886 resultados para Ductile-to-brittle transition
This study is concerned with a series of acrylate based side-chain liquid crystalline (LC) polymers. Previous studies have shown that these LC polymers have a preference for parallel or perpendicular alignment with respect to the polymer chain which depends on the length of the coupling chain joining the mesogenic unit to the polymer backbone. On the other hand, the dielectric relaxation of these side-chain LC polymers shows a strong relaxation associated to the mesogenic unit dynamics. For samples with parallel alignment, it was found that the dielectric relaxation of the nematic is weaker and broader than the relaxation of the isotropic. By contrast, for samples with perpendicular alignment, the isotropic to nematic transition reduces the broadening the relaxation and increases the relaxation strength. These two features are more evident for samples with short coupling units for which the dielectric relaxation observed appears to be strongly coupled with the backbone dynamics.
Sea ice contains flaws including frictional contacts. We aim to describe quantitatively the mechanics of those contacts, providing local physics for geophysical models. With a focus on the internal friction of ice, we review standard micro-mechanical models of friction. The solid's deformation under normal load may be ductile or elastic. The shear failure of the contact may be by ductile flow, brittle fracture, or melting and hydrodynamic lubrication. Combinations of these give a total of six rheological models. When the material under study is ice, several of the rheological parameters in the standard models are not constant, but depend on the temperature of the bulk, on the normal stress under which samples are pressed together, or on the sliding velocity and acceleration. This has the effect of making the shear stress required for sliding dependent on sliding velocity, acceleration, and temperature. In some cases, it also perturbs the exponent in the normal-stress dependence of that shear stress away from the value that applies to most materials. We unify the models by a principle of maximum displacement for normal deformation, and of minimum stress for shear failure, reducing the controversy over the mechanism of internal friction in ice to the choice of values of four parameters in a single model. The four parameters represent, for a typical asperity contact, the sliding distance required to expel melt-water, the sliding distance required to break contact, the normal strain in the asperity, and the thickness of any ductile shear zone.
Grassroots innovations emerge as networks generating innovative solutions for climate change adaptation and mitigation. However, it is unclear if grassroots innovations can be successful in responding to climate change. Little evidence exists on replication, international comparisons are rare, and research tends to overlook discontinued responses in favour of successful ones. We take the Transition Movement as a case study of a rapidly spreading transnational grassroots network, and include both active and non-active local transition initiatives. We investigate the replication of grassroots innovations in different contexts with the aim to uncover general patterns of success and failure, and identify questions for future research. An online survey was carried out in 23 countries (N=276). The data analysis entailed testing the effect of internal and contextual factors of success as drawn from the existing literature, and the identification of clusters of transition initiatives with similar internal and contextual factor configurations. Most transition initiatives consider themselves successful. Success is defined along the lines of social connectivity and empowerment, and external environmental impact. We find that less successful transition initiatives might underestimate the importance of contextual factors and material resources in influencing success. We also find that their diffusion is linked to the combination of local-global learning processes, and that there is an incubation period during which a transition initiative is consolidated. Transition initiatives seem capable of generalising organisational principles derived from unique local experiences that seem to be effective in other local contexts. However, the geographical locations matter with regard to where transition initiatives take root and the extent of their success, and ‘place attachment’ may have a role in the diffusion of successful initatives. We suggest that longitudinal comparative studies can advance our understanding in this regard, as well as inform the changing nature of the definition of success at different stages of grassroots innovation development, and the dynamic nature of local and global linkages.
