943 resultados para Drugs - Structure-activity relationships


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Purpose: To evaluate the relationship between glaucomatous structural damage assessed by the Cirrus Spectral Domain OCT (SDOCT) and functional loss as measured by standard automated perimetry (SAP). Methods: Four hundred twenty-two eyes (78 healthy, 210 suspects, 134 glaucomatous) of 250 patients were recruited from the longitudinal Diagnostic Innovations in Glaucoma Study and from the African Descent and Glaucoma Evaluation Study. All eyes underwent testing with the Cirrus SDOCT and SAP within a 6-month period. The relationship between parapapillary retinal nerve fiber layer thickness (RNFL) sectors and corresponding topographic SAP locations was evaluated using locally weighted scatterplot smoothing and regression analysis. SAP sensitivity values were evaluated using both linear as well as logarithmic scales. We also tested the fit of a model (Hood) for structure-function relationship in glaucoma. Results: Structure was significantly related to function for all but the nasal thickness sector. The relationship was strongest for superotemporal RNFL thickness and inferonasal sensitivity (R(2) = 0.314, P < 0.001). The Hood model fitted the data relatively well with 88% of the eyes inside the 95% confidence interval predicted by the model. Conclusions: RNFL thinning measured by the Cirrus SDOCT was associated with correspondent visual field loss in glaucoma.


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The crystallographically determined structure of biologically active 4,4-dichloro-1,3-diphenyl-4-telluraoct-2-en-1-one, 3, shows the coordination geometry for Te to be distorted psi-pentagonal bipyramidal based on a C2OCl3(lone pair) donor set. Notable is the presence of an intramolecular axial Te center dot center dot center dot O (carbonyl) interaction, a design element included to reduce hydrolysis. Raman and molecular modelling studies indicate the persistence of the Te center dot center dot center dot O(carbonyl) interaction in the solution (CHCl3) and gasphases, respectively. Docking studies of 3' (i.e. original 3 less one chloride) with Cathepsin B reveals a change in the configuration about the vinyl C = C bond. i.e. to E from Z (crystal structure). This isomerism allows the optimisation of interactions in the complex which features a covalent Te-SGCys29 bond. Crucially, the E configuration observed for 3' allows for the formation of a hypervalent Te center dot center dot center dot O interaction as well as an O center dot center dot center dot H-O hydrogen bond with the Gly27 and Glu122 residues, respectively. Additional stabilisation is afforded by a combination of interactions spanning the S1, S2, S1' and S2' sub-sites of Cathepsin B. The greater experimental inhibitory activity of 3 compared with analogues is rationalised by the additional interactions formed between 3' and the His110 and His111 residues in the occluding loop, which serve to hinder the entrance to the active site. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Human African trypanosomiasis, also known as sleeping sickness, is a major cause of death in Africa, and for which there are no safe and effective treatments available. The enzyme aldolase from Trypanosoma brucei is an attractive, validated target for drug development. A series of alkyl‑glycolamido and alkyl-monoglycolate derivatives was studied employing a combination of drug design approaches. Three-dimensional quantitative structure-activity relationships (3D QSAR) models were generated using the comparative molecular field analysis (CoMFA). Significant results were obtained for the best QSAR model (r2 = 0.95, non-cross-validated correlation coefficient, and q2 = 0.80, cross-validated correlation coefficient), indicating its predictive ability for untested compounds. The model was then used to predict values of the dependent variables (pKi) of an external test set,the predicted values were in good agreement with the experimental results. The integration of 3D QSAR, molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulations provided further insight into the structural basis for selective inhibition of the target enzyme.


