887 resultados para DATA-ACQUISITION SYSTEM
A pulsed field gradient spin echo NMR spectrometer has been assembled by interfacing a programmable pulse generator and a data acquisition system designed and fabricated in our laboratory with other imported units. Calibration results of the magnetic field gradients are presented.
Resistivity imaging of a reconfigurable phantom with circular inhomogeneities is studied with a simple instrumentation and data acquisition system for Electrical Impedance Tomography. The reconfigurable phantom is developed with stainless steel electrodes and a sinusoidal current of constant amplitude is injected to the phantom boundary using opposite current injection protocol. Nylon and polypropylene cylinders with different cross sectional areas are kept inside the phantom and the boundary potential data are collected. The instrumentation and the data acquisition system with a DIP switch-based multiplexer board are used to inject a constant current of desired amplitude and frequency. Voltage data for the first eight current patterns (128 voltage data) are found to be sufficient to reconstruct the inhomogeneities and hence the acquisition time is reduced. Resistivity images are reconstructed from the boundary data for different inhomogeneity positions using EIDORS-2D. The results show that the shape and resistivity of the inhomogeneity as well as the background resistivity are successfully reconstructed from the potential data for single or double inhomogeneity phantoms. The resistivity images obtained from the single and double inhomogeneity phantom clearly indicate the inhomogeneity as the high resistive material. Contrast to noise ratio (CNR) and contrast recovery (CR) of the reconstructed images are found high for the inhomogeneities near all the electrodes arbitrarily chosen for the entire study. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In this paper, we propose the first approximation for thickness of Quaternary sediment and late Quaternary early Tertiary topography for the part of lower reaches of Narmada valley in a systematic way using the shallow seismic method, that records both horizontal and vertical components of the microtremor (ambient noise) caused by natural processes. The measurements of microtremors were carried out at 31 sites spaced at a grid interval of 5 km s using Lennartz seismometer (5 s period) and City shark-II data acquisition system. The signals recorded were analysed for horizontal to the vertical (H/V) spectral ratio using GEOPSY software. For the present study, we concentrate on frequency range between 0.2 Hz and 10 Hz. The thickness of unconsolidated sediments at various sites is calculated based on non-linear regression equations proposed by Ibs-von Seht and Wohlenberg (1999) and Parolai et al. (2002). The estimated thickness is used to plot digital elevation model and cross profiles correlating with geomorphology and geology of the study area. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Surface electrodes are essentially required to be switched for boundary data collection in electrical impedance tomography (Ell). Parallel digital data bits are required to operate the multiplexers used, generally, for electrode switching in ELT. More the electrodes in an EIT system more the digital data bits are needed. For a sixteen electrode system. 16 parallel digital data bits are required to operate the multiplexers in opposite or neighbouring current injection method. In this paper a common ground current injection is proposed for EIT and the resistivity imaging is studied. Common ground method needs only two analog multiplexers each of which need only 4 digital data bits and hence only 8 digital bits are required to switch the 16 surface electrodes. Results show that the USB based data acquisition system sequentially generate digital data required for multiplexers operating in common ground current injection method. The profile of the boundary data collected from practical phantom show that the multiplexers are operating in the required sequence in common ground current injection protocol. The voltage peaks obtained for all the inhomogeneity configurations are found at the accurate positions in the boundary data matrix which proved the sequential operation of multiplexers. Resistivity images reconstructed from the boundary data collected from the practical phantom with different configurations also show that the entire digital data generation module is functioning properly. Reconstructed images and their image parameters proved that the boundary data are successfully acquired by the DAQ system which in turn indicates a sequential and proper operation of multiplexers.
Managing heat produced by computer processors is an important issue today, especially when the size of processors is decreasing rapidly while the number of transistors in the processor is increasing rapidly. This poster describes a preliminary study of the process of adding carbon nanotubes (CNTs) to a standard silicon paste covering a CPU. Measurements were made in two rounds of tests to compare the rate of cool-down with and without CNTs present. The silicon paste acts as an interface between the CPU and the heat sink, increasing the heat transfer rate away from the CPU. To the silicon paste was added 0.05% by weight of CNTs. These were not aligned. A series of K-type thermocouples was used to measure the temperature as a function of time in the vicinity of the CPU, following its shut-off. An Omega data acquisition system was attached to the thermocouples. The CPU temperature was not measured directly because attachment of a thermocouple would have prevented its automatic shut-off A thermocouple in the paste containing the CNTs actually reached a higher temperature than the standard paste, an effect easily explained. But the rate of cooling with the CNTs was about 4.55% better.