Alkyl esters of p–hydroxybenzoic acid (parabens) are widely used as preservatives in personal care products, foods and pharmaceuticals. Their oestrogenic activity, their measurement in human breast tissue and their ability to drive proliferation of oestrogen-responsive human breast cancer cells has opened a debate on their potential to influence breast cancer development. Since proliferation is not the only hallmark of cancer cells, we have investigated the effects of exposure to parabens at concentrations of maximal proliferative response on migratory and invasive properties using three oestrogen-responsive human breast cancer cell lines (MCF-7, T-47-D, ZR-75-1). Cells were maintained short-term (1 week) or long-term (20±2 weeks) in phenol-red-free medium containing 5% charcoal-stripped serum with no addition, 10-8M 17-oestradiol, 1-5x10-4M methylparaben, 10-5M n-propylparaben or 10-5M n-butylparaben. Long-term exposure (20±2 weeks) of MCF-7 cells to methylparaben, n-propylparaben or n-butylparaben increased migration as measured using a scratch assay, time-lapse microscopy and xCELLigence technology: invasive properties were found to increase in matrix degradation assays and migration through matrigel on xCELLigence. Western immunoblotting showed an associated downregulation of E-cadherin and -catenin in the long-term paraben-exposed cells which could be consistent with a mechanism involving epithelial to mesenchymal transition. Increased migratory activity was demonstrated also in long-term paraben-exposed T-47-D and ZR-75-1 cells using a scratch assay and time-lapse microscopy. This is the first report that in vitro, parabens can influence not only proliferation but also migratory and invasive properties of human breast cancer cells.
The landfall of Cyclone Catarina on the Brazilian coast in March 2004 became known as the first documented hurricane in the South Atlantic Ocean, promoting a new view oil how large-scale features can contribute to tropical transition. The aim of this paper is to put the large-scale circulation associated with Catarina`s transition in climate perspective. This is discussed in the light of a robust pattern of spatial correlations between thermodynamic and dynamic variables of importance for hurricane formation. A discussion on how transition mechanisms respond to the present-day circulation is presented. These associations help in understanding why Catarina was formed in a region previously thought to be hurricane-free. Catarina developed over a large-scale area of thermodynamically favourable air/sea temperature contrast. This aspect explains the paradox that such a rare system developed when the sea surface temperature was slightly below average. But, although thermodynamics played an important role, it is apparent that Catarina would not have formed without the key dynamic interplay triggered by a high latitude blocking. The blocking was associated with an extreme positive phase of the Southern Annular Mode (SAM) both hemispherically and locally, and the nearby area where Catarina developed is found to be more cyclonic during the positive phase of the SAM. A conceptual model is developed and a `South Atlantic index` is introduced as a useful diagnostic of potential conditions leading to tropical transition in the area, where large-scale indices indicate trends towards more favourable atmospheric conditions for tropical cyclone formation. Copyright (c) 2008 Royal Meteorological Society
The temperature dependence of the crystalline structure and the lattice parameters of Pb1-xLaxZr0.40Ti0.60O3 ferroelectric ceramic system with 0.00 x 0.21 was determined. The samples with x 0.11 show a cubic-to-tetragonal phase transition at the maximum dielectric permittivity, Tmax. Above this amount and especially for the x = 0.12 sample, a spontaneous phase transition from a relaxor ferroelectric state (cubic phase) to a ferroelectric state (tetragonal phase) is observed upon cooling below the Tmax. Unlike what has been reported in other studies, the x = 0.13, 0.14, and 0.15 samples, which present a more pronounced relaxor behavior, also presents a spontaneous normal-to-relaxor transition, indicated by a cubic to tetragonal symmetry below the Tmax. The origin of this anomaly has been associated with an increase in the degree of tetragonality, confirmed by the measurements of the X-ray diffraction patterns. The differential thermal analysis (DSC) measurements also confirm the existence of these phase transitions.
