998 resultados para DNA-CLONING


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Autonomously replicating sequence (ARS) elements of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe contain multiple imperfect copies of the consensus sequence reported by Maundrell et al. [Maundrell K., Hutchison, A. & Shall, S. (1988) EMBO J. 7, 2203-2209]. When cell free extracts of S. pombe were incubated with a dimer or tetramer of an oligonucleotide containing the ARS consensus sequence, several complexes were detected using a gel mobility-shift assay. The proteins forming these complexes also bind ars3002, which is the most active origin in the ura4 region of chromosome III of S. pombe. One protein, partly responsible for the binding activity observed with crude extracts, was purified to near homogeneity. It is a 60-kDa protein and was named ARS-binding protein 1 (Abp1). Abp1 preferentially binds to multiple sites in ARS 3002 and to the DNA polymer poly[d(A.T)]. The cloning and sequence of the gene coding for Abp1 revealed that it encodes a protein of 59.8 kDa (522 amino acids). Abp1 has significant homology (25% identity, 50% similarity) to the N-terminal region (approximately 300 amino acids) of the human and mouse centromere DNA-binding protein CENP-B. Because centromeres of S. pombe contain a high density of ARS elements, Abp1 may play a role connecting DNA replication and chromosome segregation.


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An efficient method for mapping mutations is described in which hybrid genes, derived partly from mutant and partly from wild-type DNA, are obtained in vivo by homologous recombination of multiple fragments. The recombinants are formed in a strain in which their phenotypes are immediately apparent. This method was developed to identify changes that disrupt protein-protein interactions demonstrable by the two-hybrid system in yeast. However, it can be extended to any system where recombination is possible, provided an assay is available to distinguish between mutant and wild-type phenotypes.


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We have designed a rapid cloning and screening strategy to identify new members of the nuclear hormone receptor superfamily that are expressed during the onset of Drosophila metamorphosis. Using this approach, we isolated three Drosophila genes, designated DHR38, DHR78, and DHR96. All three genes are expressed throughout third-instar larval and prepupal development. DHR38 is the Drosophila homolog of NGFI-B and binds specifically to an NGFI-B response element. DHR78 and DHR96 are orphan receptor genes. DHR78 is induced by 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) in cultured larval organs, and its encoded protein binds to two AGGTCA half-sites arranged as either direct or palindromic repeats. DHR96 is also 20E-inducible, and its encoded protein binds selectively to the hsp27 20E response element. The 20E receptor can bind to each of the sequences recognized by DHR78 and DHR96, indicating that these proteins may compete with the receptor for binding to a common set of target sequences.


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We have isolated a gene encoding Xic-1, a 27-kDa cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk) inhibitor from Xenopus ovary that shares significant homology with both mammalian CIP1 and Kip1/Kip2. The N- and C-terminal halves of Xic-1 are sufficient for interacting with Cdks and proliferating cell nuclear antigen, respectively. Recombinant Xic-1 inhibits Xenopus cyclin E/Cdk2, cyclin A/Cdk2 and cyclin B/Cdc2 activities, although with quite different IC50 values. Truncation of the N terminus of Xic-1 increases the IC50 value for cyclin A/Cdk2 50-fold with no effect on the inhibition of cyclin E/Cdk2 or cyclin B/Cdc2.Xic-1 inhibits both single-stranded and nuclear DNA synthesis in egg extracts, an effect reversed by proliferating cell nuclear antigen or cyclin E/Cdk2, respectively. These results suggest a function for Xic-1 in the control of DNA synthesis by cyclin E/Cdk2.


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TFC5, the unique and essential gene encoding the B" component of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae RNA polymerase III transcription factor (TF)IIIB has been cloned. It encodes a 594-amino acid protein (67,688 Da). Escherichia coli-produced B" has been used to reconstitute entirely recombinant TFIIIB that is fully functional for TFIIIC-directed, as well as TATA box-dependent, DNA binding and transcription. The DNase I footprints of entirely recombinant TFIIIB, composed of B", the 67-kDa Brf, and TATA box-binding protein, and TFIIIB reconstituted with natural B" are indistinguishable. A truncated form of B" lacking 39 N-terminal and 107 C-terminal amino acids is also functional for transcription.