Practical phantoms are essential to assess the electrical impedance tomography (EIT) systems for their validation, calibration and comparison purposes. Metal surface electrodes are generally used in practical phantoms which reduce the SNR of the boundary data due to their design and development errors. Novel flexible and biocompatible gold electrode arrays of high geometric precision are proposed to improve the boundary data quality in EIT. The flexible gold electrode arrays are developed on flexible FR4 sheets using thin film technology and practical gold electrode phantoms are developed with different configurations. Injecting a constant current to the phantom boundary the surface potentials are measured by a LabVIEW based data acquisition system and the resistivity images are reconstructed in EIDORS. Boundary data profile and the resistivity images obtained from the gold electrode phantoms are compared with identical phantoms developed with stainless steel electrodes. Surface profilometry, microscopy and the impedance spectroscopy show that the gold electrode arrays are smooth, geometrically precised and less resistive. Results show that the boundary data accuracy and image quality are improved with gold electrode arrays. Results show that the diametric resistivity plot (DRP), contrast to noise ratio (CNR), percentage of contrast recovery (PCR) and coefficient of contrast (COC) of reconstructed images are improved in gold electrode phantoms. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In the immediate surroundings of our daily life, we can find a lot of places where the energy in the form of vibration is being wasted. Therefore, we have enormous opportunities to utilize the same. Piezoelectric character of matter enables us to convert this mechanical vibration energy into electrical energy which can be stored and used to power other device, instead of being wasted. This work is done to realize both actuator and sensor in a cantilever beam based on piezoelectricity. The sensor part is called vibration energy harvester. The numerical analyses were performed for the cantilever beam using the commercial package ANSYS and MATLAB. The cantilever beam is realized by taking a plate and fixing its one end between two massive plates. Two PZT patches were glued to the beam on its two faces. Experiments were performed using data acquisition system (DAQ) and LABVIEW software for actuating and sensing the vibration of the cantilever beam.
Surface electrodes in Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) phantoms usually reduce the SNR of the boundary potential data due to their design and development errors. A novel gold sensors array with high geometric precision is developed for EIT phantoms to improve the resistivity image quality. Gold thin films are deposited on a flexible FR4 sheet using electro-deposition process to make a sixteen electrode array with electrodes of identical geometry. A real tissue gold electrode phantom is developed with chicken tissue paste and the fat cylinders as the inhomogeneity. Boundary data are collected using a USB based high speed data acquisition system in a LabVIEW platform for different inhomogeneity positions. Resistivity images are reconstructed using EIDORS and compared with identical stainless steel electrode systems. Image contrast parameters are calculated from the resistivity matrix and the reconstructed images are evaluated for both the phantoms. Image contrast and image resolution of resistivity images are improved with gold electrode array.
The present study reports a noninvasive technique for the measurement of the pulse transit time differential (PTTD) from the pulse pressure waveforms obtained at the carotid artery and radial artery using fiber Bragg grating pulse recorders (FBGPR). PTTD is defined as the time difference between the arrivals of a pulse pressure waveform at the carotid and radial arterial sites. The PTTD is investigated as an indicator of variation in the systolic blood pressure. The results are validated against blood pressure variation obtained from a Mindray Patient Monitor. Furthermore, the pulse wave velocity computed from the obtained PTTD is compared with the pulse wave velocity obtained from the color Doppler ultrasound system and is found to be in good agreement. The major advantage of the PTTD measurement via FBGPRs is that the data acquisition system employed can simultaneously acquire pulse pressure waveforms from both FBGPRs placed at carotid and radial arterial sites with a single time scale, which eliminates time synchronization complexity. (C) 2015 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)
Forced vibration field tests and finite element studies have been conducted on Morrow Point (arch) Dam in order to investigate dynamic dam-water interaction and water compressibility. Design of the data acquisition system incorporates several special features to retrieve both amplitude and phase of the response in a low signal to noise environment. These features contributed to the success of the experimental program which, for the first time, produced field evidence of water compressibility; this effect seems to play a significant role only in the symmetric response of Morrow Point Dam in the frequency range examined. In the accompanying analysis, frequency response curves for measured accelerations and water pressures as well as their resonating shapes are compared to predictions from the current state-of-the-art finite element model for which water compressibility is both included and neglected. Calibration of the numerical model employs the antisymmetric response data since they are only slightly affected by water compressibility, and, after calibration, good agreement to the data is obtained whether or not water compressibility is included. In the effort to reproduce the symmetric response data, on which water compressibility has a significant influence, the calibrated model shows better correlation when water compressibility is included, but the agreement is still inadequate. Similar results occur using data obtained previously by others at a low water level. A successful isolation of the fundamental water resonance from the experimental data shows significantly different features from those of the numerical water model, indicating possible inaccuracy in the assumed geometry and/or boundary conditions for the reservoir. However, the investigation does suggest possible directions in which the numerical model can be improved.
