175 resultados para Cyprinidae


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Since its completion in 1973 the Danjiangkou Dam has markedly changed downstream flows, water levels, temperatures, sediment loads and other water quality characteristics in downstream reaches of the Hanjiang River. There have been changes in the growth, spawning behaviour and overwintering condition of local fish populations, in the composition and abundance of food organisms and in the composition of the commercial fish catch. Despite the changed environment and the absence of a fish pass, fish populations are still able to grow and spawn under the new regime. Where conditions are like those of the Hanjiang River, dams may not necessarily have calamitous consequences for fishery production.


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Zhang 等(2000)根据口唇部结构把鲤形目Cypriniformes 鲤科Cyprinidae 野鲮 亚科Labeoninae 鱼类分为三个类群。其中第二个类群鱼类的特征是吻皮发达向 腹面下包、上唇退化、下唇向复杂的形态演变,有的形成似吸盘状的雏形构造。 在整理广西鱼类标本时,发现来自广西桂林大埠的十余尾标本不能归到野鲮亚科 任何属中,在这里建立一个新属-狭吻鱼属(Stenorhinchus)。狭吻鱼属的口唇部结 构具有野鲮亚科第二类群鱼类的特征。本研究的目的是为了探讨狭吻鱼属的有效 性及其在野鲮亚科第二类群中的系统位置。传统的观点(张鹗,1998)认为异华 鲮属Parasinilabeo 与唇鱼属Semilabeo、泉水鱼属Pseudogyrinocheilus 的亲缘关 系较近,苏瑞凤(2001)认为异华鲮属与华缨鱼属、直口鲮属构成一个单系群, 本研究的另一目的是要探讨异华鲮属在野鲮亚科中的分类地位,同时描述了异华 鲮属一新种-长鳍异华鲮(Parasinilabeo longiventralis)。 基于外部形态和骨骼特征,利用分支系统学原理和方法对野鲮亚科第二类群 鱼类进行系统发育研究。选择野鲮亚科第二类群的直口鲮属(Rectoris)、穗唇鲃 属(Crossocheilus)、角鱼属(Akrokolioplax)、华缨鱼属(Sinocrossocheilus)、拟 缨鱼属(Pseudocrossocheilus)、异华鲮属(Parasinilabeo)、唇鱼属(Semilabeo)、 泉水鱼属( Pseudogyrinocheilus ) 和第一类群的鲮(Cirrhinus) 、舌唇鱼 (Lobocheilus)、脂孟加拉鲮(Bangana)作为内群,以鲃亚科的刺鲃(Spinibarbus caldwelli)、大鳞高须鱼(Hypsibarbus vernayi)作为外群。利用外群比较法选取 性状,进行编码后建立一个性状状态矩阵。然后应用软件MacClade4.0 和Paup4.0 进行分析。本研究选取61 个性状来构建系统发育树。系统发育树结果表明:(1) 野鲮亚科第二类群的鱼类构成一个单系群,在这里把它们命名为穗唇鲃组;(2) 狭吻鱼属是个有效属,应置于野鲮亚科第二类群并与唇鱼属、泉水鱼属的亲缘关 系最近;(3)异华鲮属与狭吻鱼属、唇鱼属、泉水鱼属的亲缘关系较密切,在4 属之中,它是较早分化出来的类群; (4)宽唇华缨鱼和三齿华缨鱼不聚成姐妹 群,华缨鱼属不构成单系群;(5)直口鲮和宽唇华缨鱼的分类地位不稳定,需要 今后进一步的分子生物学研究确认。


