172 resultados para Discarding


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Multi-objective problems may have many optimal solutions, which together form the Pareto optimal set. A class of heuristic algorithms for those problems, in this work called optimizers, produces approximations of this optimal set. The approximation set kept by the optmizer may be limited or unlimited. The benefit of using an unlimited archive is to guarantee that all the nondominated solutions generated in the process will be saved. However, due to the large number of solutions that can be generated, to keep an archive and compare frequently new solutions to the stored ones may demand a high computational cost. The alternative is to use a limited archive. The problem that emerges from this situation is the need of discarding nondominated solutions when the archive is full. Some techniques were proposed to handle this problem, but investigations show that none of them can surely prevent the deterioration of the archives. This work investigates a technique to be used together with the previously proposed ideas in the literature to deal with limited archives. The technique consists on keeping discarded solutions in a secondary archive, and periodically recycle these solutions, bringing them back to the optimization. Three methods of recycling are presented. In order to verify if these ideas are capable to improve the archive content during the optimization, they were implemented together with other techniques from the literature. An computational experiment with NSGA-II, SPEA2, PAES, MOEA/D and NSGA-III algorithms, applied to many classes of problems is presented. The potential and the difficulties of the proposed techniques are evaluated based on statistical tests.


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The authors wish to acknowledge the valuable comments and suggestions made by members of the Committee of Fisheries of the European Parliament. The authors also thank the financial support of the European Parliament (IP/B/PECH/IC/2014–084) and the assistance of Ojama Priit and Marcus Brewer. SV acknowledges the financial support from the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) (Grant no 11-CAP2–1406) and the Galician Government (Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria, Xunta de Galicia) (Grant no R2014/023). MC acknowledges the financial support from the European Commission through the Marie Curie Career Integration Grant Fellowships – PCIG10-GA-2011–303534 - to the BIOWEB project. CP and GP acknowledge the financial support of Caixa Geral de Depósitos (Portugal) and the University of Aveiro. CP would also like to acknowledge FCT/MEC national funds and FEDER co-funding, within the PT2020 partnership Agreement and Compete 2020, for the financial support to CESAM (Grant no UID/AMB/50017/2013). JMDR and JGC thanks the financial support from the European Commission (MINOW H2020-SFS-2014–2, No 634495) and Xunta de Galicia (GRC 2015/014 and ECOBAS). MA acknowledges financial aid of Xunta de Galicia through Project GPC 2013–045. URS and CP acknowledge the Too Big to Ignore Partnership supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC).


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Cuttlefish are currently the highest yielding cephalopod group harvested in the north-east Atlantic. English Channel cuttlefish show seasonal migrations to and from deep offshore wintering grounds, which results in a large number of smaller cuttlefish within the offshore stocks, some of which are caught by trawlers. Discarding small cuttlefish from trawls may give them the opportunity to migrate inshore and spawn, but only if they survive. This study examined survival rates of small (<15-cm dorsal mantle length) cuttlefish caught on board a commercial beam trawler. Overall, 31% of the small cuttlefish caught remained alive by the time they reached the sorting table (immediate survival rate). This survival rate dropped to 16% after specimens were subsequently held in an on-board aquarium system for up to 72 h (short-term survival rate). Measures that reduce the capture of small cuttlefish in the first place and/or increase their survival could potentially benefit the stocks.


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Cuttlefish are currently the highest yielding cephalopod group harvested in the north-east Atlantic. English Channel cuttlefish show seasonal migrations to and from deep offshore wintering grounds, which results in a large number of smaller cuttlefish within the offshore stocks, some of which are caught by trawlers. Discarding small cuttlefish from trawls may give them the opportunity to migrate inshore and spawn, but only if they survive. This study examined survival rates of small (<15-cm dorsal mantle length) cuttlefish caught on board a commercial beam trawler. Overall, 31% of the small cuttlefish caught remained alive by the time they reached the sorting table (immediate survival rate). This survival rate dropped to 16% after specimens were subsequently held in an on-board aquarium system for up to 72 h (short-term survival rate). Measures that reduce the capture of small cuttlefish in the first place and/or increase their survival could potentially benefit the stocks.


