855 resultados para Duarte, Infante of Portugal, 1515-1540.


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As part of ongoing studies concerned with the small-scale fisheries of the South of Portugal, experimental fishing was carried out with monofilament gillnets and small hook longlines within the same area. Sixty-two species were caught, of which 20 were common to both gears. Pronounced differences in terms of the relative importance of different species in the catches were observed. Size selection patterns also differed, with highly overlapped hook catch distributions and few species showing evidence for size selectivity. In contrast, strong selectivity was characteristic of species which tend to be "wedged" in gillnets. Whereas smaller stretched mesh sizes (particularly 40 and 50 mm) caught significant numbers of illegal sized fish, this was minimal in the longlines. Some implications for management are discussed.


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Transferring distribution models between different geographical areas may be problematic, as the performance of models outside their original scope is hard to predict. A modelling procedure is needed that gets the gist of the environmental descriptors of a distribution area, without either overfitting to the training data or overestimating the species’ distribution potential.We tested the transferability power of the favourability function, a generalized linear model, on the distribution of the Iberian desman (Galemys pyrenaicus) in the Iberian territories of Portugal and Spain.We also tested the effects of two of the main potential constraints on model transferability: the analysed ranges of the predictor variables, and the completeness of the species distribution data. We modelled 10 km×10km presence/absence data from Portugal and Spain separately, extrapolated each model to the other country, and compared predictions with observations. The Spanish model, despite arguably containing more false absences, showed good predictive ability in Portugal. The Portuguese model, whose predictors ranged between only a subset of the values observed in Spain, overestimated desman distribution when transferred.We discuss possible reasons for this differential model behaviour, and highlight the importance of this kind of models for prediction and conservation applications


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This article analyses the dynamics of accessing cathedral chapters with purity of blood statutes in the Iberian Peninsula, from a comparative perspective, and the interaction with the phenomenon of commodification of ecclesiastical benefices. This phenomenon created a Curial market that was open to any applicant with sufficient economic capacity, regardless of their ancestry. What was the result of the clash between the Iberian concept of purity and the commodified Roman reality?


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Solar resource assessment is essential for the different phases of solar energy projects, such as preliminary design engineering, financing including due diligence and, later, insurance phases. An important aspect is the long term resource estimation. This kind of estimation can only be obtained through the statistical analysis of long-term data series of solar radiation measurements, preferably ground measurements. This paper is a first step in this direction, with an initial statistical analysis performed over the radiation data from a national measurement network, consisting of eighty-nine meteorological stations. These preliminary results are presented in figures that represent the annual average values of Global Horizontal Irradiation (GHI) and its Variability in the Portuguese continental territory. These results show that the South of Portugal is the most suitable area for the implementation of medium to large scale solar plants.


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Resumen: Las relaciones entre el condado de Portugal y el reino de León en la segunda mitad del siglo XII únicamente pueden ser entendidas en el contexto de fronteras entre ambos territorios, el tipo de dominio indirecto leonés, pero siempre marcando jurisdicción efectiva, las relaciones de parentesco entre las hijas y los nietos de Alfonso VI de León, y el papado romano en el ejercicio de su auctoritas. Esta ponencia da un nuevo punto de vista a la consolidación del reino de Portugal, dentro del ámbito del Imperium legionense, y de la definitiva separación e independencia del territorio lusitano de la Corona de León.


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Resumen: La presente investigación reivindica la persona de D. Henrique de Borgoña, padre del primer rey de Portugal, como inspirador de la política separatista que hizo del condado portugalense un reino reconocido de la Europa cristiana. Igualmente se pone de relieve la importancia del parentesco y relaciones familiares para conseguir ese éxito diplomático.


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Integran este número de la revista ponencias presentadas en Studia Hispanica Medievalia VIII: Actas de las IX Jornadas Internacionales de Literatura Española Medieval, 2008, y de Homenaje al Quinto Centenario de Amadis de Gaula.


