239 resultados para ECR


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在本文第一部分主要描述了ECR离子源的现状、发展和重要物理机制,着重介绍了CAPRICE 10GHz ECR源磁场构形的改进,使其Ar~(8+)离子束流增强了约20%且注入级和引出级线包的电功率消耗分别降低10%和20%。当把冷阴极电子松应用于CAPRICE源中时,Ar~(8+)离子束流入140μA增加到240μA微波功率也有明显降低。所有这些结果都表明ECR源对于气体或已产生的固体蒸气是一个很好的离化装置,为了将激光技术应用于ECR源中来产生固态元素离子,我们又开展了激光离子源的研究.在第二部分则介绍了激光源的现状、发展和激光产生等离子体的物理过程,并详细研究了激光参数及掺气对激光等离子体的影响,在实验中,当用磁镜场或磁Cusp场约束激光等离子体时,离子总束流峰值增加了约5倍;而在激光产生等离子体后附加上高频再游离装置时,同样也使总束流峰值从460μA增至1.4mA,这些低电荷态离子数量足以使ECR源产生需要的高电荷态离子输出


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本论文比较系统地介绍了等时性回旋加速器的理论,并以兰州重离子加速器系统的注入器SFC和主加速器SSC两台等时性回旋加速器为例介绍该类型加速器的设计特点和设计方法,以及作者在这两台加速器上所做的一些具体设计和改进工作。 首先一般性地介绍加速器尤其是回旋加速器在原子核物理及粒子物理中的作用以及在其它应用学科中的作用,加速器学科尤其是回旋加速器的发展水平和发展趋势。在第二章中给出经典回旋加速器和等时性回旋加速器的理论基础,包括等时性加速原理,轴向聚焦和径向聚焦的稳定加速条件以及由扇块产生的方位角调变磁场提供的轴向聚焦力,径向运动稳定区和共振理论,和加速平衡轨道理论。从第三章到第五章,从等时场的建立,注入系统及引出系统等比较具体的方面来阐述该类型加速器的理论和各种实现方法。第三章介绍GORDON理论和Kb——Kr两种比较常见的理论等时场的建立方法,磁铁和线圈的设计和作用,以及磁场的测量。还介绍了对实际等时性磁场的评价以及通过对束流相位的测量来反映实际等时场的作用和对等时场的再优化等方法。在第四章中,系统地介绍了利用外离子源或利用其它加速器作为注入器时通常采用轴向或者径向注入方法。注入引出系统尤其是注入系统通常是影响一台加速器传输效率的关键性部分,因而在如何提高注入系统的效率方面人们做了大量的工作,特别是轴向注入方法。回旋加速器的中心区是注入的结束和正常加速过程的开始,其设计的好坏对注入效率和后面的束流轨道也是很重要的。第五章在讨论束流从加速器中的引出时,主要强调束流用户或后级加速器对引出束流品质的要求以及引出效率,因而强调了较高的内束流质量和单圈引出的重要性,以及提高引出点的圈距的具体的方法如提高加速圈距、共振进动和非共振进动方法。引出路径上的束流聚焦也是引出系统设计应考虑的一个方面。另外还介绍了再生引出和剥离膜引出方法。在这几章中不仅介绍了回旋加速器的理论,通常从Hamilton方法出发,而且还介绍了进行实际加速器设计中常用的束流轨道数值计算方法。但前者在理解加速器的物理图像方法以及在设计初期对某些重要的参数的评价和估计方面是很必要的。在介绍等时性回旋加速器的理论和设计方法的同时还以SFC和SSC两台回旋加速器和它们的分系统的具体设计为例子作了比较详细的实际应用对照。 论文的最后部分,即第六章是介绍作者自己在回旋加速器的理论和设计方面的部分工作,为了保持整篇论文的协调一致,没有将在国外所做的工作列入,只编入了在HIRFL上进行的直接与回旋加速器的物理设计有关的工作: ① 作者提出的一种新的等时场垫补和优化方法,该方法利用回旋加速器垫补线圈的磁场贡献具有台阶性的特点,对垫补或优化区域采取从小半径到大半径或反过来逐步垫补的方法,它既适用于紧凑式回旋加速器也适用于分离扇回旋加速器,它具有直观性和可对垫补及优化过程进行直接干预的特点。 ② 对SFC的轴向注入系统进行了改进设计,新的注入系统配备两台在线ECR离子源并加强和增加了注入束运线的功能,如增加了离子源的电荷态分析能力,束流发射度的限制功能、进行发射度测量和束流状态的监测功能等等。新的注入系统还提高了三次谐波加速情况下的注入电压以减小空间电荷效应的影响。相比原系统新的轴向注入束运系统有更高的注入效率,更好的调束手段和更好的空间安排。 ③ 对SFC轴向注入束运线的聚束器系统进行了重新设计,用二台分别工作再SFC采用基波加速模式和三次谐波加速模式下的不同聚束器结构代替原来的一台聚束器,以适应SFC较宽的加速粒子和能量范围,并提高了聚束器本身的指标,可以明显地提高轴向注入系统的传输效率和SFC的内束流质量,同时该聚束器系统还采用了新的半频聚束模式,在不影响SFC的效率和束流质量的情况下可以将SFC与SSC的理论纵向匹配效率由原设计的50%提高到100%。 ④ 对SFC加速器的中心区进行了改进设计,配合轴向注入系统将三次谐波加速时的注入半径由2.5cm提高到3.0cm,使加速较重的重离子的条件得到改善,并保留基波加速时2.5cm的注入半径,即新的中心区要适应两套注入参数,每次仅更换新的螺旋线型静电偏转镜。新的中心区还照顾到SFC高频DEE电压在某些情况下偏低的不足。 ⑤ 在对HIRFL加速器系统进行了全面的分析后,提出了一系列的提高其束流指标和运行效率的改进措施,作为进一步工作的方向,并给出了在完成目前正在进行的改进工作后和2000年前后HIRFL可能达到的束流指标。 在附录中一般性地介绍了Hamilton分析力学和带电粒子束的相空间理论,在讨论了束流动力学研究中经常用到的传输矩阵方法和轨迹跟踪方法。在附录二中介绍了加速器用的多电荷态离子源的情况,尤其是以ECR离子源为代表的高电荷重离子源的情况。