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Zusammenfassung: Prostaglandine (PG) sind wichtige biologische Entzündungsmediatoren, die aus der Arachidonsäure (AA) durch das Enzym Cyclooxygenase (COX) entstehen. Trotz einiger unerwünschter Wirkungen, sind Cyclooxygenase-Hemmer Mittel der Wahl zur Unterdrückung entzündlicher Prozesse. Von der Cyclooxygenase existieren zwei Isoenzyme: COX-1 und COX-2. Eine selektive Hemmung der COX-2 bzw. eine duale Hemmung der COX-1 und COX-2 wird als erfolgversprechendes Prinzip zur Behandlung von entzündlichen Erkrankungen diskutiert.Ziel der Arbeit war die Synthese und in vitro Testung sowie die Erstellung von Struktur-Wirkungs-Beziehungen selektiver bzw. dualer Hemmstoffe der COX-1/-2. Zusätzlich wurden die Substanzen auf inhibitorische Aktivität gegenüber der 5- und 12-Lipoxygenase untersucht.Ausgehend von der Struktur selektiver Hemmstoffe der COX-2 bzw. von dualen COX-1/ COX-2-Inhibitoren sowie von marktüblichen nichtsteroidalen Antirheumatika (NSAR), wurde das Diarylmethanon-Element als Basis gewählt. An diesem Strukturelement wurden Modifikationen vorgenommen, um selektive Hemmstoffe der COX-2 bzw. duale COX-1/ COX-2-Hemmstoffe zu erhalten.Die synthetisierten Verbindungen lassen sich in [4-(Methylsulfanyl)phenyl]- und [4-(Methylsulfonyl)phenyl](aryl)methanone, N-(Aroylphenyl)sulfonamide und -amide sowie (Hydroxyphenyl)(2-thienyl)methanone unterteilen.In der Reihe der [4-(Methylsulfanyl)phenyl](aryl)methanone sind potente Hemmstoffe sowohl der COX-1 als auch der COX-2 erhalten worden. Im Gegensatz dazu zeigen die [4-(Methylsulfonyl)phenyl](aryl)methanone gegenüber COX-1 und COX-2 keine inhibitorische Aktivität. Mit dem 2-Thienylderivat wurde ein potenter, dualer Hemmstoff beider Cyclooxygenase-Isoenzyme identifiziert, dessen Wirkstärke (bezüglich der COX-2) auf den Austausch von Phenyl gegen 2-Thienyl zurückzuführen ist.Die N-(Aroylphenyl)sulfonamide und -amide bilden die umfangreichste Gruppe bei den durchgeführten Untersuchungen, wobei besonders die regioisomeren N-(2-Aroylphenyl)sulfonamide und -amide eingehender studiert wurden. Auf der Basis der (2-Aroylphenyl)sulfonamide läßt sich für die Hemmung der COX-1 eine Struktur-Wirkungs-Beziehungen formulieren, die anhand Hilfe geeigneter Verbindungen überprüft wurde. Die Untersuchungen wurden zum Teil auch auf die 3- und 4-Regioisomeren ausgedehnt, wobei sich die erhaltenen Struktur-Wirkungs-Beziehungen bestätigten. Die Arylsulfonamide inhibieren bevorzugt die COX-1. Auch (4-Aroylphenyl)sulfonamide wurden auf mögliche inhibitorische Aktivität untersucht. Die Einbindung des Amidstickstoffs in ein Indolin- bzw. Tetrahydrochinolin-Ringsystem oder des Sulfonamids in ein 1,3-Propansultam führte in jedem Falle zu wenig aktiven Verbindungen gegenüber der COX-1. N-(2-Aroylphenyl)amide zeigten in Übereinstimmung mit der Hypothese an der COX-1 eine gute inhibitorische Aktivität.Aus der Reihe der (Hydroxyphenyl)(2-thienyl)methanone wurden die freien Alkohole, die Methylether und verschiedene Ester dargestellt und auf COX-1-Aktivität untersucht. Acetate, aber auch Phenole sind die potentesten Inhibitoren der COX-1. Als günstigte Positionen für die 2-Thienylcarbonyl-Einheit am Hydroxyphenylrest erweist sich die ortho- bzw. para-Position.


