910 resultados para Deformations of analytic structures
OBJECTIVE: The voluntary control of micturition is believed to be integrated by complex interactions among the brainstem, subcortical areas and cortical areas. Several brain imaging studies using positron emission tomography (PET) have demonstrated that frontal brain areas, the limbic system, the pons and the premotor cortical areas were involved. However, the cortical and subcortical brain areas have not yet been precisely identified and their exact function is not yet completely understood. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to compare brain activity during passive filling and emptying of the bladder. A cathetherism of the bladder was performed in seven healthy subjects (one man and six right-handed women). During scanning, the bladder was alternatively filled and emptied at a constant rate with bladder rincing solution. RESULTS: Comparison between passive filling of the bladder and emptying of the bladder showed an increased brain activity in the right inferior frontal gyrus, cerebellum, symmetrically in the operculum and mesial frontal. Subcortical areas were not evaluated. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that several cortical brain areas are involved in the regulation of micturition.
An algorithm, based on ‘vertex priority values’ has been proposed to uniquely sequence and represent connectivity matrix of chemical structures of cyclic/ acyclic functionalized achiral hydrocarbons and their derivatives. In this method ‘vertex priority values’ have been assigned in terms of atomic weights, subgraph lengths, loops, and heteroatom contents. Subsequently the terminal vertices have been considered upon completing the sequencing of the core vertices. This approach provides a multilayered connectivity graph, which can be put to use in comparing two or more structures or parts thereof for any given purpose. Furthermore the basic vertex connection tables generated here are useful in the computation of characteristic matrices/ topological indices, automorphism groups, and in storing, sorting and retrieving of chemical structures from databases.
Non-monotone incentive structures, which - according to theory - are able to induce optimal behavior, are often regarded as empirically less relevant for labor relationships. We compare the performance of a theoretically optimal non-monotone contract with a monotone one under controlled laboratory conditions. Implementing some features relevant to real-world employment relationships, our paper demonstrates that, in fact, the frequency of income-maximizing decisions made by agents is higher under the monotone contract. Although this observed behavior does not change the superiority of the non-monotone contract for principals, they do not choose this contract type in a significant way. This is what we call the monotonicity puzzle. Detailed investigations of decisions provide a clue for solving the puzzle and a possible explanation for the popularity of monotone contracts.
BACKGROUND Tooth root problems and periodontal diseases are common in South American camelids (SAC). The objective was to evaluate and optimize the imaging technique for dental radiography in SAC and to describe the radiographic and computed tomographic (CT) anatomy of normal teeth at different ages. In this study, the heads of 20 healthy SAC slaughtered for meat production or euthanized for reasons not related to dental problems included 7 female and 10 male llamas and 3 male alpacas. Using a standardized protocol, radiographs and CT scans of the 20 specimen were performed. RESULTS The most useful radiographic projections for mandibular and maxillary cheek teeth evaluation turned out to be lateral30°ventral-laterodorsal and lateral30°dorsal-lateroventral with slight separation of the dental arcades respectively. Digital radiographic and CT appearance of the mandibular and maxillary teeth were described from the beginning of mineralization till maturity. In addition the normal range of the CT radio density of different cheek teeth and different dental tissues were measured. Hounsfield units of different dental tissues of SAC turned out to be similar to equids. Deviation, shortening and partial destruction of the distal tooth root of mandibular 09's and 10's and of maxillary 09's was observed and the existence of a common pulp chamber in younger teeth was revealed. CONCLUSIONS The present study provides information about the dental imaging morphology in clinically healthy SAC. This basic information provides fundamental knowledge for evaluating images and planning treatments in clinically affected animals.
Using explicitly-correlated coupled-cluster theory with single and double excitations, the intermolecular distances and interaction energies of the T-shaped imidazole⋯⋯benzene and pyrrole⋯⋯benzene complexes have been computed in a large augmented correlation-consistent quadruple-zeta basis set, adding also corrections for connected triple excitations and remaining basis-set-superposition errors. The results of these computations are used to assess other methods such as Møller–Plesset perturbation theory (MP2), spin-component-scaled MP2 theory, dispersion-weighted MP2 theory, interference-corrected explicitly-correlated MP2 theory, dispersion-corrected double-hybrid density-functional theory (DFT), DFT-based symmetry-adapted perturbation theory, the random-phase approximation, explicitly-correlated ring-coupled-cluster-doubles theory, and double-hybrid DFT with a correlation energy computed in the random-phase approximation.
