955 resultados para Dominant frequencies
A clinical study of Brazilian patients with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) was performed in a multidisciplinary Neurofibromatosis Program called CEPAN (Center of Research and Service in Neurofibromatosis). Among 55 patients (60% females, 40% males) who met the NIH criteria for the diagnosis of NF1, 98% had more than six café-au-lait patches, 94.5% had axillary freckling, 45% had inguinal freckling, and 87.5% had Lisch nodules. Cutaneous neurofibromas were observed in 96%, and 40% presented plexiform neurofibromas. A positive family history of NF1 was found in 60%, and mental retardation occurred in 35%. Some degree of scoliosis was noted in 49%, 51% had macrocephaly, 40% had short stature, 76% had learning difficulties, and 2% had optic gliomas. Unexpectedly high frequencies of plexiform neurofibromas, mental retardation, learning difficulties, and scoliosis were observed, probably reflecting the detailed clinical analysis methods adopted by the Neurofibromatosis Program. These same patients were screened for mutations in the GAP-related domain/GRD (exons 20-27a) by single-strand conformation polymorphism. Four different mutations (Q1189X, 3525-3526delAA, E1356G, c.4111-1G>A) and four polymorphisms (c.3315-27G>A, V1146I, V1317A, c.4514+11C>G) were identified. These data were recently published.
The objective of the present study was to determine the frequency of the most common clinical features in patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease in a sample of the Brazilian population. The medical records of 92 patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease attended during the period from 1985 to 2003 were reviewed. The following data were recorded: age at diagnosis, gender, associated clinical manifestations, occurrence of stroke, age at loss of renal function (beginning of dialysis), and presence of a family history. The involvement of abdominal viscera was investigated by ultrasonography. Intracranial alterations were prospectively investigated by magnetic resonance angiography in 42 asymptomatic patients, and complemented with digital subtraction arteriography when indicated. Mean age at diagnosis was 35.1 ± 14.9 years, and mean serum creatinine at referral was 2.4 ± 2.8 mg/dL. The most frequent clinical manifestations during the disease were arterial hypertension (63.3%), lumbar pain (55.4%), an abdominal mass (47.8%), and urinary infection (35.8%). Loss of renal function occurred in 27 patients (mean age: 45.4 ± 9.5 years). The liver was the second organ most frequently affected (39.1%). Stroke occurred in 7.6% of the patients. Asymptomatic intracranial aneurysm was detected in 3 patients and arachnoid cysts in 3 other patients. In conclusion, the most common clinical features were lumbar pain, arterial hypertension, abdominal mass, and urinary infection, and the most serious complications were chronic renal failure and stroke. Both intracranial aneurysms and arachnoid cysts occurred in asymptomatic patients at a frequency of 7.14%.
Dominance status among female marmosets is reflected in agonistic behavior and ovarian function. Socially dominant females receive submissive behavior from subordinates, while exhibiting normal ovulatory function. Subordinate females, however, receive agonistic behavior from dominants, while exhibiting reduced or absent ovulatory function. Such disparity in female fertility is not absolute, and groups with two breeding females have been described. The data reported here were obtained from 8 female-female pairs of captive female marmosets, each housed with a single unrelated male. Pairs were classified into two groups: "uncontested" dominance (UD) and "contested" dominance (CD), with 4 pairs each. Dominant females in UD pairs showed significantly higher frequencies (4.1) of agonism (piloerection, attack and chasing) than their subordinates (0.36), and agonistic behaviors were overall more frequently displayed by CD than by UD pairs. Subordinates in CD pairs exhibited more agonistic behavior (2.9) than subordinates in UD pairs (0.36), which displayed significantly more submissive (6.97) behaviors than their dominants (0.35). The data suggest that there is more than one kind of dominance relationship between female common marmosets. Assessment of progesterone levels showed that while subordinates in UD pairs appeared to be anovulatory, the degree of ovulatory disruption in subordinates of CD pairs was more varied and less complete. We suggest that such variation in female-female social dominance relationships and the associated variation in the degree and reliability of fertility suppression may explain variations of the reproductive condition of free-living groups of common marmosets.
Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is one of the most common human life-threatening monogenic disorders. The disease is characterized by bilateral, progressive renal cystogenesis and cyst and kidney enlargement, often leading to end-stage renal disease, and may include extrarenal manifestations. ADPKD is caused by mutation in one of two genes, PKD1 and PKD2, which encode polycystin-1 (PC1) and polycystin-2 (PC2), respectively. PC2 is a non-selective cation channel permeable to Ca2+, while PC1 is thought to function as a membrane receptor. The cyst cell phenotype includes increased proliferation and apoptosis, dedifferentiation, defective planar polarity, and a secretory pattern associated with extracellular matrix remodeling. The two-hit model for cyst formation has been recently extended by the demonstration that early gene inactivation leads to rapid and diffuse development of renal cysts, while inactivation in adult life is followed by focal and late cyst formation. Renal ischemia/reperfusion, however, can function as a third hit, triggering rapid cyst development in kidneys with Pkd1 inactivation induced in adult life. The PC1-PC2 complex behaves as a sensor in the primary cilium, mediating signal transduction via Ca2+ signaling. The intracellular Ca2+ homeostasis is impaired in ADPKD, being apparently responsible for the cAMP accumulation and abnormal cell proliferative response to cAMP. Activated mammalian target for rapamycin (mTOR) and cell cycle dysregulation are also significant features of PKD. Based on the identification of pathways altered in PKD, a large number of preclinical studies have been performed and are underway, providing a basis for clinical trials in ADPKD and helping the design of future trials.
