549 resultados para Cyclin A_1
Resumo A tumorigénese é um processo de transformação celular que se desenrola tipicamente em várias etapas. Os diferentes níveis de evolução tumoral resultam da acumulação sucessiva de mutações genéticas numa célula normal que lhe conferem uma vantagem selectiva no respectivo meio tecidular. As mutações podem manifestar-se sob a forma de alterações nucleotídicas pontuais ao nível da sequência de DNA, levando a uma desregulação da função proteíca ou à formação de proteínas não-funcionais, ou através de alterações cromossómicas numéricas ou estruturais. Na leucemia, por exemplo, os genes híbridos que resultam de translocações cromossómicas desempenham um importante papel no processo tumorigénico. Estes genes são transcritos sob a forma de um RNA mensageiro de fusão, o qual é traduzido numa proteína híbrida com função oncogénica. Frequentemente, os subtipos de doença leucémica estão associados com translocações cromossómicas que envolvem 2 pontos de quebra recorrentes e específicos. É disto exemplo a leucemia mielóide crónica, em que uma translocação recíproca entre os cromossomas 9 e 22 conduz à formação de um gene de fusão BCR-ABL1. Em diferentes subtipos de doença, existe também uma pequena proporção de casos que apresenta translocações cromossómicas complexas, que envolvem um ou mais pontos de quebra adicionais em outras localizações genómicas além das que estão implicadas na formação dos genes de fusão. Por vezes, os pontos de quebra estão também associados a delecções extensas de material genético que se pensa terem uma função importante na tumorigénese. No entanto, o papel destas regiões genómicas no desenvolvimento tumoral não tem sido um motivo recorrente de estudo. Neste contexto, o objectivo desta dissertação foi o de determinar o potencial papel tumorigénico de alterações génicas adicionais ocorridas nos pontos de quebra de translocações cromossómicas complexas. Para a prossecução do objectivo proposto, foram estudados 5 rearranjos cromossómicos distintos associados com diferentes tipos de doença hematológica maligna, nomeadamente a leucemia linfoblástica aguda de células B (2 casos), leucemia mielóide aguda, neoplasma mieloproliferativo e síndrome mielodisplásico/neoplasma ieloproliferativo, não classificável. O mapeamento dos pontos de quebra foi efectuado utilizando a hibridação fluorescente in situ e diferentes metodologias de biologia molecular, tendo como base a informação inicial da análise citogenética. Em casos seleccionados, o papel dos novos genes candidatos foi avaliado in vitro utilizando modelos de linhas celulares, nomeadamente no que respeita às funções de controlo da proliferação celular e de regulação transcricional. De entre os 5 casos estudados, quatro deles evidenciaram translocações complexas envolvendo 3 cromossomas, nomeadamente t(12;21;5)(p13;q22;q13), t(12;6;15)(p13;p24~25;q22), t(9;11;19)(p22;q23;p13) e t(X;20;16)(p11;q13;q23). No caso remanescente, foi observada uma translocação dicêntrica dic(9;12)(p11;p11) acompanhada de delecções extensas em ambos os pontos de quebra. Nos casos com t(12;21;5) e t(9;11;19) as translocações estavam associadas com a presença de genes de fusão recorrentes, nomeadamente TV6(12p13)-RUNX1(21q22) e TLL(11q23)-MLLT3(9p22), indicando que se tratavam de rearranjos complexos das translocações t(12;21) e t(9;11) associadas com a leucemia linfoblástica aguda de células B e a leucemia mielóide aguda, respectivamente. O papel dos pontos de quebra adicionais foi estudado em detalhe no caso com t(9;11;19). Através da metodologia de long distance inverse-polymerase chain reaction, foram identificados os pontos de quebra na sequência de DNA dos 3 cromossomas envolvidos na translocação. Além dos pontos de quebra nos genes MLL e MLLT3, foi observado que o local de quebra no cromossoma 19 interrompeu a sequência de um novo gene, designado CCDC94,conduzindo à sua haplo-insuficiência nas células com t(9;11;19). Através de ensaios de reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction verificámos que o gene CCDC94 é expresso ubiquitariamente em tecidos humanos normais. A análise informática da sequência prevista da proteína CCDC94 indicou uma elevada identidade de aminoácidos com a proteína cwf16, envolvida na regulação do ciclo celular da levedura Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Através da clonagem do DNA complementar de CCDC94 em vectores de expressão, e após a transfecção destes em culturas de linhas celulares in vitro, observámos que este gene codifica uma proteína de localização exclusivamente nuclear. A expressão ectópica da proteína CCDC94 diminuiu a progressão do ciclo celular e a proliferação das células em cultura. Inversamente, a supressão do transcrito do gene CCDC94 através de interferência de RNA conduziu a um aumento significativo da proliferação celular, confirmando que CCDC94 regula negativamente a proliferação e a progressão do ciclo celular. Estes resultados mostram que os pontos de quebra adicionais, presentes em translocações cromossómicas complexas em leucemia, podem resultar na haplo-insuficiência de genes controladores dos mecanismos proliferativos, cooperando desta forma com a acção das proteínas de fusão para proporcionar