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Among bivalve species, the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, is the most economically important bivalve production over the world. Today, C. gigas is subject to an important production effort that leads to an intensive artificial selection. Larval stage is relatively unknown, specifically in a domestication context. Genetic consequence of artificial selection is still at a preliminary study. We aimed to tackle the consequence of inconscient domestication on the variance reproductive success focusing on larval stage, keystone of the life cycle. We studied two kinds of specific selective processes that common hatchery rearing practices exert : the effect of discarding the smallest larvae on genetic diversity and the artificial environment rearing effect via the temperature providing a contrast resembling wild versus hatchery conditions (20 and 26°C). In order to monitor the effect of the selection of fast growing larvae by sieving, growth variability and genetic diversity in a larval population descended from a factorial breeding was studied. We used a mixed-family approach to reduce potentially confounding environmental biais. The retrospective assignment of individuals to family groups has been performed using a three microsatellite markers set. Two different rearing were carried out in parallel. For three (replicates) 50-l tanks, the smallest larvae were progressively discarded by selective sieving, whereas for the three others no selective sieving was performed. The intensity of selective sieving was adjusted so as to discard 50% of the larvae over the whole rearing period in a progressive manner. As soon as the larvae reached the pediveliger stage, ready to settle larvae were sampled for genetic analysis. Regarding the artificial environment rearing effect via the temperature, we used a similar mixed-family approach. The progeny from a factorial breeding design was divided as follows: three (replicates) 50-l tanks were dedicaced to a rearing at 26°C versus 20°C for three others 50-l tanks. The whole size variability was preserved for this experiment. Individual growth measurements for larvae genetically identified have been performed at days 22 and 30 after fertilization for both conditions. In a same way, we collected individual measurements for genotyped juvenile oysters (80 days after fertilization). At a phenotypic scale, relative survival and settlement success for larvae with sieving were higher. Sieving appears as a time-saving process associated with a better relative survival ratio. But in the same time, our results confirm that a significant genetic variability exist for early developmental traits in the Pacific oyster. This is congruent with the results already obtained that investigated genetic variability and genetic correlations in early life-history traits of Crassostrea gigas. Discarding around 50% of the smallest larvae can lead to significant selection at the larval stage.


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L'industrialisation et l'urbanisation de la ville de Sherbrooke débutent au milieu du 19e siècle grâce à l'énergie hydraulique que fournit la rivière Magog et à l'implication de la British American Land Company. Diverses industries s'installent provoquant ainsi l'arrivée de Canadiens français et d'Irlandais en quête de travail. La population, d'abord anglophone et britannique, devient, dès 1871. majoritairement canadienne-française et elle se répartit dans quatre quartiers distincts. Les conditions de vie à Sherbrooke sont alors difficiles, car la promiscuité, le manque d'hygiène, la maladie et la criminalité sévissent. De plus, le chômage frappe assez fréquemment les familles ouvrières dont la vie est façonnée par les cycles économiques. L'insécurité financière dans laquelle elles vivent les oblige à réclamer l'assistance de leur parenté ou de la charité publique. Pour venir en aide à ces familles démunies, l'évêque fondateur du diocèse de Sherbrooke, Mgr Antoine Racine, réclame, dès 1674, la fondation d'une institution de charité. L'année suivante, l'Hospice du Sacré-Coeur ouvre ses portes, sous la direction des Soeurs de la Charité de Saint-Hyacinthe, pour secourir les malades, les vieillards et les orphelins. Dans le cadre de ce mémoire, nous avons limité nos recherches à l’oeuvre des orphelins de l'Hospice du Sacré-Coeur, laissant dans l'ombre les autres oeuvres de cette institution. Il nous apparaissait impossible d'étudier les deux principales catégories de bénéficiaires, les vieillards et les orphelins, car elles relèvent de circonstances et de phénomènes différents. L'Hospice du Sacré-Cœur n'a jamais fait l'objet d'une analyse historique, seules Louise Brunelle-Lavoie et Jovette Dufort-Caron lui ont consacré quelques pages dans leur livre sur l'Hôpital Saint-Vincent-de-Paul de Sherbrooke. Notre mémoire est donc consacré à un sujet jusqu'à présent inexploité par l'historiographie québécoise. Étant située au carrefour de l'histoire de l'enfance, de l'assistance sociale et de la famille, notre étude contribue à une meilleure connaissance de l'ensemble de la société québécoise. L'historiographie de la protection de l'enfance au Canada anglais est dominée par quatre auteurs : Neil Sutherland, Joy Parr, Patricia T. Rooke et Rodolph L. Schnell, le pionnier dans ce domaine. Neil Sutherland a publié en 1976 Children in English-Canadian Society; Framing the Twentieth-Century Consensus. Cet ouvrage présente les différentes réformes concernant la santé des enfants, le traitement des délinquants et l'éducation dans la communauté anglophone du Canada de 1870 à 1920. Sutherland estime que ces réformes témoignent de l'émergence d'une nouvelle conception de l'enfant à l'aube du 20e siècle. S'intéressant davantage au vécu des enfants qu'à l'organisation de l'assistance, Labouring Children; British immigrant Apprentices to Canada, 1869-1924 de Joy Parr, paru en 1980, retrace les conditions de vie des enfants démunis d'Angleterre qui ont été envoyés au Canada pour être mis en apprentissage chez des cultivateurs. Il faut aussi noter que plusieurs autres historiens et historiennes ont traité ce sujet mais d'une façon plus fragmentaire. En 1982, Childhood and Family in Canadien History, un ouvrage collectif sous la direction de Joy Parr, aborde les questions suivantes : l'enfance en Nouvelle-France, l'éducation en milieu rural, l'exil des jeunes néo-écossais, la (délinquance juvénile et le recours à l'orphelinat comme stratégie familiale en milieu ouvrier. On y retrouve, entre autres, un article de Bettina Bradbury dont nous reparlerons plus loin. Patricia Rooke et Rodolph L. Schnell travaillent en collaboration depuis plusieurs années. Ce sont, sans contredit, les auteurs les plus prolifiques en histoire de la protection de l'enfance. Ils ont étudié, dans quelques articles, les Protestant Orphan Homes, mais ils ne se sont jamais arrêtés sur les institutions catholiques. En 1982, ils ont publié Studies in Childhood History; A Canadien Perspective, un recueil d'articles, mais leur oeuvre majeur demeure Discarding the Asvlum: From Child Rescue to the Welfare State in English-Canada(1800-1950), paru un an plus tard. Fruit de cinq années de recherches, cette monographie retrace l'histoire de l'assistance institutionnelle de l'enfance, ses transformations et finalement son abandon comme méthode d'aide sociale [...].