Because caffeine may induce cyst and kidney enlargement in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD), we evaluated caffeine intake and renal volume using renal ultrasound in ADPKD patients. Caffeine intake was estimated by the average of 24-h dietary recalls obtained on 3 nonconsecutive days in 102 ADPKD patients (68 females, 34 males; 39 ± 12 years) and compared to that of 102 healthy volunteers (74 females, 28 males; 38 ± 14 years). The awareness of the need for caffeine restriction was assessed. Clinical and laboratory data were obtained from the medical records of the patients. Mean caffeine intake was significantly lower in ADPKD patients versus controls (86 vs 134 mg/day), and 63% of the ADPKD patients had been previously aware of caffeine restriction. Caffeine intake did not correlate with renal volume in ADPKD patients. There were no significant differences between the renal volumes of patients in the highest and lowest tertiles of caffeine consumption. Finally, age-adjusted multiple linear regression revealed that renal volume was associated with hypertension, chronic kidney disease stage 3 and the time since diagnosis, but not with caffeine intake. The present small cross-sectional study indicated a low level of caffeine consumption by ADPKD patients when compared to healthy volunteers, which was most likely due to prior awareness of the need for caffeine restriction. Within the range of caffeine intake observed by ADPKD patients in this study (0-471 mg/day), the renal volume was not directly associated with caffeine intake.
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is a type of therapy used primarily for analgesia, but also presents changes in the cardiovascular system responses; its effects are dependent upon application parameters. Alterations to the cardiovascular system suggest that TENS may modify venous vascular response. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of TENS at different frequencies (10 and 100 Hz) on venous vascular reactivity in healthy subjects. Twenty-nine healthy male volunteers were randomized into three groups: placebo (n=10), low-frequency TENS (10 Hz, n=9) and high-frequency TENS (100 Hz, n=10). TENS was applied for 30 min in the nervous plexus trajectory from the superior member (from cervical to dorsal region of the fist) at low (10 Hz/200 μs) and high frequency (100 Hz/200 μs) with its intensity adjusted below the motor threshold and intensified every 5 min, intending to avoid accommodation. Venous vascular reactivity in response to phenylephrine, acetylcholine (endothelium-dependent) and sodium nitroprusside (endothelium-independent) was assessed by the dorsal hand vein technique. The phenylephrine effective dose to achieve 70% vasoconstriction was reduced 53% (P<0.01) using low-frequency TENS (10 Hz), while in high-frequency stimulation (100 Hz), a 47% increased dose was needed (P<0.01). The endothelium-dependent (acetylcholine) and independent (sodium nitroprusside) responses were not modified by TENS, which modifies venous responsiveness, and increases the low-frequency sensitivity of α1-adrenergic receptors and shows high-frequency opposite effects. These changes represent an important vascular effect caused by TENS with implications for hemodynamics, inflammation and analgesia.
Positron-emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) has improved cyst infection (CI) management in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD). The determinants of kidney and/or liver involvement, however, remain uncertain. In this study, we evaluated clinical and imaging factors associated with CI in kidney (KCI) and liver (LCI) in ADPKD. A retrospective cohort study was performed in hospital-admitted ADPKD patients with suspected CI. Clinical, imaging and surgical data were analyzed. Features of infected cysts were evaluated by PET/CT. Total kidney (TKV) and liver (TLV) volumes were measured by CT-derived multiplanar reconstruction. CI was detected in 18 patients who experienced 24 episodes during an interval of 30 months (LCI in 12, KCI in 10 and concomitant infection in 2). Sensitivities of CT, magnetic resonance imaging and PET/CT were 25.0, 71.4, and 95.0%. Dysuria (P<0.05), positive urine culture (P<0.01), and previous hematuria (P<0.05) were associated with KCI. Weight loss (P<0.01) and increased C-reactive protein levels (P<0.05) were associated with LCI. PET/CT revealed that three or more infected cysts were present in 70% of the episodes. TKV was higher in kidney-affected than in LCI patients (AUC=0.91, P<0.05), with a cut-off of 2502 mL (72.7% sensitivity, 100.0% specificity). TLV was higher in liver-affected than in KCI patients (AUC=0.89, P<0.01) with a cut-off of 2815 mL (80.0% sensitivity, 87.5% specificity). A greater need for invasive procedures was observed in LCI (P<0.01), and the overall mortality was 20.8%. This study supports PET/CT as the most sensitive imaging method for diagnosis of cyst infection, confirms the multifocal nature of most hospital-admitted episodes, and reveals an association of kidney and liver volumes with this complication.