ao clone leucémico uma proliferação celular descontrolada. Nos restantes 3 casos estudados não foram identificados genes de fusão. Ao invés, todos aqueles apresentaram delecções de extensão variável associadas com os pontos de quebra cromossómicos. No caso com t(12;6;15), identificámos uma delecção de 1.2 megabases de DNA na banda 12p13 que resultou na eliminação de 9 genes incluindo ETV6 e CDKN1B. O gene ETV6 codifica um factor de transcrição que é essencial para a formação das diferentes linhagens hematopoiéticas na medula óssea, enquanto CDKN1B é traduzido numa proteína responsável por bloquear a entrada das células na fase G1 do ciclo celular e,consequentemente, por travar a proliferação celular. Neste contexto, os resultados obtidos indicam que a perda simultânea de ETV6 e de CDKN1B, através de uma translocação cromossómica complexa, constituiu uma acção cooperativa na leucemogénese. A mesma noção pode aplicar-se ao caso com dic(9;12), no qual pelo menos 2 genes que codificam para factores de transcrição importantes na linhagem hematopoiética, PAX5 no cromossoma 9 e ETV6 no cromossoma 12, estavam deleccionados como resultado do rearranjo cromossómico. Dado que o factor de transcrição PAX5 regula negativamente a expressão do gene FLT3, que desempenha uma função pró-proliferativa, é expectável que a haplo-insuficiência de PAX5 no caso com dic(9;12) terá tido como consequência uma elevação dos níveis de expressão de FLT3, contribuindo deste modo para uma proliferação celular aumentada. A t(X;20;16) foi identificada num doente com trombocitémia essencial (TE), uma doença que está intimamente relacionada com alterações de vias intracelulares reguladas por citocinas. Neste caso, através da utilização de um array genómico, identificámos a presença de pequenas delecções associadas com os pontos de quebra nos cromossomas 16 e 20. No cromossoma 16 apenas um gene, MAF, estava deleccionado, enquanto no cromossoma 20 a delecção tinha abrangido 3 genes. Dos genes deleccionados, dois deles, NFATC2 (20q13) e MAF (16q23), codificam proteínas que operam como reguladores transcricionais de citocinas hematopoiéticas. Dado que NFATC2 se localiza numa região que constitui um alvo frequente de delecções em neoplasmas ieloproliferativos, incluindo a trombocitémia essencial,efectuámos um estudo detalhado do papel deste gene na proliferação megacariocítica e na regulação da expressão de uma citocina hematopoiética (GM-CSF), implicada na maturação das diferentes linhagens mielóides. Utilizando um modelo de linha celular de trombocitémia essencial, verificámos que a supressão do transcrito do gene NFATC2 in vitro, por interferência de RNA, estava associada com um aumento da proliferação celular. Em concordância, o bloqueio da activação da proteína NFATC2 através de um inibidor específico da sua interacção com a calcineurina, conduziu a um aumento da proliferação celular in vitro. Utilizando a PCR quantitativa em tempo real, detectou-se um aumento da produção do RNA de GM-CSF em ambos os ensaios celulares, indicando que o factor de transcrição NFATC2 pode regular negativamente a expressão de GM-CSF em células de trombocitémia essencial. No geral, estes resultados mostram que a redução dos níveis fisiológicos do transcrito NFATC2, ou a redução da respectiva actividade proteica, estão relacionados com a proliferação de megacariocitos através do aumento da produção de GM-CSF. De acordo com estes resultados, verificámos que as células dos doentes com TE apresentam níveis mais baixos do transcrito NFATC2 do que a população normal. Dado que o factor de transcrição MAF desempenha igualmente um papel como regular transcricional de citocinas, é plausível que a haplo-insuficiência dos genes NFATC2 e MAF, resultante do rearranjo cromossómico complexo t(X;20;16), teve um efeito cooperativo importante na patogénese da trombocitémia essencial através da alteração do padrão normal de expressão das citocinas hematopoiéticas. Em síntese, efectuámos nesta dissertação um estudo citogenético de 4 translocações cromossómicas complexas incluindo t(12;21;5), t(12;6;15), t(9;11;19) e t(X;20;16), e de uma translocação dicêntrica dic(9;12), associadas com diferentes neoplasmas hematológicos. Em casos seleccionados efectuámos também um estudo molecular detalhado das regiões dos pontos de quebra. Esta análise permitiu-nos identificar 2 genes, CCDC94 no cromossoma 19 e NFATC2 no cromossoma 20, cuja haplo-insuficiência pode promover o aumento da proliferação celular das células leucémicas. A partir destes estudos podem ser retiradas 2 noções principais: (i) Os pontos de quebra adicionais, que ocorrem em translocações complexas associadas com a formação de genes de fusão, podem ter como consequência a desregulação de genes controladores da proliferação celular (e.g., CCDC94); (ii) As translocações complexas caracterizadas pela ausência de genes de fusão recorrentes poderão estar preferencialmente associadas com a presença de delecções, envolvendo um ou mais genes, nos pontos de quebra; nestas situações, serão necessários pelo menos 2 genes com funções celulares semelhantes (e.g., NFATC2 e MAF) ou complementares (e.g., ETV6 e CDKN1B) para, quando deleccionados, promoverem de forma cooperativa a leucemogénese. Nestes termos, o modelo de alterações genéticas sequenciais que caracteriza o desenvolvimento do cancro pode ser substituído por um modelo em que vários genes-alvo são simultaneamente desregulados pela formação de uma translocação cromossómica complexa, evitando deste modo a necessidade de ocorrência de alterações genéticas subsequentes.