Stratigraphic intervals characterized by varied and complex styles of soft-sediment deformation structures are well preserved in Miocene and Late Pleistocene to Holocene deposits of a sedimentary basin located in Northeastern Brazil. The Miocene strata, represented by the Barreiras Formation, record only brittle structures, including numerous faults and fractures with straight and high angle-dipping planes that are often filled with sands derived from overlying beds. Folds consisting of broad anticlines and synclines are also present in this unit. The late Pleistocene to Holocene deposits, named Post-Barreiras Sediments, contain an indurated sandy package with a large variety of ductile and brittle deformation structures (i.e., massive sandstones with isolated sand fragments and breccias, undulatory strata, sand dykes and diapirs, sinks and bowls, pebbly pockets, plunged sediment mixtures, fitted sand masses, cone-shaped cracks, fault grading and sedimentary enclaves). These features, confined to sharp-based stratigraphic horizons that progressively grade downward into undisturbed deposits, are related to seismic shocks of high surface-wave magnitude (i.e., Ms>5 or 6). Amalgamated seismites suggest that previously formed seismites were affected by subsequent seismic-wave propagation. Seismic waves caused by activity along one, or most likely, several tectonic structures would have propagated throughout the depositional environment, producing laterally extensive seismites. The close proximity to earthquake epicenters would have promoted pervasive re-sedimentation due to pore overpressure, resulting high volumes of massive sandstones and breccia. The similarity between deposits with correlatable strata from many other areas along the Brazilian coast allows raise the hypothesis that the seismic episodes might have affected sedimentation patterns in a large (i.e., extension of several hundreds of kilometers) geographic area. Thus, the modern seismicity recorded along Northeastern Brazil was recurrent during the Quaternary and, perhaps, also in the Pliocene. The estimated high magnitude of the seismic events and the great regional extent of the affected area demonstrate that the Brazilian coast experienced tectonic stress through the last geological episodes of its evolution, which would have favored sediment accumulation and penecontemporaneous re-sedimentation. This geological context is unexpected in a passive margin, inducing to revisit the debate on how active is a passive margin. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Marajo Island is located in a passive continental margin that evolved from rifting associated with the opening of the Equatorial South Atlantic Ocean in the Late Jurassic/Early Cretaceous period. This study, based on remote sensing integrated with sedimentology, as well as subsurface and seismographic data available from the literature, allows discussion of the significance of tectonics during the Quaternary history of marginal basins. Results show that eastern Marajo Island contains channels with evidence of tectonic control. Mapping of straight channels defined four main groups of lineaments (i.e. NNE-SSW, NE-SW, NW-SE and E-W) that parallel main normal and strike-slip fault zones recorded for the Amazon region. Additionally, sedimentological studies of late Quaternary and Holocene deposits indicate numerous ductile and brittle structures within stratigraphic horizons bounded by undeformed strata, related to seismogenic deformation during or shortly after sediment deposition. This conclusion is consistent with subsurface Bouguer mapping suggestive of eastern Marajo Island being still part of the Marajo graben system, where important fault reactivation is recorded up to the Quaternary. Together with the recognition of several phases of fault reactivation, these data suggest that faults developed in association with rift basins might remain active in passive margins, imposing important control on development of depositional systems. Copyright (C) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This dissertation deals with sedimentological and structural framework of the siliciclastic rock of the Serra do Martins Formation (FSM) in the Portalegre, Martins and Santana plateau, located to the south of Potiguar Basin, in the southwest and central Rio Grande do Norte state. This formation, regarded as of Oligo-Miocene age based on intrusive relations of the Miocene Macau volcanics, has a still disputable age due to the lack of appropriate bio and/or chronostratigraphic markers. The FSSM deposits crop out along 650 to 750 m high plateau, as a remanescent sedimentary cover directly overlying topographically uplifted pre-cambrian crystalline rocks. During the last decades, these deposits were interpreted according to a Tertiary paleoclimatic evolutionary model, associated to pedogenetic processes. The sedimentological characterization of the FSM was done through a detailed study of its facies, petrography and diagenetic features. The facies study was based on description of field relations, textures and structures, the piling up of the strata and their lateral variations. The FSM was deposited by an anastomosing to coarse-meandering fluvial system, including deposits of lag, cannel-fill, ouver-bank and flood plain. The petrographic composition of the sediments, coupled to their facies and paleocurrent directions, suggest a rather distal sourcearea, to the south of the present plateau. The diagenetic study identified an incipient grain mechanical compaction, pronounced dissolution of the framework, matrix and/or cement components, intense precipitation of kaolinite, silic and, eventually, iron oxides, besides mechanical infiltration of the clays. Most of these events, regarded in the literature as associated to near-surface conditions (eo or telodiagenesis), indicate the FSM sediments were never deeply buried. Topographic relations along longitudinal and transversal sections reaching the Potiguar Basin to the north identified regional dips that allow to discuss stratigraphic correlations between the FSM and the basin formations. The sedimentological features of the different