185 resultados para Digitalization
O trabalho trata da tecnologia de radiodifusão em processo de digitalização. Estabelece os elementos históricos fundamentais que contribuíram para a consolidação de uma indústria da comunicação, características demonstradas nos debates e argumentações em torno da digitalização do setor. Através da descrição das tecnologias digitais a serem empregadas na transição foi possível identificar os potenciais tecnológicos que são formatados socialmente nos atos pela padronização técnica, expondo as limitações e o teor conservador que uma nova tecnologia pode representar.(AU)
O trabalho trata da tecnologia de radiodifusão em processo de digitalização. Estabelece os elementos históricos fundamentais que contribuíram para a consolidação de uma indústria da comunicação, características demonstradas nos debates e argumentações em torno da digitalização do setor. Através da descrição das tecnologias digitais a serem empregadas na transição foi possível identificar os potenciais tecnológicos que são formatados socialmente nos atos pela padronização técnica, expondo as limitações e o teor conservador que uma nova tecnologia pode representar.
Aquestes fotografies de Nova York i de Boston, totes en blanc i negre, es van fer en abril del 1990, amb una cambra rèflex Asahi Pentax Spotmatic II amb objectiu de 50 mm, tot fent servir negatius Kodak Safety Film 5063. El Museu de la Universitat d’Alacant en conserva una col·lecció completa; vuitanta-set còpies fotogràfiques de 32 x 24 cm amb tintes Ultrachrome sobre paper Ilford Gold Fibre Silk de 310 gr/m² realitzades al “Estudio Paco Mora” de València l’any 2015, amb digitalització prèvia a partir dels negatius originals mitjançant un escàner Haselblad Flextight X 1 a una resolució de 3.200 punts per polzada.
Aquestes fotografies de París, totes en color, es van fer en novembre del 1973 amb una cambra rèflex Asahi Pentax Spotmatic II amb objectiu de 50 mm, tot fent servir diapositives Orwo, Kodak i Agfa. El Museu de la Universitat d’Alacant en conserva una col·lecció completa; 147 còpies fotogràfiques de 32 x 24 cm amb tintes Ultrachrome sobre paper Ilford Gold Fibre Silk de 310 gr/m² realitzades al “Estudio Paco Mora” de València l’any 2015, amb digitalització prèvia a partir de les diapositives originals mitjançant un escàner Haselblad Flextight X 1 a una resolució de 3.200 punts per polzada.
Due to the current digitalization of the music industry it has become more important than ever for musicians to get their music placed in advertising. This process is frequently described as a win-win situation for both sides: the musician gets money and exposure while the brand gets to ride on the musician’s pop-cultural position in society. The following thesis is focused on identifying the different ways brands work with music in their TV-advertising, and what effects the brand of the featured artist might have on the brand itself. Using text analysis, six advertisements all shown on Swedish TV during the first half of 2016 were analyzed, with the result that four major recurring themes were identified: nostalgia, text-related usage, making the advert memorable and making the advert into entertainment. The study also found three ways in which a band profile could serve a brand: (I) to make the advert an artifact of popular culture, (II) to let the brand ride on the bands success, (III) to give credibility to the brand. The study was based on brand theory, sensory branding and semiotics as well as David Hurons theory on the different usages of music in advertising.
One of critical challenges in automatic recognition of TV commercials is to generate a unique, robust and compact signature. Uniqueness indicates the ability to identify the similarity among the commercial video clips which may have slight content variation. Robustness means the ability to match commercial video clips containing the same content but probably with different digitalization/encoding, some noise data, and/or transmission and recording distortion. Efficiency is about the capability of effectively matching commercial video sequences with a low computation cost and storage overhead. In this paper, we present a binary signature based method, which meets all the three criteria above, by combining the techniques of ordinal and color measurements. Experimental results on a real large commercial video database show that our novel approach delivers a significantly better performance comparing to the existing methods.
O trabalho trata da tecnologia de radiodifusão em processo de digitalização. Estabelece os elementos históricos fundamentais que contribuíram para a consolidação de uma indústria da comunicação, características demonstradas nos debates e argumentações em torno da digitalização do setor. Através da descrição das tecnologias digitais a serem empregadas na transição foi possível identificar os potenciais tecnológicos que são formatados socialmente nos atos pela padronização técnica, expondo as limitações e o teor conservador que uma nova tecnologia pode representar.(AU)
ACM Computing Classification System (1998): J.2.
ACM Computing Classification System (1998): I.7, I.7.5.
We investigate digitalization and security of the Bulgarian and Indian cultural artifacts in multimedia archive. In the paper we describe project implementation and methods for intellectual property protection that are result of bilateral cultural and scientific cooperation between research-workers in India and Bulgaria.