We introduce the block numerical range Wn(L) of an operator function L with respect to a decomposition H = H1⊕. . .⊕Hn of the underlying Hilbert space. Our main results include the spectral inclusion property and estimates of the norm of the resolvent for analytic L . They generalise, and improve, the corresponding results for the numerical range (which is the case n = 1) since the block numerical range is contained in, and may be much smaller than, the usual numerical range. We show that refinements of the decomposition entail inclusions between the corresponding block numerical ranges and that the block numerical range of the operator matrix function L contains those of its principal subminors. For the special case of operator polynomials, we investigate the boundedness of Wn(L) and we prove a Perron-Frobenius type result for the block numerical radius of monic operator polynomials with coefficients that are positive in Hilbert lattice sense.
We study Yang-Baxter deformations of 4D Minkowski spacetime. The Yang-Baxter sigma model description was originally developed for principal chiral models based on a modified classical Yang-Baxter equation. It has been extended to coset curved spaces and models based on the usual classical Yang-Baxter equation. On the other hand, for flat space, there is the obvious problem that the standard bilinear form degenerates if we employ the familiar coset Poincaré group/Lorentz group. Instead we consider a slice of AdS5 by embedding the 4D Poincaré group into the 4D conformal group SO(2, 4) . With this procedure we obtain metrics and B-fields as Yang-Baxter deformations which correspond to well-known configurations such as T-duals of Melvin backgrounds, Hashimoto-Sethi and Spradlin-Takayanagi-Volovich backgrounds, the T-dual of Grant space, pp-waves, and T-duals of dS4 and AdS4. Finally we consider a deformation with a classical r-matrix of Drinfeld-Jimbo type and explicitly derive the associated metric and B-field which we conjecture to correspond to a new integrable system.
(Table 4) Sedimentologic characteristics and a summary of diagenetic structures of ODP Hole 114-699A
In this study, we try to elucidate the middle-income trap from the viewpoint of international trade. We conduct regression analyses on the relationship between income level and net export ratios for different types of goods for trapped and non-trapped samples separately. Our findings indicate that industrial upgrading appears to occur exactly as depicted by the flying-geese model for non-trapped countries while trapped countries tend to depend on the export of primary commodities, and industrialization appears to be driven by forward linkages to processed goods and a narrow base. The results of our analyses suggest that the middle-income trap is a form of Dutch disease or a 'resource curse' in the middle-income stage.
The fundamental objective of this Ph. D. dissertation is to demonstrate that, under particular circumstances which cover most of the structures with practical interest, periodic structures can be understood and analyzed by means of closed waveguide theories and techniques. To that aim, in the first place a transversely periodic cylindrical structure is considered and the wave equation, under a combination of perfectly conducting and periodic boundary conditions, is studied. This theoretical study runs parallel to the classic analysis of perfectly conducting closed waveguides. Under the light shed by the aforementioned study it is clear that, under certain very common periodicity conditions, transversely periodic cylindrical structures share a lot of properties with closed waveguides. Particularly, they can be characterized by a complete set of TEM, TE and TM modes. As a result, this Ph. D. dissertation introduces the transversely periodic waveguide concept. Once the analogies between the modes of a transversely periodic waveguide and the ones of a closed waveguide have been established, a generalization of a well-known closed waveguide characterization method, the generalized Transverse Resonance Technique, is developed for the obtention of transversely periodic modes. At this point, all the necessary elements for the consideration of discontinuities between two different transversely periodic waveguides are at our disposal. The analysis of this type of discontinuities will be carried out by means of another well known closed waveguide method, the Mode Matching technique. This Ph. D. dissertation contains a sufficient number of examples, including the analysis of a wire-medium slab, a cross-shaped patches periodic surface and a parallel plate waveguide with a textured surface, that demonstrate that the Transverse Resonance Technique - Mode Matching hybrid is highly precise, efficient