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The family Cyprinidae is the largest of freshwater fishes and, with the possible exception of Gobiidae, the largest family of vertebrates.Various members of this family are important as food fish, as aquarium fish, and in biological research. In this study, a fish species from this family exclusively found in the west flowing rivers originating from the Western Ghat region — Gonoproktopterus curmuca — was taken for population genetic analysis.There was an urgent need for restoration ecology by the development of apt management strategies to exploit resources judiciously. One of the strategies thus developed for the scientific management of these resources was to identify the natural units of the fishery resources under exploitation (Altukov, 1981). These natural units of a species can otherwise be called as stocks. A stock can be defined as a panmictic population of related individuals within a single species that is genetically distinct from other such populations.It is believed that a species may undergo micro evolutionary process and differentiate into genetically distinct sub-populations or stocks in course of time, if reproductively and geographically isolated.In recent times, there has been a wide spread degradation of natural aquatic environment due to anthropogenic activities and this has resulted in the decline and even extinction of some fish species. In such situations, evaluation of the genetic diversity of fish resources assumes important to conservation.The species selected for the study, was short-listed as one of the candidates for stock-specific, propagation assisted rehabilitation and management programme in rivers where it is naturally distributed. In connection with this, captive breeding and milt cryopreservation techniques of the species have been developed by the National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources, Lucknow. However, for a scientific stock-specific rehabilitation programme, information on the stock structure and basic genetic profile of the species are essential and that is not available in case of G. curmuca. So the present work was taken up to identify molecular genetic markers like allozymes, microsatellites and RAPDs and, to use these markers to discriminate the distinct populations of the species, if any, in areas of its natural distribution. The genetic markers were found to be powerful tools to analyze the population genetic structure of the red-tailed barb and demonstrated clear cut genetic differentiation between pairs of populations examined. Geographic isolation by land distance is likely to be the factor that contributed to the restricted gene flow between the river systems. So the present study emphasizes the need for stock-wise, propagation assisted-rehabilitation of the natural populations of red-tailed barb, Gonoprokfopterus curmuca.


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Aspects on biodiversity and conservation of the ichthyofauna in the Asian region, in comparison to that of Africa, Europe and North America have been relatively less documented. This paper attempts to evaluate the above aspects in the East, and South and Southeast Asia based on available information in the literature. The familial diversity in inland waters in Asia (121 families) is considerably higher than in African and Latin American. Also, the finfish faunal diversity of 21 major river basins in East, and South and Southeast Asian indicate that species diversity is not necessarily related to familial diversity. The fish fauna in the region considered presently is highly diverse with an estimated cumulative total of 7447 species. Amongst the freshwater fishes the dominant groups are cyprinids (Cyprinidae, about 1000 species), loaches (about 400 species) of the families Balitoridae and Cobitiidae, gobids (Gobiidae, 300 species), catfishes (Bagridae, about 100 species), and the Osphronemidae (85 species). In the region, 462 freshwater finfish species are reckoned to be threatened, accounting for 17.5% of the all finfish species in this status in the world. In the region there are 66 species that are critically endangered and/or endangered, of which 32 are cyprinids, 14 of which are endemic to Lake Lanao, Mindano Island, Philippines. The diversity of freshwater fish species in the region was significantly related to the land area of the different countries in the following manner:

ln (species ratio) = ln 0.384 (land area in km2) + 0.651( R2 = 0.628; p < 0.001).

In addition, the fish species diversity in the major river basins of the region was also found to be positively related to the basin area:

ln (Species richness index) = - 0.789 ln (Area) + 9.368( R2 = 0.748; p < 0.001).

Based on above relationship, the predicted fish species richness did not necessarily correlate to river basin size, and rivers with small basins were shown to have high indices. The paper also attempts to evaluate the reasons affecting fish species diversity in the region and suggests mitigating measures.


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Freshwater finfish species richness and level of endemism in East, and South and South-East Asia that included 17 nations were studied using available databases, and included nation-wise distribution, habitat types, and conservation status. The number of endemic finfish species in the region was 559, belonging to 47 families. Families Cyprinidae and Balitoridae accounted for 43.5% and 16.2% of the total number of endemic species in the region, respectively, followed by Sisoridae (25), Gobiidae (20), Melanotaeniidae (19), and Bagridae (16), and the other 41 families had at least one endemic species. Nation-wise the most number of endemic freshwater finfish species occur in India (191), followed by China (88), Indonesia (84), and Myanmar (60). In India, the endemic species accounted for 26.4% of the native freshwater fish fauna, followed by South Korea (16.9%), the Philippines, (16.3%) and Myanmar (15.7%).