Modern technologies have changed the way of presenting information in archives. This makes it possible to introduce new services, which was unimaginable a few years ago. Digitalization, security and virtual presentation of objects in the sphere of motoring by application of technologies, based on knowledge about how to create digital resources is the theme of this project. The aim of AutoKnow project is to carry out a research and create a multi- media digital archive AutoKnow and Experimental Virtual Motor Laboratory (EVML) with Motor Library (ML) from digital multi-media patterns from a selected group of objects in the sphere of automobile technology, presented by NMU. This makes it possible to widely apply multi-media collections in automobile engineering, teaching, research work in that sphere and serve the interests of a large number of auto-amateurs as well in Bulgaria. The research and development of АutoKnow is in the following mutually related fields: - Creation and annotation of collections of objects in the sphere of automobiles; - Creation, analysis and security of a digital archive AutoKnow; - Design and creation of Digital Motor Library; - Socially-oriented applications in education, scientific studies and Experimental Virtual Motor Laboratory; - Informational System for teaching and testing of knowledge in the sphere of automobiles MindCheck.
Nowadays the great public libraries in Bulgaria are gaining the appearance of digital centers which provide new informational resources and services in the digital space. The digital conversion as a way of preservation is one of the important priorities of Regional Public Library in Veliko Tarnovo. In the last few years we persistently search for possible ways of financing by national and foreign programs in this direction. In the beginning the strategy was oriented to digitalization of the funds with most urgent conversion – these of the local studies periodicals from 1878 till 1944 year. The digitalization of funds will create conditions of laying the basement of full text database of Bulgarian periodical publications. The technology that is offered gives opportunities for including other libraries in the Unified index, which can develop it into a National Unified index of periodical publications. The integrated informational environment that is created is an attractive, comfortable and useful place for work in home or at work for researchers, historians, art experts, bibliographers. The library readers use very actively all informational services of the library internet page and work competently with the on-line indexes provided there, they find the necessary title, which can be demanded later for usage in home or in the library, using electronic means again.
The key to prosperity in today's world is access to digital content and skills to create new content. Investigations of folklore artifacts is the topic of this article, presenting research related to the national program „Knowledge Technologies for Creation of Digital Presentation and Significant Repositories of Folklore Heritage” (FolkKnow). FolkKnow aims to build a digital multimedia archive "Bulgarian Folklore Heritage” (BFH) and virtual information portal with folk media library of digitized multimedia objects from a selected collection of the fund of Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Studies with Ethnographic Museum (IEFSEM) of the Bulgarian Academy of Science (BAS). The realization of the project FolkKnow gives opportunity for wide social applications of the multimedia collections, for the purposes of Interactive distance learning/self-learning, research activities in the field of Bulgarian traditional culture and for the cultural and ethno-tourism. We study, analyze and implement techniques and methods for digitization of multimedia objects and their annotation. In the paper are discussed specifics approaches used to building and protect a digital archive with multimedia content. Tasks can be systematized in the following guidelines: * Digitization of the selected samples * Analysis of the objects in order to determine the metadata of selected artifacts from selected collections and problem areas * Digital multimedia archive * Socially-oriented applications and virtual exhibitions artery * Frequency dictionary tool for texts with folklore themes * A method of modern technologies of protecting intellectual property and copyrights on digital content developed for use in digital exposures.
Our experience in maintaining digital collections is described, which urged us to go deep in the process and build centralized digitalization policy. It instigated developing new strategy, adopting new technological solutions and staff training. The emphasis falls is placed on our digital collection “Bulgarian Cultural Heritage Materials” as an example of a focused digitization at the New Bulgarian University (NBU) Library and our answer to modern trends in launching digital collections. Our future digitization plans are also discussed.
Hagiotheca Preslavica (Reconstruction of the Preslav hagiographical collections: Publication and Research of the Stanislav’s menaion-chetii1 manuscript) is a project, developed by a team of young Bulgarian medievalists2. Its principal task is the preparation and publication (both digital and traditional) and research of the Stanislav’s menaion-cheti (better known as 1039 manuscript from the “St. St. Cyril and Methodius“ National Library. Although it is a 14th century copy, the manuscript preserves a number of authentic texts that allow us to reconstruct faithfully the initial contents of menaia-chetii, compiled and translated during the Golden Age of the medieval Bulgarian literature and culture. The realization of the project will be completed by web-based, easily navigable digitalization of the Stanislav’s menaion-cheti, creation of a matrix for the description of the texts, enabling searching and grouping. This will provide the conditions necessary for the work of the team as well as of the wider academic community.