892 resultados para Dispersed production system


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Computer modelling approaches have significant potential to enable decision-making about various aspects of responsive manufacturing. In order to understand the system prior to the selection of any responsiveness strategy, multiple process segments of organisations need to be modelled. The article presents a novel systematic approach for creating coherent sets of unified enterprise, simulation and other supporting models that collectively facilitate responsiveness. In this approach, enterprise models are used to explicitly define relatively enduring relationships between (i) production planning and control (PPC) processes, that implement a particular strategy and (ii) process-oriented elements of production systems, that are work loaded by the PPC processes. Coherent simulation models, can in part be derived from the enterprise models, so that they computer execute production system behaviours. In this way, time-based performance outcomes can be simulated; so that the impacts of alternative PPC strategies on the planning and controlling historical or forecasted patterns of workflow, through (current and possible future) production system models, can be analysed. The article describes the unified modelling approach conceived and its application in a furniture industry case study small and medium enterprise (SME). Copyright © 2010 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.


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Alpine meadow and shrub are the main pasture types on the Tibetan Plateau, and they cover about 35% of the total land area. In order to understand the structural and functional aspects of the alpine ecosystem and to promote a sustainable animal production system, the Haibei Alpine Meadow Research Station was established in 1976. A series of intensive studies on ecosystem structure and function, including the energy flow and nutrient cycling of the ecosystem, were the main tasks during the first 10 years. Meanwhile, studies with 5 different grazing intensities on both summer and winter pasture have been conducted. In the early years of the 1990s, the research station started to focus its research work on global warming, biodiversity and sustainable animal production systems in pastoral areas. Various methods for improving degraded pasturelands have been developed in the region.


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The Gangxi oil field has reached a stage of high water production. The reservoir parameters, such as reservoir physical characteristics, pore structure, fluid, have obviously changed. This thesis therefore carries out a study of these parameters that control reservoir characteristics, physical and chemical actions that have taken place within the reservoirs due to fluid injection, subsequent variations of reservoir macroscopic physical features, microscopic pore structures, seepages, and formation fluid properties. This study rebuilds a geologic model for this oil field, establishes a log-interpreting model, proposes a methodology for dealing with large pore channels and remnant oil distribution, and offers a basis for effective excavation of potential oil, recovery planning, and improvement of water-injection techniques. To resolve some concurrent key problems in the process of exploration of the Gangxi area, this thesis carries out a multidisciplinary research into reservoir geology, physical geography, reservoir engineering, and oil-water well testing. Taking sandstone and flow unit as objects, this study establishes a fine geologic model by a quantificational or semi-quantificational approach in order to understand the remnant oil distribution and the reservoir potential, and accordingly proposes a plan for further exploration. By rebuilding a geological model and applying reservoir-engineering methods, such as numerical simulation, this thesis studies the oil-water movement patterns and remnant-oil distribution, and further advances a deployment plan for the necessary adjustments and increase of recoverable reserves. Main achievements of this study are as follows: 1. The Minghazhen Formation in the Gangxi area is featured by medium-sinuosity river deposits, manifesting themselves as a transitional type between typical meandering and braided rivers. The main microfacies are products of main and branch channels, levee, inter-channel overflows and crevasse-splay floodplains. The Guantao Group is dominantly braided river deposit, and microfacies are mainly formed in channel bar, braided channel and overbank. Main lithofacies include conglomerate, sandstone, siltstone and shale, with sandstone facies being the principal type of the reservoir. 2. The reservoir flow unit of the Gangxi area can be divided into three types: Type I is a high-quality heterogeneous seepage unit, mainly distributed in main channel; Type II is a moderate-quality semi-heterogeneous seepage unit, mainly distributed in both main and branch channels, and partly seen within inter-channel overflow microfacies; Type III is a low-quality, relatively strong heterogeneous seepage unit, mainly distributed in inter-channel overflow microfacies and channel flanks. 3. Flow units and sedimentary microfacies have exerted relatively strong controls on the flowing of underground oil-water: (1) injection-production is often effective in the float units of Type I and II, whilst in the same group of injection-production wells, impellent velocity depends on flow unit types and injection-production spacing; (2) The injection-production of Type III flow unit between the injection-production wells of Type I and II flow units, however, are little effective; (3) there can form a seepage shield in composite channels between channels, leading to inefficient injection and production. 4. Mainly types of large-scale remnant-oil distribution are as follows: (1) remnant oil reservoir of Type III flow unit; (2) injection-production well group of remnant oil area of Type III flow unit; (3) remnant oil reservoirs that cannot be controlled by well network, including reservoir featured by injection without production, reservoir characterized by production without injection, and oil reservoir at which no well can arrive; (4) remnant oil area where injection-production system is not complete. 5. Utilizing different methods to deal with different sedimentary types, sub-dividing the columns of up to 900 wells into 76 chronostratigraphic units. Four transitional sandstone types are recognized, and contrast modes of different sandstone facies are summarized Analyzing in details the reservoirs of different quality by deciphering densely spaced well patterns, dividing microscopic facies and flow units, analyzing remnant oil distribution and its effect on injection-production pattern, and the heterogeneity. Theory foundation is therefore provided for further excavation of remnant oil. Re-evaluating well-log data. The understanding of water-flood layers and conductive formations in the Gangxi area have been considerably improved, and the original interpretations of 233 wells have changed by means of double checking. Variations of the reservoirs and the fluid and formation pressures after water injection are analyzed and summarized Studies are carried out of close elements of the reservoirs, fine reservoir types, oil-water distribution patterns, as well as factors controlling oil-gas enrichment. A static geological model and a prediction model of important tracts are established. Remaining recoverable reserves are calculated of all the oil wells and oil-sandstones. It is proposed that injection-production patterns of 348 oil-sandstones should be adjusted according to the analysis of adaptability of all kinds of sandstones in the injection-production wells.