Statistically significant relationships discerned between the number of indigenous and endemic species richness to land area (Xla in 103 km2) of the nations in the region were, Yin = 218.961 Ln(Xla) – 843.1 (R2 = 0.735; P < 0.001) and Ye = 28.445 Ln Xla−134.47 (R2 = 0.534; P < 0.01), respectively, and between indigenous and endemic species richness was Ye = 0.079Xn− 1.558 (R2 = 0.235; P < 0.05).

The overall conservation status of endemic finfish in Asia was satisfactory in that only 92 species were in some state of vulnerability, of which 37 species (6.6%) are endangered or critically endangered. However, the bulk of these species (83.7%) were cave- and or lake-dwelling fish. However, nation-wise, the endemic freshwater finfish fauna of the Philippines and Sri Lanka, based on the imperilment index, were found to be in a highly vulnerable state. Among river basins, the Mekong Basin had the highest number of endemic species (31.3%). The discrepancies between databases are highlighted and the need to consolidate information among databases is discussed. It is suggested that the Mekong Basin be considered as a biodiversity hotspot, and appropriate management strategies be introduced in this regard.


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The study focuses on the natural spawning ecology, induced spawning of captive broodstock and larval and fry nursing techniques of Tor tambroides and Tor douronensis, two mahseer fish of aquaculture and conservational importance. Both species were induced bred, and the development will help develop commercial aquaculture.


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This study investigated population genetic structure and diversity of mud carp Cirrhinus molitorella, a species widely used in aquaculture and culture-based fisheries in China and Mekong River riparian countries. Seven newly developed and one published microsatellite DNA markers were used to analyse samples from six wild locations, four hatchery broodstocks and one farmed site from the Mekong, Red and Pearl Rivers. Significant genetic structure was detected in C. molitorella, with isolation-by-distance being a strong force in the Mekong. Pair-wise FST, Fisher's exact tests for population differentiation, permutation tests and individual-based structure analysis all support the recognition of a sample originating from Toul Krasaing Lake (Cambodia) and one between Kratie and Stung Treng (Cambodia) as distinct from the remainder of the sampled range. Samples from the main upper Mekong and the Nam Khan River were significantly differentiated, but on a time scale inferred to be short (i.e. by genetic drift, not sufficient for evolution of new microsatellite alleles). The Mekong stock of C. molitorella was strongly differentiated from those from the Red and Pearl Rivers, inferred to be on an evolutionary time scale. Finer-scale sampling is warranted to further improve the understanding of genetic interactions among fish from the Mekong and its tributaries. Detailed studies on the ecology of C. molitorella (e.g. migration pathways and preferred spawning habitats) would provide useful information to explain the patterns of genetic structure detected here, and deepen insights about evolutionary distinctiveness of the population units.


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Small variations in signalling pathways have been linked to phenotypic diversity and speciation. In vertebrates, teeth represent a reservoir of adaptive morphological structures that are prone to evolutionary change. Cyprinid fish display an impressive diversity in tooth number, but the signals that generate such diversity are unknown. Here, we show that retinoic acid (RA) availability influences tooth number size in Cyprinids. Heterozygous adult zebrafish heterozygous for the cyp26b1 mutant that encodes an enzyme able to degrade RA possess an extra tooth in the ventral row. Expression analysis of pharyngeal mesenchyme markers such as dlx2a and lhx6 shows lateral, anterior and dorsal expansion of these markers in RA-treated embryos, whereas the expression of the dental epithelium markers dlx2b and dlx3b is unchanged. Our analysis suggests that changes in RA signalling play an important role in the diversification of teeth in Cyprinids. Our work illustrates that through subtle changes in the expression of rate-limiting enzymes, the RA pathway is an active player of tooth evolution in fish.


