944 resultados para Criação de órgãos públicos


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El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo una presentación de políticas públicas ambientales, teniendo como foco el Proyecto “Municipio VerdeAzul” (PMVA), lanzado por la Secretaria de Medio Ambiente del Estado de São Paulo en 2007, que tiene como característica la descentralización y comparte la gestión ambiental con los municipios. De esta manera, como estudio de caso fue realizado un análisis del desarrollo y de los resultados del municipio de Magda-São Paulo en la aplicación de ese proyecto en el año 2010. Para eso, se utilizó una metodología basada, inicialmente en la revisión bibliográfica sobre los temas envueltos, seguida del levantamiento de datos oficiales colectados en trabajo de campo y en sitios de órganos públicos, bien como entrevistas con dirigentes municipales para la realización del análisis e interpretación de esos dados. La investigación permitió concluir que el municipio de Magda obtuvo buenos resultados a partir de la participación en el PMVA, que se presenta como una política pública ambiental estratégica, avanzando en la perspectiva de actuación del poder municipal en la gestión del medioambiente


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Traffic accidents are considered a concern for both public agencies and for researchers that are seeking alternatives to reduce the number of deaths and incidents. Thus, the aim of this work was to compile a database of traffic accidents recorded for the 2° Sub-Grouping of the Fire Department of the city of Rio Claro (SP) during the years 2008 to 2010 and related to rain. The result allowed profiling of traffic accidents, recognize critical areas and correlate the rain as an interference factor in the occurrence of traffic accidents in Rio Claro (SP)


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This paper have to objective understand the dynamics of the insertion of a portion of the prudentinos young at work and the respective framing assigned to them by the Foundation of Presidente Prudente Mirim / SP. In the course of this research, we evaluate the issue, through a quantitative survey and qualitative survey of the entity as well as demographic information query the database of public agencies that, shielded by the literature of the subject of the work, explain some features of reality these young people, for example, the conditions they face in search of his achievement as a worker in the learning situation


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The theme of this project is the animal world, focusing on Bauru. The magazine Bauru Animal was born from the lack of publications addressing the issue of animals under the focus of their rights in this county. The treatment we give to animals is an important ethical and moral issue that should be discussed by the press. In Bauru there is an animal protection movement, whether organized or independent people. And there are many problems about the animals. The intent of the magazine is to report the status of animals in the city, checking legislation and getting into the philosophical field: we have the right to treat animals as mere environmental and economic resource? For the preparation of the materials were performed several interviews, documented in audio files and performed with the authors' theoretical Cremilda Medina and José Carlos Sebe Bom Meihy. The animal issue is cross-cutting issue that involves all traditional media editorials and allows public bodies to discuss assignments, ethical, moral and legal, the role of the citizen in society and many other issues relevant to the media


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A existência de índios em cidades como São Paulo, Campo Grande, Manaus, Belém, dentre outras, cada vez se torna mais evidente, com implicações que provocam dificuldades sociais, econômicas, saúde dentre outros agravantes. Em função desta realidade, os órgãos públicos envolvidos na Política Nacional Indígena do Brasil reconhecem esta população como índios urbanos. É o que ocorre com as comunidades existentes na região metropolitana de São Paulo. Reconhece-se a existência de quatro aldeias indígenas, três delas é Tupi-Guarani e a outra é da etnia Pankararu. O presente trabalho surgiu da discussão das dificuldades de sobrevivência das comunidades indígenas da região metropolitana de São Paulo e da resolução de seus problemas de saúde. Para esta reflexão, foi preciso inserir o tema numa análise mais ampla da Política Nacional de Saúde Indígena como parte integrante da Política Nacional de Saúde brasileira. A partir dos questionamentos tecidos e discutidos temos como objetivo principal a saúde coletiva da população indígena no traçar de seu perfil epidemiológico e demográfico e a caracterização de sua vivência cotidiana e condição de saúde do índio urbano. Tomamos como procedimento metodológico o uso de fontes orais, uma que é capaz de traduzir com uma maior confiabilidade o cotidiano dos indivíduos e de sua comunidade... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC


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The objective of this study was to analyze the performance of solid waste management in the municipality of Tibagi, Paraná, a city with approximately 20000 inhabitants, which implemented the selective collection program called Recycle Tibagi. The analysis was based on descriptive statistical techniques, considering the three types of waste (tailings, organic and recyclable), and per capita generation of garbage upward trend in the coming years, based on the method of Winter (Triple Exponential Damping), using data recorded by the Department of the Environment and the Association of Recyclable Materials from Tibagi - ACAMARTI. Efficient selective collection from a structured environmental education program with constant training conducted with the scavengers, possible to obtain important data in sorting and marketing of recyclable materials, saving raw materials, water and energy, as well as relevant indicators social inclusion and employment generation and income. The project involves several areas of municipal management and arouses curiosity and interest in several areas: social, financial, environmental and administrative. It's a way to encourage new projects and public bodies, highlighting the importance of recycling and proper disposal of solid waste.