----------------------ABSTRACT: Tumourigenesis is a multistep process which results from the accumulation of successive genetic mutations in a normal cell. In leukemia for instance, recurrent translocations play a part in this process by generating fusion genes which lead to the production of hybrid proteins with an oncogenic role. However, a minor subset of chromosomal translocations referred to as complex or variant involves extra breakpoints at variable genome locations in addition to those implicated in the formation of fusion genes. We aimed to describe in this work the role, if any, of genes located at extra breakpoint locations or which are affected by breakpoint-adjacent deletions through the study of 5 leukemia patients.Two of the patients presented with TV6(12p13)-RUNX1(21q22) and MLL(11q23)- MLLT3(9p22) fusion genes as a result of a t(12;21;5) and a t(9;11;19), respectively. Detailed molecular characterization of the extra breakpoint at chromosome 19 in the latter case revealed that a novel ubiquitously expressed gene, CCDC94, with a potential role in cell cycle regulation, was disrupted by the breakpoint. We demonstrated using in vitro cellular assays that this gene codifies for a nuclear protein which negatively regulates cell cycle progression. These data shows that extra breakpoint locations of complex translocations may result in haplo-insufficiency of critical proliferation genes, thereby cooperating with the generation of hybrid proteins to provide unrestrained cell proliferation. In the other 3 patients there were reakpoint-associated deletions which precluded the formation of putative fusion genes. In a case with a t(12;6;15) we characterized a deletion at 12p13 which eliminated ETV6 and 8 other genes including CDKN1B. These findings indicate that concomitant loss of ETV6 and CDKN1B, which encodes a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor responsible for blocking entry of cells into the G1 phase of the cell cycle, acted cooperatively to promote leukemogenic proliferation. The same notion applied to a case with a dic(9;12) in which 2 genes encoding hematopoietic transcription factors - ETV6 and PAX5 (9p13)- were deleted as a result of breakpoint-adjacent deletions. Similarly, we found that 2 transcription factor genes involved in the regulation of cytokine expression, NFATC2 (20q13) and MAF (16q23), were involved in deletions contiguous to the breakpoints in a patient with a t(X;20;16). In vitro suppression of NFATC2 mRNA or inhibiton of NFATC2 protein activity enhanced cell proliferation as a result of an increase in the production of a myeloid-lineage stimulating hematopoietic cytokine, GM-CSF. These results suggest that haplo-insufficiency of NFATC2 and MAF genes had a cooperative effect in inducing cell proliferation as a result of a disregulation of cytokine production. Two main conclusions may be drawn from our studies: (i) In complex translocations associated with the production of fusion genes, additional breakpoints may cooperate in tumourigenesis by targeting genes that control cell proliferation; (ii) In complex translocations associated with small breakpoint-adjacent deletions, at least 2 genes with similar or complementary functions need to be deregulated to promote tumourigenesis.
Carriers of mutations in the cell cycle checkpoint protein kinase ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM), which represent 1-2% of the general population, have an increased risk of breast cancer. However, experimental evidence that ATM deficiency contributes to human breast carcinogenesis is lacking. We report here that in MCF-10A and MCF-12A cells, which are well established normal human mammary gland epithelial cell models, partial or almost complete stable ATM silencing or pharmacological inhibition resulted in cellular transformation, genomic instability, and formation of dysplastic lesions in NOD/SCID mice. These effects did not require the activity of exogenous DNA-damaging agents and were preceded by an unsuspected and striking increase in cell proliferation also observed in primary human mammary gland epithelial cells. Increased proliferation correlated with a dramatic, transient, and proteasome-dependent reduction of p21(WAF1/CIP1) and p27(KIP1) protein levels, whereas little or no effect was observed on p21(WAF1/CIP1) or p27(KIP1) mRNAs. p21(WAF1/CIP1) silencing also increased MCF-10A cell proliferation, thus identifying p21(WAF1/CIP1) down-regulation as a mediator of the proliferative effect of ATM inhibition. Our findings provide the first experimental evidence that ATM is a human breast tumor suppressor. In addition, they mirror the sensitivity of ATM tumor suppressor function and unveil a new mechanism by which ATM might prevent human breast tumorigenesis, namely a direct inhibitory effect on the basal proliferation of normal mammary epithelial cells.