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Second order matrix equations arise in the description of real dynamical systems. Traditional modal control approaches utilise the eigenvectors of the undamped system to diagonalise the system matrices. A regrettable consequence of this approach is the discarding of residual o-diagonal terms in the modal damping matrix. This has particular importance for systems containing skew-symmetry in the damping matrix which is entirely discarded in the modal damping matrix. In this paper a method to utilise modal control using the decoupled second order matrix equations involving nonclassical damping is proposed. An example of modal control sucessfully applied to a rotating system is presented in which the system damping matrix contains skew-symmetric components.


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Second order matrix equations arise in the description of real dynamical systems. Traditional modal control approaches utilise the eigenvectors of the undamped system to diagonalise the system matrices. A regrettable consequence of this approach is the discarding of residual off-diagonal terms in the modal damping matrix. This has particular importance for systems containing skew-symmetry in the damping matrix which is entirely discarded in the modal damping matrix. In this paper a method to utilise modal control using the decoupled second order matrix equations involving non-classical damping is proposed. An example of modal control successfully applied to a rotating system is presented in which the system damping matrix contains skew-symmetric components.


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Simplifying the Einstein field equation by assuming the cosmological principle yields a set of differential equations which governs the dynamics of the universe as described in the cosmological standard model. The cosmological principle assumes the space appears the same everywhere and in every direction and moreover, the principle has earned its position as a fundamental assumption in cosmology by being compatible with the observations of the 20th century. It was not until the current century when observations in cosmological scales showed significant deviation from isotropy and homogeneity implying the violation of the principle. Among these observations are the inconsistency between local and non-local Hubble parameter evaluations, baryon acoustic features of the Lyman-α forest and the anomalies of the cosmic microwave background radiation. As a consequence, cosmological models beyond the cosmological principle have been studied vastly; after all, the principle is a hypothesis and as such should frequently be tested as any other assumption in physics. In this thesis, the effects of inhomogeneity and anisotropy, arising as a consequence of discarding the cosmological principle, is investigated. The geometry and matter content of the universe becomes more cumbersome and the resulting effects on the Einstein field equation is introduced. The cosmological standard model and its issues, both fundamental and observational are presented. Particular interest is given to the local Hubble parameter, supernova explosion, baryon acoustic oscillation, and cosmic microwave background observations and the cosmological constant problems. Explored and proposed resolutions emerging by violating the cosmological principle are reviewed. This thesis is concluded by a summary and outlook of the included research papers.