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From the perspective of a new-generation opto-electronic technology based on organic semiconductors, a major objective is to achieve a deep and detailed knowledge of the structure-property relationships, in order to optimize the electronic, optical, and charge transport properties by tuning the chemical-physical characteristics of the compounds. The purpose of this dissertation is to contribute to such understanding, through suitable theoretical and computational studies. Precisely, the structural, electronic, optical, and charge transport characteristics of several promising organic materials recently synthesized are investigated by means of an integrated approach encompassing quantum-chemical calculations, molecular dynamics and kinetic Monte Carlo simulations. Particular care is addressed to the rationalization of optical and charge transport properties in terms of both intra- and intermolecular features. Moreover, a considerable part of this project involves the development of a home-made set of procedures and parts of software code required to assist the modeling of charge transport properties in the framework of the non-adiabatic hopping mechanism applied to organic crystalline materials. As a first part of my investigations, I mainly discuss the optical, electronic, and structural properties of several core-extended rylene derivatives, which can be regarded to as model compounds for graphene nanoribbons. Two families have been studied, consisting in bay-linked perylene bisimide oligomers and N-annulated rylenes. Beside rylene derivatives, my studies also concerned electronic and spectroscopic properties of tetracene diimides, quinoidal oligothiophenes, and oxygen doped picene. As an example of device application, I studied the structural characteristics governing the efficiency of resistive molecular memories based on a derivative of benzoquinone. Finally, as a second part of my investigations, I concentrate on the charge transport properties of perylene bisimides derivatives. Precisely, a comprehensive study of the structural and thermal effects on the charge transport of several core-twisted chlorinated and fluoro-alkylated perylene bisimide n-type semiconductors is presented.


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Da maligne Neoplasien durch Mutationen in Proto-Onko- und/oder Tumorsuppressorgenen ausgelöst werden, stellt die DNA eines der wichtigsten Targets für die Entwicklung neuer Zytostatika dar. Auch bei den im Arbeitskreis Pindur designten und synthetisier-ten Verbindungen der Nukleobasen-gekoppelten Pyrrolcarboxamid-, der Hetaren[a]carbazol- und der Combilexin-Reihe handelt es sich um DNA-Liganden mit potentiell antitumoraktiven Eigenschaf-ten. Die einen dualen Bindemodus aufweisenden Combilexine bestehen aus einem Interkalator (u. a. Naphthalimid, Acridon), der über einen Linker variabler Kettenlänge mit einer rinnenbin-denden, von Netropsin abgeleiteten Bispyrrol-, oder einer bioisosteren Imidazol-, Thiazol- oder Thiophen-pyrrolcarboxamid-struktur verknüpft ist. Das N-terminale Ende der Combilexine wird von einer N,N-Dimethylaminopropyl- oder -ethyl-Seitenkette gebildet. Die DNA-Affinitäten der Liganden wurden mittels Tm-Wert-Messung-en bestimmt. Diese Denaturierungsexperimente wurden sowohl mit poly(dAdT)2- als auch mit Thymus-DNA (~42% GC-Anteil) durchge-führt, um Aussagen zur Stärke und zur Sequenzselektivität der DNA-Bindung machen zu können. Des Weiteren wurden die Bindekon-stanten einiger ausgewählter Vertreter mit Hilfe des Ethidium-bromid-Verdrängungsassays ermittelt; einige Testverbindungen wurden zudem auf potentiell vorhandene, TOPO I-inhibierende Eigenschaften untersucht. Diese biochemischen und biophysika-lischen Tests wurden durch Molecular Modelling-Studien ergänzt, die die Berechnung von molekularen Eigenschaften, die Durch-führung von Konformerenanalysen und die Simulation von DNA-Ligand-Komplexen (Docking) umfassten. Durch Korrelation der in vitro-Befunde mit den in silico-Daten gelang es, vor allem für die Substanzklasse der Combilexine einige richtungweisende Struktur-Wirkungsbeziehungen aufzustellen. So konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Einführung eines Imidazol-Rings in die rinnen-bindende Hetaren-pyrrolcarboxamid-Struktur der Combilexine aufgrund der H-Brücken-Akzeptor-Funktion des sp2-hybridisierten N-Atoms eine Verschiebung der Sequenzselektivität der DNA-Bindung von AT- zu GC-reichen Arealen der DNA bedingt. Zudem erwies sich ein C3-Linker für die Verknüpfung des Naphthalimids mit dem rinnenbindenden Strukturelement als am besten geeignet, während bei den Acridon-Derivaten die Verbindungen mit einem N-terminalen Buttersäure-Linker die höchste DNA-Affinität aufwiesen. Dies ist sehr wahrscheinlich auf die im Vergleich zum Naphthalimid-Molekül geringere y-Achsen-Ausdehnung (bzgl. eines x/y-Koordinatensystems) des Acridons zurückzuführen. Die ermittelten Struktur-Wirkungsbeziehungen können dazu herangezogen werden, das rationale Design neuer DNA-Liganden mit potentiell stärkerer DNA-Bindung zu optimieren.


