213 resultados para De-normalisation


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In Medicina Veterinaria l'avvelenamento da rodenticidi anticoagulanti è conosciuto e studiato ormai da anni, essendo una delle intossicazioni più comunemente riscontrate nelle specie non target. In letteratura si rinvengono numerose pubblicazioni ma alcuni aspetti sono rimasti ancora inesplorati.Questo studio si propone di valutare il processo infiammatorio, mediante le proteine di fase acuta (APPs), in corso di fenomeni emorragici, prendendo come modello reale un gruppo di soggetti accidentalmente avvelenati da rodenticidi anticoagulanti. I 102 soggetti avvelenati presentano un valore più elevato di proteina C reattiva (CRP)con una mediana di 4.77 mg/dl statisticamente significativo rispetto alla mediana delle due popolazioni di controllo di pari entità numerica create con cross match di sesso, razza ed età; rispettivamente 0.02 mg/dl dei soggetti sani e 0.37 mg/dl dei soggetti malati di altre patologie. Inoltre all'interno del gruppo dei soggetti avvelenati un valore di CRP elevato all'ammissione può predisporre al decesso. La proteina C reattiva assume quindi un ruolo diagnostico e prognostico in questo avvelenamento. Un'altra finalità, di non inferiore importanza, è quella di definire una linea guida terapeutica con l'ausilio di biomarker coagulativi e di valutare la sicurezza della vitamina K per via endovenosa: in 73 cani, non in terapia con vitamina k, intossicati da rodenticidi anticoagulanti, i tempi della coagulazione (PT ed aPTT) ritornano nel range di normalità dopo 4 ore dalla prima somministrazione di 5 mg/kg di vitamina k per via endovenosa e nessun soggetto durante e dopo il trattamento ha manifestato reazioni anafilattiche, nessuno dei pazienti ha necessitato trasfusione ematica e tutti sono sopravvissuti. Infine si è valutata l'epidemiologia dell'ingestione dei prodotti rodenticidi nella specie oggetto di studio e la determinazione dei principi attivi mediante cromatografia liquida abbinata a spettrofotometria di massa (UPLC-MS/MS).


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Ce mémoire propose la traduction de certains passages du livre « Per dieci minuti » de Chiara Gamberale. Ce roman raconte l’histoire de Chiara, une fille qui, pendant un période de troubles de sa vie où elle croit avoir perdu tous ses points de repère, décide d’essayer une thérapie-jeu: tous les jours, pendant dix minutes, elle doit faire quelque chose de nouveau, qu’elle n’a jamais expérimenté avant. Ce traitement thérapeutique s’inspire de la théorie des six exercices de Rudolf Steiner, un pédagogue autrichien qui décrit les six étapes fondamentales pour retrouver l’équilibre intérieur. D’un côté, ce mémoire veut souligner l’importance de se consacrer à la traduction d’un genre qui semble avoir de plus en plus du succès de nos jours: la littérature sur le développement personnel et le bien-être. De l’autre, il présente une analyse de l’histoire de la traduction, surtout en ce qui concerne la traduction des référents culturels, à travers une comparaison entre l’approche « normalisante » et l’approche « exotisante ». De plus, il traite le sujet épineux, puisque complexe et fascinant en même temps, des « intraduisibles », c’est-à-dire les implicites culturels. Il s’agit de mots pour lesquels il est impossible de trouver un équivalent direct dans les autres langues puisqu’ils décrivent les habitudes spécifiques d’une certaine communauté ou ils sont le fruit d’une vision spécifique et unique du monde de la part d’une culture. Moi-même, à travers cette traduction, j’ai dû me confronter avec toute une série de défis au niveau traductif , liés surtout au contexte culturel et au style de l’écrivain: j’ai traduit par exemple des parties en dialecte, des passages en rimes et j’ai dû même reproduire volontairement des erreurs de grammaire afin de m’adapter au registre linguistique de certains personnages.