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The study aim was to test whether a 12-week publically rebated group programme, based upon Steketee and Frost's Cognitive Behavioural Therapy-based hoarding treatment, would be efficacious in a community-based setting. Over a 3-year period, 77 participants with clinically significant hoarding were recruited into 12 group programmes. All completed treatment; however, as this was a community-based naturalistic study, only 41 completed the post-treatment assessment. Treatment included psychoeducation about hoarding, skills training for organization and decision making, direct in-session exposure to sorting and discarding, and cognitive and behavioural techniques to support out-of-session sorting and discarding, and nonacquiring. Self-report measures used to assess treatment effect were the Savings Inventory-Revised (SI-R), Savings Cognition Inventory, and the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scales. Pre-post analyses indicated that after 12 weeks of treatment, hoarding symptoms as measured on the SI-R had reduced significantly, with large effect sizes reported in total and across all subscales. Moderate effect sizes were also reported for hoarding-related beliefs (emotional attachment and responsibility) and depressive symptoms. Of the 41 participants who completed post-treatment questionnaires, 14 (34%) were conservatively calculated to have clinically significant change, which is considerable given the brevity of the programme judged against the typical length of the disorder. The main limitation of the study was the moderate assessment completion rate, given its naturalistic setting. This study demonstrated that a 12-week group treatment for hoarding disorders was effective in reducing hoarding and depressive symptoms in an Australian clinical cohort and provides evidence for use of this treatment approach in a community setting. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. KEY PRACTITIONER MESSAGE: A 12-week group programme delivered in a community setting was effective for helping with hoarding symptoms with a large effect size. Hoarding beliefs (emotional attachment and responsibility) and depression were reduced, with moderate effect sizes. A third of all participants who completed post-treatment questionnaires experienced clinically significant change. Suggests that hoarding CBT treatment can be effectively translated into real-world settings and into a brief 12-session format, albeit the study had a moderate assessment completion rate.


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Mapping has in recent years become one of the most common architectural strategies to approach the knowledge of reality. Its real or apparent objectivity has led, in many cases, to consider this system as the only valid approximation to an object of study, discarding other more synthetic, intuitive and impervious procedures of systematic analysis for being partial and subjective. Leaving aside these erroneous exclusions, it is undeniable that the sophisticated contemporary development of maps has produced an enormous range of possibilities.


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Cette-recherche-action émerge d’une problématique élaborée à partir de l’observation des pratiques catéchétiques à la paroisse Saint-Joachim dans le diocèse de Montréal. L’essentiel du projet se situe en théologie pratique, menée dans le cadre de la praxéologie pastorale. Un premier chapitre situe l’historique de la catéchèse en paroisse. Le deuxième déploie l’observation de la pratique à partir des pôles structurels et des fonctions d’élaboration, mais aussi par la mise à contribution des parents qui ont accepté de répondre à un questionnaire. Le troisième pose la problématique de la mise à l’écart des parents dans l’éducation à la foi et est suivi d’une interprétation sur un changement de posture et un appel à la coéducation dans la foi tout en prenant compte des évolutions des familles à l’égard du religieux. Cela est fait à partir de référents théologiques principalement, enrichis de référents dans les domaines de l’éducation et des sciences sociales. Des pistes à envisager avec les parents et avec les catéchètes sont ensuite formulées, avec un accent mis sur la pratique du dialogue pastoral et la notion d’accompagnement, et également en faisant le lien avec les différentes dimensions de la vie chrétienne. Le dernier chapitre veut offrir une prospective dans la transmission de la foi en révélant le rôle missionnaire de la catéchèse qui s’accorde avec la nouvelle évangélisation et la pastorale des familles.


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Ce mémoire de recherche-création est accompagné du court métrage «Tala». Pour visionner en ligne : vimeo.com/ondemand/talapierphilippechevigny


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Cette-recherche-action émerge d’une problématique élaborée à partir de l’observation des pratiques catéchétiques à la paroisse Saint-Joachim dans le diocèse de Montréal. L’essentiel du projet se situe en théologie pratique, menée dans le cadre de la praxéologie pastorale. Un premier chapitre situe l’historique de la catéchèse en paroisse. Le deuxième déploie l’observation de la pratique à partir des pôles structurels et des fonctions d’élaboration, mais aussi par la mise à contribution des parents qui ont accepté de répondre à un questionnaire. Le troisième pose la problématique de la mise à l’écart des parents dans l’éducation à la foi et est suivi d’une interprétation sur un changement de posture et un appel à la coéducation dans la foi tout en prenant compte des évolutions des familles à l’égard du religieux. Cela est fait à partir de référents théologiques principalement, enrichis de référents dans les domaines de l’éducation et des sciences sociales. Des pistes à envisager avec les parents et avec les catéchètes sont ensuite formulées, avec un accent mis sur la pratique du dialogue pastoral et la notion d’accompagnement, et également en faisant le lien avec les différentes dimensions de la vie chrétienne. Le dernier chapitre veut offrir une prospective dans la transmission de la foi en révélant le rôle missionnaire de la catéchèse qui s’accorde avec la nouvelle évangélisation et la pastorale des familles.


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Ce mémoire de recherche-création est accompagné du court métrage «Tala». Pour visionner en ligne : vimeo.com/ondemand/talapierphilippechevigny