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Fatty acid synthase (FAS; EC was purified to near homogeneity from a human hepatoma cell line, HepG2. The HepG2 FAS has a specific activity of 600 nmol of NADPH oxidized per min per mg, which is about half that of chicken liver FAS. All the partial activities of human FAS are comparable to those of other animal FASs, except for the beta-ketoacyl synthase, whose significantly lower activity is attributable to the low 4'-phosphopantetheine content of HepG2 FAS. We cloned the human brain FAS cDNA. The cDNA sequence has an open reading frame of 7512 bp that encodes 2504 amino acids (M(r), 272,516). The amino acid sequence of the human FAS has 79% and 63% identity, respectively, with the sequences of the rat and chicken enzymes. Northern analysis revealed that human FAS mRNA was about 9.3 kb in size and that its level varied among human tissues, with brain, lung, and liver tissues showing prominent expression. The nucleotide sequence of a segment of the HepG2 FAS cDNA (bases 2327-3964) was identical to that of the cDNA from normal human liver and brain tissues, except for a 53-bp sequence (bases 3892-3944) that does not alter the reading frame. This altered sequence is also present in HepG2 genomic DNA. The origin and significance of this sequence variance in the HepG2 FAS gene are unclear, but the variance apparently does not contribute to the lower activity of HepG2 FAS.


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Although bacterial strain able to grow in the presence of organic solvents have been isolated, little is known about the mechanism of their resistance. In the present study, 1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene (tetralin), a solvent with potential applications in industrial biocatalysis, was used to select a resistant mutant of Escherichia coli. The resultant mutant strain was tested for resistance to a wide range of solvents of varying hydrophobicities and was found to be resistant not only to tetralin itself but also to cyclohexane, propylbenzene, and 1,2-dihydronaphthalene. A recombinant library from mutant DNA was used to clone the resistance gene. The sequence of the cloned locus was determined and found to match the sequence of the previously described alkylhydroperoxide reductase operon ahpCF. The mutation was localized to a substitution of valine for glycine at position 142 in the coding region of ahpC, which is the gene encoding the catalytic subunit of the enzyme. The ahpC mutant was found to have an activity that was three times that of the wild type in reducing tetralin hydroperoxide to 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-1-naphthol. We conclude that the toxicity of such solvents as tetralin is caused by the formation of toxic hydroperoxides in the cell. The ahpC mutation increases the activity of the enzyme toward hydrophobic hydroperoxides, thereby conferring resistance. The ahpC mutant was sensitive to the more hydrophilic solvents xylene and toluene, suggesting that there are additional mechanisms of solvent toxicity. Mutants resistant to a mixture of xylene and tetralin were isolated from the ahpC mutant but not from the wild-type strain.


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Pro-phenol oxidase [pro-PO; zymogen of phenol oxidase (monophenol, L-dopa:oxygen oxidoreductase, EC] is present in the hemolymph plasma of the silkworm Bombyx mori. Pro-PO is a heterodimeric protein synthesized by hemocytes. A specific serine proteinase activates both subunits through a limited proteolysis. The amino acid sequences of both subunits were deduced from their respective cDNAs; amino acid sequence homology between the subunits was 51%. The deduced amino acid sequences revealed domains highly homologous to the copper-binding site sequences (copper-binding sites A and B) of arthropod hemocyanins. The overall sequence homology between silkworm pro-PO and arthropod hemocyanins ranged from 29 to 39%. Phenol oxidases from prokaryotes, fungi, and vertebrates have sequences homologous to only the copper-binding site B of arthropod hemocyanins. Thus, silkworm pro-PO DNA described here appears distinctive and more closely related to arthropod hemocyanins. The pro-PO-activating serine proteinase was shown to hydrolyze peptide bonds at the carboxyl side of arginine in the sequence-Asn-49-Arg-50-Phe-51-Gly-52- of both subunits. Amino groups of N termini of both subunits were indicated to be N-acetylated. The cDNAs of both pro-PO subunits lacked signal peptide sequences. This result supports our contention that mature pro-PO accumulates in the cytoplasm of hemocytes and is released by cell rupture, as for arthropod hemocyanins.