O potencial eólico do Brasil, de vento firme e com viabilidade econômica de aproveitamento, é de 143 GW. Isso equivale ao dobro de toda a capacidade da geração já instalada no país. No Brasil, a energia eólica tem uma sazonalidade complementar à energia hidrelétrica, porque os períodos de melhor condição de vento coincidem com os de menor capacidade dos reservatórios. O projeto desenvolvido neste trabalho nasceu de uma chamada pública do FINEP, e sob os auspícios do recém criado CEPER. Ao projeto foi incorporado um caráter investigativo, de contribuição científica original, resultando em um produto de tecnologia inovadora para aerogeradores de baixa potência. Dentre os objetivos do projeto, destacamos a avaliação experimental de turbinas eólicas de 5000 W de potência. Mais especificamente, dentro do objetivo geral deste projeto estão incluídas análise estrutural, análise aerodinâmica e análise de viabilidade de novos materiais a serem empregados. Para cada uma das diferentes áreas de conhecimento que compõem o projeto, será adotada a metodologia mais adequada. Para a Análise aerodinâmica foi realizada uma simulação numérica preliminar seguida de ensaios experimentais em túnel de vento. A descrição dos procedimentos adotados é apresentada no Capítulo 3. O Capítulo 4 é dedicado aos testes elétricos. Nesta etapa, foi desenvolvido um banco de testes para obtenção das características específicas das máquinas-base, como curvas de potência, rendimento elétrico, análise e perdas mecânicas e elétricas, e aquecimento. Este capítulo termina com a análise crítica dos valores obtidos. Foram realizados testes de campo de todo o conjunto montado. Atualmente, o aerogerador de 5kW encontra-se em operação, instrumentado e equipado com sistema de aquisição de dados para consolidação dos testes de confiabilidade. Os testes de campo estão ocorrendo na cidade de Campos, RJ, e abrangeram as seguintes dimensões de análise; testes de eficiência para determinação da curva de potência, níveis de ruído e atuação de dispositivos de segurança. Os resultados esperados pelo projeto foram atingidos, consolidando o projeto de um aerogerador de 5000W.
A presente dissertação objetiva a verificação do desempenho dos ensaios do tipo CRS, com velocidade controlada, quando comparados aos ensaios de adensamento oedométricos convencionais, SIC. O ensaio SIC é executado em vários estágios de carga, cada qual com vinte e quatro horas de duração e razão unitária entre o incremento de tensão e a tensão anterior, requerendo um prazo total de cerca de 10 dias para sua execução. Já o ensaio de adensamento com velocidade controlada, CRS, tem sua duração bastante reduzida, o que levou diversos pesquisadores da área de Geotecnia a concentrarem esforços no estudo de seu desempenho, visando sua utilização mais ampla. Para este estudo foi adquirido equipamento da empresa Hogentogler Inc., designado por GeoStar. Sua instalação, montagem e calibração foram realizadas no Laboratório de Mecânica dos Solos. Foram executados ensaios em corpos de prova obtidos de amostras de caulim, preparadas em laboratório, e também em amostras de solos originários de dois depósitos de diferentes regiões no Estado do Rio de Janeiro: baixada de Jacarepaguá e Itaboraí. A dissertação procurou detalhar a execução dos ensaios, as dificuldades da interpretação das planilhas originadas pelo sistema de aquisição de dados, acoplado ao equipamento GeoStar, as mudanças efetuadas, as ocorrências não previstas, a análise e interpretação dos resultados e a comparação dos parâmetros obtidos com os ensaios SIC e CRS. Procurou-se estudar o efeito da velocidade de deformação, histórico de tensões, qualidade dos corpos de prova, parâmetros do ensaio, facilidade de execução e desempenho. Verificou-se a simplicidade, rapidez e o desempenho satisfatório do ensaio CRS. Sugere-se estender estudos semelhantes a outros locais e, principalmente, a amostras de qualidade superior, na expectativa de confirmar as conclusões detalhadas nesta pesquisa.
The 8π spectrometer at TRIUMF-ISAC consists of 20 Compton-suppressed germanium detectors and various auxiliary devices. The Ge array, once used for studies of nuclei at high angular momentum, has been transformed into the world's most powerful device dedicated to radioactive-decay studies. Many improvements in the spectrometer have been made, including a high-throughput data acquisition system, installation of a moving tape collector, incorporation of an array of 20 plastic scintillators for β-particle tagging, 5 Si(Li) detectors for conversion electrons, and 10 BaF2 detectors for fast-lifetime measurements. Experiments can be performed where data from all detectors are collected simultaneously, resulting in a very detailed view of the nucleus through radioactive decay. A number of experimental programmes have been launched that take advantage of the versatility of the spectrometer, and the intense beams available at TRIUMF-ISAC. © 2006 American Institute of Physics.
The physical meaning and calculation procedures for determining loudness was critically analyzed. Four noise sources were used in comparing the software packages dBFA dBSonic, which were used in the investigation to a public domain code. The purpose of the comparison was to evaluate the validity of the results obtained and to gain an idea of the shortcomings of the relevant standards. A comparison of the results for loudness was computed from various methods, used in the study. Two basic sources of input data such as a sound level meter (SLM) and a 01 dB data acquisition system (DAQ), were available for the comparison. The SLM directly gave 1/3 octave band levels, while the data from the DAQ was filtered to give the results. Five processing methods, including a Visual Basic (VB) program and a VB program adapted from dBFA, were used for the study. It was found that the calculation of loudness from 1/3 octave cannot be separated from the filtering process.