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Organic molecular semiconductors are subject of intense research for their crucial role as key components of new generation low cost, flexible, and large area electronic devices such as displays, thin-film transistors, solar cells, sensors and logic circuits. In particular, small molecular thienoimide (TI) based materials are emerging as novel multifunctional materials combining a good processability together to ambipolar or n-type charge transport and electroluminescence at the solid state, thus enabling the fabrication of integrated devices like organic field effect transistors (OFETs) and light emitting transistor (OLETs). Given this peculiar combination of characteristics, they also constitute the ideal substrates for fundamental studies on the structure-property relationships in multifunctional molecular systems. In this scenario, this thesis work is focused on the synthesis of new thienoimide based materials with tunable optical, packing, morphology, charge transport and electroluminescence properties by following a fine molecular tailoring, thus optimizing their performances in device as well as investigating and enabling new applications. Investigation on their structure-property relationships has been carried out and in particular, the effect of different π-conjugated cores (heterocycles, length) and alkyl end chain (shape, length) changes have been studied, obtaining materials with enhanced electron transport capability end electroluminescence suitable for the realization of OFETs and single layer OLETs. Moreover, control on the polymorphic behaviour characterizing thienoimide materials has been reached by synthetic and post-synthetic methodologies, developing multifunctional materials from a single polymorphic compound. Finally, with the aim of synthesizing highly pure materials, simplifying the purification steps and avoiding organometallic residues, procedures based on direct arylation reactions replacing conventional cross-couplings have been investigated and applied to different classes of molecules, bearing thienoimidic core or ends, as well as thiophene and anthracene derivatives, validating this approach as a clean alternative for the synthesis of several molecular materials.


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This thesis work deals, principally, with the development of different chemical protocols ranging from environmental sustainability peptide synthesis to asymmetric synthesis of modified tryptophans to a series of straightforward procedures for constraining peptide backbones without the need for a pre-formed scaffold. Much efforts have been dedicated to the structural analysis in a biomimetic environment, fundamental for predicting the in vivo conformation of compounds, as well as for giving a rationale to the experimentally determined bioactivity. The conformational analyses in solution has been done mostly by NMR (2D gCosy, Roesy, VT, titration experiments, molecular dynamics, etc.), FT-IR and ECD spectroscopy. As a practical application, 3D rigid scaffolds have been employed for the synthesis of biological active compounds based on peptidomimetic and retro-mimetic structures. These mimics have been investigated for their potential as antiflammatory agents and actually the results obtained are very promising. Moreover, the synthesis of Amo ring permitted the development of an alternative high effective synthetic pathway for obtaining Linezolid antibiotic. The final section is, instead, dedicated to the construction of a new biosensor based on zeolite L SAMs functionalized with the integrin ligand c[RGDfK], that has showed high efficiency for the selective detection of tumor cells. Such kind of sensor could, in fact, enable the convenient, non-invasive detection and diagnosis of cancer in early stages, from a few drops of a patient's blood or other biological fluids. In conclusion, the researches described herein demonstrate that the peptidomimetic approach to 3D definite structures, allows unambiguous investigation of the structure-activity relationships, giving an access to a wide range bioactive compounds of pharmaceutical interest to use not only as potential drugs but also for diagnostic and theranostic applications.