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Elucidating the relevant genomic changes mediating development and evolution of prostate cancer is paramount for effective diagnosis and therapy. A putative dominant-acting nude mouse prostatic carcinoma tumor-inducing gene, PTI-1, has been cloned that is expressed in patient-derived human prostatic carcinomas but not in benign prostatic hypertrophy or normal prostate tissue. PTI-1 was detected by cotransfecting human prostate carcinoma DNA into CREF-Trans 6 cells, inducing tumors in nude mice, and isolating genes displaying increased expression in tumor-derived cells by using differential RNA display (DD). Screening a human prostatic carcinoma (LNCaP) cDNA library with a 214-bp DNA fragment found by DD permitted the cloning of a full-length 2.0-kb PTI-1 cDNA. Sequence analysis indicates that PTI-1 is a gene containing a 630-bp 5' sequence and a 3' sequence homologous to a truncated and mutated form of human elongation factor 1 alpha. In vitro translation demonstrates that the PTI-1 cDNA encodes a predominant approximately 46-kDa protein. Probing Northern blots with a DNA fragment corresponding to the 5' region of PTI-1 identifies multiple PTI-1 transcripts in RNAs from human carcinoma cell lines derived from the prostate, lung, breast, and colon. In contrast, PTI-1 RNA is not detected in human melanoma, neuroblastoma, osteosarcoma, normal cerebellum, or glioblastoma multiforme cell lines. By using a pair of primers recognizing a 280-bp region within the 630-bp 5' PTI-1 sequence, reverse transcription-PCR detects PTI-1 expression in patient-derived prostate carcinomas but not in normal prostate or benign hypertrophic prostate tissue. In contrast, reverse transcription-PCR detects prostate-specific antigen expression in all of the prostate tissues. These results indicate that PTI-1 may be a member of a class of oncogenes that could affect protein translation and contribute to carcinoma development in human prostate and other tissues. The approaches used, rapid expression cloning with the CREF-Trans 6 system and the DD strategy, should prove widely applicable for identifying and cloning additional human oncogenes.


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The human squamous cell carcinoma cell line SCC83-01-82 (SCC) contains mutations in both the H-ras and p53 genes, but it exhibits a nontumorigenic phenotype in nude mice. This cell line can be converted into a cell line with a tumorigenic phenotype, SCC83-01-82CA (CA), by treatment with the mutagen methyl methanesulfonate (MMS). This indicates that additional genetic events leading to expression of a cooperating tumor susceptibility gene(s) may be required for tumorigenicity. To identify the cooperating gene(s), an expression cDNA library was made from tumorigenic Ca cells. The library DNA was transfected into nontumorigenic SCC cells and the transfected SCC cells were then injected into nude mice for the selection of a tumorigenic phenotype. Tumors developed in 3 of the 18 mice after injection. Several new cell lines were established from these transfected cell-induced tumors and designated as CATR cells. Tumor histology and karyotype analysis of these cells indicated that they were of human epithelial cell origin. All the CATR cells have the library vector sequence integrated in their genome. Cell line CATR1 expressed a single message from the integrated library representing a 1.3-kb cDNA insert that was absent from untransfected SCC cells or MMS-converted CA cells. This 1.3-kb cDNA insert was cloned by PCR amplification of reverse-transcribed CATR1 total RNA and was designated CATR1.3. The nucleotide sequence of CATR1.3 encodes a peptide of 79 amino acids, has a long 3' untranslated region, and represents an unknown gene product that was associated with the tumorigenic conversion due to the transfected expression library.


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Nonhomologous integration vectors have been used to demonstrate the feasibility of insertional mutagenesis in haploid tachyzoites of the protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii. Mutant clones resistant to 5-fluorouracil were identified at a frequency of approximately 10(-6) (approximately 2 x 10(-5) of the stable transformants). Four independent mutants were isolated, all of which were shown to lack uracil phosphoribosyl-transferase (UPRT) activity and harbor transgenes integrated at closely linked loci, suggesting inactivation of the UPRT-encoding gene. Genomic DNA flanking the insertion point (along with the integrated vector) was readily recovered by bacterial transformation with restriction-digested, self-ligated total genomic DNA. Screening of genomic libraries with the recovered fragment identified sequences exhibiting high homology to known UPRT-encoding genes from other species, and cDNA clones were isolated that contain a single open reading frame predicted to encode the 244-amino acid enzyme. Homologous recombination vectors were exploited to create genetic knock-outs at the UPRT locus, which are deficient in enzyme activity but can be complemented by transient transformation with wild-type sequences--formally confirming identification of the functional UPRT gene. Mapping of transgene insertion points indicates that multiple independent mutants arose from integration at distinct sites within the UPRT gene, suggesting that nonhomologous integration is sufficiently random to permit tagging of the entire parasite genome in a single transformation.


