156 resultados para Diospyros Kaki
To better understand Holocene vegetation and hydrological changes in South Africa, we analyzed pollen and microcharcoal records of two marine sites GeoB8331 and GeoB8323 from the Namaqualand mudbelt offshore the west coast of South Africa covering the last 9900 and 2200 years, respectively. Our data corroborate findings from literature that climate developments apparently contrast between the summer rainfall zone (SRZ) and winter rainfall zone (WRZ) over the last 9900 years, especially during the early and middle Holocene. During the early Holocene (9900-7800 cal.yr BP), a minimum of grass pollen suggests low summer rainfall in the SRZ, and the initial presence of Renosterveld vegetation indicates relatively wet conditions in the WRZ. Towards the middle Holocene (7800-2400 cal. yr BP), a rather moist savanna/grassland rich in grasses suggests higher summer rainfall in the SRZ resulting from increased austral summer insolation and a decline of fynbos vegetation accompanied by an increasing Succulent Karoo vegetation in the WRZ possibly suggests a southward shift of the Southern Hemisphere westerlies. During the last 2200 years, a trend towards higher aridity was observed for the SRZ, while the climate in the WRZ remained relatively stable. The Little Ice Age (ca. 700-200 cal. yr BP) was rather cool in both rainfall zones and drier in the SRZ while wetter in the WRZ.
A high resolution marine pollen record from site GeoB1023, west of the northern Namib desert provides data on vegetation and climate change for the last 21 ka at an average resolution of 185 y. Pollen and spores are mainly delivered to the site by the Cunene river and by surface and mid-tropospheric wind systems. The main pollen source areas are located between 13°S and 21°S, which includes the northern Namib desert and semi-desert, the Angola-northern Namibian highland, and the north-western Kalahari. The pollen spectra reflect environmental changes in the region. The last glacial maximum (LGM) was characterised by colder and more arid conditions than at present, when a vegetation with temperate elements such as Asteroideae, Ericaceae, and Restionaceae grew north of 21°S. At 17.5 ka cal. B.P., an amelioration both in temperature and humidity terminated the LGM but, in the northern Kalahari, mean annual rainfall in the interval 17.5-14.4 ka cal. B.P. was probably 100-150 mm lower than at present (400-500 mm/y). The Late-glacial to early Holocene transition includes two arid periods, i.e. 14.4-12.5 and 10.9-9.3 ka cal. B.P. The last part of the former period may be correlated with the Younger Dryas. The warmest and most humid period in the Holocene occurred between 6.3 and 4.8 ka cal. B.P. During the last 2000 years, human impact, as reflected by indications of deforestation, enhanced burning and overgrazing, progressively intensified.
Palynological investigation of the marine core, GeoB1008-3, from near the mouth of the Congo river (6°35.6'S/10°19.1'E), provides information about the changes in vegetation and climate in West Equatorial Africa during the last 190 ka. The pollen diagram is divided into zones 1-6 which are considered to correspond in time with the marine isotope stages 1-6. Oscillations in temperature and moisture are indicated during the cold stage 6. During stage 5, two cooler periods (5d and 5b) can be shown with an expansion of Podocarpus forests to lower elevations on the expense of lowland rain forest. Extended mangrove swamps existed along the coast in times of high sea level (stages 5 and 1).
Palynological data of the marine core M 16415-2 show latitudinal shifts of the northern fringe of the tropical rain forest in north-west Africa during the last 700 ka. Savanna and dry open forest expanded southwards and tropical rain forest expanded northwards during dry and humid periods, respectively. Until 220 ka B.P., the tropical rain forest probably kept its zonal character in West Africa during glacials and interglacials. It is only during the last two glacial periods that the rain forest possibly fragmented into refugia. Throughout the Brunhes chron, pollen and spore transport was mainly by trade winds.
Cianamida hidrogenada na quebra de dormência das gemas e fenologia do caquizeiro em clima semiárido.
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar os estádios fenológicos e avaliar a brotação de caquizeiros ?Rama Forte Tardio? tratados com cianamida hidrogenada, no Vale do São Francisco, em Petrolina, Pernambuco.
A produção mundial de caqui foi de 4.637.357 toneladas em 2013, tendo o Brasil contribuído com 173.169 toneladas da fruta, produção que o posiciona como quarto maior produtor mundial, superado pela China, Coréia do Sul e Japão (FAO, 2015). Para Fachinello et al. (2011) a cultura do caquizeiro apresenta viabilidade econômica para o setor de frutícola no Brasil por evidenciar destaque no mercado nacional, devido a possibilidade de obtenção de boa produtividade, com reduzido emprego de insumos, pela boa adaptabilidade a diferentes condições climáticas e possibilidade de exportação. Nesse contexto, estudos fenológicos e fisiológicos com cultivares de macieiras e pereiras, também originadas de clima temperado têm demonstrado bom desempenho agronômico no Vale do São Francisco. Dessa forma, há subsídios para que o caquizeiro represente uma possibilidade de produção em condição semiárida tropical de elevada temperatura e taxa evapotranspirativa e baixa umidade relativa do ar. Para desencadear essa sequência de estádios fonológicos do caquizeiro, há necessidade de se quebrar a dormência das gemas, técnica que pode ser um fator limitante, pois para o crescimento adequado da cultura são necessárias 504 h de frio, com temperatura abaixo de 7,2°C para a quebra da dormência (AYUB et al., 2009; FAQUIM et al., 2007). Assim, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar a produtividade e a qualidade de frutos de caquizeiros ?Rama Forte Tardio? tratados com cianamida hidrogenada, no Vale do São Francisco, Petrolina, Pernambuco