El limfoma de cèl•lules de mantell (LCM) és un limfoma de cèl•lules B incurable que presenta sobreexpressió de ciclina D1. Això fa necessari el desenvolupament de noves teràpies. Els gens supressors de tumors estan alterats en càncer pel silenciament epigenètic aberrant, com a conseqüència de la desacetilació de les histones dels seus promotors. Els inhibidors de les desacetilases d'histones (HDACi) són nous compostos amb resultats prometedors per al tractament de tumors. L'objectiu principal, i que ha durat 7 mesos, va ser analitzar l'activitat antitumoral de l'àcid hidroxàmic suberoilanílid (SAHA, vorinostat), un HDACi en fase d'assajos clínics per al tractament de varis tumors, en cèl•lules de LCM. Es va analitzar la sensibilitat al SAHA (Merck Pharmaceuticals) en nou línies cel•lulars humanes de LCM, que es diferenciaven en les alteracions genètiques, les característiques replicatives i la sensibilitat als fàrmacs; i cèl•lules primàries de 6 pacients. El SAHA va presentar un efecte citotòxic heterogeni amb DL50 (Dosi Letal 50) de 3.25 μM a &25 μM amb 24 d'incubació. Aquest efecte citotòxic s'incrementava notablement després de 48 hores d'incubació assolint una DL50 de 0.34 a 5.69 μM. Cal destacar que 5 dels 6 casos de les mostres primàries de LCM van mostrar una elevada sensibilitat (DL50 & 8.07 μM). A nivell mecanistic, el SAHA va augmentar l'acetilació de les histones H3 i H4, i va disminuir els nivells de proteïna de la ciclina D1 i c-Flip. La citometria de flux i els anàlisis per Western Blot van posar de manifest que l'efecte citotòxic del SAHA es dóna a través de l'activació de la via mitocondrial de mort cel•lular i la cascada de caspases. El SAHA indueix l'expressió transcripcional de la proteïna proapoptòtica Bmf. Aquests resultats suggereixen que el SAHA podria ser una nova teràpia prometedora per al tractament del LCM.
RÉSUMÉ La protéine kinase cyciine-cdc2p (Cdk) joue un rôle fondamental dans la progression du cycle cellulaire dans la levure de fission Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Nous avons étudié le rôle de cdc2p dans la régulation de la cascade de septation ou SIN (septation initiation network) en mitose et en méiose. Le SIN contrôle l'initiation de la cytokinèse à la fin de la mitose, et est supposé être négativement régulé par cdc2p. Nous avons mutagénéisé le site actif de cdc2p afin qu'il puisse lier un analogue de l'ATP (PP1) qui agit comme inhibiteur. Cet analogue ne peut pas lier la kinase de type sauvage. Cette approche dite «chemical genetics» permet une meilleure résolution temporelle comparée à l'approche classique utilisant les mutants sensibles à une température élevée. Nous avons montré que ce mutant cdc2-as (analogue sensitive) est fonctionnel et que, in vitro, l'activité kinase est inhibée en présence de l'analogue. Les cellules portant cette mutation, contrairement aux cellules de type sauvage s'arrêtent de manière irréversible soit en G2 soit en G1 et G2, suivant la concentration de l'inhibiteur. L'inactivation de cdc2p-as dans des cellules arrêtées en métaphase conduit au recrutement asymétrique des protéines du SIN sur le pôle du fuseau mitotique et au recrutement des composants du SIN, ainsi que de la ß-(1,3)glucan synthase à l'anneau contractile. De plus, nos résultats montrent que l'orthologue de la phosphatase cdc14p dans S. pombe, fip1p/clp1p, joue un rôle dans la régulation de la localisation des protéines du SIN suite à l'inactivation de cdc2p. Finalement, l'activité de cdc2p est requise pour maintenir la polo-like kinase plo1p sur les pôles du fuseau mitotique dans les premiers stages de la mitose. C'est pourquoi nous concluons que l'inactivation de cdc2p est suffisante pour activer le SIN et promouvoir la cytokinèse. Dans une étude séparée, nous avons caractérisé des potentiellement nouveaux composants ou régulateurs du SIN qui ont été isolés dans deux criblages génétiques visant à isoler des mutants atténuants la signalisation du SIN. Summary : The cyclin dependent protein kinase (Cdk) cdc2p plays a central role in the cell cycle progression of fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. We have studied the role of cdc2p in regulating the septation initiation network (SIN) in mitosis and meiosis. The SIN regulates the initiation of cytokinesis at the end of mitosis and is thought to be inhibited by cdc2p. We have mutated the active site of cdc2p to permit binding of an inhibitory ATP analogue (PP1), which is unable to bind unmodified kinases. This "chemical genetic" approach provides a much higher temporal resolution than it can be achieved with classical temperature-sensitive mutants. We demonstrate that cdc2-as (analogue sensitive) is functional and that addition of PP1 inhibits cdc2p kinase activity in vitro. Cells carrying the cdc2-as allele, but not cdc2+, undergo reversible cell cycle arrest following addition of PP1 either in G2, or at both major commitment points in the cell cycle (G1 and G2), depending upon the concentration of PP1. Inactivation of cdc2p-as in cells arrested in early mitosis promotes both the asymmetric recruitment of SIN proteins to the spindle pole bodies (SPBs), and the recruitment of the most downstream SIN components and ß-(1,3)-glucan synthase to the contractile ring. Furthermore, our results indicate that the S. pombe orthologue of Cdc14p, flp1p/clp1p, plays a role in regulating the relocalisation of SIN proteins following inactivation of cdc2p, and that cdc2p activity is required to retain the polo like kinase plot p on the SPBs in early mitosis. Thus, we conclude that inactivation of cdc2p is sufficient to activate the SIN and to promote cytokinesis. In a separate study, we have initially characterised potential novel components or regulators of the SIN pathway identified by two genetic screens for mutants attenuating SIN signaling.
