechnik für die Elektronenspektroskopie und Impulsmikroskopie. Im praktischen Einsatz erwies sich die Ir(001)-Einkristalloberfläche in Bezug auf längere Lebensdauer im UHV (ca. 1 Messtag), verbunden mit hoher FOM als sehr vielversprechend. Der Ir(001)-Detektor wurde in Verbindung mit einem Halbkugelanalysator bei einem zeitaufgelösten Experiment im Femtosekunden-Bereich am Freie-Elektronen-Laser FLASH bei DESY eingesetzt. Als gute Arbeitspunkte erwiesen sich 45◦ Streuwinkel und 39 eV Streuenergie, mit einer nutzbaren Energiebreite von 5 eV, sowie 10 eV Streuenergie mit einem schmaleren Profil von < 1 eV aber etwa 10× größerer Gütefunktion. Die Spinasymmetrie erreicht Werte bis 70 %, was den Einfluss von apparativen Asymmetrien deutlich reduziert. Die resultierende Messungen und Energie-Winkel-Landschaft zeigt recht gute Übereinstimmung mit der Theorie (relativistic layer-KKR SPLEED code [Braun et al., 2013; Feder et al.,rn2012])


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Si(100) and Ge(100) substrates essential for subsequent III-V integration were studied in the hydrogen ambient of a metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy reactor. Reflectance anisotropy spectroscopy (RAS) enabled us to distinguish characteristic configurations of vicinal Si(100) in situ: covered with oxide, cleaned by thermal removing in H2, and terminated with monohydrides when cooling in H2 ambient. RAS measurements during cooling in H2 ambient after the oxide removal process revealed a transition from the clean to the monohydride terminated Si(100) surface dependent on process temperature. For vicinal Ge(100) we observed a characteristic RA spectrum after annealing and cooling in H2 ambient. According to results from X-ray photo electron spectroscopy and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy the spectrum corresponds to the monohydride terminated Ge(100) surface.


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The N+2 ion yield of the N2 molecule has been measured at the N 1s → Rydberg excitations. It displays Fano-type line shapes due to interference between direct outer-valence photoionization and participator decay of the core-excited Rydberg states. The N+2 ion yield is compared with the total intensity of the outer-valence photoelectron lines obtained recently with electron spectroscopy (Kivimäki et al 2012 Phys. Rev. A 86 012516). The increasing difference between the two curves at the higher core-to-Rydberg excitations is most likely due to soft x-ray emission processes that are followed by autoionization. The results also suggest that resonant Auger decay from the core–valence doubly excited states contributes to the N+2 ion yield at the photon energies that are located on both sides of the N 1s ionization limit.


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We have used self-assembled purines and pyrimidines on planar gold surfaces and on gold-coated atomic force microscope (AFM) tips to directly probe intermolecular hydrogen bonds. Electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis (ESCA) and thermal programmed desorption (TPD) measurements of the molecular layers suggested monolayer coverage and a desorption energy of about 25 kcal/mol. Experiments were performed under water, with all four DNA bases immobilized on AFM tips and flat surfaces. Directional hydrogen-bonding interaction between the tip molecules and the surface molecules could be measured only when opposite base-pair coatings were used. The directional interactions were inhibited by excess nucleotide base in solution. Nondirectional van der Waals forces were present in all other cases. Forces as low as two interacting base pairs have been measured. With coated AFM tips, surface chemistry-sensitive recognition atomic force microscopy can be performed.


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Zr-Laponite pillared clays were prepared and used as supports of nickel catalysts for the methane reforming reaction with carbon dioxide to synthesis gas. The structural and textural characteristics of supports and catalysts were systematically examined by N-2 adsorption/desorption and X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and transmission electron spectroscopy (TEM) techniques. The catalytic performance and carbon deposition were investigated. It is found that Zr-Laponite pillared clays are promising catalyst supports for carbon dioxide reforming of methane. The pore structure and surface properties of such supports greatly affect the catalytic behaviors of catalysts derived. Carbon deposition on catalysts was also affected by the property and structure of supports. The sintering of nickel metal and zirconia was another factor responsible for catalyst deactivation. This new-type nickel supported catalyst Ni/Zr-Laponite(8), with well-developed porosity, gave a higher initial conversion and a relatively long-term stability, and is therefore a promising catalyst for potential application to carbon dioxide reforming of methane to synthesis gas. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V All rights reserved.