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Canavan disease (CD) is a rare leukodystrophy caused by loss-of-function mutations in the gene encoding aspartoacylase (ASPA), an oligodendrocyte-enriched enzyme. It is characterised by the accumulation of the ASPA substrate N-acetylaspartate (NAA) in brain, blood and urine, leading to a spongiform vacuolisation of the brain, severe motoric and cognitive impairments and premature death. To date, no therapy is available due to the lack of a gene-transfer system allowing transgene expression in oligodendrocytes (OLs) and the restoration of the missing enzyme. Hence, the aim of this study was to establish a novel gene-transfer system and its preclinical evaluation in a CD animal model.rnIn the first part of this thesis, a novel ASPA mouse mutant was generated. A βgeo cassette (including the genes encoding β-galactosidase and neomycin) flanked by frt sites was inserted into intron 1 of the intact aspa gene. Additionally, exon 2 was flanked by loxP sites for optional conditional deletion of the targeted locus. The resulting ASPA-deficient aspalacZ/lacZ-mouse was found to be an accurate model of CD and an important tool to identify novel aspects of its complex pathology. Homozygous mutants showed a CD-like histopathology, neurological impairment, behavioural deficits as well as a reduced body weight. Additionally, MRI data revealed changes in brain metabolite composition. rnRecombinant adeno-associated viral (rAAV) vectors have become a versatile tool for gene transfer to the central nervous system because they are efficient, non-toxic and replication-deficient. Based on the natural neurotropism of AAV vectors, AAV-based gene delivery has entered the clinics for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. However, the lack of AAV vectors with oligodendroglial tropism has precluded gene therapy for leukodystrophies. In the second part of this work, it was shown that the transduction profile of established AAV serotypes can be targeted towards OLs in a transcriptional approach, using the oligodendrocyte-specific myelin basic protein (MBP) promoter to drive transgene expression in OLs.rnIn the last part of this work, the therapeutic efficacy of AAV-mediated aspa gene transfer to OLs of juvenile aspalacZ/lacZ mice was evaluated. AAV-aspa injections into multiple sites of the brain parenchyma resulted in transduction of OLs in the grey and white matter throughout the brain. Histological abnormalities in the brain of ASPA-deficient mice were ameliorated and accompanied by a reduction of NAA levels. Furthermore, the treatment resulted in normalisation of body weight, motor function and nest-building behaviour. These data provide a proof-of-concept for a successful gene therapy of Canavan disease. This might pave the way towards translation into clinical application and serve as the basis for the genetic treatment of other leukodystrophies.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of IL-6 blockade using tocilizumab in inducing remission of arterial large vessel vasculitides (LVV). METHODS: Five consecutive patients with giant-cell arteritis (GCA) and two with Takayasu’s arteritis (TA) were treated by tocilizumab infusions (8 mg/kg). Tocilizumab was given every other week for the first month and once monthly thereafter. Clinical symptoms of disease activity, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), C-reactive protein (CRP) level and glucocorticoid (GC) dosage necessary to maintain remission were prospectively assessed. MR angiography was performed to monitor local inflammation. RESULTS: Of the seven patients three were newly diagnosed and four showed GC resistance, i.e. GC could not be lowered to less than 7.5 mg/day. The mean follow-up time was 4.3 months (range 3–7 months). All patients achieved a rapid and complete clinical response and normalisation of the acute phase proteins. Remarkably, prednisone dosage could be reduced within 12 weeks to a mean of 2.5 mg/day (range 0–10 mg/day). No relapse and no drug-related side effects were noted. CONCLUSION: Collectively the data suggest that IL-6 blockade using tocilizumab qualifies as a therapeutic option to induce rapid remission in large vessel vasculitides.


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The western North Pacific (WNP) is the area of the world most frequently affected by tropical cyclones (TCs). However, little is known about the socio-economic impacts of TCs in this region, probably because of the limited relevant loss data. Here, loss data from Munich RE's NatCatSERVICE database is used, a high-quality and widely consulted database of natural disasters. In the country-level loss normalisation technique we apply, the original loss data are normalised to present-day exposure levels by using the respective country's nominal gross domestic product at purchasing power parity as a proxy for wealth. The main focus of our study is on the question of whether the decadal-scale TC variability observed in the Northwest Pacific region in recent decades can be shown to manifest itself economically in an associated variability in losses. It is shown that since 1980 the frequency of TC-related loss events in the WNP exhibited, apart from seasonal and interannual variations, interdecadal variability with a period of about 22 yr – driven primarily by corresponding variations of Northwest Pacific TCs. Compared to the long-term mean, the number of loss events was found to be higher (lower) by 14% (9%) in the positive (negative) phase of the decadal-scale WNP TC frequency variability. This was identified for the period 1980–2008 by applying a wavelet analysis technique. It was also possible to demonstrate the same low-frequency variability in normalised direct economic losses from TCs in the WNP region. The identification of possible physical mechanisms responsible for the observed decadal-scale Northwest Pacific TC variability will be the subject of future research, even if suggestions have already been made in earlier studies.


