177 resultados para Dictyostelium discoideum


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The serine/threonine kinase LKB1 is a regulator of critical events including development and stress responses in metazoans. The current study was undertaken to determine the function of LKB1 in Dictyostelium. During multicellular development and in response to stress insult, an apparent increase in the DdLKB1 kinase activity was observed. Depletion of DdLKB1 with a knockdown construct led to aberrant development; a severe reduction in prespore cell differentiation and a precocious induction of prestalk cells, which were reminiscent of cells lacking GSK3, a well known cell-fate switch. Furthermore, DdLKB1 depleted cells displayed lower GSK3 activity than wild type cells in response to cAMP stimulation during development and failed to activate AMPK, a well known LKB1 target in mammals, in response to cAMP and stress insults. These results suggest that DdLKB1 positively regulates both GSK3 and AMPK during Dictyostelium development, and DdLKB1 is necessary for AMPK activation during stress response regulation. No apparent GSK3 activation was observed in response to stress insults. Spatial and temporal regulation of phosphatidylinositol-(3,4,5)-triphosphate (PIP3) along the membrane of polarized cells is important for efficient chemotaxis. A REMI screen for PIP3 suppressors in the absence of stimulation led to the identification of SodC as PIP3 regulator. Consistent with their higher PIP3 levels, sodC- cells showed defects in chemotaxis and exhibited higher intra-cellular superoxide levels. Protein localization studies along with observations from GPI specific PI-PLC treatment of wild-type cells suggested that SodC is a GPI anchored outer-membrane protein. SodC showed superoxide dismutase activity in vitro, and motility defects of sodC- cells can be rescued by expressing the intact SodC but not by the mutant SodC, which has point mutations that affect its dismutase function. Treatment of sodC- cells with LY294002, a pharmacological inhibitor of PI3K, partially rescued the polarization and chemoattractant sensing defects but not motility defects. Consistent with increased intracellular superoxide levels, sodC- cells also exhibited higher basal Ras activity, an upstream regulator of PI3K, which can be suppressed by a cell permeable superoxide scavenger, XTT, indicating that SodC is important in regulation of intracellular superoxide levels thereby regulating the Ras activity and PIP3 levels at the membrane.


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Regulating systems, that is, those which exhibit scale-invariant patterns in the adult, are supposed, to do so on account of interactions between cells during development. The nature of these interactions has to be such that the system of positional information (ldquomaprdquo) in the embryo also regulates. To our knowledge, this supposition regarding a regulating map has not been subjected to a direct test in any embryonic system. Here we do so by means of a simple and novel criterion and use it to examine tip regeneration in the mulicellular stage (slug) ofDictyostelium discoideum. When anterior, tip-containing fragments of slugs are amputated, a new tip spontaneously regenerates at the cut surface of the (remaining) posterior fragment. The time needed for regeneration to occur depends on the relative size of the amputated fragment but is independent of the total size of the slug. We conclude from this finding that there is at least one system underlying positional information in the slug which regulates.


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This study addresses the issues of spatial distribution, dispersal, and genetic heterogeneity in social groups of the cellular slime molds (CSMs). The CSMs are soil amoebae with an unusual life cycle that consists of alternating solitary and social phases. Because the social phase involves division of labor with what appears to be an extreme form of "altruism", the CSMs raise interesting evolutionary questions regarding the origin and maintenance of sociality. Knowledge of the genetic structure of social groups in the wild is necessary for answering these questions. We confirm that CSMs are widespread in undisturbed forest soil from South India. They are dispersed over long distances via the dung of a variety of large mammals. Consistent with this mode of dispersal, most social groups in the two species examined for detailed study, Dictyostelium giganteum and Dictyostelium purpureum, are multi-clonal.


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The stable co-existence of individuals of different genotypes and reproductive division of labour within heterogeneous groups are issues of fundamental interest from the viewpoint of evolution. Cellular slime moulds are convenient organisms in which to address both issues. Strains of a species co-occur, as do different species; social groups are often genetically heterogeneous. Intra- and interspecies 1:1 mixes of wild isolates of Dictyostelium giganteum and D.purpureum form chimaeric aggregates, following which they segregate to varying extents. Intraspecies aggregates develop in concert and give rise to chimaeric fruiting bodies that usually contain more spores (reproductives) of one component than the other. Reproductive skew and variance in the proportion of reproductives are positively correlated. Interspecies aggregates exhibit almost complete sorting; most spores in a fruiting body come from a single species. Between strains, somatic compatibility correlates weakly with sexual compatibility. It is highest within clones, lower between strains of a species and lowest between strains of different species. Trade-offs among fitness-related traits (between compatible strains), sorting out (between incompatible strains) and avoidance (between species) appear to lie behind coexistence.