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兰州重离子研究装置(Heavy Ion ReSearch Facility at Lanzhou, HIRFL)是我们研究所得一个大型实验装置,它包括SFC和SSC两个加速器和两条束运线。本论文比较系统地介绍了HIRFL束流诊断系统的改造和SFC分布式控制系统的设计。 在第一章中,简单介绍了国际加速器控制系统的现状和HIRFL控制系统中存在的问题。在第二章一般性地阐述了描述束流品质的各个参数,这些参数的测量原理以及测量这些参数的装置。本论文的第三章详细叙述了HIRFL束流诊断系统的改造方法、过程和结果,结果准确可靠,人机界面非常友好,给调束带来很大的方便。第四章介绍了计算机网络的基本概念,描述了在选用TCP/IP协议的条件下,利用Socket(套接字)实现Windows环境下的实时网络通信的具体过程和步骤,其中参与通信的双方是以客户机和服务器的形式存在的。第五章讲述了SFC分布式控制系统的实现,并在实时网络通信的基础上完成了ECR源扫谱程序和I/O级的网络通信程序。 论文的最后一章,介绍了对HIRFL束运线进行优化控制的一个设想,利用系统辨识的方法可以得到束运线的数学模型,并提供了自适应控制的实现细节,这也是作者对实现HIRFL优化控制的一个愿望。


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Ecdysone inducible gene. E75 is a primary target of ecdysone receptor (EcR). and is found to play a critical role in the molting process of arthropods In this study, a cDNA encoding the E75 of Chinese shrimp Fenneropenaeus chinensis (FcE75) was cloned using RT-PCR and RACE techniques FcE75 cDNA was 3611 bp in length with an ORF of 2394 bp. The deduced amino acid sequence of FcE75 had the highest sequence identity to E75 from a land crab Gecarcinus lateral's and E75 of the shrimp Metapenaeus crisis Quantitative real-time PCR revealed a prominently high expression of FcE75 mRNA in the whole body RNA extract of late premolt period (D3) juvenile shrimp. The role of E75 in the process of shrimp molting was investigated using the RNA interference technique Long double-stranded RNA corresponding to the FcE75 (dsE75) efficiently silenced the FcE75 transcript levels in juvenile F. chinensis. Further, injection with dsE75 completely arrested the molting process in experimental shrimp which eventually caused death Setogenic analysis of the uropods from molt-arrested shrimp, showed defective epidermal retraction, poor development of setae and new cuticle. These results indicate that E75 might be related to the molting process and is essential for proper molting and survival of shrimp This is the first report demonstrating the use of double stranded RNA to elucidate the possible role of E75 in the molting of decapod crustaceans (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc All rights reserved