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Alexandre Herculano foi uma figura muito importante na História de Portugal. Primeiramente como historiador, recolhendo materiais que continham a História da Nação e que serviu como estudo para a preservação e divulgação de um passado glorioso. Como intelectual, engajou-se na política e assuntos sociais em benefício da nação portuguesa. Escrevendo e publicando artigos em importantes jornais e revistas da época, ou seja, o século XIX, sua figura identifica-se com a de um intelectual. Como tal, denunciou e alertou o povo sobre seus principais direitos e deveres como cidadãos portugueses. Sua grande preocupação também era em relação à educação porque, segundo ele, Portugal estava atrasado em relação a outros países europeus. Descrever Herculano como intelectual de Portugal é uma das propostas deste trabalho


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The vertical growth of seagrasses in response to burial by migration of bedforms is combined with dating techniques to provide precise and rapid estimates of the migration speed of subaqueous dunes over seagrass patches. Two methods to estimate the time interval between the passage of successive dunes and the motion of single dunes through seagrass patches are described. The second method is more precise. The application of these methods to vegetated (Cymodocea nodosa) subaqueous dunes in the Alfacs Bay (NW Mediterranean) showed that the dunes traveled at an average speed of $13.0 \pm 0.6 m yr^-1$ and demonstrated that the methods can resolve migration speeds from 0.15 to $980 m yr^-1$ with this particular seagrass species. In areas vegetated with different seagrass species, bedform migration can be estimated over different time scales. The strong coupling between seagrass and sediment dynamics resembles the coupling of vegetation and land dunes.


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The coupling between patch dynamics - described by the patch growth (horizontal and vertical), patch mortality, and life-history of Cymodocea nodosa (Ucria) Aschers., and the disturbance caused by the migration of subaqueous dunes over the plants was examined in a shallow NW Mediterranean bay (Alfacs Bay) where this species maintains a patchy cover. C. nodosa shoots survived substantial burial rates (up to 2.4 mm/day) by growing vertically at rates proportional to, albeit four-fold slower than, burial rates. Patch death was caused by erosion as large subaqueous dunes migrated pass the plant patch. Patch growth was fastest over the progressing slope of the dunes ( similar to 2.5 m year super(-1)) and flowering was also stimulated by sand accretion. The time interval between the passage of consecutive dunes, which sets the time window available for patch development, ranged between 2 and 6 years. This time interval allowed C. nodosa to recolonize bare substrata, with patch formation occurring about half a year after the disturbance, and also allowed established shoots to complete their life-cycle and produce seeds and thus enable subsequent recolonization. The time windows available for patch development also set an upper limit to patch size of about 26 m. Significant cross correlations between dune topography and patch dynamics and plant flowering frequency provide evidence that the spatial heterogeneity in the vegetation is closely associated with the disturbance imposed by the migration of sand dunes. The migration of subaqueous dunes maintains C. nodosa in a continuous state of colonization involving spatially asynchronous patch growth and subsequent mortality, which is ultimately responsible for the characteristic patchy landscape of this Bay. 


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Erbium-doped BaF2 nanoparticles were prepared from the microemulsion of cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB), n-butanol, n-octane and water. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns were indexed to a pure BaF2 cubic phase. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images showed that BaF2 products were monodispersed with 15-20 nm in size at the dopant concentration of 0.06 mol%. At higher dopant concentration, there was no significant increase in particle size, but more polydispersed. Photoluminescence (PL) properties of the final products were examined. We can observe fluorescence of Er3+ around 1540 nm and with the increase of dopant concentration, the fluorescent intensity increases.