and versatile. Thus, the initial statement: ”periodic structures can be understood and analyzed by means of closed waveguide theories and techniques”, will be corroborated. Finally, this Ph. D. dissertation contains an adaptation of the aforementioned generalized Transverse Resonance Technique by means of which the analysis of laterally open periodic waveguides, such as the well known Substrate Integrated Waveguides, can be carried out without any approximation. The analysis of this type of structures has suscitated a lot of interest in the recent past and the previous analysis techniques proposed always resorted to some kind of fictitious wall to close the structure. vii Resumen El principal objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es demostrar que, bajo ciertas circunstancias que se cumplen para la gran mayoría de estructuras con interés práctico, las estructuras periódicas se pueden analizar y entender con conceptos y técnicas propias de las guías de onda cerradas. Para ello, en un primer lugar se considera una estructura cilíndrical transversalmente periódica y se estudia la ecuación de onda bajo una combinación de condiciones de contorno periódicas y de conductor perfecto. Este estudio teórico y de caracter general, sigue el análisis clásico de las guías de onda cerradas por conductor eléctrico perfecto. A la luz de los resultados queda claro que, bajo ciertas condiciones de periodicidad (muy comunes en la práctica) las estructuras cilíndricas transversalmente periódicas guardan multitud de analogías con las guías de onda cerradas. En particular, pueden ser descritas mediante un conjunto completo de modos TEM, TE y TM. Por ello, ésta tesis introduce el concepto de guía de onda transversalmente periódica. Una vez establecidas las similitudes entre las soluciones de la ecuación de onda, bajo una combinación de condiciones de contorno periódicas y de conductor perfecto, y los modos de guías de onda cerradas, se lleva a cabo, con éxito, la adaptación de un conocido método de caracterización de guías de onda cerradas, la técnica de la Resonancia Transversal Generalizada, para la obtención de los modos de guías transversalmente periódicas. En este punto, se tienen todos los elementos necesarios para considerar discontinuidades entre guías de onda transversalmente periódicas. El analisis de este tipo de discontinuidades se llevará a cabo mediante otro conocido método de análisis de estructuras cerradas, el Ajuste Modal. Esta tesis muestra multitud de ejemplos, como por ejemplo el análisis de un wire-medium slab, una superficie de parches con forma de cruz o una guía de placas paralelas donde una de dichas placas tiene cierta textura, en los que se demuestra que el método híbrido formado por la Resonancia Transversal Generalizada y el Ajuste Modal, es tremendamente preciso, eficiente y versátil y confirmará la validez de el enunciado inicial: ”las estructuras periódicas se pueden analizar y entender con conceptos y técnicas propias de las guías de onda cerradas” Para terminar, esta tésis doctoral incluye también una modificación de la técnica de la Resonancia Transversal Generalizada mediante la cual es posible abordar el análisis de estructuras periódica abiertas en los laterales, como por ejemplo las famosas guías de onda integradas en sustrato, sin ninguna aproximación. El análisis de este tipo de estructuras ha despertado mucho interés en los últimos años y las técnicas de análisis propuestas hasta ix el momento acostumbran a recurrir a algún tipo de pared ficticia para simular el carácter abierto de la estructura.
Numerous damage models have been developed in order to analyze seismic behavior. Among the different possibilities existing in the literature, it is very clear that models developed along the lines of continuum damage mechanics are more consistent with the definition of damage as a phenomenon with mechanical consequences because they include explicitly the coupling between damage and mechanical behavior. On the other hand, for seismic processes, phenomena such as low cycle fatigue may have a pronounced effect on the overall behavior of the frames and, therefore, its consideration turns out to be very important. However, most of existing models evaluate the damage only as a function of the maximum amplitude of cyclic deformation without considering the number of cycles. In this paper, a generalization of the simplified model proposed by Cipollina et al. [Cipollina A, López-Hinojosa A, Flórez-López J. Comput Struct 1995;54:1113–26] is made in order to include the low cycle fatigue. Such a model employs in its formulation irreversible thermodynamics and internal state variable theory.
Rational invariants on the space of all structures of algebras on a two-dimensional vector space