227 resultados para Docents awarding
Summary of the course on Architectural History and Theory, EPS, UdG. This architectural history and theory program will study in roughly chronological order some of the major theories and theoreticians of architecture, from Vitruvius, through the Renaissance to the Enlightenment
Selection of student research papers, course Utopia and Avant-garde, Architecture, EPS, UdG
Aquest projecte de final de carrera sorgeix com a resposta a una necessitat existent dins de col•lectius laborals i docents de compartir documents i recursos. Per tal d’estabilitzar un sistema d’intercanvi que funcioni, és important que els préstecs siguin àgils i estiguin gestionats per un bon sistema. El projecte “Sistema web per al préstec de DVD en col•lectius tancats” té la finalitat de permetre als membres d’un col•lectiu tancat d’utilitzar un servei de préstecs de DVD via web. Aquest sistema facilita i gestiona l’intercanvi de DVD entre els usuaris del col•lectiu que estiguin registrats. La base de dades del conjunt dels DVD la formen els DVD que els mateixos usuaris registrats posen a disposició dels altres membres. Pel que fa a la gestió, el sistema incorpora un sistema automàtic d’enviament de correus electrònics i un gestor de temps per evitar que els préstecs no s’allarguin en excés. També està dotat de mesures de seguretat que garanteixen la privacitat als usuaris.
La tesi s'estructura al voltant de dues grans finalitats: la primera és identificar les destreses i capacitats professionals, basades en l'educació per a la sostenibilitat, necessàries per als educadors no formals que treballen en ciutats històriques. La segona consisteix en aportar un procés avaluatiu -dirigit a la finalitat anterior- d'un programa educatiu en funcionament: el Programa d'educació ambiental i coneixement de la ciutat de l'Ajuntament de Girona. S'aporten uns resultats per al cas d'estudi -punts forts, punts febles i propostes de millora- que poden induir als canvis i a la transformació del Programa. Quant a la formació d'educadors en ciutats històriques, s'identifiquen dotze àmbits formatius i seixanta-cinc destreses i capacitats professionals per a la seva formació. Els àmbits formatius són els següents: comunicació; dinamització de grups; pensament crític; visió holística de la realitat; compromís amb l'entorn; valors per a la sostenibilitat; visió històrica i patrimonial del medi; visió de futur del medi; metodologies i habilitats docents; avaluació i investigació; teories i pràctiques de l'educació per a la sostenibilitat; coneixements disciplinaris. Els àmbits i les destreses i capacitats professionals són justificats a partir dels resultats del cas d'estudi i dels marcs teòrics utilitzats en el desenvolupament de la investigació.
L'objectiu bàsic d'aquesta investigació es elaborar una proposta de criteris útil per a l'elaboració i revisió de les seqüències de continguts educatius al currículum. Per dur-lo a terme, s'han desenvolupat les tasques següents: - Revisió critica de les diferents aportacions al tema des de la psicologia, l'epis¬temologia i la didàctica. - Elaboració d'un conjunt de criteris, fonamentals i relacionats, per orientar el professorat i els dissenyadors de currículums i materials curriculars en la presa de decisions sobre la manera de presentar i desenvolupar els continguts educatius en els plans d'ensenyament, englobant de manera simultània les dife¬rents variables que intervenen. - Estudi d'un cas en el qual un equip docent d'Educació Primària elabora una seqüència educativa per a l'estudi dels essers vius, i l'experimenta a l'aula, ba¬sant-se en la proposta de criteris realitzada. L'estudi del cas ha cobert un període de quatre anys de treball conjunt de l'investigador i l'equip docent. Hipòtesis de treball: L'establiment d'un conjunt de criteris explícits que orientin l'anàlisi i l'elaboració de seqüències de continguts educatius per part dels equips docents pot ajudar a millorar el disseny i el desenvolupament del currículum als centres. Se suposa que els criteris esmentats: 1. Proporcionaran als docents una millor comprensió dels continguts educatius que ensenyen, de la seva estructura lògica i psicològica i, en conseqüència dels as¬pectes més rellevants per a l'ensenyament. 