983 resultados para Dark matter


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Les observations astronomiques et cosmologiques suggèrent fortement la présence d’une matière exotique, non-relativiste et non-baryonique qui représenterait 26% du contenu de masse-énergie de l’Univers actuel. Cette matière dite sombre et froide serait compo- sée de particules neutres, massives et interagissant faiblement avec la matière ordinaire (WIMP : Weakly Interactive Massive Particles). Le projet PICASSO (Projet d’Identification des CAndidats Supersymétriques de la matière SOmbre) est une des expériences installées dans le site souterrain de SNOLAB à Sudbury en Ontario, qui tente de détecter directement un des candidats de la matière sombre, proposé dans le cadre des extensions supersymétriques du modèle standard : le neutralino. Pour cela, PICASSO utilise des détecteurs à gouttelettes surchauffées de C4F10, basés sur le principe de la chambre à bulles. Les transitions de phase dans les liquides surchauffés peuvent être déclenchées par le recul du 19 F, causé par une collision élastique avec les neutralinos. La nucléation de la gouttelette génère une onde sonore enregistrée par des senseurs piézo-électriques. Cette thèse présentera les récents progrès de l’expérience PICASSO qui ont conduit à une augmentation substantielle de sa sensibilité dans la recherche du neutralino. En effet, de nouvelles procédures de fabrication et de purification ont permis de réduire à un facteur de 10, la contamination majeure des détecteurs, causée par les émetteurs alpha. L’étude de cette contamination dans les détecteurs a permis de localiser la source de ces émetteurs. Les efforts effectués dans le cadre de l’analyse des données, ont permis d’améliorer l’effet de discrimination entre des évènements engendrés par les particules alpha et par les reculs nucléaires. De nouveaux outils d’analyse ont également été implémentés dans le but de discriminer les évènements générés par des particules de ceux générés par des bruits de fond électroniques ou acoustiques. De plus, un mécanisme important de suppression de bruit de fond indésirable à haute température, a permis à l’expérience PICASSO d’être maintenant sensible aux WIMPs de faibles masses.


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Les preuves astronomiques stipulent qu'environ 4\% de la densité de masse-énergie de l'univers serait composé d'atomes. Le reste est séparé entre la matière sombre, qui représente 24\% de la densité de masse-énergie, et l'énergie sombre, qui s'accapare les 71\% restant. Le neutralino est une particule prédite par la théorie de la supersymétrie et est un candidat à la composition de la matière sombre. Le Projet d'Identification des Candidats Supersymétriques Sombres (PICASSO) vise à détecter le neutralino en utilisant des détecteurs à gouttelettes de C$_4$F$_{10}$ en surchauffe. Lors du passage d'une particule dans les gouttelettes de C$_4$F$_{10}$, une transition de phase aura lieu si l'énergie déposée est au-delà du seuil prédit par le critère de nucléation d'une transition de phase (théorie de Seitz). L'onde acoustique émise durant la transition de phase est ensuite transformée en impulsion électrique par des capteurs piézoélectriques placés sur le pourtour du détecteur. Le signal est amplifié, numérisé puis enregistré afin de pouvoir être analysé par des outils numériques. L'ouvrage qui suit présente les travaux effectués sur la compréhension des signaux des détecteurs à gouttelettes en surchauffe dans le but d'améliorer la discrimination du bruit de fond. Un détecteur à petites gouttelettes, r $\approx 15\mu m$ a été étudié et comparé à une simulation Monte Carlo. Il s'est avéré que les possibilités de discrimination du bruit de fond provenant des particules alpha étaient réduites pour un détecteur à petites gouttelettes, et ce en accord avec le modèle théorique. Différentes composantes du système d'acquisition ont été testées dont le couplage entre le capteur piézoélectrique et la paroi en acrylique, l'efficacité des capteurs piézoélectriques à gain intégré et les conséquences de la force du gain sur la qualité du signal. Une comparaison avec des résultats de l'expérience SIMPLE (Superheated Instrument for Massive ParticLe Experiments) a été effectuée en mesurant des signaux de détecteurs PICASSO à l'aide d'un microphone électrostatique à électret. Il a été conclu que les détecteurs PICASSO ne parviennent pas à reproduire la discrimination quasi parfaite présentée par SIMPLE.


