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Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR
This study intends to analyze the regional influences for the language and the characterization of characters of the environment João Guimarães Rosa, stressing the important of language as cultural heritage. The study is based on the concepts of Culture and defended by Region of Cultural Geography, Language as an asset by Iphan, interviews and works of Rosa, and publications related to Rosa's works. Having the definition of place as a center of meaning constructed by experience (Tuan, 1983), and that the region is now seen based on the set of perceptions and lived down from seizures, evaluations, decisions and behaviors collectives (Bezzi, 2004), qualitative research provides grounds of the discussion it’s importance of communication and the same transcript. Through the study of language, characters and actions of the author's own notes to create the environment for the study of behavior, lived and / or imagined in the stories. Based on the literature review has set itself the aim of the study of the language coupled with the behavior of certain individuals of the same group have a cultural identity is recognized and valued as historic and cultural heritage
It is possible in many countries, perhaps all, there is business groups of pharmaceuticals industry, cosmetics together with the universities that use animals in scientific research and testing for the creation of new products and medicines. Currently is growing discussion about standards and criteria for the use of these animals (guinea pigs) and also increases the number of debates on ethical issues in research with animal models. This research seeks to portray the reality of the use of animals in scientific research academic at the University, specifically to research in physical education, as it has used animals in the areas of Physiology of Sport and Physical Activity, Nutrition for Athletes, among others. Initially is shown the pre-reflection, exposing the laws governing the subject, treating the animal experimentation with regard to its history and the issues of speciesism and the methodological mistake. It reveals what it is and as is the use of animals in education and the inability of the student to change that reality, to refuse to participate in the cruel activity, and even they are aware of their rights as in the case of the withdrawal of consciousness. Presents researchers and universities not use animals and ends the pre-debate showing Who is really the most animal research at the university by providing alternatives for them. We conducted a literature survey on animal experimentation, research universities, and alternative methods. The following is the phenomenon in understanding and awareness of the researchers who use animals in their research, conducting a phenomenological analysis of his speeches, revealing the meanings of their animal research. The focus of this study is, therefore, the analysis of discourses of researchers who carried out research using animal experiments (guinea pigs). The phenomenon of understanding of the researchers about their research is made clear... (Complete abstract click ectronic access below)
O Estado do Acre, território mais recentemente incorporado ao Brasil, até meados do século XIX apresentava em seu território apenas povos tribais ameríndios, que lá habitavam desde milênios. O histórico de povoamento mais recente do estado (a partir da segunda metade do século XIX) está atrelado com o mercado internacional da borracha, a região foi o destino de milhares de pessoas em busca de fazer a vida explorando as seringueiras. A partir de então uma série de disputas fundiárias ocorreram na região, o que foi um dos fatores que influenciaram na conformação da sociedade acreana. O movimento ambientalista surgiu no estado como resultado dessas disputas fundiárias na segunda metade do século XX. No final da década 90 o governo estadual, assimilando o discurso ambientalista, assume o governo com a Frente Popular do Acre, composta por uma série de partidos, com o autodenominado “Governo da Floresta” e usando o neologismo “florestania” como símbolo do projeto do governo. Apesar de utilizar amplamente em seu discurso temáticas ambientais e dos povos da floresta, acabou ao longo dos anos tendo atitudes com um cunho mais doutrinador do que emancipador. A discrepância entre a prática e o discurso do “Governo da Floresta” é então analisada a partir de conceitos como “Ecologia dos Saberes” e “Biopoder”, conceitos que auxiliam na identificação das atitudes de cunho doutrinador postas em prática pelo governo. Considerando como “ecologia dos saberes” aquela forma de conhecimento que tem a premissa um reconhecimento da pluralidade de conhecimentos heterogêneos que em interações sustentáveis e dinâmicas entre eles não comprometem suas autonomias e “biopoder” como aquela forma de poder que exerce a sua dominação sobre a própria vida da população, estabelecendo como é que esses devem viver
Facing the mechanical model that dominated the schools from the end of the 19th century to the 1970s, new movements for the Physical Education emerged during the 1980s. These movements aimed at breaking up with the military concept of sport that reigned so far. This way we assign a historical period marked by significant transformations in Brazilian Physical Education, especially in school, and they are related to the raise of new school proposals, such as: the developmentist, the constructivist and the critical-overcomer. All this considered, the present paper aims at analyzing if these tendencies really influenced the pedagogical practice of a group of Physical Education teachers in public schools of Serra Negra, SP.
Pós-graduação em Linguística e Língua Portuguesa - FCLAR
Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC
Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS
Since journalistic report is subject to certain pre-coded forms of narration, so that the recognized journalistic discourse is subject to a specific and standardized way of narrating the events, in this article, we will discuss the historical status of reality effects engendered narratively by news stories. Over time, although the use of reality effects is constant in news, the narrative techniques that harbor these effects have changed. In different historical periods, different narration codes had assumed the role of making the journalistic stories more credible. As material of analysis, we will show certain narrative techniques linked to reality effects used by magazines such as Revista da Semana (1900-1958), O Cruzeiro (1928-1975) and Manchete (1952-2000). Each one of these used certain storytelling techniques that have been abandoned in subsequent periods and that show the historical status of reality effects linguistically constructed in journalism.
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
Este trabajo desarrolla una visión de conjunto sobre la relación entre fenómenos histórico-sociales, ideologías y legislación acerca de la infancia. Describe el ámbito institucional, sus características y modalidades de asistencia y la evolución operada en las prácticas de protección a la infancia poniendo énfasis en la jurisdicción de Córdoba que ofrece marcadas diferencias tanto ideológico-culturales, cuanto respecto de su participación e influencia en el desarrollo histórico y jurídico del país. Realiza un análisis del discurso institucional y del académico jurídico posterior a la sanción del Código Civil, a través de tesis doctorales y otras fuentes históricas dando cuenta de las perspectivas que desde el campo intelectual y académico desarrollaron la lógica de intervención estatal sobre la infancia, hasta comienzos del siglo XX, cuando se sancionan leyes específicas de protección a nivel nacional y se formaliza la intervención del Estado mediante instituciones asistenciales y jurídicas que enmarcaron la protección a la infancia durante todo el siglo pasado
Este trabajo, centrado en el análisis del discurso providencialista en las obras de Bernáldez, Pulgar y Las Casas, pretende ser un aporte al estudio de la evolución del género cronístico, especialmente a la paradigmática relación crónica regia-crónica de indias. Veremos, primero, cómo este discurso determina todas las estrategias narrativas y la elección aparentemente azarosa de la materia narrada. Analizaremos luego en La Crónica de Pulgar cómo este punto de vista historiográfico varía en un episodio ?la Inquisición?, variación que se manifiesta como una de las primeras documentaciones de lo que sucederá más adelante con Las Casas. El trabajo nos llevará a probar cómo este discurso resulta efectivo a la hora de justificar y legitimar el devenir histórico, pero a la vez la tendencia comienza a ser ponerlo en jaque cuando hay implicancias ideológico-políticas. Estamos, tal vez, delante de una conciencia histórica diferente.