OBJECTIVE To establish the role of the transcription factor Pax4 in pancreatic islet expansion and survival in response to physiological stress and its impact on glucose metabolism, we generated transgenic mice conditionally and selectively overexpressing Pax4 or a diabetes-linked mutant variant (Pax4R129 W) in β-cells. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS Glucose homeostasis and β-cell death and proliferation were assessed in Pax4- or Pax4R129 W-overexpressing transgenic animals challenged with or without streptozotocin. Isolated transgenic islets were also exposed to cytokines, and apoptosis was evaluated by DNA fragmentation or cytochrome C release. The expression profiles of proliferation and apoptotic genes and β-cell markers were studied by immunohistochemistry and quantitative RT-PCR. RESULTS Pax4 but not Pax4R129 W protected animals against streptozotocin-induced hyperglycemia and isolated islets from cytokine-mediated β-cell apoptosis. Cytochrome C release was abrogated in Pax4 islets treated with cytokines. Interleukin-1β transcript levels were suppressed in Pax4 islets, whereas they were increased along with NOS2 in Pax4R129 W islets. Bcl-2, Cdk4, and c-myc expression levels were increased in Pax4 islets while MafA, insulin, and GLUT2 transcript levels were suppressed in both animal models. Long-term Pax4 expression promoted proliferation of a Pdx1-positive cell subpopulation while impeding insulin secretion. Suppression of Pax4 rescued this defect with a concomitant increase in pancreatic insulin content. CONCLUSIONS Pax4 protects adult islets from stress-induced apoptosis by suppressing selective nuclear factor-κB target genes while increasing Bcl-2 levels. Furthermore, it promotes dedifferentiation and proliferation of β-cells through MafA repression, with a concomitant increase in Cdk4 and c-myc expression.
We consider a nonlinear cyclin content structured model of a cell population divided into proliferative and quiescent cells. We show, for particular values of the parameters, existence of solutions that do not depend on the cyclin content. We make numerical simulations for the general case obtaining, for some values of the parameters convergence to the steady state but also oscillations of the population for others.
Ewing's sarcoma is a member of Ewing's family tumors (EFTs) and the second most common solid bone and soft tissue malignancy of children and young adults. It is associated in 85% of cases with the t(11;22)(q24:q12) chromosomal translocation that generates fusion of the 5' segment of the EWS gene with the 3' segment of the ETS family gene FLI-1. The EWS-FLI-1 fusion protein behaves as an aberrant transcriptional activator and is believed to contribute to EFT development. However, EWS-FLI-1 induces growth arrest and apoptosis in normal fibroblasts, and primary cells that are permissive for its putative oncogenic properties have not been discovered, hampering basic understanding of EFT biology. Here, we show that EWS-FLI-1 alone can transform primary bone marrow-derived mesenchymal progenitor cells and generate tumors that display hallmarks of Ewing's sarcoma, including a small round cell phenotype, expression of EFT-associated markers, insulin like growth factor-I dependence, and induction or repression of numerous EWS-FLI-1 target genes. These observations provide the first identification of candidate primary cells from which EFTs originate and suggest that EWS-FLI-1 expression may constitute the initiating event in EFT pathogenesis.
SUMMARY LATS2 is a member of the Lats tumour suppressor gene family. The human LATS2 gene is located at chromosome 13q11-12, which has been shown to be a hot spot (67%) for LOH in nonsmall cell lung cancer. Both lats mosaic flies and LATS1 deficient mice spontaneously develop tumours, an observation that is explained by the function of LATS1 in suppressing tumourigenesis by negatively regulating cell proliferation by modulating Cdc2/Cyclin A activity. LATS1 also plays a critical role in maintenance of ploidy through its action on the spindle assembly checkpoint. Initial insights into the function of LATS2 reveals that the protein is involved in the G2/M transition of the cell cycle, whereby it controls the phosphorylation status of Cdc25C. The aim of the present study was to identify LATS2 interacting partners that would provide a more thorough understanding of the molecular pathways in which the protein is involved. The yeast two-hybrid system identified a number of candidate genes that interact with LATS2. Most of the interactions were confirmed biochemically by GST-pull down assays that enabled us to demonstrate that LATS2 is an integral component of the Signalosome complex. The Signalosome is thought to be required for the establishment of functional Cullin-based E3 ubiquitin ligases, the substrate-recognition elements of the ubiquitin-mediated protein proteolytic pathway. The findings that LATS2 also interacts with all of the components of the E3 enzymes allows us to postulate that LATS2 is probably involved in the regulation of this Signalosome-E3 super-complex. In addition, the discovery that LATS2 associates with multiple protein kinases localised at the cellular membrane and in various signalling cascades supports the idea that LATS2 functions as an integrator of signals which allows it to monitor the activity of these pathways and translate these signals through its action on the Signalosome. Furthermore, the observation that a kinase-dead LATS2 mutant arrests at the G2/M phase of the cell cycle, demonstrates that the protein, through the action of its kinase domain, is crucial for progression through the cell cycle, an action in accordance to its proposed role as a regulator of E3 ubiquitin ligases. The findings presented herein provide evidence that LATS2 associates with the Signalosome-E3 ubiquitin ligases super-complex which governs protein stability. Any alteration of the protein would have a strong impact on pathways that modulate cell proliferation, as shown by its implication in