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The approval of the Solid Waste National Policy on August 2, 2010, brought important advances on the issue of solid waste nationwide. Several requirements were imposed causing public and private sectors to direct the problem more diligently. At the same time, the growth of human consumption and the negative impacts of related activities are increasing pressure for new ways to manage wastes. This study was carried out in order to bring proposals for a new model of solid waste management in the city of Rio Claro. To do so, it was used methodologies which stick to collaborative approaches in order to co-create a new vision considering different points of view . This new proposal includes four main initiatives: the integration of a reverse logistics system and collection of recycling materials in all kinds of educational institutions; the use of a routing platform for collection of solid wastes and recycling materials; the application of a garbage fee to residents who use the collection of solid waste system; and a bonus system developed by the private sector as a marketing strategy, encouraged by the public sector, enabling residents to separate their wastes correctly and leave them in one of the educational institutions to exchange points for discounts at local markets


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Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE


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The constant misuse of land in Permanent Preservation Areas (APPs) have been recurrent, especially in urban areas, where the dynamics of change is constant. The protection of these areas to maintain a balance in the ecosystem and the population's quality of life is fundamentally important. So it is of utmost important to draw up a mechanism that can help in decision-making in relation to measures for the protection, mitigation of damages that are being caused and revitalization of these areas. Thus, a managing these areas based on the PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge) in order to create mechanisms to facilitate the protection and revitalization of APPs, could be of great help for making public decision-making bodies that are entrusted to protect such areas. Based on this, we elaborated a project management in order to revitalize and protect the APPs in urban area of Rio Claro, SP and could become a model for future use by public bodies


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O aumento da população vem demandando o aumento na produção de alimentos, em que a inserção de tecnologias no campo já alcança deste o pequeno produtor rural até os grandes latifundiários, e uma tecnologia que se destaca é a irrigação. Assim, o objetivo do trabalho foi realizar uma revisão sobre as politicas publicas dos recursos hídricos na irrigação. Em que são diversos órgãos públicos que gerenciam o uso de água pela agricultura, e vem destacando o estudo para se calcular a questão de água virtual exportada pelos países e suas consequências.


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The use of geographic information systems (GIS), combined with advanced analysis technique, enables the standardization and data integration, which are usually from different sources, allowing you to conduct a joint evaluation of the same, providing more efficiency and reliability in the decision-making process to promote the adequacy of land use. This study aimed to analyze the priority areas of the basin agricultural use of the Capivara River, Botucatu, SP, through multicriterial analysis, aiming at conservation of water resources. The results showed that the Geographic Information System Idrisi Selva combined with advanced analysis technique and the weighted linear combination method proved to be an effective tool in the combination of different criteria, allowing the determination of the adequacy of agricultural land use less subjective way. Environmental criteria were shown to be suitable for the combination and multi-criteria analysis, allowing the preparation of the statement of suitability classes for agricultural use and can be useful for regional planning and decision-making by public bodies and environmental agents because the method takes into account the rational use of land and allowing the conservation of hydrics resources.


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The Pardo River Basin represents the situation of disorderly process of use and occupation of land, where forest fragmentation is one of the results. This study evaluated the use of Multicriteria Evaluation in a GIS, specifically through method Weighted Linear Combination, the generation of map of priority areas for forest restoration in the initial part of Rio Pardo Basin, SP, aiming the conservation of water resources. It can be concluded that, the Multicriteria Evaluation in a GIS is appropriate to the mapping of priority areas for forest restoration. The map of suitability for forest recovery may be useful in the environment planning, providing public and environmental agents making decision, based on a method that takes into account the landscape as a whole and the priority is the conservation of water resources.


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Pós-graduação em Planejamento e Análise de Políticas Públicas - FCHS