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A avaliacao de cultivares de trigo no Parana, com fins de recomendacao, e realizada pelas Instituicoes: IAPAR, Embrapa Soja, COODETEC e Fundacao Agraria de Pesquisa, atraves da instalacao de ensaios de rendimento nas principais regioes triticolas do Estado. Sao relatados os resultados obtidos em 1996 de 17 experimentos do Ensaio Intermediario Paranaense (IPR), 25 experimentos do Centro-Sul Brasileiro (CSBR) e 24 experimentos do Ensaio em Cultivo (ECR), para solos com aluminio, instalados em Londrina, Faxinal, Campo Mourao, Cascavel, Pato Branco, Arapoti, Tibagi, Ponta Grossa e Guarapuava, representando as regioes Norte, Oeste, Sudoeste e Sul do Estado. Os rendimentos dos ensaios instalados em Faxinal foram prejudicados por chuva de granizo. Devido a pouca precipitação, os ensaio instalados em Londrina e Cascavel receberam irrigacao, para assegurar a emergencia uniforme das plantas. A ocorrencia de doencas foi muito baixa, principalmente nas regioes Norte e Oeste. No Sul e Sudoeste, onde a precipitacao foi mais elevada, ocorreu maior incidencia de doencas fungicas e os pesos do hectolitro foram menores. Em alguns experimentos obteve-se produtividade media superior a 5 t/ha, considerada elevada para o trigo. No ensaio IPR, foram promovidas, em funcao do rendimento e outras caracteristicas, as linhagens OC 962, OC 963, OC 968, ORL 93320, PF 90120 e PF 9293. No CSBR, destacaram-se e foram mantidas as linhagens OC 959, OC 9511, ORL 9285, PF 9099, PF 91205 e PG 9337. No ECR, destacaram-se, em mais de uma regiao, as cultivares EMBRAPA-27, OR 1, IAPAR 46, IAPAR 60, IAPAR 78 e T. BR 23.


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Augmented visual feedback can have a profound bearing on the stability of bimanual coordination. Indeed, this has been used to render tractable the study of patterns of coordination that cannot otherwise be produced in a stable fashion. In previous investigations (Carson et al. 1999), we have shown that rhythmic movements, brought about by the contraction of muscles on one side of the body, lead to phase-locked changes in the excitability of homologous motor pathways of the opposite limb. The present study was conducted to assess whether these changes are influenced by the presence of visual feedback of the moving limb. Eight participants performed rhythmic flexion-extension movements of the left wrist to the beat of a metronome (1.5 Hz). In 50% of trials, visual feedback of wrist displacement was provided in relation to a target amplitude, defined by the mean movement amplitude generated during the immediately preceding no feedback trial. Motor potentials (MEPs) were evoked in the quiescent muscles of the right limb by magnetic stimulation of the left motor cortex. Consistent with our previous observations, MEP amplitudes were modulated during the movement cycle of the opposite limb. The extent of this modulation was, however, smaller in the presence of visual feedback of the moving limb (FCR omega(2) =0.41; ECR omega(2)=0.29) than in trials in which there was no visual feedback (FCR omega(2)=0.51; ECR omega(2)=0.48). In addition, the relationship between the level of FCR activation and the excitability of the homologous corticospinal pathway of the opposite limb was sensitive to the vision condition; the degree of correlation between the two variables was larger when there was no visual feedback of the moving limb. The results of the present study support the view that increases in the stability of bimanual coordination brought about by augmented feedback may be mediated by changes in the crossed modulation of excitability in homologous motor pathways.