tumourigenesis. RESUME LATS2 est un membre de la famille de gènes suppresseurs de tumeurs LATS. Le gène humain LATS2 est situé sur le chromosome 13q11-12, une région qui s'est avérée être un point sensible (67%) dans la perte d'hétérozigosité (LOH) notamment pour le cancer du poumon. Le fait que des tumeurs se développent spontanément chez les souris qui sont déficientes pour le gène LATS1 ainsi que dans des cellules mutantes pour LATS chez la Drosophile, est expliqué Par la fonction de LATS1, qui est de supprimer l'apparition de tumeurs en réprimant la prolifération cellulaire à travers sa capacité à réguler l'activité de Cdc2/Cyciine A. LATS1 joue également un rôle important au niveau du maintient de la ploïdie de la cellule, au travers de son action sur les points de contrôle de l'assemblage du fuseau mitotique. Les premières études du gène LATS2 indiquent que la protéine est, par son contrôle des réactions de phosphorylation de la Cdc25C, impliquée dans la transition 021M. Le but de cette étude était d'identifier les protéines qui interagissent avec LATS2, en vue d'obtenir une compréhension plus approfondie des mécanismes moléculaires dans lesquels LATS2 se trouve engagée. Le système de double-hybride chez la levure a permis l'identification d'un grand nombre de gènes qui interagissent avec LATS2. La plupart des interactions ont été confirmées par GST «pull clown», une technique in vitro qui a permis de démontrer que LATS2 est un composant intégral du Signalosome. Ce complexe est supposé réguler l'activité des E3 ubiquitine-rigases, les éléments responsables du recrutement des substrats qui doivent être recyclés par la voie de dégradation ubiquitine-dépendante. Les résultats obtenus indiquent également que LATS2 interagit avec tous les composants des enzymes E3, ce qui nous permet de soumettre l'idée selon laquelle la protéine LATS2 est en fait impliquée dans la régulation du complexe Signalosorne-E3. De plus, la découverte que LATS2 se trouve associée à plusieurs protéines kinases localisées au niveau de la membrane cellulaire, ainsi que dans diverses voies de transduction, confirment l'idée que LATS2 fonctionne en tant que molécule qui intègre les signaux en provenance de ces différentes voies cellulaires. De ce fait, il lui serait possible de coordonner la destruction des protéines au moyen du complexe Signalosome, permettant ainsi de réprimer l'activité des voies de signalisation. En outre, l'introduction d'une mutation dans le domaine kinase de LATS2 résulte en l'arrêt du cycle cellulaire en G2/M, ce qui montre que la protéine, au travers de son domaine kinase, est cruciale pour le bon fonctionnement du cycle cellulaire, ceci en accord avec son rôle proposé comme régulateur des E3 ubiquitine-ligases. Les résultats présentés dans ce manuscrit démontrent que la protéine LATS2 se trouve associée au complexe Signalosome-E3 qui régule la dégradation des protéines. La moindre modification de la protéine engendrerait des répercussions importantes au niveau des voies de transduction qui contrôlent fa prolifération ceilulaire, ce qui atteste du rôle déterminant que joue LAT32 dans la tumorigénèse.
In contrast to other cell cycle inhibitors, the tumor suppressor p16Ink4a is not detectable or expressed at very low levels in embryonic and adult mouse tissues, and therefore it has often been considered as a specialized checkpoint protein that does not participate in the control of normal cell cycle progression. However, Ink4a-/- mice possess increased thymus size and cellularity, thus suggesting the involvement of p16(Ink4a) in the control of thymocyte proliferation. In this study, we found increased numbers of CD8 and CD4 T lymphocytes in thymus and spleen from Ink4a-/- mice. Unexpectedly, this was not related to an increase in T-cell division rates, which were similar in lymphoid organs of Ink4a-/- and wild-type mice. In contrast, T-cell apoptosis rates were significantly decreased in thymus and spleen from Ink4a-/- mice. Moreover, whereas p16Ink4a-deficient and wild-type T cells were equally sensitive to Fas or TCR-mediated apoptosis, the former were clearly more resistant to apoptosis induced by oxidative stress or gamma irradiation. Our results indicate that p16Ink4a function is associated with T-cell apoptosis, and subsequently contributes to the control of T-cell population size in lymphoid organs.
We have previously reported that in tumorigenic pancreatic beta-cells, calcitriol exerts a potent antitumorigenic effect by inducing apoptosis, cell growth inhibition, and reduction of solid beta-cell tumors. Here we have studied the molecular pathways involved in the antineoplastic activity of calcitriol on mouse insulinoma beta TC(3) cells, mouse insulinoma beta TC expressing or not expressing the oncogene p53, and beta TC-tet cells overexpressing or not the antiapoptotic gene Bcl2. Our results indicate that calcitriol-induced apoptosis was dependent on the function of p53 and was associated with a biphasic increase in protein levels of transcription factor nuclear factor-kappa B. Calcitriol decreased cell viability by about 40% in p53-retaining beta TC and in beta TC(3) cells; in contrast, beta TC p53(-/-) cells were only minimally affected. Calcitriol-induced cell death was regulated by members of the Bcl-2 family of apoptosis regulatory proteins, as shown by calcitriol-induced up-regulation of proapoptotic Bax and Bak and the lack of calcitriol-induced cytotoxicity in Bcl-2-overexpressing insulinoma cells. Moreover, calcitriol-mediated arrest of beta TC(3) cells in the G(1) phase of the cell cycle was associated with the abnormal expression of p21 and G(2)/M-specific cyclin B2 genes and involved the DNA damage-inducible factor GADD45. Finally, in beta TC(3) cells, calcitriol modulated the expression of IGF-I and IGF-II genes. In conclusion, these findings contribute to the understanding of the antitumorigenic effects of calcitriol on tumorigenic pancreatic beta-cells and further support the rationale of its utilization in the treatment of patients with malignant insulinomas.