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生物学图式及其形成规律一直是生命科学特别是发育生物学的重要课题;同时也是组织工程中实现体外组织构建的核心科学问题之一。长期以来,对生物图式形成的模型研究的根本不足之处是以数理方法为基础的动力学模型研究和生物学背景的结合不够。因此,本文试图遵循生物图式本身的形成过程,寻求一条与生物学相适配的途径,即以哺乳动物组织发育/活组织工程化构建为目标,以细胞行为为基点,以力学一化学藕合作用为介导,以元胞自动机方法为基础,建立生物学图式形成的一个细胞一环境整体离散模型。应用这一整体离散模型,在不同的控制参数下,对盘基网柄菌的聚集图式和杆菌的生长图式进行了系统的分析,对血管发生(vasculogenesis)的自组装图式进行了初步的新的探索,得到了与实验研究定性上一致的结果。提出了“诱导开关”概念,对盘基网柄菌(Dictyostelium discoideu),杆菌(Bacillus)和血管内皮祖细胞(Endothelial Precursor cells,EPC)三种模式生物,分别以cAMP的信号波前,营养微粒,VEGF的浓度梯度等为诱导开关量。在对盘基网柄菌细胞接收到cAMP后分泌和定向迁移形成的聚集图式的模拟中,系统地考察了影响聚集图式的各种控制参数;一个重要的结果表明细胞初始响应间期对形成的聚集模式有十分显著的影响;引入聚集速度、回转半径、盒质量分布系数等概念对盘基网柄菌的聚集图式进行了一些定量描述的探索。在对杆菌因代谢、增殖、凋亡/衰亡而形成的生长图式的模拟中,系统地定量地分析了在初始营养浓度、营养/代谢物扩散快慢、代谢抑制三者藕合作用下的生长图式;引入定向流动边界,考察了杆菌向营养入口方向的优势生长。在对血管内皮祖细胞经vEGF分子浓度梯度场的诱导进行定向迁移,分化为血管内皮细胞,并自组装形成网状的原初毛细血管丛的模拟中,建立了一个微血管发生自组装图式的新的离散模型,为以后加入力与内皮细胞的相互作用以及血管再生等构建了一个前期模型框架;初步考察了细胞的浓度,细胞分泌vEGF分子的周期,vEGF分子的扩散时间尺度等对血管发生图式的影响因素。


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在扫描电镜下观察了龙胆科双蝴蝶属8个种和蔓龙胆属6个种的种子表面纹饰。观察结果表明,2属的种子表面特征均为网状纹饰类型。其中Tripterospermum cordatum, T. volubile, T. chinense, T. discoideum, T. japonicum, T. filicaule, Crawfurdia delavayi和C. pricei的种子表面为细网状;T. hirticalyx, T. pingbianense, C. puberula, C. tibetica, C. campanulacea和C. crawfordioides的种子表面为粗网状。在龙胆属Gentiana的不同组中均在网状纹饰。因此,从种子表面特征可看出,龙胆属、双蝴蝶和蔓龙胆属3属间具较近的亲缘关系。同时,在双蝴蝶属中,种之间在种子表面特征上有分化,在表面纹饰的具体特征上存在较大差别。而在蔓龙胆属中种间差别很小,仅在一些种子表面有无附属物上存在差异。


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Twenty-two populations of seven species of Cremanthodium from high altitude regions of western China were observed karyologically. C. ellisii, C. microglossum, C. brunneo-pilosum, C. stenoglossum, C. discoideum and C. lineare all had the same chromosome number of 2n=58 whereas C. humile had 2n=60. All chromosome numbers of these species are documented here for the first time. The basic number of x=30 is new for this genus. The karyotypes of all species belong to 2A type according to Stebbins' asymmetry classification of karyotypes. Two basic chromosome numbers, x=30 and x=29 in Cremanthodium, correspond exactly to two branching patterns in this genus, sympodial versus monopodial. The systematic and taxonomic statuses of the sympodial species need further study. The karyomorphological data provide no support to the sectional subdivision in Cremanthodium. (C) 2001 The Linnean Society of London.