2. Situaran el professorat en unes millors condicions per elaborar seqüències d'ensenyament fonamentades i progressives. 3. Facilitaran l'adaptació de Is continguts educatius a les capacitats, el conei¬xements i les experiències prèvies de l'alumnat. 4. Afavoriran una presentació dels continguts a l'alumnat més organitzada i relacionada. 5. Comentaran un tractament mes equilibrat i integrat dels diferents tipus de continguts. Conclusions: - Els criteris proposats s'han mostrat útils i coherents per ajudar a analitzar i reconduir les seqüències educatives, mitjançant hipòtesis explícites fonamentades que els donin més coherència. - El tipus d'intervenció realitzada i la metodologia utilitzada en l'estudi del cas, basades a l'observació participant s'han mostrat útils per tractar els pro¬blemes plantejats. - Els resultats del treball realitzat tenen repercussions en la formació inicial i permanent del professorat i en el disseny dels currículums i materials curri¬culars. D'una altra banda, la seva generalització faria necessari la seva rèplica en altres etapes i àrees curriculars.
El projecte intenta resoldre el problema que suposa organitzar l'horari escolar en els centres docents. S'usa el Visual Bàsic per aconseguir, omplir i mostrar el contingut d’una base de dades feta amb Microsoft Access. Per generar el resultat, s'utilitza el llenguatge de programació lògica Prolog, el qual en ser un llenguatge declaratiu i utilitzant una llibreria de restriccions que permet fer modificacions d’una forma molt versàtil, aconsegueix un entorn de programació ideal per atacar aquest tipus de problema. Amb una interacció del Visual Bàsic amb el Prolog es pot mostrar d’una manera elegant i fàcil d’entendre el resultat obtingut
Competitive Dialogue (CD) is a new contract award procedure of the European Community (EC). It is set out in Article 29 of the 'Public Sector Directive' 2004/18/EC. Over the last decades, projects were becoming more and more complex, and the existing EC procedures were no longer suitable to procure those projects. The call for a new procedure resulted in CD. This paper describes how the Directive has been implemented into the laws of two member states: the UK and the Netherlands. In order to implement the Directive, both lawmakers have set up a new and distinct piece of legislation. In each case, large parts of the Directive’s content have been repeated ‘word for word’; only minor parts have been reworded and/or restructured. In the next part of the paper, the CD procedure is examined in different respects. First, an overview is given on the different EC contract award procedures (open, restricted, negotiated, CD) and awarding methods (lowest price and Most Economically Advantageous Tender, MEAT). Second, the applicability of CD is described: Among other limitations, CD can only be applied to public contracts for works, supplies, and services, and this scope of application is further restricted by the exclusion of certain contract types. One such exclusion concerns services concessions. This means that PPP contracts which are set up as services concessions cannot be awarded by CD. The last two parts of the paper pertain to the main features of the CD procedure – from ‘contract notice’ to ‘contract award’ – and the advantages and disadvantages of the procedure. One advantage is that the dialogue allows the complexity of the project to be disentangled and clarified. Other advantages are the stimulation of innovation and creativity. These advantages are set against the procedure’s disadvantages, which include high transaction costs and a perceived hindrance of innovation (due to an ambiguity between transparency and fair competition). It is concluded that all advantages and disadvantages are related to one of three elements: communication, competition, and/or structure of the procedure. Further research is needed to find out how these elements are related.