Amplification of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) or expression of its constitutively activated mutant, DeltaEGFR(2-7), in association with the inactivation of the INK4a/Arf gene locus is a frequent alteration in human glioblastoma. The notion of a cooperative effect between these two alterations has been demonstrated in respective mouse brain tumor models including our own. Here, we investigated underlying molecular mechanisms in early passage cortical astrocytes deficient for p16(INK4a)/p19(Arf) or p53, respectively, with or without ectopic expression of DeltaEGFR(2-7). Targeting these cells with the specific EGFR inhibitor tyrphostin AG1478 revealed that phosphorylation of ERK was only abrogated in the presence of an intact INK4a/Arf gene locus. The sensitivity to inhibit ERK phosphorylation was independent of ectopic expression of DeltaEGFR(2-7) and independent of the TP53 status. This resistance to downregulate the MAPK pathway in the absence of INK4a/Arf was confirmed in cell lines derived from our mouse glioma models with the respective initial genetic alterations. Thus, deletion of INK4a/Arf appears to keep ERK in its active, phosphorylated state insensitive to an upstream inhibitor specifically targeting EGFR/DeltaEGFR(2-7). This resistance may contribute to the cooperative tumorigenic effect selected for in human glioblastoma that may be of crucial clinical relevance for treatments specifically targeting EGFR/DeltaEGFR(2-7) in glioblastoma patients.
BACKGROUND: Decreasing exposure to airborne particulates was previously associated with reduced age-related decline in lung function. However, whether the benefit from improved air quality depends on genetic background is not known. Recent evidence points to the involvement of the genes p53 and p21 and of the cell cycle control gene cyclin D1 (CCND1) in the response of bronchial cells to air pollution. OBJECTIVE: We determined in 4,326 participants of the Swiss Cohort Study on Air Pollution and Lung and Heart Diseases in Adults (SAPALDIA) whether four single-nucleotide polymorphisms in three genes [CCND1 (rs9344 [P242P], rs667515), p53 (rs1042522 [R72P]), and p21 (rs1801270 [S31R])] modified the previously observed attenuation of the decline in the forced expiratory flow between 25% and 75% of the forced vital capacity (FEF(25-75)) associated with improved air quality. METHODS: Subjects of the prospective population-based SAPALDIA cohort were assessed in 1991 and 2002 by spirometry, questionnaires, and biological sample collection for genotyping. We assigned spatially resolved concentrations of particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter < or = 10 microm (PM(10)) to each participant's residential history 12 months before the baseline and follow-up assessments. RESULTS: The effect of diminishing PM(10) exposure on FEF(25-75) decline appeared to be modified by p53 R72P, CCND1 P242P, and CCND1 rs667515. For example, a 10-microg/m(3) decline in average PM(10) exposure over an 11-year period attenuated the average annual decline in FEF(25-75) by 21.33 mL/year (95% confidence interval, 10.57-32.08) among participants homozygous for the CCND1 (P242P) GG genotype, by 13.72 mL/year (5.38-22.06) among GA genotypes, and by 6.00 mL/year (-4.54 to 16.54) among AA genotypes. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that cell cycle control genes may modify the degree to which improved air quality may benefit respiratory function in adults.
Leptin, a 16-kDa protein mainly produced by adipose tissue, has been involved in the control of energy balance through its hypothalamic receptor. However, pleiotropic effects of leptin have been identified in reproduction and pregnancy, particularly in placenta, where it was found to be expressed. In the current study, we examined the effect of cAMP in the regulation of leptin expression in trophoblastic cells. We found that dibutyryl cAMP [(Bu)(2)cAMP], a cAMP analog, showed an inducing effect on endogenous leptin expression in BeWo and JEG-3 cell lines when analyzed by Western blot analysis and quantitative RT-PCR. Maximal effect was achieved at 100 microM. Leptin promoter activity was also stimulated, evaluated by transient transfection with a reporter plasmid construction. Similar results were obtained with human term placental explants, thus indicating physiological relevance. Because cAMP usually exerts its actions through activation of protein kinase A (PKA) signaling, this pathway was analyzed. We found that cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB) phosphorylation was significantly increased with (Bu)(2)cAMP treatment. Furthermore, cotransfection with the catalytic subunit of PKA and/or the transcription factor CREB caused a significant stimulation on leptin promoter activity. On the other hand, the cotransfection with a dominant negative mutant of the regulatory subunit of PKA inhibited leptin promoter activity. We determined that cAMP effect could be blocked by pharmacologic inhibition of PKA or adenylyl ciclase in BeWo cells and in human placental explants. Thereafter, we decided to investigate the involvement of the MAPK/ERK signaling pathway in the cAMP effect on leptin induction. We found that 50 microm PD98059, a MAPK kinase inhibitor, partially blocked leptin induction by cAMP, measured both by Western blot analysis and reporter transient transfection assay. Moreover, ERK 1/2 phosphorylation was significantly increased with (Bu)(2)cAMP treatment, and this effect was dose dependent. Finally, we observed that 50 microm PD98059 inhibited cAMP-dependent phosphorylation of CREB in placental explants. In summary, we provide some evidence suggesting that cAMP induces leptin expression in placental cells and that this effect seems to be mediated by a cross talk between PKA and MAPK signaling pathways.