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The tribology of linear tape storage system including Linear Tape Open (LTO) and Travan5 was investigated by combining X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS), Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES), Optical Microscopy and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) technologies. The purpose of this study was to understand the tribology mechanism of linear tape systems then projected recording densities may be achieved in future systems. Water vapour pressure or Normalized Water Content (NWC) rather than the Relative Humidity (RH) values (as are used almost universally in this field) determined the extent of PTR and stain (if produced) in linear heads. Approximately linear dependencies were found for saturated PTR increasing with normalized water content increasing over the range studied using the same tape. Fe Stain (if produced) preferentially formed on the head surfaces at the lower water contents. The stain formation mechanism had been identified. Adhesive bond formation is a chemical process that is governed by temperature. Thus the higher the contact pressure, the higher the contact temperature in the interface of head and tape, was produced higher the probability of adhesive bond formation and the greater the amount of transferred material (stain). Water molecules at the interface saturate the surface bonds and makes adhesive junctions less likely. Tape polymeric binder formulation also has a significant role in stain formation, with the latest generation binders producing less transfer of material. This is almost certainly due to higher cohesive bonds within the body of the magnetic layer. TiC in the two-phase ceramic tape-bearing surface (AlTiC) was found to oxidise to form TiO2.The oxidation rate of TiC increased with water content increasing. The oxide was less dense than the underlying carbide; hence the interface between TiO2 oxide and TiC was stressed. Removals of the oxide phase results in the formation of three-body abrasive particles that were swept across the tape head, and gave rise to three-body abrasive wear, particularly in the pole regions. Hence, PTR and subsequent which signal loss and error growth. The lower contact pressure of the LTO system comparing with the Travan5 system ensures that fewer and smaller three-body abrasive particles were swept across the poles and insulator regions. Hence, lower contact pressure, as well as reducing stain in the same time significantly reduces PTR in the LTO system.


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Pin on disc wear machines were used to study the boundary lubricated friction and wear of AISI 52100 steel sliding partners. Boundary conditions were obtained by using speed and load combinations which resulted in friction coefficients in excess of 0.1. Lubrication was achieved using zero, 15 and 1000 ppm concentrations of an organic dimeric acid additive in a hydrocarbon base stock. Experiments were performed for sliding speeds of 0.2, 0.35 and 0.5 m/s for a range of loads up to 220 N. Wear rate, frictional force and pin temperature were continually monitored throughout tests and where possible complementary methods of measurement were used to improve accuracy. A number of analytical techniques were used to examine wear surfaces, debris and lubricants, namely: Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES), Powder X-ray Diffraction (XRD), X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS), optical microscopy, Back scattered Electron Detection (BSED) and several metallographic techniques. Friction forces and wear rates were found to vary linearly with load for any given combination of speed and additive concentration. The additive itself was found to act as a surface oxidation inhibitor and as a lubricity enhancer, particularly in the case of the higher (1000 ppm) concentration. Wear was found to be due to a mild oxidational mechanism at low additive concentrations and a more severe metallic mechanism at higher concentrations with evidence of metallic delamination in the latter case. Scuffing loads were found to increase with increasing additive concentration and decrease with increasing speed as would be predicted by classical models of additive behaviour as an organo-metallic soap film. Heat flow considerations tended to suggest that surface temperature was not the overriding controlling factor in oxidational wear and a model is proposed which suggests oxygen concentration in the lubricant is the controlling factor in oxide growth and wear.