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Radiocarbon production, solar activity, total solar irradiance (TSI) and solar-induced climate change are reconstructed for the Holocene (10 to 0 kyr BP), and TSI is predicted for the next centuries. The IntCal09/SHCal04 radiocarbon and ice core CO2 records, reconstructions of the geomagnetic dipole, and instrumental data of solar activity are applied in the Bern3D-LPJ, a fully featured Earth system model of intermediate complexity including a 3-D dynamic ocean, ocean sediments, and a dynamic vegetation model, and in formulations linking radiocarbon production, the solar modulation potential, and TSI. Uncertainties are assessed using Monte Carlo simulations and bounding scenarios. Transient climate simulations span the past 21 thousand years, thereby considering the time lags and uncertainties associated with the last glacial termination. Our carbon-cycle-based modern estimate of radiocarbon production of 1.7 atoms cm−2 s−1 is lower than previously reported for the cosmogenic nuclide production model by Masarik and Beer (2009) and is more in-line with Kovaltsov et al. (2012). In contrast to earlier studies, periods of high solar activity were quite common not only in recent millennia, but throughout the Holocene. Notable deviations compared to earlier reconstructions are also found on decadal to centennial timescales. We show that earlier Holocene reconstructions, not accounting for the interhemispheric gradients in radiocarbon, are biased low. Solar activity is during 28% of the time higher than the modern average (650 MeV), but the absolute values remain weakly constrained due to uncertainties in the normalisation of the solar modulation to instrumental data. A recently published solar activity–TSI relationship yields small changes in Holocene TSI of the order of 1 W m−2 with a Maunder Minimum irradiance reduction of 0.85 ± 0.16 W m−2. Related solar-induced variations in global mean surface air temperature are simulated to be within 0.1 K. Autoregressive modelling suggests a declining trend of solar activity in the 21st century towards average Holocene conditions.


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Life expectancy continuously increases but our society faces age-related conditions. Among musculoskeletal diseases, osteoporosis associated with risk of vertebral fracture and degenerative intervertebral disc (IVD) are painful pathologies responsible for tremendous healthcare costs. Hence, reliable diagnostic tools are necessary to plan a treatment or follow up its efficacy. Yet, radiographic and MRI techniques, respectively clinical standards for evaluation of bone strength and IVD degeneration, are unspecific and not objective. Increasingly used in biomedical engineering, CT-based finite element (FE) models constitute the state-of-art for vertebral strength prediction. However, as non-invasive biomechanical evaluation and personalised FE models of the IVD are not available, rigid boundary conditions (BCs) are applied on the FE models to avoid uncertainties of disc degeneration that might bias the predictions. Moreover, considering the impact of low back pain, the biomechanical status of the IVD is needed as a criterion for early disc degeneration. Thus, the first FE study focuses on two rigid BCs applied on the vertebral bodies during compression test of cadaver vertebral bodies, vertebral sections and PMMA embedding. The second FE study highlights the large influence of the intervertebral disc’s compliance on the vertebral strength, damage distribution and its initiation. The third study introduces a new protocol for normalisation of the IVD stiffness in compression, torsion and bending using MRI-based data to account for its morphology. In the last study, a new criterion (Otsu threshold) for disc degeneration based on quantitative MRI data (axial T2 map) is proposed. The results show that vertebral strength and damage distribution computed with rigid BCs are identical. Yet, large discrepancies in strength and damage localisation were observed when the vertebral bodies were loaded via IVDs. The normalisation protocol attenuated the effect of geometry on the IVD stiffnesses without complete suppression. Finally, the Otsu threshold computed in the posterior part of annulus fibrosus was related to the disc biomechanics and meet objectivity and simplicity required for a clinical application. In conclusion, the stiffness normalisation protocol necessary for consistent IVD comparisons and the relation found between degeneration, mechanical response of the IVD and Otsu threshold lead the way for non-invasive evaluation biomechanical status of the IVD. As the FE prediction of vertebral strength is largely influenced by the IVD conditions, this data could also improve the future FE models of osteoporotic vertebra.