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Burkholderia cenocepacia is an important opportunistic pathogen causing serious chronic infections in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF). Adaptation of B. cenocepacia to the CF airways may play an important role in the persistence of the infection. We have identified a sensor kinase-response regulator (BCAM0379) named AtsR in B. cenocepacia K56-2 that shares 19% amino acid identity with RetS from Pseudomonas aeruginosa. atsR inactivation led to increased biofilm production and a hyperadherent phenotype in both abiotic surfaces and lung epithelial cells. Also, the atsR mutant overexpressed and hypersecreted an Hcp-like protein known to be specifically secreted by the type VI secretion system (T6SS) in other gram-negative bacteria. Amoeba plaque assays demonstrated that the atsR mutant was more resistant to Dictyostelium predation than the wild-type strain and that this phenomenon was T6SS dependent. Macrophage infection assays also demonstrated that the atsR mutant induces the formation of actin-mediated protrusions from macrophages that require a functional Hcp-like protein, suggesting that the T6SS is involved in actin rearrangements. Three B. cenocepacia transposon mutants that were found in a previous study to be impaired for survival in chronic lung infection model were mapped to the T6SS gene cluster, indicating that the T6SS is required for infection in vivo. Together, our data show that AtsR is involved in the regulation of genes required for virulence in B. cenocepacia K56-2, including genes encoding a T6SS.


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Inositol levels, maintained by the biosynthetic enzyme inositol-3-phosphate synthase (Ino1), are altered in a range of disorders including bipolar disorder and Alzheimer's disease. To date, most inositol studies have focused on the molecular and cellular effects of inositol depletion without considering Ino1 levels. Here we employ a simple eukaryote, Dictyostelium, to demonstrate distinct effects of loss of Ino1 and inositol depletion. We show that loss of Ino1 results in inositol auxotrophy that can only be partially rescued by exogenous inositol. Removal of inositol supplementation from the ino1- mutant results in a rapid 56% reduction in inositol levels, triggering the induction of autophagy, reduced cytokinesis and substrate adhesion. Inositol depletion also caused a dramatic generalised decrease in phosphoinositide levels that was rescued by inositol supplementation. However, loss of Ino1 triggered broad metabolic changes consistent with the induction of a catabolic state that was not rescued by inositol supplementation. These data suggest a metabolic role for Ino1 independent of inositol biosynthesis. To characterise this role, an Ino1 binding partner containing SEL1L1 domains (Q54IX5) was identified with homology to mammalian macromolecular complex adaptor proteins. Our findings therefore identify a new role for Ino1, independent of inositol biosynthesis, with broad effects on cell metabolism.


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In 2008 we published the first set of guidelines for standardizing research in autophagy. Since then, research on this topic has continued to accelerate, and many new scientists have entered the field. Our knowledge base and relevant new technologies have also been expanding. Accordingly, it is important to update these guidelines for monitoring autophagy in different organisms. Various reviews have described the range of assays that have been used for this purpose. Nevertheless, there continues to be confusion regarding acceptable methods to measure autophagy, especially in multicellular eukaryotes. A key point that needs to be emphasized is that there is a difference between measurements that monitor the numbers or volume of autophagic elements (e.g., autophagosomes or autolysosomes) at any stage of the autophagic process vs. those that measure flux through the autophagy pathway (i.e., the complete process); thus, a block in macroautophagy that results in autophagosome accumulation needs to be differentiated from stimuli that result in increased autophagic activity, defined as increased autophagy induction coupled with increased delivery to, and degradation within, lysosomes (in most higher eukaryotes and some protists such as Dictyostelium) or the vacuole (in plants and fungi). In other words, it is especially important that investigators new to the field understand that the appearance of more autophagosomes does not necessarily equate with more autophagy. In fact, in many cases, autophagosomes accumulate because of a block in trafficking to lysosomes without a concomitant change in autophagosome biogenesis, whereas an increase in autolysosomes may reflect a reduction in degradative activity. Here, we present a set of guidelines for the selection and interpretation of methods for use by investigators who aim to examine macroautophagy and related processes, as well as for reviewers who need to provide realistic and reasonable critiques of papers that are focused on these processes. These guidelines are not meant to be a formulaic set of rules, because the appropriate assays depend in part on the question being asked and the system being used. In addition, we emphasize that no individual assay is guaranteed to be the most appropriate one in every situation, and we strongly recommend the use of multiple assays to monitor autophagy. In these guidelines, we consider these various methods of assessing autophagy and what information can, or cannot, be obtained from them. Finally, by discussing the merits and limits of particular autophagy assays, we hope to encourage technical innovation in the field.