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The surfaces of iron-containing sulphide minerals were oxidised by a range of inorganic oxidants, and the resultant surface alteration products studied using various spectroscopic techniques. The characterisation of surface oxidation is relevant to the alteration of ores in nature and their behaviour during flotation and leaching, of importance to the metallurgical industry. The sulphides investigated included pyrite (FeS2), hexagonal pyrrhotine (Fe9S10), monoclinic pyrrhotine (Fe7Se), violarite (FeNi2S4), pentlandite ((FeiNi)9Se), chalcopyrite (CuFeS2) and arsenopyrite (FeAsS). The surfaces were oxidised by various methods including acid (sulphuric), alkali (ammonium hydroxide), hydrogen peroxide, steam, electrochemical and air/oxygen (in a low-temperature (150ºC) furnace), The surfaces were examined using surface sensitive chemical spectroscopic methods including x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (ms), Auger electron spectroscopy (LES) and conversion electron Mössbauer spectroscopy (CEKS). Physical characterisation of the surfaces was undertaken using scanning electron microscopy (SM), spectral reflectance measurements and optical microscopy. Bulk characterisation of the sulphide minerals was undertaken using x-ray diffraction and electron microprobe techniques. Observed phases suggested to form in most of the sulphide surfaces include Fe204, Fe1-x0, Fe202, Fe00H, Fe(OH)3, with iron II & III oxy-sulphates. The iron sulphides show variable extents of oxidation, indicating pyrite to be the most stable. Violarite shows stability to oxidation, suggested to result from both its stable spinel crystal structure, and from the rapid formation of sulphur at the surface protecting the sub-surface from further oxidation. The phenomenon of sub-surface enrichment (in metals), forming secondary sulphides, is exhibited by pentlandite and chalcopyrite, forming violarite and copper sulphides respectively. The consequences of this enrichment with regard to processing and leaching are discussed. Arsenopyrite, often a hindrance in ore processing, exhibits the formation of arsenic compounds at the surface, the dissolution of which is discussed in view of the possible environmental hazard caused by the local pollution of water systems. The results obtained allow a characterisation of the sulphides in terms of their relative stability to oxidation, and an order of stability of the sulphide surfaces is proposed. Models were constructed to explain the chemical compositions of the surfaces, and the inter-relationships between the phases determined at the surface and in the sub-surface. These were compared to the thermo-chemically predicted phases shown in Eh/pH and partial pressure diagrams! The results are discussed, both in terms of the mineralogy and geochemistry of natural ores, and the implications for extraction and processing of these ore minerals.


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Magnesium alloy diecasting AZ91CC, AZ61CC', AZ91HC and AZ71HC were electroplated using different pretreatment sequences which incorporated conventional zincate immersion processes. Satisfactory peel adhesion in excess of 7. 7 KNm -1 was achieved on AZ61CC using a sequence which was designated Canning. The comparatively low adhesion achieved on the AZ91HC was due to its poor surface quality as cast. Growth of deposits was monitored using a strip-and-analysis technique and the morphology of the various deposits were studied using scanning electron microscopy. Different pretreatment sequences resulted in different surface responses for the alloys but all alloys behaved in a similar manner in a particular sequence with regard to potential time-curves and the rate of zinc deposition. The role of fluoride in both the second stage solution and zinc immersion stages of the Canning pretreatment sequence was studied using techniques listed above and Auger electron spectroscopy. Complete coverage of the magnesium alloy surface with immersion zinc was achieved when fluoride was absent from the zincating solution. However, a zero adhesion value was indicated in both thermal cycling and peel tests. The presence of fluoride in the immersion zinc solution suppressed the rate of zinc deposition and affected the time taken to reach equilibrium during potential-time determinations. A mechanism is suggested to explain the significance of fluoride additions to the processing solutions. pH and composition of the zincating solution had a significant effect on the time taken to produce the step observed in the potential/time curves and hence equilibrium potential. Immersion zinc deposition occurred rapidly at first but then changed to a lower uniform rate at a point corresponding approximately to the step in the potential/time curve. Although the minimun levels of adhesion, using the Canning sequence, varied from 7.72 KNm-1 for alloy AZ61CC to 1.54 KNm-1 for alloy AZ91HC, all the alloys revealed ductile failure characteristics in the surface layer of the substrate after peel testing. Plated magnesium alloys exhibited good corrosion resistance when appropriately pretreated and overplated with adequate nickel chromium coatings. The immersion zinc layer was not preferentially attacked when pits penetrated to the coating/substrate interface. Hemispherical pits formed and attack on the substrate was severe. Of the pretreatment sequences investigated, the Canning one was the most premising with respect to peel adhesion and corrosion behaviour.