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Makromolekulare Wirkstoffträgersysteme sind von starkem Interesse bezüglich der klinischen Anwendung chemotherapeutischer Agenzien. Um ihr klinisches Potential zu untersuchen ist es von besonderer Bedeutung das pharmakokinetische Profil in vivo zu bestimmen. Jede Veränderung der Polymerstruktur beeinflusst die Körperverteilung des entsprechenden Makromoleküls. Aufgrund dessen benötigt man detailliertes Wissen über Struktur-Eigenschaftsbeziehungen im lebenden Organismus, um das Nanocarrier System für zukünftige Anwendungen einzustellen. In dieser Beziehung stellt das präklinische Screening mittels radioaktiver Markierung und Positronen-Emissions-Tomographie eine nützliche Methode für schnelle sowie quantitative Beobachtung von Wirkstoffträgerkandidaten dar. Insbesondere poly(HPMA) und PEG sind im Arbeitsgebiet Polymer-basierter Therapeutika stark verbreitet und von ihnen abgeleitete Strukturen könnten neue Generationen in diesem Forschungsbereich bieten.rnDie vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt die erfolgreiche Synthese verschiedener HPMA und PEG basierter Polymer-Architekturen – Homopolymere, Statistische und Block copolymere – die mittels RAFT und Reaktivesterchemie durchgeführt wurde. Des Weiteren wurden die genannten Polymere mit Fluor-18 und Iod-131 radioaktiv markiert und mit Hilfe von microPET und ex vivo Biodistributionsstudien in tumortragenden Ratten biologisch evaluiert. Die Variation in Polymer-Architektur und darauffolgende Analyse in vivo resultierte in wichtige Schlussfolgerungen. Das hydrophile / lipophile Gleichgewicht hatte einen bedeutenden Einfluss auf das pharmakokinetische Profil, mit besten in vivo Eigenschaften (geringe Aufnahme in Leber und Milz sowie verlängerte Blutzirkulationszeit) für statistische HPMA-LMA copolymere mit steigendem hydrophoben Anteil. Außerdem zeigten Langzeitstudien mit Iod-131 eine verstärkte Retention von hochmolekularen, HPMA basierten statistischen Copolymeren im Tumorgewebe. Diese Beobachtung bestätigte den bekannten EPR-Effekt. Hinzukommend stellen Überstrukturbildung und damit Polymergröße Schlüsselfaktoren für effizientes Tumor-Targeting dar, da Polymerstrukturen über 200 nm in Durchmesser schnell vom MPS erkannt und vom Blutkreislauf eliminiert werden. Aufgrund dessen wurden die hier synthetisierten HPMA Block copolymere mit PEG Seitengruppen chemisch modifiziert, um eine Verminderung in Größe sowie eine Reduktion in Blutausscheidung zu induzieren. Dieser Ansatz führte zu einer erhöhten Tumoranreicherung im Walker 256 Karzinom Modell. Generell wird die Körperverteilung von HPMA und PEG basierten Polymeren stark durch die Polymer-Architektur sowie das Molekulargewicht beeinflusst. Außerdem hängt ihre Effizienz hinsichtlich Tumorbehandlung deutlich von den individuellen Charakteristika des einzelnen Tumors ab. Aufgrund dieser Beobachtungen betont die hier vorgestellte Dissertation die Notwendigkeit einer detaillierten Polymer-Charakterisierung, kombiniert mit präklinischem Screening, um polymere Wirkstoffträgersysteme für individualisierte Patienten-Therapie in der Zukunft maßzuschneidern.rn


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Structure-activity relationship studies were carried out by chemical modification of manzamine A (1), 8-hydroxymanzamine A (2), manzamine F (14), and ircinal isolated from the sponge Acanthostrongylophora. The derived analogues were evaluated for antimalarial, antimicrobial, and antineuroinflammatory activities. Several modified products exhibited potent and improved in vitro antineuroinflammatory, antimicrobial, and antimalarial activity. 1 showed improved activity against malaria compared to chloroquine in both multi- and single-dose in vivo experiments. The significant antimalarial potential was revealed by a 100% cure rate of malaria in mice with one administration of 100 mg/kg of 1. The potent antineuroinflammatory activity of the manzamines will provide great benefit for the prevention and treatment of cerebral infections (e.g., Cryptococcus and Plasmodium). In addition, 1 was shown to permeate across the blood-brain barrier (BBB) in an in vitro model using a MDR-MDCK monolayer. Docking studies support that 2 binds to the ATP-noncompetitive pocket of glycogen synthesis kinase-3beta (GSK-3beta), which is a putative target of manzamines. On the basis of the results presented here, it will be possible to initiate rational drug design efforts around this natural product scaffold for the treatment of several different diseases.


