922 resultados para Discussion Paper
This e-mail conference has been organised by the DFID Aquatic Resources Management (ARM) Programme, S E Asia. It forms part of a wider process of consultation including links with other donors, with government and non-government partners and participatory livelihood assessments with vulnerable groups who benefit from aquatic resources. The objective is to provide a forum for professionals who have been involved in aquatic resources management in the context of poor peoples’ livelihoods, to share experiences, reflect on approaches and contribute to their development. Participants can submit poster presentations (2-pagers) and contribute to the discussions (via the conference website) organised around 5 key issues, set out in this discussion paper. After 4 weeks online the contributed posters and discussions will be edited into a document assessing approaches to aquatic resources management, which benefit livelihoods of poor people. This will be downloadable from the website. (PDF contains 134 pages)
This paper is a version of the discussion paper titled "Simple coalitional strategy profiles"
This article contains a discussion paper on the use of exotic species and genetically modified organisms in aquaculture and enhanced fisheries, together with a summary of ICLARM's (International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management, Philippines) current position on this important topic.
Instrumentos financeiros híbridos e/ou compostos têm sido tema constante em matéria de regulação contábil. A literatura positiva apresenta uma hipótese que ajuda a compreender o porquê de algumas firmas recorrerem a ditos instrumentos para captar recursos: nível de endividamento no limite de quebra de covenants contratuais. No Brasil, firmas com registro na CVM, que se utilizaram desses instrumentos, classificando-os no patrimônio líquido, tiveram suas ITRs e/ou DFs reapresentadas e/ou republicadas por determinação da CVM. O ponto crítico de toda a discussão reside na distinção entre um item de passivo e um item de patrimônio líquido. Esse tema está disciplinado na IAS 32 (PT CPC n. 39) e presente no Discussion Paper - A review of the conceptual framework for financial reporting, emitido pelo IASB em julho de 2013, que apresenta duas abordagens que podem ser utilizadas, visando a simplificar a distinção entre um item de passivo e de patrimônio líquido: a narrow equity approach - NEA e a strict obligation approach - SOA. A adoção de cada uma dessas abordagens terá um impacto diferente nos níveis de endividamento/alavancagem e no potencial de diluição de participação dos acionistas. Este trabalho tem como objetivo investigar abordagens para a classificação contábil das debêntures mandatoriamente conversíveis em ações, vis-à-vis a IAS 32 (PT CPC n. 39) e o Discussion Paper do IASB (NEA x SOA). A metodologia adotada é um estudo de caso de uma companhia aberta brasileira, que em 2010 emitiu debêntures mandatoriamente conversíveis e efetuou uma classificação desses instrumentos considerada inadequada pelo órgão regulador. Observa-se que a strict obligation approach é a abordagem que impacta menos no nível de endividamento, enquanto a narrow equity approach é a que apresenta maior alavancagem. As evidências sugerem os covenants contratuais como possíveis indutores de tal prática, fato que está em linha com o que a literatura da área documenta como fenômeno esperado. É bem verdade que no caso concreto, houve quebra contínua de covenants contratuais, corroborando a hipótese apresentada por SILVA (2008) de que o baixo custo de violação de covenants contribua para tal situação. Alternativamente, uma possível explicação para a escolha contábil da companhia reside na complexidade da IAS 32 (PT CPC 39) e desconhecimento de suas nuances.
This is a draft 2 of a discussion paper written for Boston University Libraries
The article examines the expansion of private water companies since 1989 the withdrawal from developing countries from 2003 onwards, and the economic impact of privatisation. The analysis is set in the context of the historical development of water services in the north and the south, showing that the role of private water companies since the start of the 20th century has been historically limited and exceptional. The impact of water privatisation is considered in relation to the issues of investment, prices, and efficiency, drawing on empirical evidence from the north and developing countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Particular attention is given to France and the UK, where private water companies, for different reasons, are most established. The evidence from both north and south shows systematic underinvestment, monopoly pricing, regulatory gaming, and no significant efficiency differences between public and private sector operators. In conclusion, the article identifies institutional policies including fiscal constraints and lending conditionalities as key drivers of privatisation, and questions whether these can sustain privatisation in the water sector where historical experience indicates it is an inappropriate solution.
A critical survey of the impact on public water of water multinationals, local private companies, and water-consuming multinationals.
A comprehensive global analysis of the use of public-public partnerships in water in over 60 countries.
The credit squeeze and recession are combining to make PPPs almost impossible to finance, anywhere in the world. Traditional government borrowing and procurement can still be used to implement infrastructure programmes.
Since 2006, there have been successful campaigns against commercialisation of public health services in the four central European countries – Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia.
A detailed study in the USA shows that workers experience a relative fall in earnings after a takeover by private equity. Also, companies bought by private equity are at great risk of defaulting on their debts in the next 2 years.
An analysis of how the World Bank has maintained a position supportive of mutlinational strategies for privatisation of water. (Brief version).
An analysis of how the World Bank has maintained a position supportive of multinational strategies for privatisation of water.
This paper by CEO, PSIRU and PSI details the continuing influence of water multinationals on the World Water Forum and its agenda.
A detailed review of the status of the world nuclear industry with particular emphasis on economic aspects.