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In the wake of the latest news regarding IPB’s award for best Polytechnic Institute in Portugal, we would like to congratulate the IPB community who has always striven for the quality of the institution within the national and international academic milieu. We are, undoubtedly, bowled over by the 1st place in the national context (out of the 27 national institutions under evaluation) and the 7th position in the international scope. In fact, it is worth mentioning that the IPB has won this award, three years in a row, being in a leading position in the ranking promoted and sponsored by the European Union. This year’s edition has selected and evaluated over 1300 world higher education institutions. Teaching Crossroads intends thus to give a watershed contribution to the IPB’s successful and most valued pathway. Numbers indicate that Teaching Crossroads has had over 2550 downloads since it first came out. But let’s cut to the chase. Once again, we are delighted to present the 5th number of Teaching Crossroads. This wholly calculated and well-sustained editorial adventure started in 2012 when the first number of Teaching Crossroads first saw the light. This year’s publication includes the areas of Human Geography/anthropology, Information Technology and Forensics and Language and culture, focusing on minority languages. Alongside this, as in the two last previous numbers, we’ve included the specific area for International mobility, Intensive Programmes and Erasmus+ Mobility of Individuals, being the latter financed by the European Union within the Erasmus+ Programme, whereas the former is sponsored uniquely by the foreign partner institution, in this case, Lillebaelt Academy in Denmark. These types of programmes convey very positive and overarching ideas, resonant in cross-cultural and educational benefits, valuable for all the involved partners. We would very kindheartedly like to thank the authors for having contributed with much enlightening and serious articles on a wide array of areas. Pablo M. Orduna Pórtus’s article focuses on border culture and heritage management. The author’s study is placed on two borderlands of the Iberian Peninsula: Roncal Valley (Navarre) and Riverbanks of Douro. Going beyond the linear or physical conception of the border, the author centres his study on the metaphysical and symbolic ideas of the frontier that sustain his anthropological analysis. Michal Popdora manages to find evidence for his proposal of a new conception of teaching Image Processing, based on the student-centered approach. A hands-on experience on a Project-based Learning methodology sustains the teaching project. Grounded on “a forensic-flavored style”, using the author’s own words, he shows how students can become engaged in a highly effective learning process. Cláudia Martins is already a confirmed habitué of this publication, as in every Erasmus Week she delivers a lecture on Portuguese language and culture to visiting teaching and non-teaching staff. This time, the author decided to delve into a Portugal’s official language, Mirandese, spoken in a small designated area in the northeastern part of Portugal, Miranda do Douro and its surrounding area. The author gives account of some thought-provoking facts about the language, from the origin and the survival of the language, however still a minority language, up to the moment when it was acknowledged Portugal’s second official language, together with the challenges that nowadays faces. Luís Frölen Ribeiro, João Eduardo Ribeiro, Carlos Casimiro Costa, António Duarte, Carlos Andrade from the Polytechnic Institute and Arne Svinth, John Madsen, Morten Thomsen, Kent Smidstrup, Carsten John Jacobsen from the Lillebaelt Academy, in Denmark, participate in a joint project which they describe, outlining the main goals and gains of the project. To overcome teaching difficulties regarding the engineering degrees, a 12-ECTS joint course from Lillebaelt Academy and Polytechnic Institute of Bragança was created based on the Danish model. The course Product Development and Industrial Processing was hence created. Rui Pedro Lopes presents an insightful and acute account of the Internationalization programmes in Higher Education in Europe. At one go, the author describes his own experience as a visiting lecturer, within the Erasmus+ programme, to Università Politecnica delle Marche in Ancona, Italy, in a Master’s degree in computer science, bringing to light a personal reflection on the goals and benefits of the mobility for both students and teachers. Finally, the author puts forth some suggestions that would improve the whole mobility process. We sincerely hope to have stimulated you to keep on reading, upholding the belief that these texts can represent valuable sources for both teachers and students in their research work.