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Maleic acid (MA) is a common component of descaling products and is widely used in daily life. Accidental ingestion in relevant amounts does not play a major role in human beings; however, it seems to be highly toxic for dogs. It has been commonly used experimentally to induce Fanconi syndrome in dogs or small rodents. Two dogs were presented for acute kidney injury (AKI) after accidental ingestion of a descaling agent containing MA at an estimated amount of 70 mg/kg each. The third dog involved was euthanased by the referring veterinarian, and postmortem pathological analysis revealed severe acute tubular necrosis consistent with toxic nephropathy. The other dogs received symptomatic therapy for AKI including treatment with haemodialysis and showed complete normalisation of serum creatinine at a follow-up after five months. Renal damage can be very severe, but seems to be at least partially reversible and an attempt to treatment is warranted.


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BACKGROUND: Normal pregnancy depends on pronounced adaptations in steroid hormone concentrations. Although in recent years, the understanding of these hormones in pregnancy has improved, the interpretation is hampered by insufficient reference values. Our aim was to establish gestation-specific reference intervals for spot urinary steroid hormone levels in normal singleton pregnancies and 6 weeks postpartum. METHODS: Cross-sectional multicentre observational study. Women recruited between 2008 and 2013 at 3 University Hospitals in Switzerland (Bern), Scotland (Glasgow) and Austria (Graz). Spot urine was collected from healthy women undergoing a normal pregnancy (age, 16-45 years; mean, 31 years) attending routine antenatal clinics at gestation weeks 11, 20, and 28 and approximately 6 weeks postpartum. Urine steroid hormone levels were analysed using gas-chromatography mass spectrometry. Creatinine was also measured by routine analysis and used for normalisation. RESULTS: From the results, a reference interval was calculated for each hormone metabolite at each trimester and 6 weeks postpartum. Changes in these concentrations between trimesters and postpartum were also observed for several steroid hormones and followed changes proposed for index steroid hormones. CONCLUSIONS: Normal gestation-specific reference values for spot urinary steroid hormones throughout pregnancy and early postpartum are now available to facilitate clinical management and research approaches to steroid hormone metabolism in pregnancy and the early postpartum period.


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The dataset contains raw data (quantification cycle) for a study which determined the most suitable hepatic reference genes for normalisation of qPCR data orginating from juvenile Atlantic salmon (14 days) exposed to 14 and 22 degrees C. These results will be useful for anyone wanting to study the effects of climate change/elevated temperature on reproductive physiology of fish (and perhaphs other vertebrates).


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The dataset contains raw data (quantification cycle) for a study which determined the most suitable hepatic reference genes for normalisation of qPCR data orginating from adult (entire reproductive season) Atlantic salmon (14 days) exposed to 14 and 22 degrees C. These results will be useful for anyone wanting to study the effects of climate change/elevated temperature on reproductive physiology of fish (and perhaphs other vertebrates). In addition, a target gene (vitellogenin) has normalised using an inappropriate and an 'ideal' reference gene to demonstrate the consequences of using an unstable reference gene for normalisation. For the adult experiment, maiden and repeat adult females were held at the Salmon Enterprises of Tasmania (SALTAS) Wayatinah Hatchery (Tasmania, Australia) at ambient temperature and photoperiod in either 200 (maidens) or 50 (repeats) m3 circular tanks at stocking densities of 12-18, and 24-36 kg m-3 for maidens and repeats, respectively, until transfered to the experimental tanks.


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Twenty-nine surface samples from the Portuguese shelf, recovered offshore from the mouths of the Ave, Douro, Lis and Mira rivers, were analysed using ICP-OES for selected major and trace elements, after total dissolution. Organic carbon, carbonate content and grain size were also determined. Five evaluation tools have been applied in order to compare the three study areas and to evaluate sediment geochemistry and other sediment compositional variability in the acquired samples: (1) empirical methods based on comparison with standard reference criteria, e.g. the NOAA sediment quality guidelines, (2) normalisation ratios using a grain-size proxy element, (3) "Gradient Method", plotting contaminant vs. organic matter or Al, (4) definition of a regional geochemical baseline from a compiled database, and (5) enrichment factors. The evaluation of element and component associations indicates differences related both to the onshore drainage areas and to the environmental shelf setting. Despite the considerable variability in total metal contents indicated by our results, the sediment metal composition is largely of natural origin. Metal enrichments observed in the Mira area are associated with the drainage of mineralised areas rich in Cu, Pb, Zn, Fe and Mn. The near absence of human impact on shelf sediments, despite the vicinity to urban areas with high industrialisation levels, such as the Ave-Douro and Lis areas, is attributed to effective trapping in the estuaries and coastal zones, as well dilution with less contaminated sediments shelf sediments and removal with fine fractions due to grain-size sorting. The character of the contaminated sediments transported to these shelf areas is further influenced by grain-size sorting as well as by dilution with less contaminated marine sediments. The results obtained individually by the different methods complement each other and allow more specific interpretations.