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Ion implantation modifies the surface composition and properties of materials by bombardment with high energy ions. The low temperature of the process ensures the avoidance of distortion and degradation of the surface or bulk mechanical properties of components. In the present work nitrogen ion implantation at 90 keV and doses above 1017 ions/cm2 has been carried out on AISI M2, D2 and 420 steels and engineering coatings such as hard chromium, electroless Ni-P and a brush plated Co-W alloy. Evaluation of wear and frictional properties of these materials was performed with a lubricated Falex wear test at high loads up to 900 N and a dry pin-on-disc apparatus at loads up to 40 N. It was found that nitrogen implantation reduced the wear of AISI 420 stainless steel by a factor of 2.5 under high load lubricated conditions and by a factor of 5.5 in low load dry testing. Lower but significant reductions in wear were achieved for AISI M2 and D2 steels. Wear resistance of coating materials was improved by up to 4 times in lubricated wear of hard Cr coatings implanted at the optimum dose but lower improvements were obtained for the Co-W alloy coating. However, hardened electroless Ni-P coatings showed no enhancement in wear properties. The benefits obtained in wear behaviour for the above materials were generally accompanied by a significant decrease in the running-in friction. Nitrogen implantation hardened the surface of steels and Cr and Co-W coatings. An ultra-microhardness technique showed that the true hardness of implanted layers was greater than the values obtained by conventional micro-hardness methods, which often result in penetration below the implanted depth. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that implantation reduced the ploughing effect during wear and a change in wear mechanism from an abrasive-adhesive type to a mild oxidative mode was evident. Retention of nitrogen after implantation was studied by Nuclear Reaction Analysis and Auger Electron Spectroscopy. It was shown that maximum nitrogen retention occurs in hard Cr coatings and AISI 420 stainless steel, which explains the improvements obtained in wear resistance and hardness. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy on these materials revealed that nitrogen is almost entirely bound to Cr, forming chromium nitrides. It was concluded that nitrogen implantation at 90 keV and doses above 3x1017 ions/cm2 produced the most significant improvements in mechanical properties in materials containing nitride formers by precipitation strengthening, improving the load bearing capacity of the surface and changing the wear mechanism from adhesive-abrasive to oxidative.


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The surface composition of food powders created from spray drying solutions containing various ratios of sodium caseinate, maltodextrin and soya oil have been analysed by Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis. The results show significant enrichment of oil at the surface of particles compared to the bulk phase, and (when the non-oil components only are considered), a significant surface enrichment of sodium caseinate also. The study found evidence of high levels (80%) of surface fat even on particles of food industry grade (92.5%) sodium caseinate containing only 1% fat.


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The reactivity of Amberlite (IRA-67) base "heterogeneous" resin in Sonogashira cross-coupling of 8-bromoguanosine 1 with phenylacetylene 3 to give 2 has been examined. Both 1 and 2 coordinate to Pd and Cu ions, which explains why at equivalent catalyst loadings, the homogeneous reaction employing triethylamine base is poor yielding. X-ray photo-electron spectroscopy (XPS) has been used to probe and quantify the active nitrogen base sites of the Amberlite resin, and postreaction Pd and Cu species. The Pd2Cl3(PPh)2 precatalyst and CuI cocatalyst degrade to give Amberlite-supported metal nanoparticles (average size ∼2.7 nm). The guanosine product 2 formed using the Amberlite Pd/Cu catalyst system is of higher purity than reactions using a homogeneous Pd precatalyst, a prerequisite for use in biological applications. Copyright © Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.