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Lavandula spp. belong to the family Lamiatae and some species are often used in popular medicine and have been used for centuries in a large number of medical applications and in aromatherapy. Although similar ethnobotanical properties of Lavandula spp., its essential oils, general chemical composition and therapeutic applications differ from different species. Lavandula stoechas L. subsps. luisieri (Rozeira) Rozeira and L. viridis L’Hér are endemic to the Iberian Peninsula, widespread in the South of Portugal, namely in Southern Alentejo and Algarve. The aim of our study was evaluate the chemical composition and toxicological and pharmacological activities of leaves essential oils of spontaneous plants of L. stoechas L. subsps. luisieri (Alentejo) and L. viridis (Algarve). The essential oils of these wild plants, collected in spring, were obtained by hydrodistillation in a Clevenger-type apparatus and its chemical composition was evaluated by GC/FID. The acute toxicity of essential oils was evaluated "in vitro" using brine shrimp (LC50) and "in vivo" using Swiss mice (DL50). The analgesic and anti-inflammatory pharmacological properties of L. stoechas subsp. luisieri essential oil were evaluated in mouse or rats by the Amour-Smith and carrageen-induced paw edema tests, respectively. Results showed important differences in chemical composition of essential oils from two species analyzed either to diversity and proportion of its constituents. The essentials oils showed citotoxicity against Artemia salina and a DL50 higher than 2000 mg/kg for mice. The analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities of essential oils were exhibit for the doses of 100 and 200 mg/kg.


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Lavenders belong to the family Labiatae and represent some of the most popular medicinal plants of great economic importance. Their essential oils are important for the perfume, cosmetic, flavouring and pharmaceutical industries. However, despite its popularity, and the long tradition of use, biological properties of the various Lavandula species are not yet been well sustained by scientific or clinical studies and some available data being inconclusive and controversial [1]. Although Lavandula spp. have similar ethnobotanical properties, however, chemical composition and therapeutic uses differ from different species and main composition of essential oils showed differences with species and with the region were they grow [1,2,3]. L. stoechas L. subsps. luisieri (Rozeira) Rozeira. L. pedunculata (Mill.) Cav. and L. viridis L’Hér are endemic to the Iberian Peninsula, widespread in the South of Portugal, namely in Alentejo and Algarve. In our work, essential oils from the stems or leaves from wild grown plants of L. luisieri (Alentejo), L. pedunculata (Alentejo) and L. viridis (Algarve), were extracted by hydrodistillation and analyzed by GC-FID. Antimicrobial activity was evaluated by solid diffusion disk assay and minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) against pathogenic Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and food spoilage fungi.


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No presente trabalho estudaram-se três espécies do género Lavandula, do sul de Portugal: L. luisieri e L. pedunculata (Alentejo) e L.viridis (Algarve), com vista caraterizar a composição química dos óleos essenciais das diferentes espécies, parte vegetativa (folha) e espiga floral, e dos respetivos extratos de hidrodestilação, e avaliar as propriedades antioxidante, antimicrobiana, toxicológica, analgésica e antiinflamatória de alguns dos seus óleos essenciais e extratos aquosos, mais promissores. Os resultados mostraram importantes diferenças na composição química dos óleos essenciais, quanto à diversidade e à proporção dos seus constituintes. Os óleos essenciais e hidrolatos, em estudo, apresentaram importantes propriedades antioxidantes e antimicrobianas. Os estudos toxicológicos e farmacológicos mostraram que os óleos apresentaram citotoxicidade em Artemia salina, apresentaram valores de DL50 muito superiores a 2000 mg/kg em ratinhos Swiss, e que possuem importantes propriedades analgésicas e anti-inflamatória. Estes resultados sugerem o seu potencial uso para aplicações farmacológicas como agentes nutracêuticos e/ou fitoterapêuticos; ABSTRACT:The aim of present work was to develop a set of studies of three species of the genera Lavandula, at the South of Portugal: L. luisieri e L. pedunculata (Alentejo) e L.viridis (Algarve), in order to characterize the chemical composition of the essential oils (leaves and flowers) and to evaluate the antioxidant, antimicrobial, toxicological and pharmacological properties of selected essential oils and aqueous extracts. Results show important differences in chemical composition of essential oils, both in diversity as the proportion of their constituents. Essential oils and aqueous extracts of different Lavandula spp. showed important antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. Pharmacological studies have shown that essential oils showed cytotoxicity against Artemia salina, low acute toxicity, with LD50 >> 2000 mg/kg for mice, and important analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. These results suggest their potential use for pharmacological applications as nutraceutical and/or phytotherapeutic agents.