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The Mid-Pleistocene transition (MPT) of the global climate system, initiated by a shift towards much larger northern hemisphere ice shields at around 920 ka and ending with predominance of 100 kyr ice age cyclicity since about 640 ka, is one of the fundamental enigmas in Quaternary climate evolution. Climate proxy records not exclusively linked to global ice volume are necessary to advance understanding of the MPT. Here we present a high-resolution Pleistocene magnetic susceptibility time series of 12 sediment cores from the subtropical South Atlantic essentially reflecting dissolution driven variations in carbonate accumulation controlled by changes in deep water circulation. In addition to characteristics known from delta18O records, the data sets reveal three remarkable features intimately related to the MPT: (1) an all-Pleistocene minimum of carbonate accumulation in the South Atlantic at 920 ka, (2) a MPT interim state of reduced carbonate deposition, indicating that the MPT period may have been a discrete state of the Pleistocene deep water circulation and climate system and (3) a terminal MPT event at around 540-530 ka documented in several peculiarities such as thick laminated layers of the giant diatom Ethmodiscus rex.


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Approximately one thousand sediment samples from ODP Site 1123 on the Chatham Rise, east of New Zealand, have been examined for inorganic elemental concentrations. ODP 1123 provides a record of sediment drift deposition under the Deep Western Boundary Current, the main inflow of deep water to the Pacific Ocean since the Early Oligocene, though a major hiatus spans the late Early Oligocene to the Early Miocene. Normalisation of the elemental concentrations by aluminium was used to allow for the effects of variable carbonate dilution. The elemental ratios were used as proxies for sediment composition and as palaeoceanographic indices. The samples were collected at a resolution designed to sample adequately any variation in elemental ratios at the scale of the Milankovitch orbital cycles. The sampled intervals span the Early Oligocene, Early Miocene, mid-Miocene and Late Pleistocene to Recent. Anomalous Si/Al, K/Al, Ti/Al values in the upper Pleistocene section, often associated with horizons of low carbonate, are attributed to tephras derived from North Island. Not all of the tephras detected geochemically had been detected visually in the cores. A total of 37 tephra events between 1.17 Ma BP and the present are recognised based on this and the shipboard investigations. The tephra events cluster at intervals of approximately 326 000 years (326 ka) perhaps due to variations in eruption frequency on North Island and/or to variations in the regional palaeowind intensity and direction. In the Late Pleistocene to Recent P/Al (inferred nutrient availability), percent calcium carbonate (%CaCO3) and Ba/Al (inferred productivity) varied regularly at a period of 40 000 years with these factors lagging minimum global ice volumes (interglacials). During the mid-Miocene CaCO3, Ba/Al, P/Al and Si/Al all gradually increased with %CaCO3 and P/Al showing regular 138 000-yr cyclicity and Ba/Al showing 44-ka cyclicity. Inferred productivity (Ba/Al) may have been rising in association with increasing nutrient availability (P/Al) at the same time as increased vigour of the Deep Western Boundary Current that was connected to a period of rapid ice-sheet growth in Antarctica. In the Early Miocene P/Al and Si/Al were much higher than subsequently and both %CaCO3 and P/Al exhibited 131 000-yr cycles. By far the highest nutrient levels and inferred productivity at this site apparently occurred during the Early Oligocene as revealed by long-term changes in P/Al and Si/Al. A progressive rise in K/Al, but stable Ti/Al from the Early Oligocene to the Recent probably indicates increased proportions of illite in the clay mineral fraction of the drift sediments caused by increased flux of debris from the Southern Alps.