Résumé: Chez les mammifères, les intestins sont les organes ayant le plus haut taux de renouvellement cellulaire dans l'organisme. L'épithélium intestinal se renouvelle complètement en moins d'une semaine. Il se compose de projections (villosités) et d'invaginations (cryptes) qui ont toutes deux des fonctions bien distinctes. Les cellules de l'intestin sont constamment produites à partir de cellules souches, situées dans la crypte, qui se différencient en cellules proliférantes transitoires, puis en cellules caliciformes, de Paneth, entéroendocrine ou en entérocytes. Ces cellules migrent dans leurs lieux spécifiques pour accomplir leur fonction physiologique pour finalement mourir. A cours de mon travail de thèse, j'ai étudié le rôle de la voie de signalisation de Notch dans le renouvellement cellulaire et dans le processus de l'homéostase des cellules de l'intestin marin en utilisant le système Cre-loxP pour induire la délétion des gènes Notch1, Notch2, Jaggedl et RBP-Jk. Bien que l'inactivation de Notch1 avec ou sans Jagged1, ou celle de Notch2, n'aboutissent à aucun phénotype, une déficience pour RBP-Jk, ou pour Notch1 et Notch2 simultanément, conduit au développement d'un impressionnant phénotype. Au niveau de la crypte, une rapide et importante modification des cellules apparaît: les cellules proliférantes sont devenues des cellules caliciformes qui ont perdu la capacité de se renouveler. Ces résultats impliquent la voie Notch en tant que nouvelle clé de voûte dans le maintien des cellules qui s'auto-renouvellent dans l'épithélium intestinal. Un rôle similaire a été proposé pour la voie Wnt, laquelle n'est cependant, pas affectée dans nos souris. C'est pourquoi ces deux voies sont essentielles dans le maintien de la prolifération dans les cryptes intestinales. Ce travail a aussi proposé un mécanisme par lequel la voie Notch contrôlerait l'intégrité du cycle cellulaire dans les cellules de la crypte intestinale, ceci en inhibant la transcription d'un inhibiteur du cycle cellulaire, la protéine p27KIP1. De plus, l'inactivation de RBP-Jk dans les adénomes développés par les souris APCmin induisent la différenciation de cellules tumorales en cellules caliciformes. Comme autre effet, la localisation histologique des cellules de Paneth est également affectée par la délétion de RBP-Jk ou de Notch1/Notch2, suggérant un rôle pour la voie Notch dans le compartiment des cellules de Paneth. Finalement, ce travail démontre que les cellules progénitrices de l'intestin ont besoin d'une convergence fonctionnelle des voie Wnt et Notch. Ces résultats préliminaires peuvent être considérés comme un concept pour l'utilisation d'inhibiteurs de secrétase-γ (inhibiteurs de Notch) à des fins thérapeutiques pour les cancers colorectaux. Summary The mammalian intestine has one of the highest cellular turnover rates in the body. The complete intestinal epithelium is renewed in less than a week. It is divided into spatially distinct compartments in the form of finger-like projections (villi) and flask-shaped invaginations (crypts) that are dedicated to specific functions. Intestinal cells are constantly produced from a stem cell reservoir that gives rise to proliferating transient amplifying cells, which subsequently differentiate and home to their specific compartments before dying after having fulfilled their physiological function. In this thesis project, the physiological role of the Notch signalling cascade in the marine intestine was studied. Inducible tissue specific inactivation of Notch1, Notch2, Jagged1 and RBP-Jk genes was applied to assess their role in the maintenance of intestinal homeostasis and cell fate determination. The analysis unequivocally revealed that Notch1, Notch1 and Jagged1 combined as well as Notch2 are dispensable for intestinal homeostasis and lineage differentiation. However, deficiency of RBP-Jk as well as the simultaneous inactivation of both Notch1 and Notch2 receptors unveiled a striking phenotype. In these mice, a rapid and massive conversion of proliferative crypt cells into post-mitotic goblet cells was observed. These results identify the Notch pathway as a key player for the maintenance of the proliferative crypt compartment. A similar role was implicated for the Wnt cascade, which, however, was not affected in the different tissue specific Notch signalling deficient mice. Thus, the Wnt and Notch signalling pathways are essential for the self-renewal capacity of the intestinal epithelium. Furthermore, our results suggest a molecular mechanism for Notch signalling mediated control of cell cycle regulation within the crypt. The Notch cascade inhibits expression of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27KIP1 and thereby maintains proliferation of the intestinal progenitor cells. In addition, the inactivation of RBP-Jk in adenomas developed by APCmin mice resulted in the differentiation of tumour cells into goblet cells. Finally, Notch deficiency affected differentiated Paneth cells, suggesting that Notch may play a role in the Paneth cell compartment. In summary, this work clearly demonstrates that undifferentiated, proliferative cells in intestinal crypts require the concerted activation of the RBP-Jk-mediated Notch signalling and the Wnt cascade. In addition, our preliminary results can be considered as a "proof-of-principle" for the use of γ-secretase inhibitors for therapeutic modalities for colorectal cancer.