units and the intrusive relations of the Macau volcanics were also considered in these correlations,which support the Oligo-Miocene age previously accepted for the FSM. Concerning the tectonic framework of the FSM, this work investigated the pre-cambrian to cretaceous heritage and the cenozoic deformation, allowing the recognition of pre-, sin and post-FSM structures. The crystalline basement, belonging to the Seridó Belt, displays NE and WNW foliation trends related to the Brasiliano-age ductile shear zones. In this terrain, brittle-ductile and brittle NE- and NW-trending structures, associated with extensional joints filled with pegmatites and quartz veins, are related to an E-W compression by the end of Brasiliano Cycle. The E-W joints and NE-trending fractures were reactivated by N-S to N-S to NW extension during late Jurassic to Cretaceous times, controlling the emplacement of the Rio Ceará-Mirim basic dyke swarm and the opening of the Potiguar rift basin
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Neste trabalho apresentam-se os resultados do mapeamento geológico e caracterização petrológica da Formação Serra da Bocaina, pertencente ao Arco Magmático Amoguijá do Terreno Rio Apa, sul do Cráton Amazônico. A Formação Serra da Bocaina, na serra da homônima, consiste de rochas vulcânicas paleoproterozoicas de composição intermediária a predominantemente ácida, classificadas como andesito e riolitos, subdivididas em cinco fácies petrográficas sendo quatro piroclásticas e uma efusiva, que mantêm contato tectônico, a leste, com o Granito Carandá. Nas rochas estudadas estruturas tectônicas são formadas em duas fases deformacionais compressivas de natureza dúctil e dúctil-rúptil, respectivamente. A primeira fase, mais intensa, é observada ao longo de toda a área estudada e é responsável pela Zona de Cisalhamento Santa Rosa enquanto a segunda fase é mais discreta e localizada. O tratamento geoquímico indica que essas rochas foram geradas num ambiente de arco-vulcânico a partir de um magmatismo calcioalcalino de médio a alto-K, peraluminoso. Estas rochas retratam um evento magmático extrusivo, de natureza explosiva, relacionado à evolução do Arco Magmático Amoguijá, conforme resultado Pb-Pb em zircão de 1877,3 ± 3,9 Ma., interpretada como idade de cristalização destas rochas.
In this thesis foliation boudinage and related structures have been studied based on field observations and numerical modeling. Foliation boudinage occurs in foliated rocks independent of lithology contrast. The developing structures are called ‘Foliation boudinage structures (FBSs)’ and show evidence for both ductile and brittle deformation. They are recognized in rocks by perturbations in monotonous foliation adjacent to a central discontinuity, mostly filled with vein material. Foliation boudinage structures have been studied in the Çine Massif in SW-Turkey and the Furka Pass-Urseren Zone in central Switzerland. Four common types have been distinguished in the field, named after vein geometries in their boudin necks in sections normal to the boudin axis: lozenge-, crescent-, X- and double crescent- type FBSs. Lozengetype FBSs are symmetric and characterized by lozenge-shaped veins in their boudin neck with two cusps facing opposite sides. A symmetrical pair of flanking folds occurs on the two sides of the vein. Crescent-type FBSs are asymmetric with a single smoothly curved vein in the boudin neck, with vein contacts facing to one side. X- and double crescent- type FBSs are asymmetric. The geometry of the neck veins resembles that of cuspate-lobate structures. The geometry of flanking structures is related to the shape of the veins. The veins are mostly filled with massive quartz in large single crystals, commonly associated with tourmaline, feldspar and biotite and in some cases with chlorite. The dominance of large facetted single quartz crystals and spherulitic chlorite in the veins suggest that the minerals grew into open fluidfilled space. FLAC experiments show that fracture propagation during ductile deformation strongly influences the geometry of developing veins. The cusps of the veins are better developed in the case of propagating fractures. The shape of the boudin neck veins in foliation boudinage depends on the initial orientation and shape of the fracture, the propagation behaviour of the fracture, the geometry of bulk flow, and the stage at which mineral filling takes place. A two dimensional discrete element model was used to study the progressive development of foliation boudinage structures and the behavior of visco-elastic material deformed under pure shear conditions. Discrete elements are defined by particles that are connected by visco-elastic springs. Springs can break. A number of simulations was Abstract vii performed to investigate the effect of material properties (Young’s modulus, viscosity and breaking strength) and anisotropy on the developing structures. The models show the development of boudinage in single layers, multilayers and in anisotropic materials with random mica distribution. During progressive deformation different types of fractures develop from mode I, mode II to the combination of both. Voids develop along extension fractures, at intersections of conjugate shear fractures and in small pull-apart structures along shear fractures. These patterns look similar to the natural examples. Fractures are more localized in the models where the elastic constants are low and the competence contrast is high between the layers. They propagate through layers where the constants are high and the competence contrast is relatively low. Flow localize around these fractures and voids. The patterns similar to symmetric boudinage structures and extensional neck veins (e.g. lozenge type) more commonly develop in the models with lower elastic constants and anisotropy. The patterns similar to asymmetric foliation boudinage structures (e.g. X-type) develop associated with shear fractures in the models where elastic constants and anisotropy of the materials are relatively high. In these models boudin neck veins form commonly at pull-aparts along the shear fractures and at the intersection of fractures.