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The present work studied protozoan parasites of cultivated fishes (N = 433) from two feefishing farm situated in Franca, São Paulo, Brazil, during a period of April 1997 through March 1999. Specimens of piauçú Leporinus macrocephalus Garavello & Britski, 1988 (Anostomidae), pacu Piaractus mesopotamicus Holmberg, 1887 (Characidae) carp Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758 (Cyprinidae), Tillapia rendalli Boulenger, 1896 (Cichlidae), nile-tilapia Oreochromis niloticus Linnaeus, 1758 (Cichlidae), matrinxã Brycon cephalus Günther, 1869 (Characidae) and tambacu hybrid (male of P. mesopotamicus x female of Colossoma macropomum Cuvier, 1818) were collected. The fishes were parasitized with protozoans Ichthyophthirius multifiliis Fouquet, 1876 (Protozoa), Trichodina sp. and Piscinoodinium pillulare (Schaperclaus, 1954), Lom, 1981 (Protozoa). In the cold season (autumn and/or winter) all species of fish were infected with I. multifiliis. Higher susceptibility to Trichodina sp. was observed in L. macrocephalus, C. carpio and P. mesopotamicus compared to tambacu, B. cephalus, T. rendalli and 0. niloticus. It was not observed significant difference (P > 0.05) in the seasonal variation of Trichodina sp. and P. pillulare infection of all species. A great number of P. pillulare without significant difference (P > 0.05) was reported to L. macrocephalus, P. mesopotamicus and tambacu.


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Metazoan fauna from cultivated fishes (N = 433) in two feefishing farm of Franca, State of São Paulo, Brazil, was studied during a period of April 1997 through March 1999. Specimens of piauçú Leporinus macrocephalus Garavello & Britski, 1988 (Anostomidae), pacu Piaractus mesopotamicus Holmberg, 1887 (Characidae), carp Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758 (Cyprinidae), Tillapia rendalli Boulenger, 1896 (Cichlidae), nile-tilapia Oreochromis niloticus Linnaeus, 1758 (Cichlidae), matrinxã Brycon cephalus Günther, 1869 (Characidae) and tambacu hybrid (male of P. mesopotamicus x female of Colossoma macropomum Cuvier, 1818) were collected. A total of 29.3% was parasitized by monogenean, 9.7% with crustacean (copepodits and adults of Lernaea cyprinacea Linnaeus, 1758 and Argulus sp.) and 1.6% with myxosporean (Henneguya piaractus Martins & Souza, 1997 and Myxobolus colossomatis Moinar & Békési, 1993).The most susceptible species to myxosporean infestation was P. mesopotamicus. L. macrocephalus and P. mesopotamicus that showed a higher susceptibility to Argulus sp infestation. It was not observed significant difference (P > 0.05) in the seasonal variation of L. cyprinacea infection of all species. L. macrocephalus, P. mesopotamicus and tambacu showed a great number of P. pillulare with no significant difference (P > 0.05) between them. Monogenean infections were observed in all examined species, without significant difference (P > 0.05) in the seasonal variation. Nevertheless, occurrence of monogenean was higher in P. mesopotamicus and lower in Nile-tilapia. By the other hand, parasites number collected from P. mesopotamicus was lower in the winter. Copepodits of L. cyprinacea were found in the gills of P. mesopotamicus, tambacu and L. macrocephalus. However, adults of L. cyprinacea were observed only in the P. mesopotamicus and tambacu.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This study describes the occurrence and the seasonality of parasites of cultivated fish from a fee fishing farm located in Guariba, São Paulo State, Brazil (21°15'22'' S, 48°18'58'' W and 595 m of altitude), from August, 2001 to July, 2002. The presence of parasites was researched in pacu Piaractus mesopotamicus (Characidae), common carp Cyprinus carpio (Cyprinidae), nile-tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (Cichlidae), tambacu hybrid (male of P. mesopotamicus x female of tambaqui-Colossoma macropomum) and piraputanga Brycon hillari (Characidae). Results demonstrate that out of 100 fish examined, 15% were sponged for at least one of the following parasites: Trichodina sp.; monogenean helminths; copepodits of Lemaea cyprinacea; adults of L. cyprinacea; or Dolops carvalhoi. In decreasing order, the susceptibility degree of the hosts was C. carpio, P. mesopotamicus, B. hillari, tambacu hybrid and O. niloticus. In decreasing order the reported parasites were monogenean helminths, Dolops carvalhoi, Trichodina sp., adults of Lernaea cyprinacea and their young shapes.