Pain is the most common symptom reported by ADPKD patients, afflicting approximately 60% of cases and may result from renal hemorrhage, calculi, urinary tract infections, cyst rupture, or due to stretching of the capsule or traction of the renal pedicle. We have recently investigated pain patterns in AD-PKD patients using a translated version of a pain questionnaire specific for AD-PKD population. The questionnaire revealed that 67% patients with ADPKD exhibited some type of pain. The findings of that study emphasized that pain appeared early in the course of ADPKD, when patients still exhibited preserved renal function. In the present study, a multivariate logistic regression analysis disclosed that renal volume (9-fold increased risk) and nephrolithiasis (4-fold increased risk) were the most important determinant factors for pain in ADPKD patients with preserved renal function, after adjustments for the presence of hypertension and duration of the disease.
Pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) plays an important role in regulating carbohydrate oxidation in skeletal muscle. PD H is deactivated by a set of PD H kinases (PD K 1-4) with PDK2 and 4 being the predominant isoforms in skeletal muscle. PDK2 is highly sensitive to pyruvate inhibition, and is the most abundant isoform, while PDKI and 4 protein content are normally lower. This study examined the PDK isoform content and PDHa activation in muscle at rest and 10 and 40 Hz stimulation from PDK2 knockout (PDK2KO) mice to delineate the role of PDK2 in activating the PDH complex during low and moderate intensity muscle contraction. PDHa activity was lower in PDK2KO mice during contraction while total PDK actitvity was -4 fold lower. PDK4 protein was not different, however PDKI partially compensated for the lack of PDK2 and was -56% higher than WT. PDKI is a very potent inhibitor of the PDH complex due to its phosphorylation site specificity and allosteric regulation. These results suggest that the site specificity and allosteric regulatory properties of the individual PDK isoforms are more important than total PDK activity in determining transformation of the complex and PDHa activity during acute muscle contraction.
Dans ce mémoire, nous abordons le problème de l’ensemble dominant connexe de cardinalité minimale. Nous nous penchons, en particulier, sur le développement de méthodes pour sa résolution basées sur la programmation par contraintes et la programmation en nombres entiers. Nous présentons, en l’occurrence, une heuristique et quelques méthodes exactes pouvant être utilisées comme heuristiques si on limite leur temps d’exécution. Nous décrivons notamment un algorithme basé sur l’approche de décomposition de Benders, un autre combinant cette dernière avec une stratégie d’investigation itérative, une variante de celle-ci utilisant la programmation par contraintes, et enfin une méthode utilisant uniquement la programmation par contraintes. Des résultats expérimentaux montrent que ces méthodes sont efficaces puisqu’elles améliorent les méthodes connues dans la littérature. En particulier, la méthode de décomposition de Benders avec une stratégie d’investigation itérative fournit les résultats les plus performants.
A dual-port microstrip antenna with a crescent shaped patch with excellent isolation betwecn the ports has been reportcd [I]. Since circular-sided geometries are inore compact than rectangular oncs, thcy find morc applications in microstrip arrays. The crcscent shaped antenna geometry [ I ] provides greater area rcductioii compared to other circular sided patches for broadband operation [2]. In this Lctter, formulac for calculating thc TM, I and TMZI mode resonant frequencies of this microstrip antenna, obtained by modifying the equations of a standard circular patch [3] are presentcd. Thcorctical results are compared with experimental observations aid the validity of the computation is established.
The arrow shaped microstrip antenna, which produces dual frequency dual polarisation operation with considera-ble size reduction compared to conventional patches has been reported [I]. These antennas provide greater area reduction and improved gain compared to drum shaped patches [2]. Prediction of the resonance frequency of drum shaped patches [3] and circular patches for broadband operation [4] are available in the literature. In this Letter, we propose empirical formulas for calculating the resonance frequencies of the arrow shaped microstrip antenna. These antennas can be employed for obtaining dual frequency with the same polarisation, bandwidth enhancement, circular polarisation etc. by varying its different parameters or by introducing slots. The proposed design equations provide an easier and simple way of predicting the resonant frequencies of these patches.
Dielectric properties of polyaniline at different frequencies were studied. Cavity perturbation technique was employed for the study. Poly aniline in the powder and pelletised forms were prepared under different environmental conditions. Different samples of poly aniline exhibit high conductivity. However, the conductivity of samples prepared under different environmental conditions is found to vary. All the samples in the powder form have high conductivity irrespective of the method of preparation. The high conductivity at microwave frequency makes it possible to be used for developing microwave components like filters.