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It has long been supposed that the interference observed in certain patterns of coordination is mediated, at least in part, by peripheral afference from the moving limbs. We manipulated the level of afferent input, arising from movement of the opposite limb, during the acquisition of a complex coordination task. Participants learned to generate flexion and extension movements of the right wrist, of 75degrees amplitude, that were a quarter cycle out of phase with a 1-Hz sinusoidal visual reference signal. On separate trials, the left wrist either was at rest, or was moved passively by a torque motor through 50degrees, 75degrees or 100degrees, in synchrony with the reference signal. Five acquisition sessions were conducted on successive days. A retention session was conducted I week later. Performance was initially superior when the opposite limb was moved passively than when it was static. The amplitude and frequency of active movement were lower in the static condition than in the driven conditions and the variation in the relative phase relation across trials was greater than in the driven conditions. In addition, the variability of amplitude, frequency and the relative phase relation during each trial was greater when the opposite limb was static than when driven. Similar effects were expressed in electromyograms. The most marked and consistent differences in the accuracy and consistency of performance (defined in terms of relative phase) were between the static condition and the condition in which the left wrist was moved through 50degrees. These outcomes were exhibited most prominently during initial exposure to the task. Increases in task performance during the acquisition period, as assessed by a number of kinematic variables, were generally well described by power functions. In addition, the recruitment of extensor carpi radialis (ECR), and the degree of co-contraction of flexor carpi radialis and ECR, decreased during acquisition. Our results indicate that, in an appropriate task context, afferent feedback from the opposite limb, even when out of phase with the focal movement, may have a positive influence upon the stability of coordination.


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An experiment was performed to characterise the movement kinematics and the electromyogram (EMG) during rhythmic voluntary flexion and extension of the wrist against different compliant (elastic-viscous-inertial) loads. Three levels of each type of load, and an unloaded condition, were employed. The movements were paced at a frequency of I Hz by an auditory metronome, and visual feedback of wrist displacement in relation to a target amplitude of 100degrees was provided. Electro-myographic recordings were obtained from flexor carpi radialis (FCR) and extensor carpi radialis brevis (ECR). The movement profiles generated in the ten experimental conditions were indistinguishable, indicating that the CNS was able to compensate completely for the imposed changes in the task dynamics. When the level of viscous load was elevated, this compensation took the form of an increase in the rate of initial rise of the flexor and the extensor EMG burst. In response to increases in inertial load, the flexor and extensor EMG bursts commenced and terminated earlier in the movement cycle, and tended to be of greater duration. When the movements were performed in opposition to an elastic load, both the onset and offset of EMG activity occurred later than in the unloaded condition. There was also a net reduction in extensor burst duration with increases in elastic load, and an increase in the rate of initial rise of the extensor burst. Less pronounced alterations in the rate of initial rise of the flexor EMG burst were also observed. In all instances, increases in the magnitude of the external load led to elevations in the overall level of muscle activation. These data reveal that the elements of the central command that are modified in response to the imposition of a compliant load are contingent, not only upon the magnitude, but also upon the character of the load.


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The effect of vision on the excitability of corticospinal projections to the flexor carpi radialis (FCR) and extensor carpi radialis (ECR) muscles of right human forearm was investigated before and during discrete movement of the opposite limb. An external force opposed the initial phase of the movement (wrist flexion) and assisted the reverse phase, so that recruitment of the wrist extensors was minimized. Three conditions were used as follows: viewing the inactive right limb (Vision), viewing the mirror image of the moving left limb (Mirror), and with vision of the right limb occluded (No Vision). Transcranial magnetic stimulation was delivered to the left motor cortex: before, at the onset of, or during the left limb movement to obtain motor evoked potentials (MEPs) in the muscles of the right forearm. At and following movement onset, MEPs obtained in the right FCR were smaller in the Vision condition than in the Mirror and No Vision conditions. A distinct pattern of variation was obtained for the ECR. In all conditions, MEPs in this muscle were elevated upon or following movement of the opposite limb. An additional analysis of ipsilateral silent periods indicated that interhemispheric inhibition plays a role in mediating these effects. Activity-dependent changes in corticospinal output to a resting limb during discrete actions of the opposite limb are thus directly contingent upon where one looks. Furthermore, the extent to which vision exerts an influence upon projections to specific muscles varies in accordance with the functional contribution of their homologs to the intended action.