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Bacterial virulence can only be assessed by confronting bacteria with a host. Here, we present a new simple assay to evaluate Aeromonas virulence, making use of Dictyostelium amoebae as an alternative host model. This assay can be modulated to assess virulence of very different Aeromonas species.


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Background Leishmania represent a complex of important human pathogens that belong to the systematic order of the kinetoplastida. They are transmitted between their human and mammalian hosts by different bloodsucking sandfly vectors. In their hosts, the Leishmania undergo several differentiation steps, and their coordination and optimization crucially depend on numerous interactions between the parasites and the physiological environment presented by the fly and human hosts. Little is still known about the signalling networks involved in these functions. In an attempt to better understand the role of cyclic nucleotide signalling in Leishmania differentiation and host-parasite interaction, we here present an initial study on the cyclic nucleotide-specific phosphodiesterases of Leishmania major. Results This paper presents the identification of three class I cyclic-nucleotide-specific phosphodiesterases (PDEs) from L. major, PDEs whose catalytic domains exhibit considerable sequence conservation with, among other, all eleven human PDE families. In contrast to other protozoa such as Dictyostelium, or fungi such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Candida ssp or Neurospora, no genes for class II PDEs were found in the Leishmania genomes. LmjPDEA contains a class I catalytic domain at the C-terminus of the polypeptide, with no other discernible functional domains elsewhere. LmjPDEB1 and LmjPDEB2 are coded for by closely related, tandemly linked genes on chromosome 15. Both PDEs contain two GAF domains in their N-terminal region, and their almost identical catalytic domains are located at the C-terminus of the polypeptide. LmjPDEA, LmjPDEB1 and LmjPDEB2 were further characterized by functional complementation in a PDE-deficient S. cerevisiae strain. All three enzymes conferred complementation, demonstrating that all three can hydrolyze cAMP. Recombinant LmjPDEB1 and LmjPDEB2 were shown to be cAMP-specific, with Km values in the low micromolar range. Several PDE inhibitors were found to be active against these PDEs in vitro, and to inhibit cell proliferation. Conclusion The genome of L. major contains only PDE genes that are predicted to code for class I PDEs, and none for class II PDEs. This is more similar to what is found in higher eukaryotes than it is to the situation in Dictyostelium or the fungi that concomitantly express class I and class II PDEs. Functional complementation demonstrated that LmjPDEA, LmjPDEB1 and LmjPDEB2 are capable of hydrolyzing cAMP. In vitro studies with recombinant LmjPDEB1 and LmjPDEB2 confirmed this, and they demonstrated that both are completely cAMP-specific. Both enzymes are inhibited by several commercially available PDE inhibitors. The observation that these inhibitors also interfere with cell growth in culture indicates that inhibition of the PDEs is fatal for the cell, suggesting an important role of cAMP signalling for the maintenance of cellular integrity and proliferation.


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Cellular migration is an integral component of many biological processes including immune function, wound healing and cancer cell metastasis. A complete model illustrating the mechanism by which cells accomplish movement is still lacking. Exploring the affects of various drugs on cell motility may be instrumental in discovering new proteins which mediate cell movement. This project aims ultimately to characterize the molecular target of the drug Cucurbitacin-I, a natural plant product. This drug has been shown to inhibit migration of epithelial sheets and may have anti-tumor activity. In this paper, we show that Cucurbitacin-I inhibits the migration of MDCK and B16F1 cells. The drug also affects the integrity of the actin cytoskeleton of these cells by indirectly stabilizing filamentous actin. Cucurbitacin-I does not, however, have an effect on the motility or cytoskeletal morphology of the soil amoeba, Dictyostelium discoidium.