A case study on the tendering process and cost/time performance of a public building project in Ghana is conducted. Competitive bids submitted by five contractors for the project, in which contractors were required to prepare their own quantities, were analyzed to compare differences in their pricing levels and risk/requirement perceptions. Queries sent to the consultants at the tender stage were also analyzed to identify the significant areas of concern to contractors in relation to the tender documentation. The five bidding prices were significantly different. The queries submitted for clarifications were significantly different, although a few were similar. Using a before-and-after experiment, the expected cost/time estimate at the start of the project was compared to the actual cost/time values, i.e. what happened in the actual construction phase. The analysis showed that the project exceeded its expected cost by 18% and its planned time by 210%. Variations and inadequate design were the major reasons. Following an exploration of these issues, an alternative tendering mechanism is recommended to clients. A shift away from the conventional approach of awarding work based on price, and serious consideration of alternative procurement routes can help clients in Ghana obtain better value for money on their projects.
The deployment of genetic markers is of interest in crop assessment and breeding programmes, due to the potential savings in cost and time afforded. As part of the internationally recognised framework for the awarding of Plant Breeders’ Rights (PBR), new barley variety submissions are evaluated using a suite of morphological traits to ensure they are distinct, uniform and stable (DUS) in comparison to all previous submissions. Increasing knowledge of the genetic control of many of these traits provides the opportunity to assess the potential of deploying diagnostic/perfect genetic markers in place of phenotypic assessment. Here, we identify a suite of 25 genetic markers assaying for 14 DUS traits, and implement them using a single genotyping platform (KASPar). Using a panel of 169 UK barley varieties, we show that phenotypic state at three of these traits can be perfectly predicted by genotype. Predictive values for an additional nine traits ranged from 81 to 99 %. Finally, by comparison of varietal discrimination based on phenotype and genotype resulted in correlation of 0.72, indicating that deployment of molecular markers for varietal discrimination could be feasible in the near future. Due to the flexibility of the genotyping platform used, the genetic markers described here can be used in any number or combination, in-house or by outsourcing, allowing flexible deployment by users. These markers are likely to find application where tracking of specific alleles is required in breeding programmes, or for potential use within national assessment programmes for the awarding of PBRs.
Currently, multi-attribute auctions are becoming widespread awarding mechanisms for contracts in construction, and in these auctions, criteria other than price are taken into account for ranking bidder proposals. Therefore, being the lowest-price bidder is no longer a guarantee of being awarded, thus increasing the importance of measuring any bidder’s performance when not only the first position (lowest price) matters. Modeling position performance allows a tender manager to calculate the probability curves related to the more likely positions to be occupied by any bidder who enters a competitive auction irrespective of the actual number of future participating bidders. This paper details a practical methodology based on simple statistical calculations for modeling the performance of a single bidder or a group of bidders, constituting a useful resource for analyzing one’s own success while benchmarking potential bidding competitors.
In the global construction context, the best value or most economically advantageous tender is becoming a widespread approach for contractor selection, as an alternative to other traditional awarding criteria such as the lowest price. In these multi-attribute tenders, the owner or auctioneer solicits proposals containing both a price bid and additional technical features. Once the proposals are received, each bidder’s price bid is given an economic score according to a scoring rule, generally called an economic scoring formula (ESF) and a technical score according to pre-specified criteria. Eventually, the contract is awarded to the bidder with the highest weighted overall score (economic + technical). However, economic scoring formula selection by auctioneers is invariably and paradoxically a highly intuitive process in practice, involving few theoretical or empirical considerations, despite having been considered traditionally and mistakenly as objective, due to its mathematical nature. This paper provides a taxonomic classification of a wide variety of ESFs and abnormally low bids criteria (ALBC) gathered in several countries with different tendering approaches. Practical implications concern the optimal design of price scoring rules in construction contract tenders, as well as future analyses of the effects of the ESF and ALBC on competitive bidding behaviour.
Otto Klitogord (left) is depicted awarding the Hon. Andrew Clauson (right) with membership in TPS - June 26, 1952. Otto Klitgord was the first president of the New York City College of Technology. He was named director of the New York State Institute of Applied Arts and Sciences when it was formed in the 1946 and became president in the 1950s when the administration was reorganized. Klitgord served until 1960, making his tenure as president the longest in City Tech's history.