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Les mesures cosmologiques les plus récentes ont montré la présence d’un type de matière exotique constituant 85% de la masse de l’univers. Ce type de matière non baryonique serait formé de particules neutres, non relativistes, massives et interagissant faiblement avec la matière baryonique. L’ensemble des candidats est regroupé sous le nom générique WIMP (Weakly Interactive Massive Particles). L’expérience PICASSO (Projet d’Identification des CAndidats Supersymétriques de la matière SOmbre) est une expérience utilisant des détecteurs à seuil d’énergie contenant des gouttelettes surchauffées constituées de C4F10. Cette technique de détection est basée sur le principe de la chambre à bulles. Le projet PICASSO a pour but de détecter directement une particule de matière sombre. Le principe de détection est qu’une particule de matière sombre interagissant avec le liquide actif engendre un recul nucléaire du 19F. L’énergie de recul serait suffisante pour engendrer une transition de phase accompagnée d’un signal acoustique enregistrée par des senseurs piézoélectriques. Dans le cadre de ce mémoire, une simulation du taux de comptage de l’étalonnage des détecteurs PICASSO soumis à des neutrons monoénergétiques a été effectuée en utilisant la théorie de Seitz qui décrit les critères pour qu’une transition de phase ait lieu pour un liquide en état de surchauffe. De plus, un modèle calculant le signal acoustique émis lors d’une transition de phase engendré par différents types de radiations a été créé permettant de caractériser la discrimination entre différents bruits de fond en fonction de l’énergie de seuil. Finalement, un outil d’analyse, la localisation des évènements, a été utilisé pour appliquer des coupures sur le volume dans le but d’améliorer la discrimination alpha-neutron.


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Latex a été utilisé pour la redaction de cette thèse.


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We studied, for the first time, the near-infrared, stellar and baryonic Tully-Fisher relations for a sample of field galaxies taken from a homogeneous Fabry-Perot sample of galaxies [the Gassendi HAlpha survey of SPirals (GHASP) survey]. The main advantage of GHASP over other samples is that the maximum rotational velocities were estimated from 2D velocity fields, avoiding assumptions about the inclination and position angle of the galaxies. By combining these data with 2MASS photometry, optical colours, HI masses and different mass-to-light ratio estimators, we found a slope of 4.48 +/- 0.38 and 3.64 +/- 0.28 for the stellar and baryonic Tully-Fisher relation, respectively. We found that these values do not change significantly when different mass-to-light ratio recipes were used. We also point out, for the first time, that the rising rotation curves as well as asymmetric rotation curves show a larger dispersion in the Tully-Fisher relation than the flat ones or the symmetric ones. Using the baryonic mass and the optical radius of galaxies, we found that the surface baryonic mass density is almost constant for all the galaxies of this sample. In this study we also emphasize the presence of a break in the NIR Tully-Fisher relation at M(H,K) similar to -20 and we confirm that late-type galaxies present higher total-to-baryonic mass ratios than early-type spirals, suggesting that supernova feedback is actually an important issue in late-type spirals. Due to the well-defined sample selection criteria and the homogeneity of the data analysis, the Tully-Fisher relation for GHASP galaxies can be used as a reference for the study of this relation in other environments and at higher redshifts.


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This continuing study of intragroup light in compact groups of galaxies aims to establish new constraints to models of formation and evolution of galaxy groups, specially of compact groups, which are a key part in the evolution of larger structures, such as clusters. In this paper we present three additional groups (HCG 15, 35 and 51) using deep wide-field B- and R-band images observed with the LAICA camera at the 3.5-m telescope at the Calar Alto observatory (CAHA). This instrument provides us with very stable flat-fielding, a mandatory condition for reliably measuring intragroup diffuse light. The images were analysed with the OV_WAV package, a wavelet technique that allows us to uncover the intragroup component in an unprecedented way. We have detected that 19, 15 and 26 per cent of the total light of HCG 15, 35 and 51, respectively, are in the diffuse component, with colours that are compatible with old stellar populations and with mean surface brightness that can be its low as 28.4 B mag arcsec(-2). Dynamical masses, crossing times and mass-to-light ratios were recalculated using the new group parameters. Also tidal features were analysed using the wavelet technique.