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Aspectos economicos da criacao de aves em ambientes climatizados; Aspectos economicos e viabilidade da criacao de frangos nos sistemas convencionais e automatizado; Gerenciamento do ambiente na avicultura; Sistemas de climatizacao de instalacoes avicolas; Criterios para o planejameto de instalacoes avicolas para aves de postura; Avancos na area de equipamentos para postura; Sistemas de aquecimento para aves; Misting systems for poultry - dimension and applications; Sistemas de ventilacao natural e artificial na criacao de aves; Planning broiler housing for environmental control systems; Luz: criterios para o dimensionamento de programas em aviarios de corte e alternativas para a intensidade, cor e distribuicao; Ventilation to control poultry house air quality; A interacao ambiente X sanidade; Management, treatment, and utilization of poultry litter with respect to environmental protection.


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A gueroba, guariroba ou gariroba e uma palmeira importante para a populacao do Cerrado, sendo extraido dela um palmito de sabor amargo muito apreciado na culinaria regional. Esse produto e comercializado, geralmente, in natura e sua industrializacao ainda e artesanal. Seu principal mercado localiza-se nos Estados de Goias, Tocantins, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, algumas regoes da Bahia e de Minas Gerais e no Distrito Federal. Com a exploracao predatoria e a acelerada destruicao da vegetacao nativa por meio da expansao da fronteira agricola, a oferta do produto, oriunda do extrativismo, vem sendo reduzida substancialmente. No entanto, tem-se observado o cultivo dessa palmeira em alguns Estados, principalmente em Goias que, em 1999, cultivava 4.499 hectares. Neste estudo, encontra-se descrito o sistema de producao da cultura de gueroba, consorciada com milho e feijao, nos dois primeiro anos, bem como a matriz dos coeficientes tecnicos, as estimativas do Custo Operacional Efetivo (COE) e os fluxos liquidos de caixa, referentes a quatro alternativas de producao (gueroba-milho-feijao, laraja-pera-rio, milho e arroz de sequeiro) para um periodo de oito anos. Para comparar as diferentes alternativas de investimento, foi utilizado como principal indicador o Valor Atual Liquido (VAL) que considerando o nivel de preço medio, o valor estimado por hectare foi de R$ 35.599,60 para o consorcio queroba-milho-feijao; de R$ 20.994,74 para a cultura de laranja-pera-rio; de R$ 609,33 para o milho e de R$ (-810,36) para o arroz de sequeiro. Como indicadores-auxiliar, foram utilizados: a relacao beneficio/custo, o preco de equilibrio e a margem bruta. Os resultados indicam que, para as condicoes vigentes de mercado e os niveis de tecnologia considerados, o sistema gueroba proporciona, em todos os niveis de precos, o maior retorno do capital investido e maior relacao beneficio/custo.


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Métodos culturais; Adubação e calagem; Cultivares de milho para o Brasil; Secagem e Armazenamento; Comercialização.


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Brian Garrod, Roz Wornell and Ray Youell (2006). Re-conceptualising rural resources as countryside capital: The case of rural tourism. Journal of Rural Studies, 22 (1), 117-128. RAE2008


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This paper shows how the concepts of lean manufacturing can be successfully applied to software development. The key lean concept is to have a minimum of work in progress, which forces problems into the open. The time is then taken to fix the production system so the errors will not occur again.


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This case study examines how the lean ideas behind the Toyota production system can be applied to software project management. It is a detailed investigation of the performance of a nine-person software development team employed by BBC Worldwide based in London. The data collected in 2009 involved direct observations of the development team, the kanban boards, the daily stand-up meetings, semistructured interviews with a wide variety of staff, and statistical analysis. The evidence shows that over the 12-month period, lead time to deliver software improved by 37%, consistency of delivery rose by 47%, and defects reported by customers fell 24%. The significance of this work is showing that the use of lean methods including visual management, team-based problem solving, smaller batch sizes, and statistical process control can improve software development. It also summarizes key differences between agile and lean approaches to software development. The conclusion is that the performance of the software development team was improved by adopting a lean approach. The faster delivery with a focus on creating the highest value to the customer also reduced both technical and market risks. The drawbacks are that it may not fit well with existing corporate standards.


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The Biospheric Project is a nested multi-scalar urban agriculture project that aims to develop sustainable food systems in disadvantaged communities, though not only physical interventions, such as the urban masterplan and neighbourhood design to the building and its roof and façade, but also through social and commercial interventions, such as community involvement, businesses and a distribution system.

The project is focused around the Biospheric Foundation, a community interest company and research think-tank whose aim is to hasten our transition to a closed cycle, low-carbon economy. Its home is Irwell house, that houses a large-scale aquaponic-based food production system, which is directly linked to a whole-food shop (78 Steps, named after the distance from the productive system) and a whole food distribution system (the Whole Box). The building sits within a post-industrial landscape which is being developed into a new productive landscape, utilizing the the technologies developed by the Biospheric Foundation and Prof Greg Keeffe of Queens University Belfast. The collaboration links designer, academics and activists across the disciplines of Urban design, Architecture, Permaculture, landscape design, environmental science and business and community.


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In this paper we describe the design of a parallel solution of the inhomogeneous Schrodinger equation, which arises in the construction of continuum orbitals in the R-matrix theory of atomic continuum processes. A prototype system is described which has been programmed in occam2 and implemented on a bi-directional pipeline of transputers. Some timing results for the prototype system are presented, and the development of a full production system is discussed.