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Eukaryotic initiation factor 2B (eIF-2B) is an essential component of the pathway of peptide-chain initiation in mammalian cells, yet little is known about its molecular structure and regulation. To investigate the structure, regulation, and interactions of the individual subunits of eIF-2B, we have begun to clone, characterize, and express the corresponding cDNAs. We report here the cloning and characterization of a 1510-bp cDNA encoding the alpha subunit of eIF-2B from a rat brain cDNA library. The cDNA contains an open reading frame of 918 bp encoding a polypeptide of 305 aa with a predicted molecular mass of 33.7 kDa. This cDNA recognizes a single RNA species approximately 1.6 kb in length on Northern blots of RNA from rat liver. The predicted amino acid sequence contains regions identical to the sequences of peptides derived from bovine liver eIF-2B alpha subunit. Expression of this cDNA in vitro yields a peptide which comigrates with natural eIF-2B alpha in SDS/polyacrylamide gels. The predicted amino acid sequence exhibits 42% identity to that deduced for the Saccharomyces cerevisiae GCN3 protein, the smallest subunit of yeast eIF-2B. In addition, expression of the rat cDNA in yeast functionally complements a gcn3 deletion for the inability to induce histidine biosynthetic genes under the control of GCN4. These results strongly support the hypothesis that mammalian eIF-2 alpha and GCN3 are homologues. Southern blots indicate that the eIF-2B alpha cDNA also recognizes genomic DNA fragments from several other species, suggesting significant homology between the rat eIF-2B alpha gene and that from other species.


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BRCA1 is a breast/ovarian cancer susceptibility gene on human chromosome 17q21. We describe a complete and detailed physical map of a 500-kb region of genomic DNA containing the BRCA1 gene and the partial cloning in phage P1 artificial chromosomes. Approximately 70 exons were isolated from this region, 11 of which were components of the BRCA1 gene. Analysis of the other exons revealed a rho-related G protein and the interferon-induced leucine-zipper protein IFP-35.


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Ran/TC4 is an essential, nuclear GTPase implicated in the initiation of DNA replication, entry into and exit from mitosis, and in nuclear RNA and protein transport through the nuclear pore complex. This diversity of functions suggests that Ran interacts with a large number of down-stream targets. Using an overlay assay, we detected a family of putative target proteins that associate with GTP-bound Ran. The sequence of only one such protein, HTF9a/RanBP1, is known. We have now cloned two additional Ran-binding proteins, allowing identification of a distinctive, highly conserved sequence motif of approximately 150 residues. This motif represents a minimal Ran-binding domain that stabilizes the GTP-bound state of Ran. The isolated domain also functions as a coactivator of Ran-GTPase-activating protein. Mutation of a conserved residue within the Ran-binding domain of HTF9a protein drastically reduced Ran binding. Ran-binding proteins coimmunoprecipitated with epitope-tagged Ran from cell lysates, suggesting that these proteins may associate in vivo. A previously uncharacterized Caenorhabditis elegans gene could encode a protein (96 kDa) possessing two Ran-binding domains. This open reading frame also contains similarities to nucleoporins, suggesting a functional link between Ran and nuclear pore complexes.


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During infections, Giardia lamblia undergoes a continuous change of its major surface antigens, the variant-specific surface proteins (VSPs). Many studies on antigenic variation have been performed using G. lamblia clone GS/M-83-H7, which expresses surface antigen VSP H7. The present study was focused on the identification and characterization of vsp gene sequences within the genome of the clonal G. lamblia GS/M-83-H7 line. For this purpose, we applied a PCR which specifically amplified truncated sequences from the 3'-terminal region of the vsp genes. Upon cloning, most of the vsp gene amplification products were shown to be approximately identical in size and thus could not be distinguished from each other by conventional gel electrophoresis. In order to pre-estimate the sequence complexity within the large panel of vsp clones isolated, we elaborated a novel concept which facilitated our large-scale genetic screening approach: PCR products from cloned DNA molecules were generated and then subjected to a DNA melting profile assay based on the use of the LightCycler Instrument. This high-throughput assay system proved to be well suited to monitor sequence differences between the amplification products from closely related vsp genes and thus could be used for the primary, sequence-related discrimination of the corresponding clones. After testing 50 candidates, vsp clones could be divided into five groups, each characterized by an individual DNA melting profile of the corresponding amplification products. Sequence analysis of some of these 50 candidates confirmed data from the aforementioned assay in that clones were demonstrated to be identical within, but different between, the distinct groups. The nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences of five representative vsp clones showed high similarities both among each other and also with the corresponding gene segment of the variant-specific surface antigen (VSP H7) expressed by the original GS/M-83-H7 variant type. Furthermore, three of the genomic vsp sequences turned out to be identical to vsp sequences that represented previously characterized transcription products from in vivo- or in vitro-switched GS/M-83-H7 trophozoites. In conclusion, the DNA melting profile assay seems to be a versatile tool for the PCR-based genotyping of moderately or highly diversified sequence orthologues.