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O presente trabalho é um estudo comparativo de imagem gráfica que visa analisar o estado actual do design gráfico dos jornais diários nacionais de cariz generalista – Público, Diário de Notícias, Jornal de Notícias, Correio da Manhã e 24 Horas. Efectuada a análise dos jornais, é proposto o redesign do Jornal de Notícias, com o objectivo de aplicar as conclusões obtidas de forma teórica num projecto prático. As opiniões resultantes deste trabalho apresentam dois tipos de contributo: em primeiro lugar, permitem caracterizar num determinado período de tempo a apresentação visual das publicações diárias e generalistas em Portugal. Em segundo lugar, contribuem para ultrapassar as soluções de menor eficácia, potenciando a apresentação visual do conteúdo informativo das publicações acima referidas, com o objectivo de fidelizar e aumentar o número de leitores e potenciar as vendas. A metodologia utilizada para a realização da presente tese desenvolve-se em três partes: na primeira parte, a leitura bibliográfica, a investigação e o registo de informações, distribuída ao longo de treze áreas fundamentais para a compreensão e posterior aplicação às restantes partes; na segunda parte, o recurso a entrevistas a profissionais ligados ao design de publicações jornalísticas, bem como a análise de jornais diários nacionais e estrangeiros, tendo como base os resultados obtidos pelo Poynter Institute for Media Sudies no projecto Eye-Trac Research, um dos maiores estudos realizados sobre a importância da cor nas publicações jornalísticas e da forma como o leitor percorre as páginas de um jornal; na terceira parte, a realização de um projecto de redesign para o Jornal de Notícias. Na opinião de alguns especialistas, como Mario García e Rodrigo Fino, no futuro os jornais terão uma função de complementaridade relativamente às restantes plataformas de informação e o público será simultaneamente leitor no ecrã e no papel. Nesse sentido, os designers deverão encontrar novas formas de potenciar o conteúdo e de estabelecer graficamente meios eficazes de ligação entre as diferentes plataformas de informação. Independentemente do suporte, em papel ou no ecrã, a função do designer será sempre a de encontrar soluções mais eficazes para cada caso concreto.


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A informação inerente aos medicamentos no processo de medicação e prescrição tem revelado insuficiências relativamente às necessidades do utilizador. Este projecto aborda essas dificuldades e procura contribuir, através do design e avaliação de pictogramas farmacêuticos, para um melhor acesso das pessoas à informação, oral e escrita, prestada por médicos, farmacêuticos e pela literatura inclusa dos medicamentos. Verificámos que, nos últimos 40 anos, se desenvolveram quase mil representações gráficas, provenientes de 20 países, sobre mensagens relativas a perigos, precauções e informações de como tomar o medicamento. Com base nesse conjunto mundial colectado, tão alargado e diversificado, procedeu-se à analise, agrupamento e comparação dessas representações com vista a apurar a diversidade gráfica e escrita das 75 mensagens farmacêuticas identificadas nesta investigação. Foi seguidamente consultada uma centena de profissionais de saúde dentro da área farmacêutica para selecção e definição da informação a ser projectada em pictogramas. Algumas das mensagens seleccionadas foram, por ordem de importância: “Não aplicar nos olhos”, “Não beber álcool enquanto estiver a tomar o medicamento” e “Guardar no frigorífico”. Foi concebido um sistema PictoPharma, bilingue (Português e Inglês), composto por 32 pictogramas farmacêuticos, com várias possibilidades cromáticas de acordo com as diversas aplicações para suportes de impressão e ecrã (Registo de Propriedade Industrial – marca e design). Embora o sistema projectado possa aumentar a capacidade de recordar as informações importantes pelas pessoas em geral, os públicos-alvo que mais beneficiarão com o sistema são: pessoas que apresentam especiais dificuldades de leitura - analfabetos, pessoas com nenhum conhecimento ou um conhecimento limitado da língua; pessoas com dificuldades para relembrar e / ou compreender o tratamento - população envelhecida, sob múltiplos tratamentos ou com menores capacidades intelectuais; pessoas que não falam a língua local ou são de uma cultura diferente - estrangeiros, turistas, imigrantes. Foram feitos testes de usabilidade com os públicos-alvo específicos, de forma a verificar a percentagem de compreensão dos pictogramas, sem a respectiva legenda e de acordo com as normas internacionais de normalização. Os resultados dos testes indicaram que metade do sistema atingiu os 100% de compreensão e a outra metade atingiu mais de 88%. O sistema PictoPharma criado caracteriza-se: pelo design gráfico no seu contraste visual e na possibilidade de leitura numa escala reduzida; pelo conceito de familiaridade gráfica representada no seu conjunto, de forma a tornar os pictogramas mais facilmente memorizáveis; pelo estudo feito para minimizar especificidades culturais visuais; pelas diversas aplicações possíveis na indústria; pelas direcções que aponta para futuras investigações sobre as escolhas visuais culturais inerentes a um projecto de design com este.


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Tese de mestrado, Neurociências, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2015