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Heterotrimeric G protein-mediated signal transduction is one of numerous means that cells utilize to respond to external stimuli. G proteins consist of α, β andγ subunits. Extracellular ligands bind to seven-transmembrane helix receptors, triggering conformational changes. This is followed by activation of coupled G proteins through the exchange of GDP for GTP on the Gα subunit. Once activated, Gα-GTP dissociates from the βγ dimer. Both of these two moieties can interact with downstream effectors, such as adenylyl cyclase, phospholipase C, phosphodiesterases, or ion channels, leading to a series of changes in cellular metabolism and physiology. ^ Neurospora crassa is a eukaryotic multicellular filamentous fungus, with asexual/vegetative and sexual phases to its life cycle. Three Gα (GNA-1, GNA-2, GNA-3) and one Gβ (GNB-1) proteins have been identified in this organism. This dissertation investigates GNA-1 and GNB-1 mediated signaling pathways in N. crassa. ^ GNA-1 was the first identified microbial Gα that belongs to a mammalian superfamily (Gαi). Deletion of GNA-1 leads to multiple defects in N. crassa. During the asexual cycle, Δgna-1 strains display a slower growth rate and delayed conidiation on solid medium. In the sexual cycle, the Δgna-1 mutant is male-fertile but female-sterile. Biochemical studies have shown that Δ gna-1 strains have lower adenosine 3′–5 ′ cyclic monophosphate (cAMP) levels than wild type under conditions where phenotypic defects are observed. In this thesis work, strains containing one of two GTPase-deficient gna-1 alleles (gna-1 R178C, gna-1Q204L) leading to constitutive activation of GNA-1 have been constructed and characterized. Activation of GNA-1 causes uncontrolled aerial hyphae proliferation, elevated sensitivity to heat and oxidative stresses, and lower carotenoid synthesis. To further study the function of GNA-1, constructs to enable expression of mammalian Gαi superfamily members were transformed into a Δ gna-1 strain, and complementation of Δgna-1 defects investigated. Gαs, which is not a member of Gα i superfamily was used as a control. These mammalian Gα genes were able to rescue the vegetative growth rate defect of the Δ gna-1 strain in the following order: Gαz > Gα o > Gαs > Gαt > Gαi. In contrast, only Gαo was able to complement the sexual defect of a Δgna-1 strain. With regard to the thermotolerance phenotype, none of the mammalian Gα genes restored the sensitivity to a wild type level. These results suggest that GNA-1 regulates two independent pathways during the vegetative and sexual cycles in N. crassa. ^ GNB-1, a G protein β subunit from N. crassa, was identified and its functions investigated in this thesis work. The sequence of the gnb-1 gene predicts a polypeptide of 358 residues with a molecular mass of 39.7 kDa. GNB-1 exhibits 91% identity to Cryphonectria parasitica CPGB-1, and also displays significant homology with human and Dictyostelium Gβ genes (∼66%). A Δ gnb-1 strain was constructed and shown to exhibit defects in asexual spore germination, vacuole number and size, mass accumulation and female fertility. A novel role for GNB-1 in regulation of GNA-1 and GNA-2 protein levels was also demonstrated. ^


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The actin cytoskeleton plays a key role in the deformability of the cell and in mechanosensing. Here we analyze the contributions of three major actin cross-linking proteins, myosin II, a-actinin and filamin, to cell deformability, by using micropipette aspiration of Dictyostelium cells. We examine the applicability of three simple mechanical models: for small deformation, linear viscoelasticity and drop of liquid with a tense cortex; and for large deformation, a Newtonian viscous fluid. For these models, we have derived linearized equations and we provide a novel, straightforward methodology to analyze the experiments. This methodology allowed us to differentiate the effects of the cross-linking proteins in the different regimes of deformation. Our results confirm some previous observations and suggest important relations between the molecular characteristics of the actin-binding proteins and the cell behavior: the effect of myosin is explained in terms of the relation between the lifetime of the bond to actin and the resistive force; the presence of a-actinin obstructs the deformation of the cytoskeleton, presumably mainly due to the higher molecular stiffness and to the lower dissociation rate constants; and filamin contributes critically to the global connectivity of the network, possibly by rapidly turning over crosslinks during the remodeling of the cytoskeletal network, thanks to the higher rate constants, flexibility and larger size. The results suggest a sophisticated relationship between the expression levels of actinbinding proteins, deformability and mechanosensing.