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Primordial Quark Nuggets, remnants of the quark-hadron phase transition, may be hiding most of the baryon number in superdense chunks have been discussed for years always from the theoretical point of view. While they seemed originally fragile at intermediate cosmological temperatures, it became increasingly clear that they may survive due to a variety of effects affecting their evaporation (surface and volume) rates. A search of these objects have never been attempted to elucidate their existence. We discuss in this note how to search directly for cosmological fossil nuggets among the small asteroids approaching Earth. `Asteroids` with a high visible-to-infrared flux ratio, constant lightcurves and devoid of spectral features are signals of an actual possible nugget nature. A viable search of very definite primordial quark nugget features can be conducted as a spinoff of the ongoing/forthcoming NEAs observation programmes.


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We studied superclusters of galaxies in a volume-limited sample extracted from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7 and from mock catalogues based on a semi-analytical model of galaxy evolution in the Millennium Simulation. A density field method was applied to a sample of galaxies brighter than M(r) = -21+5 log h(100) to identify superclusters, taking into account selection and boundary effects. In order to evaluate the influence of the threshold density, we have chosen two thresholds: the first maximizes the number of objects (D1) and the second constrains the maximum supercluster size to similar to 120 h(-1) Mpc (D2). We have performed a morphological analysis, using Minkowski Functionals, based on a parameter, which increases monotonically from filaments to pancakes. An anticorrelation was found between supercluster richness (and total luminosity or size) and the morphological parameter, indicating that filamentary structures tend to be richer, larger and more luminous than pancakes in both observed and mock catalogues. We have also used the mock samples to compare supercluster morphologies identified in position and velocity spaces, concluding that our morphological classification is not biased by the peculiar velocities. Monte Carlo simulations designed to investigate the reliability of our results with respect to random fluctuations show that these results are robust. Our analysis indicates that filaments and pancakes present different luminosity and size distributions.


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Data from 58 strong-lensing events surveyed by the Sloan Lens ACS Survey are used to estimate the projected galaxy mass inside their Einstein radii by two independent methods: stellar dynamics and strong gravitational lensing. We perform a joint analysis of these two estimates inside models with up to three degrees of freedom with respect to the lens density profile, stellar velocity anisotropy, and line-of-sight (LOS) external convergence, which incorporates the effect of the large-scale structure on strong lensing. A Bayesian analysis is employed to estimate the model parameters, evaluate their significance, and compare models. We find that the data favor Jaffe`s light profile over Hernquist`s, but that any particular choice between these two does not change the qualitative conclusions with respect to the features of the system that we investigate. The density profile is compatible with an isothermal, being sightly steeper and having an uncertainty in the logarithmic slope of the order of 5% in models that take into account a prior ignorance on anisotropy and external convergence. We identify a considerable degeneracy between the density profile slope and the anisotropy parameter, which largely increases the uncertainties in the estimates of these parameters, but we encounter no evidence in favor of an anisotropic velocity distribution on average for the whole sample. An LOS external convergence following a prior probability distribution given by cosmology has a small effect on the estimation of the lens density profile, but can increase the dispersion of its value by nearly 40%.