In awarding salary raises to faculty and staff university leaders must consider merit pay, market data, and salary equity of internal positions. This brief examines how institutions balance these considerations along with budget limitations to determine salary raises for all employees, and how several institutions have used raises to incentivize institutional achievement of strategic goals such as enrollment and retention.
This study aims to analyze the current systematics of Performance Appraisal used by the Brazilian Army, in a way that permits us to identify its characteristics that hinder it to fulfill the purposes and objectives to which it proposes. In order to do so, it is used the theoretical referential not only related to Performance Appraisal itself, but also that one that focus on the subjects related to it. In spite of the multiple forms Performance Appraisal can take, some internal characteristics and coherences must be observed so that the system can function correctly. Moreover, it can not be forgotten that, as a tool, the appraisal will be strongly influenced by the organizational culture where it is used. The organizational culture, in turn, does not find itself isolated from the society in which the organization operates. When all these characteristics are brought to the analyses of the system used by the Brazilian Army, several of problems emerges, including: the presence of objectives of antagonistic nature; the lack of linking with the organization strategy; the absence of mechanism to operate the objectives; appraisal used as a coercion tool, in the attempt to keep the domination system that begin to be contested; adoption of an appraisal method which strengthens the coercitive use of it and that does not propitiate a complete vision of the apprasee; the lack of steps on the appraisal process, including in the absence of parameters adoption for the appraisal, inserting great subjectivity into the system and supplying insufficient feedback to the appraisees; use of an instrument also of great subjectivity and reductionist; and a awarding system that, besides replying the distortions of the evaluation system, adds others.
O estudo das novas tecnologias de ensino/aprendizagem utilizadas pelos docentes em Administração no cotidiano da sala de aula é uma das temáticas mais debatidas na academia. Essas tecnologias são apreendidas e utilizadas por discentes e docentes incorporando-as, ou não, nas suas práticas educacionais. Sua descrição e compreensão são fundamentais para o desenvolvimento do campo organizacional. Descrever, no entanto, essas tecnologias utilizando as palavras do professor na condução da sua classe é um dos propósitos centrais desenvolvidos nessa pesquisa. Discutir, se as concepções pedagógicas dos cursos de Administração perpassam pelo sentido valorativo e conceitual daquilo que propõe a educação formal tornou-se evidente no decurso dissertativo. Problematizar o pensamento metafísico, a epistemologia dialética e o paradigma funcionalista com a episteme de Michel Foucault foi um ponto de chegada: Arqueologia. Argumenta-se de que forma as forças contraditórias e paradoxais existentes na educação garantem, de um lado, maiores possibilidades de subjetividades com atitudes críticas e, de outro, inibem a abordagem crítica e reflexiva com pedagogias instrumentais e utilitaristas. Essa relação multifacetada e permeada de variabilidade levou-nos a estudá-lo a partir da razão dialética. Tal vertente metodológica que possibilita a construção sintética e compreensão de seus fatores contributivos por meio da justaposição de tese e antítese que situam-se em condições opostas. Entretanto, não há interpretação. Os resultados obtidos na pesquisa de campo foram classificados em três categorias próprias ao método escolhido: totalidade, sistema de contradição e negação da negação. Em sua análise, optamos não explicar, mas sim, problematizar o paradigma dominante nos cursos de Administração. Sugerindo a sempre renovada possibilidade de atitude crítica nas práticas cotidianas dos docentes entrevistados. Dentro deste contexto essencialmente paradoxal, compreendemos o sentido dialético que os movimenta, acomete e surpreende a cada dia na sala de aula: da mesma forma que as práticas os limitam devido a conformação própria da educação, com seus instrumentos doutrinários; ao mesmo tempo, assegura-lhes, a possibilidade da construção ensino/aprendizagem com seus inéditos viáveis. Dimensões que apresentam-se como contraponto a uma literatura epistemológica funcionalista dominante e consideram um complexo multifacetado que, ao modelo da episteme de Michel Foucault, sugerem provocações muito além do bem e do mal.