Bovine dilated cardiomyopathy (BDCMP) is a severe and terminal disease of the heart muscle observed in Holstein-Friesian cattle over the last 30 years. There is strong evidence for an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance for BDCMP. The objective of this study was to genetically map BDCMP, with the ultimate goal of identifying the causative mutation. A whole-genome scan using 199 microsatellite markers and one SNP revealed an assignment of BDCMP to BTA18. Fine-mapping on BTA18 refined the candidate region to the MSBDCMP06-BMS2785 interval. The interval containing the BDCMP locus was confirmed by multipoint linkage analysis using the software loki. The interval is about 6.7 Mb on the bovine genome sequence (Btau 3.1). The corresponding region of HSA19 is very gene-rich and contains roughly 200 genes. Although telomeric of the marker interval, TNNI3 is a possible positional and a functional candidate for BDCMP given its involvement in a human form of dilated cardiomyopathy. Sequence analysis of TNNI3 in cattle revealed no mutation in the coding sequence, but there was a G-to-A transition in intron 6 (AJ842179:c.378+315G>A). The analysis of this SNP using the study's BDCMP pedigree did not conclusively exclude TNNI3 as a candidate gene for BDCMP. Considering the high density of genes on the homologous region of HSA19, further refinement of the interval on BTA18 containing the BDCMP locus is needed.
This doctoral thesis presents the computational work and synthesis with experiments for internal (tube and channel geometries) as well as external (flow of a pure vapor over a horizontal plate) condensing flows. The computational work obtains accurate numerical simulations of the full two dimensional governing equations for steady and unsteady condensing flows in gravity/0g environments. This doctoral work investigates flow features, flow regimes, attainability issues, stability issues, and responses to boundary fluctuations for condensing flows in different flow situations. This research finds new features of unsteady solutions of condensing flows; reveals interesting differences in gravity and shear driven situations; and discovers novel boundary condition sensitivities of shear driven internal condensing flows. Synthesis of computational and experimental results presented here for gravity driven in-tube flows lays framework for the future two-phase component analysis in any thermal system. It is shown for both gravity and shear driven internal condensing flows that steady governing equations have unique solutions for given inlet pressure, given inlet vapor mass flow rate, and fixed cooling method for condensing surface. But unsteady equations of shear driven internal condensing flows can yield different “quasi-steady” solutions based on different specifications of exit pressure (equivalently exit mass flow rate) concurrent to the inlet pressure specification. This thesis presents a novel categorization of internal condensing flows based on their sensitivity to concurrently applied boundary (inlet and exit) conditions. The computational investigations of an external shear driven flow of vapor condensing over a horizontal plate show limits of applicability of the analytical solution. Simulations for this external condensing flow discuss its stability issues and throw light on flow regime transitions because of ever-present bottom wall vibrations. It is identified that laminar to turbulent transition for these flows can get affected by ever present bottom wall vibrations. Detailed investigations of dynamic stability analysis of this shear driven external condensing flow result in the introduction of a new variable, which characterizes the ratio of strength of the underlying stabilizing attractor to that of destabilizing vibrations. Besides development of CFD tools and computational algorithms, direct application of research done for this thesis is in effective prediction and design of two-phase components in thermal systems used in different applications. Some of the important internal condensing flow results about sensitivities to boundary fluctuations are also expected to be applicable to flow boiling phenomenon. Novel flow sensitivities discovered through this research, if employed effectively after system level analysis, will result in the development of better control strategies in ground and space based two-phase thermal systems.