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Solid-state shear pulverization (SSSP) is a unique processing technique for mechanochemical modification of polymers, compatibilization of polymer blends, and exfoliation and dispersion of fillers in polymer nanocomposites. A systematic parametric study of the SSSP technique is conducted to elucidate the detailed mechanism of the process and establish the basis for a range of current and future operation scenarios. Using neat, single component polypropylene (PP) as the model material, we varied machine type, screw design, and feed rate to achieve a range of shear and compression applied to the material, which can be quantified through specific energy input (Ep). As a universal processing variable, Ep reflects the level of chain scission occurring in the material, which correlates well to the extent of the physical property changes of the processed PP. Additionally, we compared the operating cost estimates of SSSP and conventional twin screw extrusion to determine the practical viability of SSSP.


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Solid-state shear pulverization (SSSP) is a unique processing technique for mechanochemical modification of polymers, compatibilization of polymer blends, and exfoliation and dispersion of fillers in polymer nanocomposites. A systematic parametric study of the SSSP technique is conducted to elucidate the detailed mechanism of the process and establish the basis for a range of current and future operation scenarios. Using neat, single component polypropylene (PP) as the model material, we varied machine type, screw design, and feed rate to achieve a range of shear and compression applied to the material, which can be quantified through specific energy input (Ep). As a universal processing variable, Ep reflects the level of chain scission occurring in the material, which correlates well to the extent of the physical property changes of the processed PP. Additionally, we compared the operating cost estimates of SSSP and conventional twin screw extrusion to determine the practical viability of SSSP.


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A new total synthesis of the marine macrolide (-)-zampanolide (1) and the structurally and stereochemically related non-natural levorotatory enantiomer of (+)-dactylolide (2), that is, ent-2, has been developed. The synthesis features a high-yielding, selective intramolecular Horner-Wadsworth-Emmons (HWE) reaction to close the 20-membered macrolactone ring of 1 and ent-2. The β-keto phosphonate/aldehyde precursor for the ring-closure reaction was obtained by esterification of a ω-diethylphosphono carboxylic acid fragment and a secondary alcohol fragment incorporating the THP ring that is embedded in the macrocyclic core structure of 1 and ent-2. THP ring formation was accomplished through a segment coupling Prins-type cyclization. Employing the same overall strategy, 13-desmethylene-ent-2 as well as the monocyclic desTHP derivatives of 1 and ent-2 were prepared. Synthetic 1 inhibited human cancer cell growth in vitro with nM IC(50) values, while ent-2, which lacks the diene-containing hemiaminal-linked side chain of 1, is 25- to 260-fold less active. 13-Desmethylene-ent-2 as well as the reduced versions of ent-2 and 13-desmethylene-ent-2 all showed similar cellular activity as ent-2 itself. The same activity level was attained by the monocyclic desTHP derivative of 1. Oxidation of the aldehyde functionality of ent-2 gave a carboxylic acid that was converted into the corresponding N-hexyl amide. The latter showed only μM antiproliferative activity, thus being several hundred-fold less potent than 1.


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Snake venoms contain components that affect the prey either by neurotoxic or haemorrhagic effects. The latter category affect haemostasis either by inhibiting or activating platelets or coagulation factors. They fall into several types based upon structure and mode of action. A major class is the snake C-type lectins or C-type lectin-like family which shows a typical folding like that in classic C-type lectins such as the selectins and mannose-binding proteins. Those in snake venoms are mostly based on a heterodimeric structure with two subunits alpha and beta, which are often oligomerized to form larger molecules. Simple heterodimeric members of this family have been shown to inhibit platelet functions by binding to GPIb but others activate platelets via the same receptor. Some that act via GPIb do so by inducing von Willebrand factor to bind to it. Another series of snake C-type lectins activate platelets by binding to GPVI while yet another series uses the integrin alpha(2)beta(1) to affect platelet function. The structure of more and more of these C-type lectins have now been, and are being, determined, often together with their ligands, casting light on binding sites and mechanisms. In addition, it is relatively easy to model the structure of the C-type lectins if the primary structure is known. These studies have shown that these proteins are quite a complex group, often with more than one platelet receptor as ligand and although superficially some appear to act as inhibitors, in fact most function by inducing thrombocytopenia by various routes. The relationship between structure and function in this group of venom proteins will be discussed.