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The evolution of the mass of a black hole embedded in a universe filled with dark energy and cold dark matter is calculated in a closed form within a test fluid model in a Schwarzschild metric, taking into account the cosmological evolution of both fluids. The result describes exactly how accretion asymptotically switches from the matter-dominated to the Lambda-dominated regime. For early epochs, the black hole mass increases due to dark matter accretion, and on later epochs the increase in mass stops as dark energy accretion takes over. Thus, the unphysical behaviour of previous analyses is improved in this simple exact model. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We investigate the impact of the existence of a primordial magnetic field on the filter mass, characterizing the minimum baryonic mass that can form in dark matter (DM) haloes. For masses below the filter mass, the baryon content of DM haloes are severely depressed. The filter mass is the mass when the baryon to DM mass ratio in a halo is equal to half the baryon to DM ratio of the Universe. The filter mass has previously been used in semi-analytic calculations of galaxy formation, without taking into account the possible existence of a primordial magnetic field. We examine here its effect on the filter mass. For homogeneous comoving primordial magnetic fields of B(0) similar to 1 or 2 nG and a re-ionization epoch that starts at a redshift z(s) = 11 and is completed at z(r) = 8, the filter mass is increased at redshift 8, for example, by factors of 4.1 and 19.8, respectively. The dependence of the filter mass on the parameters describing the re-ionization epoch is investigated. Our results are particularly important for the formation of low-mass galaxies in the presence of a homogeneous primordial magnetic field. For example, for B(0) similar to 1 nG and a re-ionization epoch of z(s) similar to 11 and z(r) similar to 7, our results indicate that galaxies of total mass M similar to 5 x 108 M(circle dot) need to form at redshifts z(F) greater than or similar to 2.0, and galaxies of total mass M similar to 108 M(circle dot) at redshifts z(F) greater than or similar to 7.7.


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We present a comprehensive analysis of the spatial, kinematic and chemical properties of stars and globular clusters (GCs) in the `ordinary` elliptical galaxy NGC 4494 using data from the Keck and Subaru telescopes. We derive galaxy surface brightness and colour profiles out to large galactocentric radii. We compare the latter to metallicities derived using the near-infrared Calcium Triplet. We obtain stellar kinematics out to similar to 3.5 effective radii. The latter appear flattened or elongated beyond similar to 1.8 effective radii in contrast to the relatively round photometric isophotes. In fact, NGC 4494 may be a flattened galaxy, possibly even an S0, seen at an inclination of similar to 45 degrees. We publish a catalogue of 431 GC candidates brighter than i(0) = 24 based on the photometry, of which 109 are confirmed spectroscopically and 54 have measured spectroscopic metallicities. We also report the discovery of three spectroscopically confirmed ultra-compact dwarfs around NGC 4494 with measured metallicities of -0.4 less than or similar to [Fe/H] less than or similar to -0.3. Based on their properties, we conclude that they are simply bright GCs. The metal-poor GCs are found to be rotating with similar amplitude as the galaxy stars, while the metal-rich GCs show marginal rotation. We supplement our analysis with available literature data and results. Using model predictions of galaxy formation, and a suite of merger simulations, we find that many of the observational properties of NGC 4494 may be explained by formation in a relatively recent gas-rich major merger. Complete studies of individual galaxies incorporating a range of observational avenues and methods such as the one presented here will be an invaluable tool for constraining the fine details of galaxy formation models, especially at large galactocentric radii.


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We detail an innovative new technique for measuring the two-dimensional (2D) velocity moments (rotation velocity, velocity dispersion and Gauss-Hermite coefficients h(3) and h(4)) of the stellar populations of galaxy haloes using spectra from Keck DEIMOS (Deep Imaging Multi-Object Spectrograph) multi-object spectroscopic observations. The data are used to reconstruct 2D rotation velocity maps. Here we present data for five nearby early-type galaxies to similar to three effective radii. We provide significant insights into the global kinematic structure of these galaxies, and challenge the accepted morphological classification in several cases. We show that between one and three effective radii the velocity dispersion declines very slowly, if at all, in all five galaxies. For the two galaxies with velocity dispersion profiles available from planetary nebulae data we find very good agreement with our stellar profiles. We find a variety of rotation profiles beyond one effective radius, i.e. rotation speed remaining constant, decreasing and increasing with radius. These results are of particular importance to studies which attempt to classify galaxies by their kinematic structure within one effective radius, such as the recent definition of fast- and slow-rotator classes by the Spectrographic Areal Unit for Research on Optical Nebulae project. Our data suggest that the rotator class may change when larger galactocentric radii are probed. This has important implications for dynamical modelling of early-type galaxies. The data from this study are available on-line.